psych midterm

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Linda is feeling shaky, her heart is racing, and her mouth is dry. She attributes these symptoms to the fact that she has a big presentation in five minutes and she is nervous. Which theory of emotion best explains Linda's experience?

Shacter-singer two factor

An extensive study of a single person or a few people is characteristic of

case studies

Damage to the ________ might cause problems with coordination and balance.


Jerome's parents have noticed that he is not developing normal secondary sex characteristics for a male going through puberty, so they have taken him to their physician, Dr. Sanchez, for testing. Dr. Sanchez explains to Jerome's parents that Jerome has Klinefelter syndrome. What conclusion can we NOT draw from this information?

Jerome has higher than normal production of testosterone

Angela works at a nursing home and notices some distinct differences among her patients. Which of her patients is LEAST likely to have Alzheimer's?

John, who has no genetic predisposition and goes dancing with his friends twice a week

According to trichromatic color theory, there is no cone specialized to respond to yellow light. When we see yellow, it is because the light is stimulating the

S cones very little and the L and M cones equally.

Psychoanalysis is a type of psychological treatment to resolve unconscious conflicts that cause mental disorders. This treatment was developed by

Sigmund Freud

The person who established the first psychology laboratory, which marked the beginning of experimental psychology, was

Wilhelm Wunde

Bai is conducting a study on learning. When she manipulates an independent variable, it is possible that some other factor, such as noise in the hall, can affect learning in one of the groups but not in the other. This possibility reflects the presence of

a confound

A rehabilitation center reinforces patients' good behaviors with Monopoly money, which they can then trade in for food, movies, or other privileges. When they behave badly, however, the patients lose Monopoly money. To modify the patients' behavior, the center is using

a token economy

Jason is participating in a psychology experiment in which he is seated in a completely dark room. An initially undetected point of light is gradually made brighter. With each increase, he is asked if he can see the light. In this experiment, Jason's ________ is being measured.

absolute threshold

A neurotransmitter that is important in muscle contraction is


After a plane crash, Shera wakes up in a hospital and can remember everything about her life prior to the crash. However, every time her doctor visits, she believes she has never met him before. Based on this information, the doctor will most likely diagnose Shera with

anterograde amnesia

For each cart of books that Spencer reshelves in the prison library, he receives a chip. He is allowed to collect chips and then trade them in for candy, extra recreation time, or visitation time. The prison uses a token economy, which is a method of

behavior modification

Dr. Alvarez studies how the degeneration of nerve cells in the brain might contribute to the development of multiple sclerosis. Dr. Alvarez's work best exemplifies the ________ subfield of psychology.

behavioral neuroscience

According to the ________ model of conceptual processing, the recognition of patterns occurs because data are relayed from a lower level to a higher level of processing in the brain.

bottom up processing

After taking a drug at a party, Fawn became energetic, talkative, and lively. Which drug did Fawn most likely use?


Kara explains to her roommate why Harry Harlow's experiments were so important to explaining an infant's socio-emotional development. Kara correctly says that his results demonstrate that

comforting touch is more important than food, particularly when an infant is stressed

Ashley studies for her upcoming psychology exam while sitting on her sunny front porch. When she takes the exam in a dimly lit lecture hall, she does poorly on the exam. Which of the following could have influenced her ability to recall the necessary exam information?

context dependent memory

The shared beliefs, values, rules, and customs that exist within a group make up a person's


Andy's id is a very dominant force in his personality. Which of the following is Andy most likely to do?

do things he will later regret

Benita is playing a very exciting video game and she finds that she wants to keep playing it more and more. Benita's desire is most likely activating the neurons in her brain that produce more of the neurotransmitter


While he is in the waiting room at the doctor's office, Arthur tries to classify infants' attachment based on their behavior. He is certain that the baby girl is securely attached because she

explores the unfamiliar room and the objects in it while staying in view of her mother.

Amelia has been quite stressed lately and is very alarmed when she goes into labor at 30 weeks of gestation. Her baby has not finished the ________ period of prenatal development. It ________ live outside of the womb.

fetal; can

A higher-pitched sound is one that is higher in ________, which is measured in ________.

frequency, hertz

Brad has experienced a relatively severe left hemisphere stroke. As a result, he is unable to move his right arm and has a great deal of difficulty with planning and attention. The stroke most likely caused damage to the ________ lobes.


According to ________ we perceive a car as a whole unit rather than perceiving it as a group of distinct entities (such as metal, tires, glass, door handles, hubcaps, and fenders).

gestalt psychology

Every day after class, Jerome smells delicious pizza from Steel's Pizza House on his walk home and his mouth starts to water. One day, Jerome is riding the bus home from class and sees the Steel's Pizza House sign, and even this makes his mouth start to water. Jerome has most likely experienced all of the following EXCEPT


Being able to detect the origin of a sound is called


Tom was hungry, so he went to a fast-food restaurant. He did not have any money, so when a young girl left her burger unattended, Tom quickly grabbed her burger and left. According to the psychodynamic theory of personality, his actions were most likely driven by his


Esther dreams that she is swimming. Following Freud's perspective, Esther's therapist suggests that her dream represents a hidden unconscious desire for sexual intimacy. Accordingly, the therapist would most likely say that

in the dream the images of swimming was the manifest content.

Carla just took an amphetamine, which means that her heart rate and blood pressure will


Aldo cannot get the answer to a chemistry problem even after sitting at his desk for an hour. He gets up and goes for a walk. Suddenly, even though he appears to have stopped thinking about it for a while, the answer comes to him. Aldo has most likely solved the problem based on

insight learning

Cesar has done so well in his economics class that he only needs 43 out of 100 points on the final exam to receive an "A" in the class. Cesar still studies a lot because he wants to do well on the final. Cesar's behavior is affected by

internal motivation

Because of a heart condition, you decide to try transcendental meditation to improve your health. The benefit that you are most likely to experience is

lowered blood pressure

Billy has watched many movies in which the hero smokes cigarettes. Billy identifies with these heroes and begins to smoke himself. Billy's new smoking behavior is best explained by


Mr. Griffin has a class full of students with high achievement motivation. To help these students do well on his calculus exam, Mr. Griffin should write questions that are

moderately difficult

Hugh is sad that his best friend is studying abroad for the entire academic year. His brother tries to get him to go to some social events, but Hugh does not want to do anything. Hugh's behavior is not energized, directed, or sustained, and he is lacking


Avi broke his ankle skiing. At first, he felt a sharp and intense pain. The next day, the sharp pain was gone, but his ankle throbbed almost all the time. The sharp, immediate pain was due to ________; the later, throbbing pain was due to ________.

myelinated axons; unmyelinated axons

Jerome's boat sank in cold water and his body temperature is dangerously low, so he starts swimming to raise his body temperature. According to motivational theory, Jerome's low temperature created a deficient state called a(n) ________, which in turn created a motivating state called a(n) ________ to increase his temperature.

need, drive

In operant conditioning, removing a stimulus to increase a behavior in the future is called

negative reinforcement

According to the idea that information is held in long-term storage in networks of associations, each specific piece of information in memory is located in


A child gets a severe blow to the head from an accident. Although her eyes are still fully functional, she can no longer see. Based on this information, her doctor determines that the brain area most likely damaged in the accident is the ________ lobes.


________ has the most direct route to the brain because it is the only sense that bypasses the ________.

olfaction, thalamus

Darshana is a girl who did not develop normally when she reached puberty. A genetic test confirmed that Darshana has Turner syndrome and she is now receiving estrogen replacement therapy. Based on this, you can conclude that the genetic test revealed that Darshana has

one female sex chromosome and no male sex chromosomes

Consciousness is best defined as

one's subjective experiences of the external world and one's mental activity.

The precise way a researcher measures and defines a variable is known as the

operational definition

Antoinette is a real risk taker. She loves to skydive, and she can party all night. Benita dislikes risk taking and prefers quieter activities, such as reading and yoga. These contrasting preferences in the rate of physiological activation they experience suggest that Antoinette and Benita differ in their

optimal level of arousal

Darshana is sexually aroused by athletic shoes. Based on this, a psychologist would correctly describe Darshana as experiencing


After cautiously walking home and arriving safely from her late-night class, Selma notices that both her heart rate and breathing slow down. This automatic return to a normal state is due to the activity of her ________ nervous system.

parasympathetic system

Doctors finally understood why a child had difficulty sleeping. They discovered that she had a large tumor located in the part of her hindbrain called the


Andy decides to help his friend with his homework because he thinks the friend will then "owe" him and will do something for Andy later on. According to Kohlberg, Andy is exhibiting ________ moral reasoning.


A child is playing at the beach. She pours an equal amount of sand into both a short, fat container and a tall, thin container. When asked which container holds more sand, the child points to the tall, thin container. This response suggests that she is most likely in the ________ stage of cognitive development.


Beth recently changed her e-mail password. For the first few days after changing her password, she kept trying to log in with the old password. Which of the following was Beth experiencing?

proactive interference

Because psychologists generally use college students as research participants, the research does NOT involve

random sampling

A father takes his young daughter to the park. The girl grabs a red flower and is stung by a bee. The next day, the girl's grandmother brings her a bouquet of red flowers. When the girl sees the flowers, she becomes afraid and runs away. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is the

red flowers

According to the research of Masters and Johnson, the sexual response cycle includes all of the following stages EXCEPT


After playing a difficult soccer match that wore his body out, Jon slept for an extra four hours. Jon's extra sleep is best explained by ________ theory.


A person who has experienced the loss of past memories may be experiencing

retrograde amnesia

After falling off your horse, you seem to have lost all memory of the past three years of your life. Based on this symptom, the doctor will most likely diagnose you with

retrograde amnesia

After he was robbed, Marcus kept replaying the incident in his mind. "Why did I leave the door unlocked? Some of my stuff was irreplaceable and I can never get it back." By continually focusing on this negative event, Marcus is coping with his feelings through


A split-brain client is shown a frog in her right visual field. She is asked to identify what she sees. She most likely will be able to

say the word frog

Bilal believes that boys are generally strong, aggressive, and interested in sports, while girls are generally polite, expressive, nurturing, and interested in relationships. These beliefs reflect Bilal's gender


Hernando and Fiona are in an advanced math class, which they love. In order to increase his effort in the class, Hernando's parents give him $5 for every "A" that he gets. Fiona's parents do not reward her for good grades. Fiona is more likely to do well in the class because of

self determination theory

Anna is reading her psychology textbook. The light reflects off the words on the page and falls on the sensory receptors in her retina, which results in ________. Then her brain interprets the stimuli as particular words, which is called ________.

sensation; perception

Dr. Growe is reading an article discussing the effect of group size on the conformity of group members. Dr. Growe is most likely reading the Journal of ________ Psychology.


a conditioned stimulus is

something that causes a response after learning takes place.

Dale is a 12-year-old boy who wakes up to find that his sheets are wet. His parents explain that he most likely ejaculated during a wet dream and that this is a normal part of puberty for a boy. Based on this, Dale is most likely experiencing


Grant wants to do everything he can to keep his wife healthy during her pregnancy. He frequently gives her folic acid because he knows that this helps development of the ________ during the ________ period.

spine and brain; embryonic

Last year, Martina was in love with Robert, but they eventually broke up. Today in the mall, Martina smells someone wearing the same cologne that Robert always wore. She is immediately filled with positive feelings, which is most likely due to

spontaneous recovery

Common beliefs about people of particular genders based on many people's similar gender schemas are called gender


A cat is classically conditioned to purr when it hears the refrigerator door open, because it contains the cat food. But the cat does not purr when it hears the pantry door open. The fact that the cat only purrs when the refrigerator door opens is most likely a result of

stimulus discrimination

Every day Manuel buys coffee from the same woman on the way to work. Even though he always sees her, when a friend asks, he cannot remember the color of her hair. Manual most likely experienced a problem in the ________ process of memory.


Behavioral geneticists are primarily interested in

studying the interaction between genes and the environment

Alex sees a girl in a red shirt steal a candy bar. Later, during questioning, the police ask what candy the girl in the blue shirt stole. Months later, when Alex testifies in court, he describes the girl as having worn a blue shirt. This is an example of


According to research, the most important factor in allowing a person to be successfully hypnotized is the

suggestibility of the person

During transduction, most sensory information is transmitted first to the ________ before it is sent to the________, where it is interpreted as sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste.

thalamus, cortex

Before psychologists can begin a research project, they must receive approval from the

the institutional review board

Jenna plans to be an engineer. However, she loves taking dance classes and makes time for them even if it means that she must skip a meal or not get much sleep. Jenna's behavior is best explained by

the pleasure principle

Addie told Callum her top 10 favorite movies. When he tries to recall the list later on, he can only remember the last two movies Addie mentioned. The fact that Callum only remembers the last two movies is most likely due to

the recency effect

Amanda is telling Connie about a movie she saw last night, when Connie asks who starred in the movie. Amanda gets frustrated because she cannot think of the actor's name, even though she can describe the actor and list other movies in which he has starred. Amanda is most likely experiencing

the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

Brooke is a developmental psychologist at USA College. Which of the following is Brooke most likely to study?

the ways in which children differ from adults in their thought processes

Sally is playing ball with her friend Anne. When Anne leaves the ball on the couch and goes to the bathroom, Sally hides the ball behind the TV. Sally expects Anne to look for the ball on the couch when she comes back because Anne does not know the ball was moved while she was in the bathroom. Sally is demonstrating that she understands Anne has her own thoughts and intentions that are different from Sally's. Sally has developed

theory of mind

Giacomo has used methamphetamines for a while. To feel the effects of the drug, he now has to take more of it than he used to, which means that Giacomo is experiencing


Comedian Eddie Izzard performs his stage act dressed in women's clothing and makeup. He explains to audiences that he is sexually attracted to women and does not want to be a woman, but instead gets sexual gratification from wearing women's attire. Based on this, Izzard is most likely experiencing


A genotype is ________, whereas a phenotype is ________.

underlying, observed

Beth's entire family has a high achievement motivation. Which of the following is Beth NOT likely to observe in her family members?

unrealistically high career goals

Byron drinks five cups of coffee each day during the work week. Whenever he sleeps late on Saturdays, he wakes up with a headache that only goes away when he has a cup of coffee. Based on this you know that Byron is most likely experiencing


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