Psych REVEL test 3

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Sir Francis Galton conducted extensive research to determine whether _____ correlated to higher intelligence.

having better sensory capacities such as exceptional vision or hearing

Data collected by the Educational Testing Service was analyzed and researchers found a _____ correlation between SAT scores and IQ measured by the Raven's Progressive Matrices and other tests.


The memory technique that associated rhymes with a list of words in a particular order is called the _____.

pegword method

It is not useful to estimate IQ based on self-reports because people with _____ may well overestimate their own abilities.

poor metacognitive skills - if you are not very bright, it is difficult to know how not-bright you might be.

When we have encountered a stimulus before, we are able to identify it more quickly and easily. The term for this subtype of implicit memory is _____.


Our memory for how to do things is called _____.

procedural memory

Psychoactive drugs that produce dramatic alterations of perception, mood, and thought are called _____.


Benny feels intense cravings for alcohol, even though his drinking has caused major problems in his personal relationships, work productivity, and levels of achievement. Benny is exhibiting signs of _____.

psychological dependence

Psychologists measure people's memory abilities by assessing three capacities: _____.

recall, recognition, and relearning

Although it is a complicated relationship, brain volume (or "size," as measured by MRI) does not correlate with intelligence (as measured by performance on intellectual tasks). What is the typical range of those correlations?

.30 to .40

In Elizabeth Loftus's "lost in the mall" study, approximately what percentage of people distinctly remember being lost in a shopping mall after being told this had happened to them, even though it did not really happen?

25 percent

How many non-REM stages of sleep occur before the vivd dreaming stage of rapid-eye-movement (REM) stage?

4 - People cycle through the stages of sleep during each night's rest.

What is a reasonable conclusion to reach regarding evidence of sex differences in specific mental abilities?

Although a genetic component may be involved, there is considerable evidence that environmental factors play a substantial role.

Which of the following describes the term "schema"?

An organized knowledge structure or mental model that we have stored in memory.

Without even noticing that you are doing it, what memory technique do you use to remember larger quantities of information, even though your short-term memory capacity only holds about nine bits of information?


The WISC, WIPPSI, and WAIS-IV are all variations on an approach to intelligence testing originally developed by _____.

David Wechsler

Which of the following findings is one of the lines evidence suggesting that schooling has a casual influence on intelligence?

Dropouts have lower IQs later in life than graduates, even if they started out with the same IQ.

_____ allows you to remember auditory stimuli for up to 5 or 10 seconds.

Echoic memory - This is a form of sensory memory

Which of the following is one of the three processes of memory?

Retrieval - The other are encoding and storage.

Environmental influences on intelligence exist, such as poverty, malnutrition, or exposure to lead. However, it is often difficult to disentangle the effects of such influences. Why is that?

Environmental factors, such as poverty, malnutrition, or exposure to lead, tend to be correlated with one another. - This is part of what makes clarity in this are of study difficult to obtain.

Which term refers to an early 20th-century movement to encourage people with "good genes" to have more children and to stop those with "bad genes" from doing so?

Eugenics - the word itself signifies "good genes."

Rowan and Martin are chatting over lunch one day. "Man, I had the weirdest dream last night," Rowan offered. "I was being chased by snakes and a gigantic blimp, and a creature who was a mix of my mother and father kept firing arrows at me until I finally jumped down a hole and fell through a long tunnel." "Ah," replied Martin, "you are frustrated by your sexual inadequacies and afraid of death." What theory of dreaming does Martin most likely subscribe to?

Freud's dream protection theory. - Martin is finding hidden meaning in the supposedly symbolic nature of Rowan's dream.

ZAK, BOL, GID, YAF, and other nonsense syllables were used in some of the earliest studies of memory, conducted by _____.

Herman Ebbinghaus

Emily and Richard stop at their local bar for a drink after a hard day's work. Two drinks in, Emily is slurring her words and having a difficult time holding her head up, whereas Richard appears in control of his faculties and speaks coherently. Both Emily and Richard drank the same amount of alcohol; why are their reactions so different?

Individual differences in body weight, mental set, or genetics can modulate the effects of alcohol on an individual.

Which of the following statements is true?

It is easier to implant a false memory that is plausible than one that is implausible.

What is the general progression of memory loss for patients with Alzheimer's disease?

Memory for recent events fades first, with distant memories usually being the last to go.

Which of the following is the term that described the age corresponding to the average individual's performance on an intelligence test?

Mental age

Dee Dee has to remember 4 items that he needs at the corner market, so he visualizes the path he will take to get there. He imagines a bar o soap hanging from a larger tree, envisions a roll of paper towels next to a stoplight, "sees" a packet of gum on the newspaper rack, and imagines the fire hydrants spurting out soda. Which memory strategy is Dee Dee telling on?

Method of Ioci

Which theory suggests that dreams are complex cognitive achievements that develop as out visual imagination and other advanced cognitive abilities develop?

Neurocognitive theory - Researchers adopting this perspective point out the difference between childhood and adult dream themes.

Lewis Terman studied a group of intellectually gifted children over many decades. What was one of the major conclusions from that study (that also debunked a popular myth)?

No substantial link existed between genius and madness.

According to Sternberg's triarchic model, which type of intelligence do we use when we apply our "street smarts" to size someone up or get ahead in a job?

Practical intelligence

Under most circumstance, which is a comparatively easier memory retrieval task to perform?

Recognition - Recognizing a correct answer is usually faster than recalling it cold from memory.

_____ believed that dreams revealed hidden wishes and desires.

Sigmund Freud - Sigmund Freud thought that dress were the "royal road to the unconscious," a pathway to understanding deeply-held wishes and desires.

Which IQ test, first published in 1916, was originally developed for children but has since been extended to adults, and involved testing vocabulary and memory for pictures, naming familiar objects, repeating sentences, and following commands?

Standford-Binet - The Stanford-Binet test was developed by Lewis Terman, based on Alfred Binet's initial work.

That frustrating feeling of knowing you know something but cannot pull it out of your brain at the moment you want it is known as the TOT phenomenon, because _____.

TOT stands for "tip of the tongue"

What is one likely reason why we cannot remember information and events from our own infancy?

The hippocampus takes time to develop, and is only partially developed during infancy.

As they develop, children's memories become increasingly sophisticated. Which of the following is not a reason why this occurs?

The presence of siblings increases over time.

Which test is most commonly administered to assess intelligence in adults?


REM sleep is activated by surges of the neurotransmitter _____.


Which theory of dreaming specifically implicated the pons, thalamus, brain stem, amygdala, and other brain regions in explaining why we dream?

activation-synthesis theory - This theory argues that dreaming is based on brain activation during sleep.

A drug that enhances positive emotional reactions and minimizes negative ones, such as nicotine, is said to have _____.

adjustive value

The tendency to judge of an idea by our emotional reaction to it, such as the way many people feel when discussing IQ differences between people of different sexes or races, is called "emotional reasoning" or the _____.

affect heuristic - This is not a very useful way to advance a dialogue.

Crystal meth is more powerful than _____, and carries a high risk of both dependence and overdose.


Chronic heavy use of marijuana can impair _____.

attention and memory

Sometimes people who suffer from narcolepsy also experience _____, a complete loss of muscle tone that can result in falls.


Latin for about a day, the _____ rhythm refers to the cyclical changes to our biological processes that occur on a 24-hour basis.

circadian - "circa" means approximately" and "dian" signifies "day."

Although IQ tests assess how efficiently we process information, they do not measure out ability to process information scientifically. For instance, measures of IQ barely correlate with measures of _____.

conformation bias

Studies have shown the students perform slightly better on exams if they are tested in the same room where they learned the material. This is evidence for _____.

context-dependent learning - Context-dependent learning can be helpful when studying and test taking.

Two-time Novel Prize winner Linus Pauling said that to be creative, we first need to come up with lots of ideas and then toss out all the bad ones. This is a good way to describe _____ thinking.


Psychologists have found that _____ is easier to identify than define.


Unintentional plagiarism has been attributed to _____, which occurs when someone says they forgot having been exposed to the plagiarized material earlier and thought they had created it themselves.


To answer specific questions by using accumulated knowledge of the world acquired over time, we rely on our _____.

crystalized intelligence - This is often distinguished from fluid intelligence.

Placebo studies show that much of what we think of as "drunken behavior" is strongly influenced by _____.

culturally learned expectations

Intelligence tests that rely on abstract-reasoning items rather than language-based questions are considered to be _____.

culture-fair - Reducing the influence of culture in testing is an important consideration.

The two primary reasons why short-term memories fade are _____ and _____.

decay and interference

Many dream theories propose that dreams reflect the circumstances of our lives. But studies of _____ have shown that this is not, in fact, true.

disabled people

Hermann Ebbinghaus discovered the law of _____, which says that people tend to remember information bettie when they spread their learning out over long intervals rather than cram it into shorter ones.

distributed versus massed practice

There are various techniques available to help people improve their ability to recall material. For example, when you remember something new by connecting it mentally to something you already know, you are using _____.

elaborative rehearsal

Evidence from studies of people with injuries that damage to the forebrain can have the effect of _____.

eliminating dreams entirely

We can use mnemonics to help us _____ information we want to retain in our memories.

encode - Encoding is the way we get information into the memory system.

An analysis of the contents of tens of thousands of dreams demonstrated that adult dreams are to a great extent occupied with _____ emotional concerns, and preoccupations.

everyday activities - This suggests that the neurocognitive explanation of dreaming may capture a bit of the truth.

More than 300 convicted prisoners to date have been released because DNA evidence showed they were innocent, despite confident testimony from _____.


By studying people who had sustained damage to the _____, scientists were able to determine that it plays an important role on our ability to dream.


Although it is presented as the most common kind of memory loss in the popular media, with depictions of someone losing all memory of his to her past, _____ is not actually the most common kind of amnesia.

generalized amnesia

Even before we are born, we can show signs of _____ memory through habituation.


Hypnosis increases the amount of information we recall Most of this information is _____.


Intellectual disability is defined by three criteria: onset before adulthood, IQ below approximately 70, and _____.

inadequate adaptive functioning. - each of these criteria needs to be present.

Hypnotists use an _____ to increase people's suggestibility.

induction method

Most people cannot accurately remember anything they experienced in their earliest years of life. This phenomenon is known as _____.

infantile amnesia

Longitudinal studies of the stability of IQ through adulthood generally reveal that _____.

intelligence is relatively stable over time, but not perfectly so, as indicated by strong positive correlations.

Traveling across time zones can disrupt a person's biological clock, resulting in a phenomenon commonly called _____.

jet lag

Sigmund Freud made a distinction between what dreams seem to be about and what they were really about. He called this hidden meaning _____.

latent content - The latent content is what lurks beneath the surface features of the dream, according to Freud's view.

The connection among neurons gradually strengthen over time, and do so by means of repetitive stimulation. This process is known as _____.

long-term potentiation - LTP is a crucial biological mechanism for memory

When Robert Zajonc released his findings in the mid-1970s that showed that later-born children have lower IQs than earlier-born children, he failed to take into account that _____.

lower-IQ parents tend to have more children than higher-IQ parents.

Freud argued that dreams have two levels of interpretation, which he called the _____ and the _____.

manifest content and latent content

A memory that is actually false but "feels real" and can be triggered by, for example, looking at a list of associated words, is called a _____.

memory illusion

In testing situations, men tend to do better than women on _____.

mental rotation tasks. - This is a consistent difference.

Over time, children develop greater knowledge of their own memory abilities and limitations. The term used to describe this is _____.

meta memory

Sleep apnea causes airways to become blocked during sleep. This condition leads to _____.

multiple awakenings during the night

According to Howard Gardner's model of _____, someone with interpersonal intelligence would be better able to understand other people and interact with them effectively.

multiple intelligences

A _____ is described as feeling at one with the world, usually in a spiritual way.

mystical experience

Herion, opium, morphine, and codeine are all examples of _____.


Shortly after WWII, a study conducted in Germany compared IQ scores of children of African-American soldier fathers and Caucasian-German mothers with those of children with Caucasian-American soldier fathers and Caucasian-German mothers. The results showed _____.

no difference in IQ between the two groups. - This was an early foray into studying intelligence across groups

Although using _____ can sometimes lead to mistakes, they provide us with a frame of reference for interpreting new situations.

schemas - Schemas are a primary way we organize our mental worlds.

Zhenya remembers that St. Paul is the capital of Minnesota. Alina remembers that she lived in St. Paul when she was 12 years old. Zhenya is demonstrating _____ memory, whereas Alina is demonstrating _____ memory.

semantic and episodic

George Sperling's partial report method studies from the 1960's demonstrated that when a display of 12 letters was viewed, participants retained all of the letters in _____ but not all of them could be transferred to short-term memory.

sensory memory

The phenomenon of Jamais Vu sometimes seen in neurological disorders such as amnesia or epilepsy. During Jamais Vu, people report experiencing _____.

something that should be familiar as unfamiliar - This experience is a kind pf conceptual opposite of deja vu.

When we are not sure where a memory really came from ("Did it actually happen? Or was it all a dream?") we can use cues such as how vivid and detailed the memory is to determine the answer. This process is called _____.

source monitoring - Identifying the true source of a memory helps us separate fact from fiction.

When we fear that we may confirm a negative stereotype about the group to which we belong, we are experiencing the feeling of _____.

stereotype threat. - Claude Steele and his associates have investigated stereotype threat extensively.

During the eugenics movement in the 1920's, laws were passed in 33 U.S. states requiring the _____ of people with low IQs.

sterilization - This misguided view of social progress led to some grim outcomes.

The term "progressive" in Raven's Progressive Matrices indicated that _____.

test items start off easy and increases in difficulty. - There is no stated political ideology here, the items simply "progress."

In the activation-synthesis model of dreaming, the "synthesis" part refers to _____.

the forebrain trying to create a meaningful narrative from signals sent to it rom lower brain centers

To psychological scientists, the term "test bias" means that _____.

the test predicts outcomes better for members of one group than for another

Because younger children have not developed their meta-memory skills to the extent that older children have, younger children can be mistaken about _____.

their own memory abilities - Memory skills take time to develop.

When people need to consume increased quantities of a drug in order to get the same results they used to get from a lower dose, they have developed _____.


An important indicator of an IQ test's _____ is it's ability to forecast or predict future outcomes.

validity - This is known as predictive or criterion validity.

For IQ score distributions, the _____ within any given race tends to be greater than between races.

variability - differences within are larger than differences between.

Investigations of other dimensions of intellect reveal that measures of intelligence are only moderately correlated with measures of _____.


Which term refers to unpleasant side effects the happens when someone who is addicted to a drug stops taking it?


The extent to which genetics influences the variability of a trait for members of a particular group is called _____ heritability.


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