psych review- cognition

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Question 3 Peterson and Peterson demonstrated that unrehearsed short-term memories for three consonants almost completely decay in as short a time as

12 seconds

Question 4 Which pioneering researcher made extensive use of nonsense syllables in the study of human memory?


Question 50 Which of the following best illustrates psychology's current understanding of the relationship between thinking and language?

Thinking affects language, which then affects our thoughts

Question 44 When asked to indicate whether San Diego or San Antonio has more inhabitants, more German university students answered correctly than did American university students. This best illustrated the adaptive value of a(n)


Question 47 Using barely recognizable syllables to communicate meaning best illustrates a 12-month-old's developing capacity for

productive language

Question 31 A best example of a category of objects, events, or people is called a(n)


Question 27 Repeating someone's name several times shortly after being introduced to that person is an effective strategy for


Question 5 Ebbinghaus' retention curve best illustrates the value of


Question 9 Children can better remember an ancient Latin verse if the definition of each unfamiliar Latin word is carefully explained to them. This best illustrates the value of

semantic encoding

Question 39 Charles so frequently uses threats to get his children to help with household chores that he fails to recognize that using rewards would be more effective in gaining their cooperation. Charles's shortsightedness best illustrates

a fixation

Question 49 Introductory psychology students were more likely to achieve a good midterm exam grade if prior to the exam they repeatedly practiced visual imagery that involved

a process simulation.

Question 17 A person who has trouble forgetting information, such as the Russian memory whiz "S," often seems to have a limited capacity for

abstract thinking

Question 43 People are often positively impressed by research that supports their own point of view. Asking them whether they would have been equally impressed by the same research if it had provided results that disputed their point of view is likely to inhibit

belief perseverance

Question 33 A prototype is a

best example of a particular category

Question 8 Sherry easily remembers the telephone reservation number for Holiday Inns by using the mnemonic 1-800-HOLIDAY. She is using a memory aid known as


Question 32 Prototypes are especially important in the process of

classifying objects

Question 29 Which term refers to all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating?


Question 30 Professor Pegler's research efforts focus on how the use of heuristics influences the way people assess financial risks. Which specialty area does his research best represent?

cognitive psychology

Question 37 Amira has such low self-esteem that she typically expects critical comments about her appearance and behavior. Amira's behavior best illustrates the dangers of

confirmation bias

Question 25 Compared with false memories, true memories are more likely to

contain detailed information

Question 34 Intrinsic motivation is thought to be an important component of


Question 18 Austin can't remember Jack Smith's name because he wasn't paying attention when Jack was formally introduced. Austin's poor memory is best explained in terms of

encoding failure

Question 28 By taking text and class notes in your own words you are improving memory by

encoding memory semantically

Question 38 Some people are unable to arrange six matches to form four equilateral triangles because they fail to consider a three-dimensional arrangement. This best illustrates the effects of ________ on problem solving.


Question 26 Mrs. Ramos claims to remember being sexually abused by her father when she was less than a year old. Memory experts are most likely to doubt the reliability of her memory due to their awareness of

infantile amnesia

Question 35 A sudden realization of the solution to a problem is called


Question 36 After spending two hours trying to solve an engineering problem, Amira finally gave up. As she was trying to fall asleep that night, a solution to the problem popped into her head. Amira's experience best illustrates


Question 45 Experienced chicken sexers can tell you a chick's sex at a glance, yet cannot tell you how they do it. Their acquired expertise is such an automatic habit that it feels like


Question 1 Which type of memory has an essentially unlimited capacity?

long-term memory

Question 21 Compulsive gamblers frequently recall losing less money than is actually the case. Their memory failure best illustrates

motivated forgetting

Question 14 Rehearsal is to encoding as retrieval cues are to


Question 15 Watching a TV soap opera involving marital conflict and divorce led Fatima to recall several instances in which her husband had mistreated her. The effect of the TV program on Fatima's recall provides an example of


Question 46 Morphemes are

the smallest speech units that carry meaning

Question 22 A type of motivated forgetting in which anxiety-arousing memories are blocked from conscious awareness is known as


Question 16 Mood-congruent memory refers to the effect of emotional states on the process of


Question 23 Repression most clearly involves a failure in


Question 13 Words, events, places, and emotions that trigger our memory of the past are called

retrieval cues

Question 19 The title of a song is on the tip of Gerardo's tongue, but he cannot recall it until someone mentions the songwriter's name. Gerardo's initial inability to recall the title was most likely caused by

retrieval failure

Question 12 The tendency to immediately recall the first and last items in a list better than the middle items is known as the ________ effect.

serial position

Question 10 When learning occurs through classical conditioning, the sea slug, Aplysia, releases more ________ at certain synapses.


Question 20 Two people learned nonsense syllables and then tried to recall them after up to eight hours had elapsed. John Jenkins and Karl Dallenbach observed that forgetting occurred least rapidly when the individuals spent their time


Question 24 After attending group therapy sessions for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, Karen mistakenly remembered details from others' traumatic life stories as part of her own life history. This best illustrates the dangers of

source amnesia

Question 41 Tapes of abducted and brutalized children may lead many parents to experience exaggerated fears of letting their children walk to school. The exaggerated fears best illustrate the impact of

the availability heuristic

Question 42 Many people perceive carjackings as more serious threats to their lives than failing to use seatbelts because carjackings are so much more memorable. This best illustrates the importance of

the availability heuristic

Question 6 Visually associating five items needed from the grocery store with mental images of a bun, a shoe, a tree, a door, and a hive best illustrates the use of

the peg-word system

Question 40 Jerome believes that his 4-year-old grandson is a hyperactive child because the boy's constant movement resembles Jerome's prototype of hyperactivity. Jerome's thinking best illustrates

the representativeness heuristic.

Question 11 The day after Kirsten was introduced to 13 people at a business luncheon, she could recall the names of only the first 4 people to whom she had been introduced. Her effective recall of these particular names best illustrates the impact of

the serial position effect

Question 48 Children begin to demonstrate that they know how to put words in a sensible order during the ________ stage.


Question 7 Mnemonic devices such as the peg-word system make effective use of

visual imagery

Question 2 Iconic memory is to echoic memory as ________ is to ________.

visual stimulation; auditory stimulation

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