psych chapter 15-16

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According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), in 2008, ________ of adults received treatment for a mental health issue.


According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, ________ of U.S. adults experienced mental illness in 2012.


Who developed client-centered therapy?

Carl Rogers

Which of the following is false of dissociative disorders?

People with these disorders exhibit a personality style that differs markedly from the expectations of their culture.

Who developed psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

Which of the following is not a reason that ADHD may be overdiagnosed?

The amount of ADHD in the population has increased tenfold since it was first identified.

Marlena tells her therapist that she often feels helpless and unable to accomplish her goals. Her therapist responds by acknowledging her feelings, restating what she has told him, and clarifying the feelings behind what Marlena is expressing. What aspect of client-centered therapy is this?

active listening

________ disorders are characterized by excessive, persistent fear and apprehension and by related disturbances in behavior.


Which childhood disorder is characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication and repetitive patterns of behavior or interests?

autism spectrum disorder

Which kind of therapy involves a therapeutic orientation that employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviors?


Renzo's therapist helps him learn to overcome his fear of dogs through several stages of relaxation techniques. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?

behavior therapy

Dr. Bronson treats anxiety disorders with Xanax, which exemplifies ________ therapy.


Phyllis cannot be alone. Her moods and behaviors are unstable, as are her relationships with other people. She often displays inappropriate and intense anger. Recently, Phyllis wrote a suicide note and offered to show it to her husband. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for her personality?

borderline personality disorder

In the free association technique of psychoanalysis, the ________.

client says whatever comes to mind at the moment

Humanistic therapy is also called ________ therapy.


What is comorbidity?

co-occurrence of two disorders

In order to overcome an eating disorder, Sevilla's therapist works to change her cognitive distortions and self-defeating behaviors by helping her learn to identify such behaviors. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?

cognitive-behavioral therapy

The primary therapeutic orientation used in couples counseling is ________.

cognitive-behavioral therapy

A psychological disorder is a ________.

condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Which term refers to the fact that the therapist cannot disclose private communications to any third party unless mandated or permitted by law to do so?


Aversive conditioning is a ________.

counterconditioning technique that pairs an unpleasant stimulant with an undesirable behavior

Jerry allows others to take over and run his life. He is submissive and clings to those around him. He cannot make decisions without advice and reassurance from others, probably because he lacks self-confidence. He finds it impossible to do things on his own, and he feels uncomfortable and helpless when he is alone. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Jerry's personality?

dependent personality disorder

Which of the following is a common characteristic of all anxiety disorders?

excessive, persistent fear and anxiety

Dr. Xavier encourages his client to relax and say whatever comes to mind at the moment. Dr. Xavier is using ________ to treat his client.

free association

Miguel worries excessively about things beyond his control, and his worries often interfere with his life. He avoids driving because he worries about car accidents. He calls his parents twice a day because he worries they are dead. He checks his credit card statement three times a day because he worries about identity theft. Miguel probably suffers from ________.

generalized anxiety disorder

What is the goal of humanistic therapy?

helping people become more self-aware and accepting of themselves

Identify the compulsion in the following example. Demarco can't stop thinking about his book collection, which includes hundreds of first editions. He wants it to be in a particular order. He spends hours every day organizing his books alphabetically by author, then by color, then by size.

organizing the books

In medieval times, abnormal behaviors were viewed as a sign that a person was ________.

possessed by demons

A school counselor leads a support group for children whose parents have AIDS. The counselor focuses on defining AIDS, discussing treatment and side effects of treatment, and how the children can develop coping mechanisms. This exemplifies ________.

psycho-educational treatment

Which psychological disorder is characterized by major disturbances in thought, perception, and behavior?


Carl Rogers called his therapeutic orientation client-centered therapy because he thought the term "patient" ________.

suggested the person seeking help was sick and looking for a cure

Patients at Manderly Psychiatric Center are rewarded with chips when they engage in positive behaviors such as socializing with other patients. They can later exchange the chips for privileges, like extra TV time. This is an example of ________.

token economy

Which of the following is a major risk factor for developing a social anxiety disorder?

behavioral inhibition

Which of the following is true about neurodevelopmental disorders?

All neurodevelopmental disorders are diagnosed in early childhood.

Who identified psychological disorders as a harmful dysfunction?

Jerome C. Wakefield

Which of the following exemplifies a symptom of histrionic personality disorder?

Phoebe feels uncomfortable when she is not the center of attention, and she has alienated friends by demanding excessive amounts of their attention.

From an early age, Kwaku got into trouble constantly. He continually violates the rights of others and he often lies, fights, and has problems with the law. Generally, he is impulsive and fails to think ahead. He is frequently deceitful and manipulative in order to get the things he wants, and he never regrets his misdeeds or considers the feelings of those he has harmed. Which of the following diagnoses accounts for Kwaku's personality?

antisocial personality disorder

Egon can't pay attention in class. He is easily distracted, won't sit still, and displays poor impulse control. The school counselor suggested that his parents take him to a doctor to have him assessed for ________.

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Rafael is in therapy, and one of his goals is to overcome his pessimistic attitude. His therapist helps him eliminate thought patterns that lead to distress. For example, he helps Rafael learn to not overgeneralize his likelihood of failing his sociology class based on doing poorly on his first exam. What kind of psychotherapeutic orientation does this exemplify?

cognitive therapy

Anti-anxiety agents work by ________.

depressing central nervous system activity

The ________ model suggests that people with a predisposition for a disorder are more likely to develop the disorder when faced with adverse environmental or psychological events.


Fidel suddenly wanders away from his home and experiences confusion about his identity. Fidel may be experiencing a(n) ________.

dissociative fugue

ECT stands for ________.

electroconvulsive therapy

Cole spends a few weeks being treated for major depressive disorder. He eventually stops exhibiting symptoms, but a few months later they reoccur. Once again the symptoms dissipate, but a few months later they reoccur. Cole's major depressive disorder is ________?


Which of the following is an example of avolition?

lack of motivation to bathe yourself

________ delusions involve the (false) belief that other people or agencies are plotting to harm the person.


Yuri experiences excessive, distressing, and persistent fear or anxiety about heights. Yuri suffers from a(n) ________.


Cultural competence is a therapist's understanding of, and attention to, ________.

race, culture, and ethnicity in providing treatment

Alexis experiences the symptoms of major depressive disorder, but only during midwinter. What kind of depression does Alexis have?

seasonal pattern

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