Psych quiz 2

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1. Who does forgiveness help?

a. Both individuals

1. What are some of the strategies associated with success in studying/ completing a task?

Rewards, taking breaks

1. What is meant by the "hot" and "cold" response systems? (In book and lecture).

a. "hot system": more emotional and focused on "go". Simple reflective, fast and developed at birth. Seeks immediate reward b. "cold system": thinking system, slow, comple, reflective, flexible and develops with age. Applies the "brakes" to automatic actions. It considers future consequences and enables self-control

1. What are the most important features of self-control?

a. A well defined plan

1. What did we learn from the Brene Brown video?

a. Empathy feels connection, sympathy drives disconnection b. Empathy: perspective taking, staying out of judgement, recognizing emotion and communicating that c. Empathy is feeling with people

1. What are the definitions of : Empathy; Forgiveness; Altruism; Empathy supports "prosocial action". We can practice and learn to become more empathetic.

a. Empathy: "A person's ability to understand and share the feelings- and perhaps perspective- of another person". Empathy is not the same thing as sympathy. Empathy brings together, sympathy drives disconnection, in order to be empathetic, we need to be "with" the person. Empathy involves assuming the perspective of another in need. b. Forgiveness: "making a deliberate decision to stop feeling resentful toward or wishing to avenge a wrong done to you by a person or group" c. Altruism: the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others

1. What is procrastination and how does it relate to self-control?

a. Going to a movie is not a good "distraction" against procrastination. It is another misregulation. It prolongs time to the unfavored task but compounds and lowers self-control b. The tendency to put off or completely avoid an activity under one's control c. Procrastination illustrates the important role that emotional distress pays in self-control d. Underlines the importance of emotion and distress in self-control e. Stress and illness are both higher for procrastinators f. Causes of self-control breakdown and failures in self-control can also help point us toward answers

1. What are the benefits of forgiveness?

a. Happier, healthier lives, better relationships, fewer/no harmful dependencies

1. What are some of the reasons people may find it difficult to forgive/ask for forgiveness?

a. Language gives us the ability to hold onto memories longer b. There's too much anger that causes a lack of self-control c. You may be scared to forgive, in fear of getting hurt again d. You may believe that the person who offended you deserves punishment e. You feel misunderstood and find it hard to trust or let the offensive party in

1. What were the results of the "marshmallow test" (short vs long term rewards).

a. Most kids went for the short term reward

1. What are the particularly difficult features of self-control relative to procrastination? Be able to identify multiple strategies from book and class, that may be used to help reduce procrastination (e.g. "get started", reward yourself for progress, avoid distractions, etc... ).

a. Procrastination is marked by short term benefits and long term costs b. We sometimes procrastinate when we don't know what to do. (we don't want to admit we don't know how to start. We don't want to ask for help) More often, we procrastinate when we fail to set and keep short term goals c. We tend to procrastinate when we set unrealistically high goals. Perfectionists are particularly susceptible to procrastination and delays d. Think about how the activity you are avoiding is useful/helpful for you (short or long term). Think differently about the thing you are avoiding e. Ask for the steps to complete or get started on the activity. Don't be afraid to say you are not sure how to do something f. Break the activity/goal down into small steps. Reward yourself for completion of each step

1. What are 3 levels of brain function correlating to behavior? (From lecture).

a. Reptilian or primitive brain i. Danger, swift automatic instructions b. Limbic or mammalian brain i. Emotions, good or bad, Can I put my trust here? c. Neocortex, cerebrum or Human Brain i. Rational/thinking brain

1. What is the "Pomodoro Technique/Method"?

a. Set short periods of time for concentrated work followed by well spaced rewards. Is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a pomodoro, from the Italian word for 'tomato' after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer

1. What is the difference between "empathy" and "sympathy"?

a. Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters. Empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another

Narcissists (individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder) or those with such tendencies are people said to have no empathy or a very difficult time understanding empathy. What are the dangers of "snap judgements"? (see what Timothy Miller says about this on pg 58 of your book).

a. The demands and pressures of daily living often force snap judgements. Miller suggests that the first step to empathy is to overcome our tendency to make snap judgements

1. Why is self-control so important?

a. Those with self-control/self-regulation tend to bring more positivity to those around them b. Neglecting future consequences four actions tends to underlie most antisocial conduct c. Deficient self-control is a major factor in criminality

What is 'Wisdom" and how is it different from knowledge and intelligence?

a. Wisdom is expertise in conduct and meaning of life b. Entails skill at perspective taking c. Taking sotck of life in larger terms d. Marrying knowledge to experience through example or advice e. Enhances one's own well-being and that of others

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