Psych Exam 1

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biased sampling.

A survey investigating public opinion regarding crime in the United States is carried out by telephone with calls made Monday-Friday between 1 P.M. and 5 P.M. This study is flawed, due to:

These are extensions of play and exploration AS WELL AS a means of satisfying other drives like sex, achievement, and aggression.

According to the textbook, what may help to explain the universal human drives for art, literature, and music?

binocular disparity.

Debbie is holding her thumb stationary at arm's length in front of her. She first looks at her thumb with one eye and then with the other. As she switches eyes, she can see that her thumb obstructs different parts of the visual world. This illustrates:

discrimination training.

Generalization between two stimuli can be ended if the response to one is reinforced while the response to the other is extinguished. This is classified as:

group sensory elements according to certain principles.

Gestalt psychologists claimed that humans are innately predisposed to:


If Jeremiah is constantly angry and rude and his girlfriend says it is because his friends always act the same way, what level of analysis is she using?


If a test measuring intelligence is administered multiple times to the same individuals and yields largely different scores every time, what might be lacking?

independent variable; dependent variable

In an experiment, the variable hypothesized to be the cause is called the _____, and the variable hypothesized to be affected is called the _____.

Being forced to prepare for regular quizzes helped to teach students better study habits.

In the TOWER study by Pennebaker et al, the authors argued that taking regular quizzes in their Intro Psych class provided benefits to students even in other classes. Why?

amygdala; frontal

In the brain-based theory of emotion, the _____ plays a central role in assessing the emotional significance of stimuli and generating an immediate emotional response, whereas the _____ lobes are responsible for the conscious experience of emotion.

the idea that some knowledge is inborn in the mind and does not have to be learned by experience

In the context of psychology, nativism is

preservation and protection

Jackie believes that horses sleep at night because they don't have very good eyesight, would have a hard time finding food, and would be vulnerable to predators. Jackie's beliefs are most consistent with the _____ theory of sleep.


Mark believes that doing yoga increases calorie intake. To test his hypothesis, Mark assigns participants to two groups, one that participates in a yoga program and another that does not. He then measures how many calories they consume each day. In Mark's study, calories are the _____ variable.

"where-and-how" pathway has some knowledge of an object's shape and orientation.

Milner and Goodale described a woman, known as DF, who failed at tasks that required her to report in words the shape or orientation of an object, but who regularly succeeded on tasks that required her to act on the object in a way that takes into account shape or orientation. This suggests that the:

monitor stimuli relevant to the current task and shift one's attention if danger or potential benefits justify such a shift.

Natural selection has endowed humans with mechanisms of attention that can meet two competing needs. One of these needs is to:

medial forebrain bundle

Olds and Milner discovered that rats will work hardest to stimulate the _____ through artificial electrical stimulation.

let neither participants nor experimenters know to which groups the participants are being assigned.

One way to keep observer-expectancy and subject-expectancy effects from occurring in an experiment is to:

visual object agnosia.

Peter is able to draw a house key but is unable to say what he has just drawn. Peter most likely suffers from:

operantly; their awareness

Ralph Hefferline had subjects listen to music with occasional bursts of static superimposed. The static could be turned off with a twitch of the subjects' left thumb. Hefferline discovered that these subjects could be _____ conditioned without _____.

negative punishment.

Raymond does not like to clean his room, even when his parents continuously tell him to do so. For every day that he doesn't clean his room, his parents take 25 cents from his weekly allowance. Raymond doesn't like that his parents are taking away money, so he stops his messy behavior. This is an example of:

slower initial learning but longer-lasting learning

Spaced or interleaved learning (compared to massed learning) leads to:


Su Lin is three years old. When she wants her mother's attention, she tugs on her mother's clothes and says, "Mom, Mom." Sometimes her mother will turn to her after she does this just once, but sometimes it takes two or three—or 10—times before she gets her mother's attention. Her mother is reinforcing Su Lin's behavior on a _____ schedule of reinforcement.

unconditioned reflex also weakens the conditioned reflex.

Support for the stimulus-stimulus theory of classical conditioning comes from experiments showing that, after conditioning, weakening the:

The Testing Group will show worse recall than The Study Group on the first test but better recall than The Study Group on the second test.

Suppose you have one group of people (The Testing Group) study material once and then repeatedly test them on it, and you ask another group to study the same material repeatedly with no tests (The Study Group). Now suppose you give both groups two final tests. The first test is after a 5 minute break. The second test is after 1 week. What results would you expect?


The EEG of a person who is awake and relaxed, with closed eyes, thinking of nothing in particular, will generally consist of _____ waves.

ink color when it is different from the written color name (e.g., the word is red and the ink color is blue).

The Stroop interference effect shows that participants are slowest to identify the:

fovea; cones

The _____ is the area of the retina that is in the most direct line of sight where the greatest concentration of _____ is located.

increasing or decreasing the diameter of the pupil to allow more or less light to enter.

The iris adapts to high or low levels of light by:

the fact that neurons are firing in an unsynchronized way.

The low amplitude of beta waves is thought to be due to:


The photoreceptors lie in the:


Thomas Hobbes's philosophy that all human behavior can be understood in terms of physical processes in the body, especially the brain is known as:

samples were biased.

To determine whether college men or women are faster sprinters, a researcher located 15 women at the sports complex and 15 men at the library and asked them to run a 100-yard dash. Suppose the women ran faster than the men, and the results were statistically significant. The MOST justified criticism of this study is that the:

the speed of detection was not affected by the number of vertical lines in the array.

Treisman demonstrated that the ability to detect a slanted line in an array of vertical lines involved automatic, parallel processing by showing that:


Unlike thirst or hunger, some human drives, such as the drive for achievement or the drive for sex cannot be explained in terms of the body's tissue needs. Psychologists refer to these drives that serve other purposes as _____ drives.

Drugs that increase the effectiveness of endorphins increase the facial liking reaction to sucrose.

What has provided strong evidence that endorphins are involved in the liking component of reward?

affect is a short-term emotion independent of an object, while mood is long term, free-floating emotion

What is the difference between affect and mood?

Partial reinforcement produces greater resistance to extinction than continuous reinforcement.

What is the effect of partial reinforcement on the target behavior?

motion parallax

Which is NOT a pictorial cue for depth?

Testing requires more attention than studying.

Which of the following is NOT a reason provided by Roediger and Pyc why repeated testing improves long-term retention over just studying?

Schachter's cognition-plus-feedback theory of emotion and James's peripheral-feedback theory of emotion

Which theory predicts that a drug-induced increase in arousal will increase the intensity of the emotion felt in an emotion-inducing situation?

Motion Parallax

a monocular depth cue in which we view objects that are closer to us as moving faster than objects that are further away from us. Learn about motion parallax, depth perception, monocular cues, and more.

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