Psych chapter 6

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perceptual set

Racial and ethnic stereotypes can sometimes bias the way one sees others' behaviors. This BEST illustrates the impact of:


perceiving future events


That visual information can be processed without conscious awareness is BEST illustrated by:


Gestalt psychologists were fond of saying that, in perception, the whole may _____ the sum of its parts.


Hearing, or _____, is the result of the transduction of air pressure waves into neural messages that are interpreted by the brain

feature detectors

Nerve cells called _____ in the brain respond to specific aspects of a stimulus such as edges, lines, and angles.

Weber's Law

The size of the difference threshold is greater for heavier objects than for lighter ones. This BEST illustrates _____ law.

occipital lobe

Which of the brain's lobes contains the visual feature detectors?

top-down processing

_____ processing is guided by higher-level mental processes such as expectations.

Current understanding of pitch perception indicates that:

some combination of place and frequency theories seems to handle the pitches in the intermediate range.Current understanding of pitch perception indicates that:

a context effect

A neutral facial expression may be perceived as sadder at a funeral than at a circus. This BEST illustrates:


James is threading a needle under a bright light bulb. During this task, James' vision is driven mainly by the _____ in his _____.

vision is partly and acquired sense

Jay is 48 years old. He recently had his sight restored after 45 years of blindness. He could associate people with their distinct features (for example, hair color) but could not recognize their faces. He was also not good at judging the size of objects as their distance from him changed. His case suggests that:


Jess was in a serious car accident and is having trouble recognizing familiar faces. She MOST likely suffered damage to her _____ lobe, just behind her right ear.

a binocular cue

Retinal disparity is an example of:


Several days ago, Mitchell fell and hurt his ankle. Although it bothered him a little, he continued to walk on it. When he finally went to the doctor for X-rays, he found out he has a broken bone. It is likely that Mitchell carries a gene that boosts the availability of _____.


Stefan has volunteered to participate in an experiment studying vision. He has agreed to wear a pair of glasses that invert his vision. Due to perceptual _____, after about a week, he is able to perform his usual tasks, like riding a bike or reading a book.


The adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters is called the:

extrasensory perception (ESP)

The claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input is known as _____ perception.


The color afterimage effect can be explained by the color-opponent system, in that _____ cells are inhibited by _____ cells.

the phi phenomenon

The latest holiday lights a neighbor has put up are fascinating because they seem to be moving. The likely explanation is that the lights create the illusion of movement using:


The local fire department sounds an alarm. The conversion of the siren's sound waves into neural impulses exemplifies the process of:

sensory adaptation

The minute Beth walks into her mother-in-law's house to visit, she is struck by the strong smell of her mother-in-law's perfume. However, after about 10 minutes Beth no longer notices the smell. This is probably the result of:


The way in which one quickly groups the individual letters in this test item into separate words BEST illustrates the Gestalt principle of _____.

The temporal theory cannot explain the perception of high-pitched sounds.

To what extent can the temporal and place theories explain the perception of high- and low-pitched sounds?


Brad was struck by a 2×4 to the back of his head. He is having severe difficulties with his _____ because the injury he sustained was to his occipital lobe.


Carlos was just touched on his cheek, which is a(n) _____. In order for Carlos to know if he was kissed or slapped, Carlos needs a(n) _____.


During a process called _____, the lens changes its curvature to focus an image.

middle ear; inner ear

Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are to hair cells as _____ is to _____.

information can be processed outside of conscious awareness.

If a visual image is first presented subliminally, the chance of a person later recognizing the same briefly presented image is improved. This BEST illustrates:

hue; brightness

In terms of one's sensory experience of light, wavelength is to _____ as wave intensity is to _____.

perceptual adaptation

In terms of vision, _____ is the ability to adjust to an artificially displaced or inverted visual field.

feature detectors

In the visual cortex, _____ respond to basic elements of an image, such as line orientation.

embodies cognition

Lonnie is waiting for Brandon to arrive at a café for an afternoon coffee date. They have not been out together one-on-one yet; this is a prelude to a real first date in the evening and with dinner. Lonnie has made sure to order Brandon hot rather than iced coffee, and he's seated at a booth rather than a rickety chair or stool. These choices MOST likely reflect Brandon's knowledge of:

her pupils are dilating

Mia is attracted to a man she is chatting with in a nightclub. What is probably happening to her eyes?


Today, a man on television described his experience of _____, a condition in which the senses become joined. He explained that, when certain types of music are played, he often sees patterns of colors.

signal detection theory

Two TSA officers are scanning bags at the airport. One of the officers lets a bag go through, but the other officer yells, "Wait, didn't you see that?" Why one officer saw a weapon and the other did not is best explained by:


When Sanjay recognizes line segments and areas of light and dark as his friend's face at an airport gate, he is demonstrating:

organization, sensation, identification

Which list contains an item that does not belong? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. organization, sensation, identification sensation, registration, stimulation perception, interpretation, organization identification, perception, interpretation

the vestibular sense; kinesthesia

With respect to the senses, _____ is to head position as _____ is to body position.


_____ is the sensory system for detecting the position and movement of individual body parts.


_____ threshold is to _____ threshold as detecting change is to detecting presence.


A person can detect a single drop of perfume diffused in an area the size of a one-bedroom apartment. This is a(n) _____ threshold

difference threshold

A snack manufacturer finds that it must increase the salt content of its chips by 8 percent in order for a sample of consumers to notice that the chips are saltier than they were before. This example BEST illustrates the concept of a(n) _____ threshold.

he has two ears and the sound will first travel to the ear nearest to the sound.

As Ted walks through a park, he hears the sound of a dog barking and is able to recognize the direction of the sound and if the dog is nearby. Ted is able to do this because:

Her emotions

Michelle was driving home from running errands with her four children when her car broke down about a mile from her house. She tried to get it to start but it just would not do anything. She tried to call her husband to come help her but received no answer. Michelle decided to walk home with her four children. After walking about half a mile in the 95-degree weather with her children Michelle could see her street in the distance. It seemed like she would never get home. It felt like she had been walking for hours. Michelle's perception of the distance to her home is being influenced by:

linear perspective

Railroad tracks appear to converge in the distance. This provides a cue for depth perception known as:

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