PSYCH Midterm

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Consider an experiment in which a pigeon is placed in a skinner box with a button on the wall. the cage contains a small green light that is turned on and off intermittently throughout the day. When the pigeon pecks the button when the green light turn on, the behavior is reinforcement with foods when it pecks the button when the green light is off, the behavior isn't reinforced. The pigeon learns about button pecking will be rewarded only when the green light rewarded, only when the green light is on. In this scenario, the green light is

discrimintive stimuli

In memory theory, the term_____ means to cause information to be lost from short term memory by adding new info


___ is the quality of language that permits one to communicate information about objects and events in another time and place


In the context of genetic influences on intelligence, a classical study in Louisville, Ky, found that

dizygotic twins were similar than monozygotic twins in spatial memory, ability to categorize things and word comprehension

At a painting exhibiting, Martha admired a painting that depicted a farm. Half an hour, when she was having lunch with a friend, Martha recalled several details depicted in the painting. She remembered correctly the colors that were used, the animals were drawn, and even the number of these in the painting. Martha's ability to remember these details

eidetic imagery

According to psycho-linguistic theory

environmental influence affect language acquisition

An____ is a single word used by children to example complex meanings


An____ is a stereotyped pattern of behavior that is triggered in a specific situation


Which of the following is true about elaborative rehearsal

it involves extending the semantic meaning of the letters that need to remembered

Which of the following best defines the term per-conscious

it refers to material that isn't in awareness but can be brought into awareness by focusing one's attention

In operant conditioning, organisms learn to do or not do things because

it teaches them to form passive response by associating stimuli

What role does the somatic nervous system play?

it transmit messages about lights, sounds smells and so on, to the central nervous system

Which of the following best defines the term latent learning

its leaning that is hidden or concealed

An____ is a system of symbols along with rules that are used to manipulate the symbols


In psycho-linguist theory, theory_____ is a neural "prewriting" that facilitates a child's learning of grammar

language acquisition device

According to cognitive theorists,_____ is the process by which organisms make relatively changes in the way they represent the environment because of experiences


The____ is the view that language structures the way we view the world

linguistic relativity hypothesis

The____ is an oblong area of the hindbrain involved in regulation of heartbeat, blood pressure, movements and respiration


An____ is the tendency to respond to a new problem with the same approach that helped solve similar problems

mental set

___ is an example of a hallucinogenic drug


Dana learned to cook by watching her mother cook rather by means of direct experiment. In the context of observational learning, Dana's mother was a ____ for her


Larry, a 26 year old man, fall asleep suddenly. During sleep attacks, he's asleep for 15 minutes and wakes up feeling refreshed. He hallucinates that a person is sitting on his chest. In this scenario, Larry is likely suffering from


Opiates are a group of_____ derived from the opium poppy that provides a euphoric rush and depress the nervous system


In the context of operant conditioning the removal of a pleasant stimulus is known as

negative punishment

During rapid eye movements (REM) sleep, ____ tend to inhibit activity


B.F. Skinner taught pigeons and other animals to engage in behavior that manipulates the environment. This kind of behavior is called____

operant behavior

Patricia, a three year old girl, is having dinner she looks at her father and says "learned food" Patricia is exhibiting


The____ lies below the hypothalmus and is dubbed that "master gland"

pituary gland

The anchoring and adjustment heuristic is a decision making heuristic in which as

presumption or first estimate serves as a cognitive bias

An___ is a concept of a category of objects or events that serves as a good example of the category


On a bright sunny day, Manny leaves a dimly lit movie theater and goes out into the street. The_____ in his eyes and just to the sudden increases in light


In contrast of classical conditioning, the term_____ is defined as a simple unlearned response to a stimulus


In the context of operant conditioning_____ is the act of following a response both a stimulus that increase the frequency of the response


The____ is a decision making heuristic in which people judgments about samples according to the population they appear to depict

representative heuristic

In freud's psycho-dynamic theory_____ is the ejection of anxiety evoking ideas from conscious awareness


When we look at a visual stimulus our impressions may seem fluid enough; however, they consist of a series of eye fixation referred to as_____

saccadi eye movements

An _____ is a way of mentally representing the world, such as a belief or an expectation, which can influence perception of persons, objects, and situation


General knowledge is referred to as

semantic knowledge

____ Is the quality of language in which words are used as symbols for objects, events or ideas


A person's ability to recall a historic events, like the american civil war of 1861-65, would be an example of

sematic memory

Auditory perception, students were made to listen to a law volume music track. When they first put on their headphones they almost couldn't hear anything. But as they became more attentive, the sound becomes clearer. This an example of


The process of becoming more sensitive to stimulation


In the context of neural activity and memory, and brain stores parts of memories in the appropriate areas of______

sensory cortex

The_____ considers the psychological factors that influences people and their sense of perceptions

signal detection theory

People with____ stop breathing periodically up to several hundred times per-night

sleep apnea

In__ a person cannot move during than transition, from consciousness to sleep, and hallucinations occur

sleep paralysis

Frightening, dreams like experience that occur during the deepest stage of non rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep as known

sleep terrors

The brain and the spinal cord make up the_____ which controls and commands bodily functions

somatic nervous system

Kira an eight-year-old girl, sometimes walks in her sleep also responds to question while she is up and about however, when she wakes up in the morning, she doesn't remember the incident. Kira is exhibiting systoms of_______


Visual stimuli can be flashed too breifly below our absolute threshold for conscious perception, to enable use to process them. This is an example of?

subliminal stimulation

Carl is teaching his dogs to jump through a hoop. At onset of training, Carl gives the dogs treats for each movement toward the hoop. Then, he only gives them treats whenever they're near the hoop. Later, he waits, until they junk through the hoop before giving them treats. In this scenario, Carl reinforces____ of the goal

successive approximations

Which of the following is an example of as non conscious process?

suppressing thoughts

Ashton was trying to work on an assignment that was due the next day. However, he was thinking about a fight that he had gotten into with his friend. He constantly pushed these thoughts away and tried to focus on the assignment. In this scenario, Ashton was using_____ to eject the disturbing thoughts


The____ is the branch of the automatic nervous system that is active during processes that restores the body's reserve of energy

sympathetic division

A neuron relays it's message to another neuron across a junction called a


In psycho-dynamic theory, the term____ is descriptive of ideas and feelings that are not available to awareness


The frequency theory notes that "for us to perceive lower pitches"

we need to match the frequency of sound waves with our neural impulses

The____ is the feeling that information is stored in memory although it cannot be readily retrieved

tips of the tongue phenomenon

What is the purpose of a split brain operation?

to confine epileptic seizures to one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex

People practice_____ by concentrating on words or sounds that help people achieve on altered state of consciousness

transcendental meditation

A person with normal color vision is labeled a


The____ is a decision making heuristic in which our estimates of frequency or probability of events are based on how easy it's to find examples

availability heuristic

A neuron ha a(n) ____ that extends like a truck from the cell body


Axon end in small, bulb-shaped structure called

axon terminal or terminals buttons

Stimuli suggestive of depth that involve stimultaneous perception by both eyes are known as

binocular cues

People seem to fear thunder, threatening faces, sharp objects, darkness heights. According to Anne's ohman and susan mineka, this is reffered to as

biological preparedness

A ____ is a cycle that is connected with the 24 hour of the earth's rotation

circadian rhythm

In E.C. Tolman's experiment, rats were trained to run through the maze for food goals, white older rats were allowed to explore the mazes 10 days solo food goals or other rewards. Later, when food rewards were placed in a box at the far end of the maze, the previously unrewarded rats reached the food box as quickly as the rewarded rats after one or two trails. This demonstrates that the rats had the ability to form_____ of their surroundings

cognitive maps

Christine uses a electronic can opener to open dog food. After the first few times, she notices that her dog starts to salivate just at the sounds of the electric can opener in anticipation of food. According to the principles of classical conditioning, the electric can opener has become an effective ______ for christine's dog

conditioned stimulus

Information that is retrieved in the psychological or emotional state in which is was encoded and shared and stored or learned is known as

context dependent memory

According to the law of____ there is a tendency to perceive a series of points or lines as having unity


Once light passes through the iris, it encounters the


A number of people with severe cases of epilepsy have split brain operations in which much of____ is severed

corpus callosum

Brandon had a fear of dogs. To extinguish this fear, his mother baked him his favorite cake and gradually brought a dog closer to him while he ate the cake. In this scenario Brandon's mother used_____ to cure his fear

counter conditioning

The process of adjusting to conditions of lower lightning by increasing the sensitivity of rods and cones is known as

dark adaptation

TRUE OR FALSE:Immediate reinforces are less effective than delay reinforces


TRUE OR FALSE:In contrast to algorithms heuristics guarantee a correct solution


TRUE OR FALSE: The somatic nervous system controls activities such as heartbeat, respiration, digestion, and dilation of the pupils

False, automatic nervous system

Monozygotic twins share_____ of their genes

100 %

____ Is a neurotransmitter that controls muscle contractions


After a single presentation, Megan can recall her friends long distance phone number and five-digit-extension even thought the sequence contains 15 digits. One reason for her ease of recall is that she split the digits into smaller groups of three each. This process is called


_____ takes the forms of a double helix and contains the genetic code of an organism

Deoxyribonucleic acid

____Is the loss of memory of personal information that is thought to stem for psychological conflict or trauma

Dissociative amnesia

_____Intensifies most emotions and is central to the experience of fear and anxiety


____ are memories of events that happened to a person or that takes place in the person's presence

Episodic memories

TRUE OR FALSE: Alcohol enhances cognitive functioning


TRUE OR FALSE: Flooding and counter conditioning are techniques for inducing fears


____ are rules of thumb that helps us simplify and solve problems


Katie is a skilled in line skater and tap dancer. Her skills are a part of her____

Implicit memory

In the contrast of organization in long term memory, an_______ is an arrangement of items into groups or classes according to common or distinct features


The first four sleep stage are considered

Rapid Eye Movement

In Robert Rescolar's experiment, what happened to the group of dogs to whom a shock, was consistently presented after a tone?

The group of dogs learned to show a fear response in the presence of the tone

Which of the following theories proposed that there are three types of color receptors, but they're not sensitive only to red, green, and blue

The opponent process theory

____ Is the degree to which the variations in a trait from one person to another can attributed to, or explained by genetic factors


TRUE OR FALSE: According to freud, we are motivated to forget painful memories and unacceptable ideas because they produce anxiety, guilt, and shame


TRUE OR FALSE: According to the law of similarity, we perceive different objects as belonging together


TRUE OR FALSE: In the context of withdrawal symptoms associated with substance use crawings are typically accompained by signs of anxiety such as shakiness, rapid pulse and swearing


TRUE OR FALSE: In the contrast creativity and intelligence, creative problem solving demands convergent than divergent thinking


TRUE OR FALSE: Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the air passages are obstructed


TRUE OR FALSE: Mirror neurons allows us to anticipate other people's intentions when they reach for things


TRUE OR FALSE: Neurons carry messages from the axon terminals through the axon to the dendrites


TRUE OR FALSE: The perceptual constancies trick the eye through visual illusions


TRUE OR FALSE:In retrograde amnesia, there are memory lapse for the period following a trauma such as a blow to the head, an electric shock, or an operation


In the context of the eye, changes in thickness of the lens permit

a clear image of an objects be projected onto the retina

An_____ is the lingering visual impression made by a stimulus that has been removed


An____ is a systematic procedure for solving a problem that works invariable by when it's correctly applied


Every time a neuron fires, it transmit an impulse of the same strength. This is known as

all or none principle

TRUE OR FALSE: Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and deep sleep hinder learning and memory


True or False: Media violence and aggressive video games decrease viewers level of emotional arousal

false, it increases

TRUE OR FALSE: Mental repetition of information to keep it in memory is called elaborative rehearsal

false, maintenance rehearsal

TRUE OR FALSE: The hearing-helmbolts illusion is a visual illusion

false, optical illusion

TRUE OR FALSE: Prospective memory involves recalling information that has been previously learned

false, retroperspective memory

Some leysergic acid diethylamids (LSD) users have____ which are distorted perceptions or hallucinations that mimic the LSD "trip" but occur day weeks, or longer


The cones are most densely packed in small spot at the center of the retina called the____


The hearing or auditory are of the cortex lies in the ___ lobe along the lateral fissures of the cerebral cortex


In the context factors that affect problem solving _____ refers to view an object in term of its name or familiar usage

functional fixedness

Amy accidentally hit her elbow against the edge of a wall. Amy's mother rushed to her and rubbed the affected elbow. Amy's pain subsided. Which theory would best explain this incident

gate theory

Albert was once, awoken from his sleep by a white rat that fell on him. following this incident, he began fearing all furry white objects including white fur coats and stuffed animals, In this scenario, Albert's fear of all fury, white objects is due to?


_____ remove dead neurons and waste products from the nervous system

glial cells

____refers to the tendency to perceive a broken figure as being complete or whole

the principle of closure

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