Psych chp 14/15

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Vocational intrest iventories

Tests that determine whether people have intrests similair to those people in various lines of work are called__________.

Achievement tests

Tests that measure peoples skills and the knowledge they have in specific academic areas are ______________.

Strong Cambell intrest survey

The ___________ is a test that compares the test takers intrests with the intrests if people who enjoy and are successful in various kinds of work.


The approach to personality development that maintains that people are free to make concious choices and are responsible for their choices.

Self esteem

The belief in oneself, or self-respect


The established standards of performanceon a test are called the____________.


Ideas and images of the accumulated expierience of all human beings.

Standardized test

A ____________ is one that is administered and scored the same way every time it is used.

Aptitude test

A _______________ is used to determine whether a person is likely to do well in a given field of work or study.

Collective unconscious

A store of human concepts shared by all people across all cultures.

Forced-choice format

A test with a _____________ is one in which the test taker must choose one of the answers, even if none of them seem to fit his or her intrests precisely.


A view of oneself as an individual.


According to Freud, the first stage of psychological development.


According to Freud, the structure of the mind that demands morality.


According to freud, the structure of the mind that demands instant gratification.


An aspect of personality that is considered to be reasonably stable.


Defense mechanism in which a person refuses to accept the reality of anything that is bad.


Defense mechanism that removes anxiety-causing ideas from conscious awareness by pushing them into the unconscious.

Personality tests

Psychologists use ________________________ to help diagnose psychological problems or disorders.


The patterns of feelings, motives, and behavior that set people apart from one another.

Social learning

The personality theory that focuses on learning by observation and on the role of cognitive processes that produce individual differences.


The personality theory that teaches that environmental forces shape peoples behavior.


The process of adapting to a new or different culture.

Carl Jung

The psychiatrist who proposed the idea of the collective unconscious.

Abraham Maslow

The psychologist that believed that people wish to reach their full potential but must follow individual paths to do so.

Alfred Adler

The psychologist who believed that people are basically motivated by a need to overcome feelings of inferiority.

Carl Rogers

The psychologist who developed the self theory, which asserts that people have a need for consistency between their self-concepts and their expieriences.

Erik Erikson

The psychologist who proposed an eight stage theory of psychosocial development.

Sigmund Freud

The psychologist who proposed the "inner conflict" approach to personality theory.

Hans Eysenck

The psychologist who proposed two personality dimensions: introversion-extroversion and stability-instability.

gordon Allport

The psychologist who suggested that traits can be inherited and are fixed in the nervous system.


The tendency to go along with what other people want.

Stanford binet,Wexler

The two most widely used intelligence tests are the ____________ and the ____________.


The use of reinforcers to influence people to perform socially desirable behaviors.

Validity scales

To avoid the effects of distortion on a test, psychological tests have _____________ built into them.

behavior-rating scales

Using ______________, observers measure behavior by checking off each occurence of a specific behavior within a certain amount of time.

Test-retest reliability

When a person recieves similar scores on the same test taken on different occasions, that test is said to have____________.

Psychological tests

____________ asses abilities, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors.

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