Psych Exam 3

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36. Experiencing variety of psychological symptoms, Melissa decides to ask her therapist to hypnotize her and take her back to her earliest memories to see if she is experienced some kind of traumatic event that might explain her current problems. If Melissa's therapist agreed to do so, what would likely to happen? A) Melissa is likely to produce pseudo-memories rather than accurate memories. B) Melissa's traumatic memories are probably too deeply repressed to be retrieved through hypnosis unless the therapist is able to enlist the help of Melissa's hidden observer. C) Melissa will be able to retrieve accurate memories of early childhood, but not infancy. D) Melissa will be able to retrieve accurate memories back to and including her experiences during birth.

A) Melissa is likely to produce pseudo-memories rather than accurate memories.

10. Jake is a long-term marijuana user. Unlike long-term users of amphetamines, it is unlikely that Jake will experience _______ if he discontinues using. A) lingering hallucinations B) reduced motivation C) suppression of the immune system D) memory deficits

A) lingering hallucinations

28. The neurocognitive theory of dreaming suggests that there is an involved system of neurons in the brain that must exist in order for dreams to occur. This network includes parts of the limbic system and ________. A) the forebrain B) the reticular activating system C) the somatosensory cortex D) Broca's area

A) the forebrain

30. All of the following are true about marijuana, except: A) Hashish is a potent form of marijuana B) Heavy use of Marijuana can interfere with breathing and heartbeat due to many THC receptors in the brain stem. C) Most marijuana users do not accumulate tolerance. D) It has been used to treat cancers, pains, and asthmas.

B) Heavy use of Marijuana can interfere with breathing and heartbeat due to many THC receptors in the brain stem.

38. John is taking AP Calculus BC in high school because he loves math and is fascinated by his future major in engineering. Jacob is taking AP Chemistry in high school because his parents told him he had to if he wants to earn $1,000 for getting a 4 in AP Chemistry Exam in May. John is motivated by _______, while Jacob is motivated by _____. A) Extrinsic motivation; intrinsic motivation B) Intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation C) Basic needs; self-actualization D) Competence; autonomy

B) Intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation

17. When a person addicts to cocaine, heroin, or nicotine: A) Numbers of dopamine receptors in the brain's reward system increases B) Numbers of dopamine receptors in the brain's reward system decreases C) Numbers of endorphin receptors in the brain's reward system decreases D) Numbers of endorphin receptors in the brain's reward system increases

B) Numbers of dopamine receptors in the brain's reward system decreases

5. Mary is at a popular nightclub. She is acting uninhibited but also confused. She may have unwittingly consumed _______, a(n) ________. A) OxyContin; benzodiazepine B) Rohypnol; benzodiazepine C) Rohypnol; opioid D) OxyContin; stimulant

B) Rohypnol; benzodiazepine

11. When a person is awake and alert an EEG will produce _______ waves. A) delta B) beta C) gamma D) alpha

B) beta

9. Soon after she finished a strenuous aerobic workout, Joseph went on a date with Tricia. According to the two-factor theory of emotion, Joseph's perception of Tricia's attractiveness: A) is not likely to be influenced by his physiological arousal. B) may be influenced by his physiological arousal. C) will depend on the attractiveness of the other women he sees while on the date. D) will depend entirely on her level of physiological arousal.

B) may be influenced by his physiological arousal.

43. Since her childhood, Moses has been aspiring to become a professional ballet dancer. She has been attending dance classes, participating in music and dance fests, working hard to perfect her moves, and avidly following the careers of famous ballet dancers. Moses is most likely driven by the need for: A) achievement B) power C) affiliation D) self-transcendence

B) power

3. Simon's research focuses on emotions. If he is like most experts in this area, he is likely to agree with which of the following statements? A) The majority of emotions are a function of learning, and we cannot control our facial expressions once they are learned. B) Men are much more capable than women of controlling their facial expressions of emotion. C) Although facial expressions of basic emotions seem to be innate, we are still able to control our facial expressions. D) Facial expressions of emotion are innate, and therefore we are unable to control our facial expressions.

C) Although facial expressions of basic emotions seem to be innate, we are still able to control our facial expressions.

31. Differences between arousal theory of motivation and drive-reduction theory is that: A) Arousal theory suggests that people are sometimes motivated to exhibit fixed, unlearned behaviors, rather than to reduce a drive. B) Arousal theory greatly emphasize on physiological needs rather than does drive theory. C) Arousal theory suggests that people are sometimes motivated to increase rather than decrease their level of stimulation, rather than reduce a drive. D) Arousal theory emphasizes innate, universal behaviors more than does drive theory.

C) Arousal theory suggests that people are sometimes motivated to increase rather than decrease their level of stimulation, rather than reduce a drive.

41. Motivated behavior that is directed toward being capable and exercising control in a situation is called: A) Extrinsic motivation B) Self-efficacy C) Competence motivation D) Achievement motivation

C) Competence motivation

42. Mr. Jason repeatedly complains about the quality and duration of his sleep; he claims that he has difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, and that he usually wakes up before it is time to get up. All of the following are not true that Mr. Jason suffers from, except: A) Sleep apnea B) Narcolepsy C) Insomnia D) Nocturnal enuresis

C) Insomnia

14. All of the following are not true when individual's behavior may MOST easily be explained by the arousal theory of motivation, except: A) Amy, who eats a chocolate bar when she feels weak B) David, who studies long hours to earn superb grades C) Jamie, who loves to ride roller coasters D) Jonathan, who buys an expensive watch he cannot resist

C) Jamie, who loves to ride roller coasters

8. Sitting side-by-side, Adam and Eve watched the television as the news reporter announced, "With the votes from the remaining counties, there's no question that Senator Smith has won re-election!" At that moment, Eve jumped off the couch and cheered with joy, and Adam stomped angrily out of the room. All of the following are not true about theories of emotion that accounts for their different reactions to the same information, except: A) James-Lange theory of emotion B) the facial feedback theory of emotion C) Lazarus's cognitive-appraisal theory of emotion D) Schachter and Singer's two-factor theory of emotion

C) Lazarus's cognitive-appraisal theory of emotion

24. All of the following are not true about Tranquilizers, except: A) It stimulates such as Oxycodone and oxycontin B) It is inhaled to produce changes in consciousness C) They are depressants that relieve anxiety D) It is chemically similar to barbiturates but produce more powerful effects.

C) They are depressants that relieve anxiety

22. Josh bought a checker software program and practices every day to ensure he is highly motivated to become the top of the player on his college checker team. Josh's behavior and goal reflect a high level of __________. A) power motivation B) competence motivation C) achievement motivation D) sensation seeking

C) achievement motivation

12. When a person is awake and relaxed with their eyes closed an EEG will produce ______ waves. A) delta B) gamma C) alpha D) beta

C) alpha

25. Canada geese flying toward the south during winter is an innate characteristic. All of the following are not true behaviors, except: A) a drive B) intrinsic motivation C) an instinct D) incentive motivation

C) an instinct

37. Which of the following is a psychotic condition that occurs when a chronic alcoholic suddenly stops drinking? A) erythema nodosum B) cataplexy C) delirium tremens D) narcolepsy

C) delirium tremens

4. Dr. Tom emphasizes the importance of psychological and cognitive components in human motivation and believes that we are innately driven to strive for a positive self-concept and the realization of our personal potential. Dr. Tom's views are most consistent with ______ theories of motivation. A) incentive B) instinct C) humanistic D) drive

C) humanistic

45. As the night progresses, the amplitude f a sleeper's brainwaves ________, and the frequency of the waves _________. A) decreases; decreases B) decreases; increases C) increases; decreases D) increases; increases

C) increases; decreases

29. James has been experiencing melancholic feeling and generally discontented since the semester ended two weeks ago. When he received his transcript in the mail and found that the lowest grade he received was an A-, he felt overjoyed. James's two states (sudden intense joy and pervasive gloominess) illustrate the difference between ________ and _______. A) intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation B) emotion; motivation C) moods; emotions D) psychological states; physiological states

C) moods; emotions

20. Marvin has been diagnosed with narcolepsy. All of the following are not true that he will experience, except: A) episodes of walking or performing other actions, that may include elaborate or complicated behavior, and can range from calm or benign to agitated or aggressive behavior. B) abnormal sexual behaviors and experiences during NREM stage 3 and 4 slow-wave sleep, such as masturbation, sleep-sex talking, groping or fondling their bed partner's genitals, or sexual intercourse. C) overwhelming bouts of excessive daytime sleepiness and brief uncontrollable episodes of sleep, called microsleeps or sleep attacks. D) episodes of frequent sleepwalking to the kitchen and compulsive eating during stage 3 and 4 NREM slow-wave sleep, with no memory of the episodes upon awakening in the morning.

C) overwhelming bouts of excessive daytime sleepiness and brief uncontrollable episodes of sleep, called microsleeps or sleep attacks.

2. A company that installs bright lights in a plant in which many employees work the 10 pm to 6 am shift. The lights simulate morning sun, aiding the suprachiasmatic nucleus to reduce the _______ gland's production of the sleep-inducing hormone ________. A) adrenal; leptin B) adrenal; melatonin C) pineal; melatonin D) pineal; leptin

C) pineal; melatonin

26. Gerri ignores the sound of the television to focus on a telephone conversation. All of the following are not true about Gerri's experience, except A) inattentional blindness B) sensory adaptation C) selective attention D) automatic processing

C) selective attention

39. All of the following are not true related to parasomnias, except: A) also called delirium tremens that includes hallucinations, confusion, and seizures B) a type of stimulant-induced psychosis common among cocaine users. C) sleep disorders characterized by arousal or activation during sleep and include sleep terrors, sleep sex, sleep walking and sleep-related eating disorder. D) sleep disorders involving interruptions in the amount, timing of sleep, quality, that includes sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and insomnia.

C) sleep disorders characterized by arousal or activation during sleep and include sleep terrors, sleep sex, sleep walking and sleep-related eating disorder.

13. A couple of times during the night, Drew was awaken slightly. Each time he awakens, he's aware of vague mental images that reflect a conversation he and his boss had about resolving a problem at work. These bland, thought like ruminations about real events are best described as ________. A) dreams B) somnambulism C) sleep thinking D) hypnagogic hallucinations

C) sleep thinking

32. All of the following are not true about James-Lange theory of emotion, EXCEPT A) Emotions do not have distinctive physiological fingerprints B) Emotions and physiological reactions are unrelated C) Emotions cause behavioral reactions D) Emotions do not cause physiological reactions.

D) Emotions do not cause physiological reactions.

6. All of the following are not true that alcohol increases the activity of the neurotransmitter, except: A) acetylcholine B) glutamate C) norepinephrine D) GABA


7. Izzie, a 25 year-old woman, is a drug addict. Nonprescription use of the drug she uses is illegal; hence, she doesn't buy it from a pharmacy. Instead, she brews it in the laboratory at her house using battery acid, drain cleaner, and over the counter cough medicines. Based on this information, Izzie would likely used _________. A) heroin B) Xanax C) Rohypnol D) Methamphetamine

D) Methamphetamine

16. All of the following are not true sequence of sleep, except: A) NREM 1, NREM 2, REM, NREM 3, NREM2 B) NREM 1, NREM 2, NREM 3, REM, NREM 1 C) NREM 1, NREM 2, NREM 3, REM, NREM 2 D) NREM 1, NREM 2, NREM 3, NREM 2, REM


21. Mark has been diagnosed with narcolepsy and experiences from cataplexy. Which of the following does Mark has? A) a parasomnia B) withdrawal symptoms C) somnambulism D) a dyssomnia

D) a dyssomnia

18. In the shower this morning, Jake was so distracted by thinking about everything he had to do today that he completely forgot that he had already washed his hair. He was halfway through the second shampooing before and he realized that he was repeating this behavior. Jake's first cleansing of his hair represents: A) inattentional blindness B) sensory adaptation C) selective attention D) automatic processing

D) automatic processing

23. Cole is extremely intelligent and is a gifted mathematician, yet he has few friends and rarely holds a job for more than a year because he constantly alienates his co-workers and supervisors. Cole is lacking ________ A) intrinsic motivation B) extrinsic motivation C) self-efficacy D) emotional intelligence

D) emotional intelligence

19. __________ theory of motivation illustrates to "get someone to come to do a great job and have strong prides in their work, a monetary bonus is the best motivator." A) humanistic B) arousal C) drive D) incentive

D) incentive

15. All of the following are not true related to alcohol, except: A) it increases activity in the brain regions involved with positive emotion. B) it increases activity in the motor regions while simultaneously decreasing activity in sensory regions. C) it is a stimulant D) it depresses activity in the brain regions involved with self-control and decision-making, lowering inhibitions.

D) it depresses activity in the brain regions involved with self-control and decision-making, lowering inhibitions.

1. All of the following are not true about circadian rhythm, except: A) it fluctuates biological and psychological processes that occur over the different seasons of the year. B) it influences of the 28-day lunar cycle on human and animal behavior. C) the type of beat that is characteristic of most Latin music. D) it is consistent, daily fluctuations in many biological and psychological processes.

D) it is consistent, daily fluctuations in many biological and psychological processes.

33. When she is asleep, Sydney's airway becomes narrowed, shallow breathing and multiple repeated pauses in breathing. This happens each night and interrupts his sleep. Which of the following disease is she suffering? A) cataplexy B) somnambulism C) narcolepsy D) obstructive sleep apnea

D) obstructive sleep apnea

34. John works very hard at his job and hopes to get promoted to the position of assistant-manager. He is motivated by the urge to control or influence the behavior of other people, a type of motivation called: A) achievement motivation B) competence motivation C) self-efficacy D) power motivation

D) power motivation

27. While reading a friend's Instagram update, Chloe ignores the scrolling newsfeed and the changing advertisements on the left-hand side of the screen. Chloe demonstrates A) altered states of consciousness B) automatic processing C) sensory adaptation D) selective attention

D) selective attention

44. Researchers chemically lesion a portion of a macaque monkey's brain. As a result, the monkey's circadian rhythms appear disrupted. The lesion probably destroyed the ________ nucleus in the monkey's _________. A) lateral geniculate; hippocampus B) lateral geniculate; hypothalamus C) suprachiasmatic; hippocampus D) suprachiasmatic; hypotahalmus

D) suprachiasmatic; hypotahalmus

35. Researchers at State University's sleep research lab deprived some volunteers of sleep for 48 hours while others slept normally. This was followed by fMRI scans of participants' brains while they observed a series of images (disturbing, pleasant, and neutral). If the results are similar to those reported in Focus on Neuroscience: The Sleep-Deprived Emotional Brain, the researchers are likely to find that: A) compared to rested participants, the sleep-deprived participants will experience reduced activity in amygdala, but only to aversive stimuli. B) compared to rested participants, the sleep-deprived participants will experience reduced activity in amygdala. C) there will be no difference in brain activity between the group regardless of type of image seen. D) the sleep-deprived brain is much more prone to strong emotional reactions, particularly in response to negative stimuli.

D) the sleep-deprived brain is much more prone to strong emotional reactions, particularly in response to negative stimuli.



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