Psych Review

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Joe wins $1000 on a scratch-off lottery ticket. He decides that he should play the lottery more often because he will probably be more likely to win again in the future. Joe's thinking illustrates what concept?

Availability Bias

The DSM stands for:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

According to the _____, people aggress when their goals are thwarted.

frustration-aggression principle

14.Rats seem to have _____ memory because they seem to remember places they've recently visited in a maze.


_____ is obtained by dividing a person's mental age by the person's physical age and then multiplying the quotient by 100.

Ratio IQ

What technique for coping with stress involves acceptance, exposure, and understanding?

Rational Coping

Which sequence for the human sexual response cycle is CORRECT? A. excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution B. excitement, orgasm, plateau, resolution C. excitement, resolution, plateau, orgasm D. excitement, orgasm, resolution, plateau E. There is no particular order.

Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

_____ is a theory of categorization that argues that we make category judgments by comparing a new instance with stored memories for other instances of the category.

Exemplar Theory

During which stage of the general adaptation syndrome do the body's resources collapse, increasing the likelihood of infection, illness, and other stress-related illnesses?

Exhaustion Phase

The Rescorla-Wagner model introduced the role of _____ in classical conditioning.


Remembering what you did over spring break is an example of _____ memory, and remembering how to swim is an example of _____ memory.

Explicit, Implicit

In Pavlov's experiments, what happened when he continued to present the CS but stopped presenting the US?


Choosing to see a glass as half full rather than half empty is illustrative of the idea of:


In order for a neuron to respond to a particular neurotransmitter, it must possess a(n) _____ for that neurochemical.


A researcher conducted a study investigating the effects of pain on blood pressure. Initially, exposure to the pain resulted in increased blood pressure. Over time, however, blood pressure decreased and was no longer affected by the pain stimulus. What process has taken place as a result of the repeated exposure?


Jenny thinks she knows what Professor Black's study is about and so she responds in a way that she thinks will help him to support his hypothesis. How can professor black maximize the validity of his observations of Jenny's Behavior?

He can keep Jenny and the person observing her behavior blind about the purpose of the study

Research on sexual orientation supports the observation that homosexuality is:

Heavily influenced by genes and biology

_____ persuasion is a type of persuasion that involves a change in attitudes or beliefs that is brought about by appeals to habit or emotion.


What is the term for learning that occurs without awareness?

Implicit Learning

How would you describe a correlation coefficent of r = -1.10?


_____ refers to the time following an action potential during which a new action potential cannot be initiated.

Refractory Period

Janine recently lost her job. Her therapist suggested that Janine spend some time writing about her loss. Janine's therapist is hoping that writing about the event might provide what type of coping mechanism for her?


Jon's teacher knows that he has had the flu and has been very ill. Jon doesn't perform well on his exam, but his teacher still believes that his poor performance is due to his laziness and not to his illness. Jon's teacher is demonstrating:

A correspondance Bias

According to terror management theory, one of the ways that people cope with existential terror is to develop:

A cultural worldview

What type of consequence of a behavior increases the likelihood of the recurrence of that behavior in the future?

A reinforcer

Mary just found out that her senior research project is due one week earlier than she had written down in her planner. According to Hans Selye's work, Mary is probably experiencing the _____ phase.


Who is MOST likely to suffer from burnout? A. Ben, an emergency room nurse B. Carmen, an administrative assistant in a law firm C. Karl, a college student D. Denise, a stay at home mom E. All are equally likely to suffer from burnout.

Ben, an emergency room nurse

Depression is much more common in women than in men. Which has been offered as an explanation for this gender difference? A. Women are more likely to acknowledge their feelings of depression and thus seek help. B.There are hormonal differences between men and women. C.Differences in socioeconomic status lead women to experience more depression. D. All of the above E. None of the above

All of the above

In what ways are stereotypes harmful? A. They are automatic. B. They are often inaccurate. C. They are often overused. D. They are self-perpetuating. E. All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct

Which situation is a stressor? A. getting married B. final exams C. a noisy environment D. sitting in traffic E.All of these are stressors

All of these are stressors

What part of the brain plays an important role in emotional conditioning?


People with _____ amnesia cannot form new long-term memories.


_____ refers to a difficulty in producing or comprehending language.


After 9/11, people were more likely to judge flying as being unsafe. What concept does this illustrate?

Availability Bias

Research on attachment has used "the strange situation" to measure an infant's reaction to periods of maternal separation. An infant who is generally not distressed when the caregiver leaves the room, and also does not acknowledge her when she returns, is said to have what type of attachment style?


Evolutionary psychologists have suggested that some behaviors and preferences are more easily conditioned in some species because they have adaptive value. What concept does this theory BEST illustrate?

Biological Prepardness

In the _____ subtest of the WAIS-IV, the test taker is shown two-dimensional patterns made up of red and white squares and triangles. He or she has to reproduce these patterns using cubes with red and white faces.

Block Design

What is the failure to retrieve information that is available in memory?


The _____ rule describes the tendency for motor skills to emerge in sequence from the center to the periphery.


Jenny thinks she knows what Professor Black's study is about and so she responds in a way that she thinks will help him to support his hypothesis. It is likely that there are some __________ that are influencing Jenny's behavior.

Demand Characteristics

Which sequence is the CORRECT one for information traveling within a single neuron?

Dendrites, Cell body, axon

Ani had never experienced any symptoms of depression until her mother died. Ani's doctor tells her that she was probably predisposed to depression but did not actually exhibit symptoms until a major life event triggered the depression. What model BEST fits with the doctor's assessment of Ani's depression?


Your dog, Muffin, runs into the kitchen whenever you pour food into her bowl, but she never comes running when you pour a bowl of cereal for yourself. Muffin is demonstrating the principle of:


Paul Ekman found that Japanese college students showed facial signs of disgust when they watched medical training films by themselves and yet showed no facial expressions of emotion when watching with an experimenter present, illustrating the phenomenon of:

Display rules

Research on the reward centers in the brain show that _____ plays a key role.


Which neurotransmitter was the FIRST to be linked with schizophrenia?


Thorndike developed the law of _____ from his work with cats in a puzzle box.


During the _____ stage of prenatal development, the zygote continues to divide and its cells begin to differentiate.


_____ refers to the cognitive and behavioral strategies people use to influence their own emotional experience.

Emotion regulation

Some researchers have suggested that autism spectrum disorder can be conceptualized as a decreased capacity for _____ combined with an increased ability for _____.

Empathizing; systematizing

You see your hairdresser at the grocery store but have difficulty remembering her name. This retrieval failure is likely due to:

Encoding Specificity

Jason hears his roommate talk about his new girlfriend. After hearing that she grew up in California, is blonde, and likes to wear shorts and sandals, Jason figures she's a surfer. Jason's thinking illustrates what concept?

Representativeness Heuristic

husband is living with another woman. She has immersed herself in her work and her social life with friends and has found a new grocery store for her shopping so that she won't run into him and/or his new partner. What type of strategy is Karla using?

Repressive Coping

In the process of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), the _____ phase involves the body's attempt to adapt to its high state of arousal as it tries to cope with the stressor.


Which is the BEST prototype for bird? A. robin B. ostrich C. chicken D. penguin E. heron


_____ is characterized by the profound disruption of basic psychological processes, a distorted perception of reality, altered or blunted emotion, and disturbances in thought, motivation, and behavior.


In one of his early studies, Pavlov repeatedly paired a new CS, a black square, with the now reliable tone. After a number of training trials, his dogs produced a salivary response to the black square, even though the square itself had never been directly associated with the food. What learning principle does this illustrate?

Second-Order Conditioning

Money starts out as a neutral conditioned stimulus that, through its association with an unconditioned stimuli, such as acquiring food or shelter, takes on a conditioned emotional element. What type of a reinforcer is money?


_____ refer(s) to bodily structures that change dramatically with sexual maturity but are not directly involved in reproduction.

Secondary sex characteristics

An infant who is almost always distressed when their caregiver leaves the room and goes to her promptly when she returns is said to have what type of attachment style?


Which components make up the major parts of the peripheral nervous system?

The automatic and somatic nervous systems

What term can be used to describe the "no stress" group in a study examining the effects of stress (stress group vs. no-stress group) on memory performance?

The control group

People who were asked to hold a pen with their teeth found cartoons funnier than people who were asked to hold the pen with their lips. What concept is illustrated by this finding?

The facial feedback hypothesis

When we are confronted with a threat or challenge, the physiological and emotional response to that threat is known as:

The fight-or-flight response

Your neighbor asks if you can feed her cat for a day while she is out of town. You agree, and then she also asks if you can bring in the newspaper and mail and drop off a package at the post office for her. You have just experienced:

The foot-in-the-door technique

What theory of depression proposes that individuals who are more likely to suffer from depression attribute bad experiences to internal, global, and stable causes?

The helplessness theory

Which major area of the brain deals with information coming in from and going out through the spinal cord

The hindbrain

Which part of the brain will form FIRST in prenatal development?

The hindbrain

What did psychologist Heinrich Kluver find when he removed the temporal lobe of a monkey?

The monkeys appeared to lack fear and they were no longer able to distinguish between good and bad food or good and bad mates

What theory of intelligence did Spearman (1904) propose as a result of his research with school-age children?

Two-Factor Theory

Which theory of emotion can explain why people who are first required to ride an exercise bicycle in a laboratory then find attractive people more attractive, annoying people more annoying, and funny cartoons even funnier?

Two-Factor Theory

Your boss, Mark, is an unpleasant person to deal with; he is always impatient with others, yelling at staff when they don't complete tasks quickly enough, and overly focused on his success and the success of his unit. Researchers, such as Friedman and Rosenman, would describe Mark as having a _____ behavior pattern.

Type A

A/an _____ refers to something that reliably produces a naturally occurring reaction in an organism.

Unconditioned Stimulus (US)

In 1872, Charles Darwin published his book entitled "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals," where he suggested that emotional expression has evolutionary significance. The fact that emotions seemed to have similar meanings for everyone led him to propose the:

Universality Hypothesis

What finding is associated with studies investigating hippocampal volume of Vietnam veterans and their identical twins?

decreased hippocampal volume for both war veterans with PTSD and their twin

Elaborative encoding, visual imagery encoding, and organizational encoding each activate different lobes of the cerebral cortex. Choose the CORRECT pairings of the type of encoding and lobe.

elaborative-temporal; visual-occipital; organizational-frontal ADD TO PAPER

. People with more_____ have better romantic relationships, are happier, and are more satisfied with their lives.

emotional intelligence

Broca's area is involved in _____, while Wernicke's area is involved in _____.

language production; language comprehension

As our brains age, we show:

less bilateral asymmetry

Some individuals may enjoy the sick role so much that they choose to engage in this type of behavior.


The majority of human beings have _____ chromosomes in each cell of their body.

23 pairs of

At about _____ of age, babies begin to utter their first words.

10 to 12 months

3._____ increases the negative effects of stress.

A sense of lack of control

_____ describes a hypothetical account of how and why a phenomenon occurs.

A theory

What was the conditioned stimulus (CS) in Watson's Little Albert study?

A white rat

James's grandmother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. James wanted to do some research so that he could help his grandmother better understand this disease. Through his research, James found that Alzheimer's involves the deterioration of what neurotransmitter?


What is referred to as an all-or-nothing event?

Action Potentials

Studies show that, if students are asked to list their ethnicities prior to taking the intelligence measures, _____ students will score _____ compared with European Americans.

African American; poorer

l-Dopa is a drug given to individuals with Parkinson's disease. This drug helps with the symptoms of the disease because it is a(n) _____ for dopamine.


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people are unable to experience higher needs until the needs below them have been met. Considering this statement, if someone is unable to experience belongingness and love needs, what needs have NOT been met?

Both safety and security needs and physiological needs

_____ says that older adults spend more time on information that brings them emotional satisfaction in the present and less time on information that might be useful for the future.

Carstensen's socioemotional selectivity theory

During activation of the stress response system, high levels of _____ such as epinephrine and norepinephrine are released.


In 1984, neuropsychologists reported four patients who could recognize information about human-made objects, but their ability to recognize information about living things and foods was severely impaired. What is the name of this syndrome?

Category-Specific Deficit

_____ is described as a source of stress that occurs continuously or repeatedly.

Chronic Stress

What strategy can help circumvent the natural limitation of short-term memory?


_____ can explain why fraternities use hazing and why some religious cults require that members give all of their worldly possessions to the cult.

Cognitive Dissonance

Drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall can be considered:

Cognitive Enhancers

Jessica has been diagnosed with both anxiety and depression. The co-occurrence of two or more disorders, as seen in the case of Jessica, can be described as:


Mental representations that group or categorize shared features of related objects, events, or other stimuli are known as:


According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, a child who can think logically about physical objects and events and understands conservation of physical properties is in what stage of cognitive development?

Concrete Operational

A/an _____ refers to something that is initially neutral and produces no reliable response in an organism.

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

A child or adolescent who engages in persistent patterns of deviant behavior, such as theft, aggression, lying, and destruction of property, would likely be diagnosed with _____ disorder.


In Solomon Asch's classic study, 75% of the participants announced wrong answers in a task that required them to state which of three lines matched a "standard line." What psychological principle did the results of Asch's experiment support?


_____ refers to the fact that each hemisphere in the brain controls the functions of the opposite side of the body.

Contralateral Control

_____ refers to the meaning of a sentence; _____ refers to how a sentence is worded.

Deep structure, surface structure

Sometimes at professional sporting events, people will behave in a loud and reckless manner, even though they would never behave that way if they were alone. What phenomenon does this illustrate?


Kevin is shown a list of words and asked to remember them for a subsequent learning trial. He is later shown a series of target words (words that were on the previous list) along with distracter words (words that were not on the previous list). In the initial list, Kevin was shown the following words: dog, cat, alligator, and mouse. Kevin was then shown the following list of words: dog, cat, rat, and umbrella. If Kevin says that rat was on the original list of words to remember, what psychological phenomenon has he just demonstrated?

False recognition

Susie's teacher reports that she is performing below level compared with some of her peers. Susie was referred to the school psychologist, who described Susie as "a youngster who had distinct physical features, including short eye openings, a flat midface, and a thin upper lip." With what developmental disorder did the school psychologist MOST likely diagnose Susie?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Janice is a member of a book club. She received a free book after 20 purchases. What schedule of reinforcement is BEST illustrated in this example?


People are more likely to buy ground beef that is marked 90% lean than they are to buy ground beef that is marked 10% fat. What concept does this illustrate?


The famous case study of Phineas Gage helped us to understand the role that the _____ play(s) in controlling one's emotions and making decisions.

Frontal Lobes

Cary is on her way to an important meeting. She notices that the hem of her pants has come loose on one side. She looks in her desk drawer for a sewing kit. She moves her stapler and her tape out of the way but still can't find the sewing kit. She decides to go to the meeting with her pants hem hanging down. Cary's failure to see the tape and/or stapler as possible tools for fixing her pants indicates that she may be showing:

Functional Fixedness

The single BEST predictor of aggression is:


_____ is a syndrome characterized by an inability to learn the grammatical structure of language despite having otherwise normal intelligence.

Genetic Dysphasia

_____ occurs when earlier learning impairs memory for information acquired later.

Proactive Interference

_____ is a hypothetical mental ability that enables people to direct their thinking, adapt to their circumstances, and learn from their experiences.


When an experiment is _____, we can draw accurate inferences about the causal relationship between an independent and dependent variable.

Internally Valid

Rhonda works out daily because it makes her feel good. Her friend Denise works out daily so that men will find her attractive. Rhonda is exhibiting _____, while Denise is exhibiting _____.

Intrinsic Motivation; Extrinsic Motivation

The quote, "Bodily changes follow directly the perception of the exciting fact. . ." is representative of what theory of emotion?

James-Lange Theory

Jan is underweight for her height and age but continues to severely limit her caloric intake and to engage in intense workout sessions. Which statement BEST describes Jan?

Jan has anorexia nervosa

_____ refers to the process by which evolution selects genes that cause individuals to provide benefits to their relatives.

Kin selection

What phenomenon did Tolman illustrate using three groups of rats: one group that was reinforced every day for 17 days, one group that was reinforced beginning on day 11, and one group that never received reinforcement?

Latent Learning

The hypothalamus is a complex structure that is composed of many parts. Research has shown that the _____ part of the hypothalamus receives the signals that turn hunger on and the _____ hypothalamus receives signals that turn hunger off.

Lateral; Ventromedial

Which substance is secreted by fat cells and acts as a satiety signal?


Unlike Piaget, _____ believed that cognitive development was largely the result of the child's interaction with members of his or her own culture rather than his or her interaction with objects.

Lev Vygotsky

According to psychological research, adolescence is a time of _____ for most teenagers.

Little trouble

People who have higher IQ scores are more likely to:

Make higher salaries

In the _____ subtest of the WAIS-IV, the test taker is asked to add a missing element to a pattern so that it progresses logically.

Matrix Reasoning

Carlos, a graduate student in psychology, is recording the number of wrong turns that rats make in trying to navigate a maze. He observes five rats and finds that they make 2, 3, 3, 6, and 1 errors, respectively. Calculate the mean, median and mode for the number of errors:

Mean = 3, Median = 3, Mode = 3

Most psychologists today use a _____ model to help them understand and treat psychological disorders.


_____ is the ability to store and retrieve information over time.


Our preferences for things that are familiar to us illustrates the _____ effect.


One of the greatest frustrations for dieters is that dieting often results in decreased _____, which makes it harder to lose weight.


Research has shown that, when certain groups of animals observe another engaging in a particular behavior, some of the same neurons also become active in the observer animal. This is due to the action of what type of neuron?


When a monkey performs a task, particular neurons fire. These same neurons fire when the monkey simply observes another monkey performing the same task. What is the name that researchers have given to these neurons?

Mirror Neurons

Which is NOT a requirement of the ethical code governing psychological research? A.informed consent B.monetary compensation C.freedom from coercion D.Debriefing E. confidentiality

Monetary Compensation

_____ twins are twins who develop from the splitting of a single egg that was fertilized by a single sperm, and _____ twins are twins who develop from two different eggs that were fertilized by two different sperm.

Monozygotic; dizygotic

In Stanley Milgram's infamous study, _____ of the participants delivered the highest level of shock.

More than 50% but less than 100%

_____ refers to the purpose for or cause of an action.


Chomsky believed that language-learning capacities are built into the brain. What theory of language supports this view?


Because Arnold stayed out past his curfew, his parents have taken away his cell phone for the next week. They are trying to shape his behavior using:

Negative Punishment

Marlene wants her daughter to clean her room and she knows that her daughter hates to load the dishwasher, one of her nightly chores. Marlene promises her daughter that, if she cleans her room, she will not have to load the dishwasher for one week. Marlene is hoping that not loading the dishwasher will serve as a _____ for her daughter's behavior.

Negative Reinforcer

When studying environmental contributions to intelligence, it is important to consider that siblings, while growing up in the same household, can have different experiences. Psychologists refer to these factors as:

Nonshared environment

The _____predicts that, when people are kind to us, we will return their kindness.

Norm of reciprocity

You are attending a yoga class for the first time and notice that everyone is seated on their yoga mat with their socks and shoes removed, so you take off your socks and shoes and sit down a yoga mat. Your behavior is being guided by:

Normative Influence

Which is the MOST common eating-related problem in the United States?


Justin's 4-month-old daughter loves playing with her rattle, but when she rolls out of her crib and onto the floor, she acts as if she doesn't even realize it's gone. According to Piaget, Justin's daughter has NOT yet developed:

Object Permanence

Children in Bandura's Bobo doll study demonstrated _____ when they showed aggressive behavior toward the Bobo doll.

Observational Learning

What concept does the statement, "Depression is defined as significant scores on the Beck Depression inventory (BDI), BEST Illustrate?

Operational Definition

19.Which statement is MOST true? A. There is no association between optimism, pessimism, and physical health. B. Optimists may enjoy better physical health than pessimists because they maintain social contacts, even during bouts of illness and disease. C. Optimists may enjoy better physical health than pessimists because they have a gene that makes them have stronger immune systems. D. Pessimists may enjoy better physical health than optimists because they tend to shy away from contact with others and are less likely to be exposed to illnesses. E. Pessimists may enjoy better physical health than optimists because they have a gene that makes them have stronger immune systems.

Optimists may enjoy better physical health than pessimists because they maintain social contacts, even during bouts of illness and disease.

Laura finds that she remembered the items best when she grouped them by category. For example, giraffe, lion and frog are animals and bed, sofa and table are furniture items. What encoding strategy is Laura using?

Organizational Encoding

The brain is remarkably adaptive and the functions of areas that are damaged may be taken over by other areas of the brain. What is the term for this phenomenon?


If we want to know how a group of 100 three-year-olds will perform on a computerized memory task and select 20 of the three-year-olds to actually do the task, then the group of 100 refers to our _____ and the group of 20 refers to our _____.

Population, Sample

_____ disorder is a psychological disorder characterized by chronic physiological arousal, recurrent unwanted thoughts or images of the trauma, and avoidance of things that call the event to mind.

Posttraumatic Stress

A person in Kohlberg's _____ stage of moral development would avoid an action because it would result in their punishment.


The _____ shows increased activation during explicit learning, while the _____ shows decreased activation during implicit learning.

Prefrontal Cortex, occipital Lobes ADD TO PAPER

In one study, Piaget showed children a row of cups and asked them to place an egg in each. Afterward, Piaget spread the eggs out in a long line that extended beyond the row of cups. Children who were in the _____ stage of cognitive development incorrectly claimed that there were more eggs than cups because the row of eggs was longer than the row of cups.


Thurstone proposed that there were a few stable and independent mental abilities that he referred to as _____ mental abilities.


Johannes participates in a study where he is shown a line drawing of a cat. Later, he is shown a fragmented drawing of a cat and easily identifies it as a cat but he cannot identify a fragmented drawing of a teapot. Johannes found it easier to identify the cat because of:


The _____assesses people's willingness to mutually cooperate to solve a problem.

Prisoner's dilemma

Suzanne has been having difficulty falling asleep and waking up in the morning. She has also noticed that her appetite has changed and that she has become somewhat more aggressive. What neurotransmitter is MOST likely involved in Suzanne's symptoms?


On average, how many items can be held in short-term memory?


You are trying to teach your nephew how to write his name, Noah, and you have learned from your psychology class that positive reinforcement should help you to teach Noah this new behavior. Since Noah is just learning to write, you decide to reward him at first for being able to write an N. Once he has learned this, you reward him after he writes an O. You continue teaching Noah this way until he is able to write his entire name neatly. According to Skinner, you are using what procedure to teach Noah?


What plays an important role in aiding memory consolidation?


According to _____ theory, we are more likely to stay in a relationship where the relative levels of costs and benefits seem reasonable.

Social Exchange

John is a first-year college student at a local university. He was diagnosed with a condition that involves an irrational fear of being publicly humiliated or embarrassed. John was MOST likely diagnosed with:

Social Phobia

Which symptom of schizophrenia would be considered a negative symptom?

Social Withdrawl

In a study examining the effects of stress (stress group vs. no-stress group) on memory performance, _____ is the independent variable and _____ is the dependent variable.

Stress vs no stress; memory performance

You are driving down an unfamiliar road at night and an animal darts out in front of your car. You quickly slam on the brakes and avoid hitting the animal. Your ability to respond quickly to this situation was MOST likely promoted by your:

Sympathetic Nervous System

Children's production of two-sentence words such as "more milk" or "throw ball" are referred to as _____ because they are devoid of function morphemes and consist mostly of content words.

Telegraphic Speech

Recent research investigating the effects of stress on the aging process has focused on _____, caps on the ends of each chromosome, which prevent normal cell division if they become too short.


What is the term used to describe a child's tendency toward fearfulness, activity, and positive affect?


Information that travels the "fast pathway" through the brain starts in the _____ and ends in the _____.

Thalamus; amygdala

Diseases such as multiple sclerosis usually involve a deterioration of what part of a neuron?

The myelin sheath

Which statement MOST accurately reflects scientists' conclusions regarding the polygraph? A. The polygraph is better than chance at detecting lies. B. The polygraph is better than chance at detecting lies but has a high error rate. C. The polygraph is much better than chance at detecting lies, except in the case of psychopaths. D. The polygraph is worse than chance at detecting lies. E. The polygraph is 80% to 90% accurate in detecting lies in individuals without any known pathology.

The polygraph is better than chance at detecting lies but has a high error rate.

What is one of the main reasons many people do not seek treatment for psychological disorders?

The power of labels can be stigmatizing

Damage to this area of the brain can lead people to make riskier decisions.

The prefrontal cortex

You used to be able to recite all of the lines of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven, but now find that you can only recall the first two lines. What sin of memory is this?


When researchers find that increased viewing of television soap operas is associated with increased sexual behavior, they cannot conclude that the TV viewing caused the sexual activity because some other factor, such as lack of parental supervision, might be responsible for both behaviors. This problem is known as the _____ problem.


If an observation is _____, then we can draw accurate inferences from it.


A property whose value can change over individuals or over time is a:


The occipital lobe is to _____ as the parietal lobe is to _____.

Vision; touch

Which statement is TRUE about suicidal behavior in men and women? A. While more women than men die by suicide, men are more likely than women to attempt suicide. B. Women are more likely to attempt suicide, but many more men die by suicide. C. Men and women are just as likely to attempt suicide, but many more men die by suicide. D. Although women make many more suicide attempts, roughly equal numbers of men and women die as a result of suicide. E. There are no gender differences in rates of attempted suicide or of suicide itself.

Women are more likely to attempt suicide, but many more men die by suicide.

Which statement accurately describes the experiences of men and women under stress?

Women release oxytocin when under stress, but men do not.

_____ memory refers to the active maintenance of information in short-term storage.


Which type of instructions led to the HIGHEST level of recall in research participants?

You are to rate the list of items according to how relevant they may be to your survival.

Jeannie has ADHD, and her teacher believes that all children with ADHD misbehave in the classroom. Jeannie has never misbehaved in the classroom before, but now her parents get a weekly phone call from the principal about Jeannie's bad behavior at school. Jeannie's teacher may be creating _____for Jeannie.

a self-fulfilling prophecy

As part of the limbic system, the _____ attaches significance to previously neutral events that are associated with fear, punishment, or reward.


Patients with damage to the _____ are unable to remember emotionally salient events any better than nonemotional ones.


Dr. Billings studies brain-wave patterns that occur when people are dreaming. He attaches a device to the outside of people's skulls to measure electrical activity in the brain. What type of device is he using?

an EEG

Individuals who are diagnosed with _____ as adults may have engaged in animal cruelty and fire setting when they were children or adolescents.

antisocial personality disorder

Your friend, Tammy, seems to have problems with her moods. Sometimes she seems really down and in the dumps for long periods of time, and then there are times when she has a lot of energy, doesn't need much sleep, and engages in reckless behavior that jeopardize her physical and financial safety. Tammy is MOST likely to be struggling with which disorder?

bipolar disorder

What are three characteristics that have been identified with psychological hardiness?

commitment, control, and challenge

The principle of _____ is the notion that the quantitative properties of an object are invariant despite changes in the objects appearance.


What is the disorder characterized by excessive worry accompanied by three or more of the following symptoms: restlessness, fatigue, poor concentration, irritability, and sleep disturbance?

generalized anxiety disorder

The _____ for intelligence is about .50.

heritability coefficient

The emotion fright has _____ arousal and _____ valence.

high; negative

As twins get older, their intelligence test scores become:

more similar

As individuals progress through adolescence, they spend _____ and _____.

more time with the opposite sex; the same amount of time with the same sex

For someone with _____, an action must be performed in order to alleviate anxiety associated with a recurring thought.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

In _____ love, we experience feelings of euphoria, intimacy, and intense sexual attraction, in _____ love, we experience affection, trust, and concern, for a partner's well-being.

passionate; companionate

Children's _____ of language develops faster than their _____ of language.

passive mastery; active mastery

Ba" is an example of a _____ while "and" is an example of a _____.

phoneme; morpheme

There are many reasons that contribute to our attraction to others. One of the BEST predictors in selecting and developing interpersonal and romantic relationships is:

physical proximity.

Janell holds her hand close to a fire. Her _____ neurons allow her to feel the heat, while her _____ neurons allow her to move her hand away from the fire.

sensory, motor

Research on sex education for adolescents shows that:

sex education results in teenagers delaying sexual activity.

We are more likely to marry someone who is:

similar to us in education and religion

Long-term potentiation occurs in the:


What is the name for the observation that the average person's IQ score today is about 15 points higher than it was 50 years ago?

the Flynn Effect

Brain-imaging studies using fMRI have found that individuals with high pain sensitivity show increased activation in what areas of the brain?

the anterior cingulated cortex and primary somatosensory areas

According to the moral intuitionist perspective, our moral judgments are _____ our emotional reactions.

the consequences of

Hallucinations and delusions are known as positive symptoms of schizophrenia because:

these symptoms are thoughts and behaviors present in schizophrenia but are not seen in individuals without this disorder.

Children with autism have difficulty:

understanding other people's thoughts

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