Psych test #3

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Incorporating objects, experiences, or information into existing schemas.


The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is _____.


The main class of male sex hormones is:

Sexual conduct is unlawful only when it is unwelcome.

Which of the following statements is true of sexual harassment in the workplace?

social facilitation.

A bicyclist claims that bicycle racing times would be faster if individuals raced in groups, because the knowledge of being in a group produces more energy to perform better. The bicyclist's claim is based on the concept of:

an individual will go to any length to avoid the situation that he fears

A fear becomes a phobia when _____.


The group of drugs known as SSRIs work primarily by interfering with the reabsorption of _____ in the brain.

Social cognitive

_____ perspectives on personality emphasize that personality is primarily unconscious.

integrity test

"If you receive an extra cheeseburger when you go through the drive-thru, is it okay to keep it?" In the context of the employee selection process, this could be a question from a(n) _____.


Alfred Adler's approach was known as _____ psychology.


When a person's blood sugar level falls too low, he feels:

It is any agent that causes a birth defect.

Which of the following best defines teratogen?


According to Fortune Magazine one company was selected four times in the 10 years surveyed as the Number ONE Best place to work in the US. What company was it?

interviewer illusion.

"I don't need fancy tests or inventories; I can read people like books." This statement from an interviewer reflects the tendency of:

object permanence.

"Out of sight, out of mind" can describe the behavior of a child who has not mastered the concept of:


Felicia tells her mother that she failed the biology test because her professor made the test too difficult. Felicia is attributing her performance to _____ factors.

he chose to develop his full potential.

Gus, a successful manager, quits his job and joins college at the age of forty to study art. A proponent of Abraham Maslow's humanistic theory would most likely argue that Gus went back to college because:

perception that the pay is fair.

In terms of salary, an important predictor of job satisfaction is the:


Loggerhead turtles lay their eggs underground, in sandy beaches. As soon as the eggs hatch, the infant turtles crawl out of their nests and move toward the sea. Which of following best describes this pattern of behavior?

group decision making

Risky shift and group polarization are aspects of _____.

free association

Rowan, a psychodynamic therapist, encourages his clients to express their thoughts and desires as and when they come to their mind. According to Freud, it can then be concluded that Rowan is implementing the _____ method.


The ability to multiply two numbers together falls under _____ development.


The documentary titled "56 Up" is a great example of a _____________ study in development.

cognitive therapy.

The therapy that is based on the assumption that psychological problems are due to self-defeating and irrational thoughts is:


Which of the following is a common negative symptom of schizophrenia?

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Which of the following is a projective test?

Transactional leaders work within the goals of an existing organizational system and step in only when a problem arises.

Which of the following statements is true of transactional leadership?

A chronically lonely person

According to research in the area of health and social psychology, who among the following is likely to have the earliest death?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Alex cannot control his impulse to wash his hands every five minutes. He washes his hands almost 100 times a day because he is terrified of being contaminated by germs. If Alex doesn't wash his hands, he experiences overwhelming anxiety. In the context of anxiety and anxiety-related disorders, it can be inferred that Alex is most likely to be diagnosed with _____.


Calico Inc. manufactures computer chairs that are designed to prevent muscular strain and provide back rest. These chairs have been specifically engineered for office workers who spend several hours a day in front of their computers. The managers of Calico Inc. claim that their computer chairs are aimed at promoting worker efficiency and safety. Which of the following disciplines have the engineers at Calico used in developing their chairs?


Candice routinely blows every little setback out of proportion. For example, when she forgot to turn in her algebra homework, she was convinced that she would fail the class. Candice is also in the habit of blaming herself for negative events. She believes that she is solely responsible for all her failures and that she can never improve. In the context of disorders involving emotion and mood, Candice is at a greater risk of developing _____.

work sample

Dave, a graphic designer, has applied for a job at Animatrix Co., an animation studio. When he is called for the interview, Dave is asked to carry his portfolio along with him. His portfolio contains copies of the brochures, illustrations, and advertisements that he's designed. In this scenario, Dave's graphic portfolio is an example of a(n) _____.

hoarding disorder

Diana is afraid to throw things away because she feels that she might need them in the future. Consequently, Diana compulsively collects and stores large quantities of old newspapers, broken crockery, and old clothes. In the context of OCD-related disorders, Diana's excessive acquisition of objects and her inability to discard them are typical characteristics of _____.


Erica, a thirty-year-old woman, has been in a relationship with Cassandra, another woman, for over three years. Erica has always been sexually attracted to members of the same sex and has dated two other women in the past. Erica's sexual orientation can best be described as _____.

sensory experiences that occur in the absence of real stimuli

Hallucinations are _____.

Harold will lose interest in eating.

Harold was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. Harold's lateral hypothalamus was damaged as a result of the accident. Under such circumstances, which of the following is most likely to occur in the context of hunger and eating disorders?

social role theory

Harry, a fourteen-year-old, wants to join the army when he is eighteen. He believes that defending the country is a man's job, because men are brave and physically stronger than women. Harry's beliefs and expectations about the responsibilities of men can best be explained by the _____.


In the context of social influence, Solomon Asch's experiment demonstrates _____.

focus on other activities rather than the forbidden activity.

In the context of the "Stanford Marshmallow Experiments", research on delayed gratification indicates that the best way to resist temptation is to:


In the context of types of therapy, psychoanalysis is a _____ therapy.

a sensation seeker

Indiana Jones goes off to foreign lands in search of artifacts hidden in dangerous places and guarded by fierce protectors. Dr. Jones would be described as __________ in arousal theory.

bipolar disorder

Lithium is considered as an effective mood stabilizing drug to treat _____.

intrinsic motivation.

Many elementary school teachers offer prizes to students who read the most books during an academic year. The failure of many students to read books during the summer vacations may be due to a lack of:


Of the big five personality traits, _____ might well be the most important in terms of health and longevity issues.


Puberty marks the onset of:

prosocial behaviors

Random acts of kindness, such as helping a visually impaired person cross the street, are examples of _____.

post-traumatic stress disorder

Seven months ago, Sandra was involved in a serious car accident. Even though she recovered fully from her injuries, she is still troubled by nightmares and flashbacks of the scene of the accident. Now, Sandra refuses to drive and insists only on using public transport. She is in a constant state of anxiety and has trouble sleeping. In the context of anxiety and anxiety-related disorders, it can be inferred that Sandra shows symptoms suggestive of _____.

Cognitive restructuring

Since her teacher criticized her term paper, Judy thinks herself to be stupid. Thus, she is depressed. She no longer wants to study. Judy visits a therapist who helps her identify her irrational belief and facilitates in the process of changing this belief. Which of the following therapies has been implemented by Judy's therapist?


Stanley Milgram's experiment demonstrated the effect of _____.

assembly line

The advent of _____ demonstrates the spirit of scientific management and its emphasis on efficiency.

the brain, genetic, and neurotransmitter functioning in the development of psychological disorders

The biological approach to psychological disorders is most likely to focus on _____.

perception, attention, and cognition. learning theories. social and environmental psychology.

Today, ergonomics specialists have expertise in:

Cameron likes animated movies because he has watched and enjoyed all of them.

When Cameron was asked if he liked animated movies, he said yes. According to the self-perception theory, which of the following statements is the best explanation for Cameron's answer?

self-serving bias

When Karen does poorly on a weekly test, she blames it on the distractions she had at school that week. In this scenario, Karen is using the _____ to justify her performance on the test.


When asked about his perspective on his current occupation, Joy said, "its work. It's not hard to learn. I don't get to call the shots or do what I want. I just work here." With regard to the study conducted by Wrzesniewski on the meaning of work, Joy views his occupation as a:

Its emphasis on conscious thoughts

Which of the following features distinguishes humanistic therapies from psychodynamic therapies?

Native Americans

Which of the following groups has the highest suicide rate among all the other demographic groups in the United States?


Which of the following is a class of drugs administered on patients with anxiety disorders?

The tendency to ruminate negative thoughts is associated with the development of depression.

Which of the following statements is true of the role of psychological factors in depression?

Abnormal behavior interferes with a person's ability to function effectively in the world.

Which of the following statements is true regarding abnormal behavior?


Which of the following terms means that even in the face of adversity, a person shows signs of positive functioning?

James-Lange theory

Which of the following theories of emotion is best supported by the facial feedback hypothesis?

Depression and heart disease are correlated and the risk of heart disease can be reduced by treating depression.

Which statement best reflects that psychotherapy for depression may have an impact on heart disease?


_____ is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world.


_____ is a relationship between an experienced employee and a novice in which the more experienced employee serves as an advisor, a sounding board, and a source of support for the newer employee.

Generalized anxiety disorder

_____ is an anxiety disorder that is marked by persistent anxiety for at least 6 months and in which the individual is unable to specify the reasons for this state.


_____ is an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the person belongs to that group.

collective unconscious

According to Jung, the deepest, impersonal layer of the unconscious mind that is shared by all humans is called the _____.

genes childhood experiences gender

According to the biopsychosocial model of psychological disorders, abnormal behavior can be influenced by _____.

changing their attitudes to fit the behavior.

According to the cognitive dissonance theory, when attitudes and behavior conflict, individuals are most likely to reduce cognitive dissonance by:


Caroline has volunteered to work with the underprivileged children who are participants in her professor's literacy project. She is hoping that her professor will take this into consideration when calculating her grades. In this scenario, Caroline is demonstrating an expectation of _____.


Chad is keen on getting into the best college in the state. However, the college rejects his Apply. When comforted by his parents, Chad explains that he is not disappointed because if he had been accepted by the college, he would have had to move away from home. In this scenario, Chad's explanation best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____.

individual commitment

Charles works as a program analyst for Devon Co., an IT company. He feels a strong sense of belonging toward the company and works with both dedication and enthusiasm. At times, he even boasts to his friends that his company is one of the best in the industry. In the context of organizational psychology, Charles seems to have a strong sense of _____.

quid pro quo sexual harassment.

During a job interview, the interviewer asks Samantha sexually explicit questions. When Samantha expresses discomfort in answering such questions, the interviewer tells her that she would be hired only if she answers the questions. This scenario exemplifies:


Jack kisses his girlfriend, Sarah, for the first time. The muscle tension she feels in her genital area is characteristic of the _____ phase of the human sexual response pattern.

id and superego

Kiara finds an abandoned wallet with $300 in it and no identification. In the context of Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Kiara's decision to keep the money or turn it in will cause the greatest conflict between her _____.

diathesis-stress model

The _____ is a theory suggesting that preexisting conditions, such as genetic characteristics, personality dispositions, or experiences, may put a person at risk of developing a psychological disorder.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

The _____ is the name of the manual that was published in 1952 by the American Psychiatric Association for the major classification of psychological disorders in the United States.

preferential looking

The _____ technique in studying infant perception involves searching for a reliable preference for one stimulus over another.

Job satisfaction

_____ refers to the extent to which a person is content in his or her job.


a concept of framework that organizes and interprets information

Role conflict

Aaron works as a marketing associate for Media Cloud Inc. He is currently working on an important project with a tight deadline. He receives a call informing him that his father has been hospitalized after a mild heart attack. Aaron is perplexed whether to leave for the hospital immediately or meet his father after the day's work. Which of the following best describes Aaron's dilemma in this scenario?

satisfy his physiological needs.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, before a person can feel safe, he needs to:

the adjustment of current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences.

According to Piaget, accommodation refers to:

when one is moderately aroused.

According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, optimum performance is achieved:

The United States

Anorexia nervosa is a culture-related disorder that is common among individuals residing in _____.

its caregivers.

Infant attachment is defined as the close emotional bond between an infant and:

formal operational

Jason is working on a problem for his science class and is systematically going over every possible outcome. Jason is in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

KSAs are a term for common elements in a person-oriented job analysis. KSA is an acronym for:

reaction formation

Patrick has been confused about his sexual orientation for a few years. Even though he has had many girlfriends, he often feels attracted to men. However, in college, he strongly opposes the idea of same-sex relationships among his friends. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Patrick's supposed homophobia best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____.

monitor physiological responses.

Polygraph examiners can:


Sandra and Ian have been happily married for the past five years. However, Ian recently discovered that Sandra is having an affair with his best friend and is completely devastated. Upon questioning his wife, she states that she does not receive the emotional support that she expects from him. Ian narrates this incident to his friend who then recommends that he seek _____ therapy from a marital counselor.

social loafing.

Six people are competing in a tug-of-war competition. First, they compete as individuals, and then they compete as a team. It is observed that when they are competing as a team their combined effort level is less than the sum of their individual efforts. In the context of group influence, this reduction in effort when competing as a team is most likely due to the effect of:

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

The most widely used and researched empirically keyed self-report personality test is the _____.

Women are more responsive to negative stimuli and men are more responsive to positive stimuli.

Which of the following is a difference between men and women in the context of emotion, empathy, and helping?


Which of the following is an example of a high-arousal negative emotion?


_____ refers to a psychological state in which a person's perceptions and thoughts are fundamentally removed from reality.


adjusting schemas to fit new information and experiences


A congenital condition in which an individual has genitals that are not clearly male or female is called _____.


The goal of the drive reduction theory is _____.

unconditional positive regard; self-concept

According to Rogers's humanistic theory, if Gretel receives _____ from her parents, she is least likely to face problems associated with her _____.

an individual's biological inheritance.

According to developmental psychologists, nature refers to:

When the person has a vested interest in the issue

According to studies over the past half-century, which of the following is a condition under which a person's attitude will guide his or her actions?


Amanda is unable to form healthy relationships with men due to her traumatic experience of sexual abuse by her father when she was a child. As a result, her friend Clarice takes her to Dr. Jones, a well-known psychoanalyst, for therapy. However, Amanda opts out of therapy after a few sessions since Dr. Jones resembles her father. According to Freud, Amanda's reason for quitting the therapy sessions was due to the phenomenon of:

Ricky's need for belongingness is not being met.

At age thirty-three, Ricky is a highly ranked partner in a law firm. He lives by himself and doesn't find the time to socialize. He has a lavish house with an elaborate security system and owns a luxurious sports car. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, which of the following can best explain Ricky's discontentment with life?

punishments or rewards.

At the preconventional level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development, individuals decide right and wrong based on:

id; superego

Brandon attempts to convince his girlfriend, Katherine, to have sex with him. Even though Katherine loves and desires him, her religious beliefs do not permit her to have sex before marriage. According to Freud's structures of personality, Katherine's desire to have sex with Brandon is most likely dictated by her _____. Her decision not to engage in premarital sex is most likely dictated by her _____.

psychological disorders that involve a sudden loss of memory or change in identity due to the separation of an individual's conscious awareness from previous memories

Dissociative disorders are _____.

antisocial personality disorder

Donald is a successful, but immoral businessman. He feels no remorse in exploiting other people for his own personal gain. He would do whatever it takes to get to the top even if it involves cheating, lying, and hurting others. In the context of personality disorders, it can be inferred that Donald exhibits the symptoms of _____.


Each time Darren listens to the radio, he believes that he is receiving a secret message from the government. He spends most of his days trying to warn others about an impending invasion that the voice on his radio has been telling him about. Hence, it can be inferred that Darren is most likely suffering from _____.

assembly line.

Food & Fun Inc., a hamburger fast food restaurant, systematizes its operations in such a way that one person is in charge of grilling, another person is in charge of dressing the edible items, and the third person delivers the orders to the customers. The unassembled burger ingredients are moved from one worker to another via a small motorized conveyor belt. Food & Fun is probably following a pattern of:

cognitive dissonance

Gary's mother tells him that he must complete his homework before he goes out to play. Gary does not like to disobey his mother but he really wants to go out and play. He convinces himself that his mother has been mean to him lately so he can disobey her just this one time without feeling guilty. Gary is trying to change his attitude to fit his behavior most likely to reduce the _____ he is experiencing.

identity versus identity confusion.

If 20-year-old Peter is unsure of what he should do with his life and where he fits in, Erikson would most likely agree that Peter did not successfully complete the stage of:

aversive conditioning

If a therapist gives Henry, who is suffering from alcoholism, a drink laced with a nausea-inducing drug so that he feels like throwing up after drinking the alcohol, it can be concluded that the therapist is implementing the technique of _____.

recognize that the quantity of a substance remains the same despite changes in its shape.

If children cannot grasp the concept of conservation, they are unable to:

were more attached to artificial mothers who provided milk.

In Harry Harlow's classic attachment study, they found that monkeys:

a client's way of relating to the analyst in order to relive his or her important relationships.

In psychoanalysis, the term transference refers to:


In the context of evolutionary psychology, _____ occurs among members of the same sex as they vie for the opportunity to mate with members of the opposite sex.

Electroconvulsive therapy

Ivan is suffering from a severe episode of major depressive disorder. According to the biological methods, which of the following treatment approaches will be useful in reducing his symptoms in the short-run and provide rapid relief to the person's mood?

Neglectful parent

Parents are generally uninvolved Correlated with less social competence and poor self-control in child

supports the use of accommodations that permit qualified individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of a job.

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990:


The Angry/Happy Man experiment (Schachter & Singer, 1962) demonstrated that identical physiological activation could be felt as two quite divergent emotions. This demonstrated the importance of ___________ interpretation in determing emotions.

The central route is effective when people have the ability and the motivation to pay attention, while the peripheral route is not.

Which of the following is a difference between the central and peripheral route to persuasion?

Relaxation exercises

Which of the following is a part of the process of systematic desensitization?


Which of the following is an element recognized by Carl Rogers as one that is essential for human growth?


Which of the following is the LEAST used biological intervention for patients with severe psychological disorders?

People with this disorder show an excessive attachment to moral codes and are excessively orderly in daily life.

Which of the following is true of people suffering from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?

Companies' use of cheaper labor in other countries is one of the reasons behind the disappearance of many long-term careers in the US.

Which of the following is true of the meaning of work?

How much did your anxiety subside after you washed your hands?

Which of the following questions is a behavioral therapist more likely to ask rather than a psychoanalyst?

A change in a person's behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard

Which of the following statements best defines conformity?

The studies suggest that workers tend to work harder when they are aware that their performance is being studied.

Which of the following statements is true of the Hawthorne studies?

longitudinal study

A(n) _____ assesses the same participants multiple times over a lengthy period.


An instinct is a tendency that is __________.


An object or activity that arouses sexual interest and desire is called a _____.

experiences fit into his or her preexisting schemas.

Assimilation allows the person to enjoy a feeling of meaning, because:

biological approach to gender development

Dr. Watson is interested in the effects of higher than normal amounts of testosterone on the gender of embryos. Dr. Watson's interest fits best into the area of the _____.

Permissive parent

Parents are involved, but place few limits

physical arousal; labeling

Schachter and Singer proposed that two things have to happen before emotion occurs: __________ and __________.

sympathetic division of the nervous system

Which division of the nervous system is working when we experience emotions?


Drives serve to activate responses that are aimed at reducing the drive, thereby returning the body to a more normal state called __________.

there are few tempting alternatives for the partners.

From the perspective of the investment model of close relationships, long-term relationships are most likely to continue when:


George's cubicle at work is spotless. Every item on his desk is arranged according to how frequently he needs it. He gets agitated if something is moved or rearranged. A proponent of Freud's psychoanalytic theory might argue that George is fixated at the _____ stage of psychosexual development.

sexual script

Jack and his new girlfriend, Samantha, are having sexual intercourse with each other for the first time. Even though Jack's focus is on achieving orgasm, he spends time on foreplay and increasing Samantha's pleasure, because he knows that this will increase her sexual satisfaction and make her appreciate him more. Jack's idea of what is expected of him sexually is known as a _____.

They both have brains in which the right hemisphere is larger in comparison to the left hemisphere.

Jessica, a young woman, has a strong sexual preference for other women while Jim, a 30-year-old man, is only interested in dating women. In the context of sexual orientation, what similarities do Jessica and Jim most likely share in terms of brain structure?

transgender individual

Joanna was born a girl. However, she never identifies herself as female. She refers to herself as Joe and dresses like a boy. Joanna is angry or irritable if anyone treats her like a girl. She is unable to accept the fact that she is biologically a female. In the context of sex and gender, Joanna is most likely a(n) _____.


John, who is jealous of his older brother, states that his older brother hates him and is jealous of him. This scenario best illustrates the defense mechanism of _____.

Normative social influence

Joyce has the potential to be an honor student. However, she frustrates her teachers because of her actions. Rather than using her skills to excel, she tends to hide her intellectual abilities to act more like the students she is friends with. She sometimes answers questions incorrectly just to be more like her friends. In the context of the key aspects of social influence, which of the following perspectives explains Joyce's behavior most accurately?

decreasing food intake.

Leptin and cholecystokinin (CCK) are similar in that they are both associated with:

evolutionary psychology approach to gender development

Male zebra finches have brightly colored feathers and begin to sing at puberty. The females are duller in appearance and lack singing ability. The males use musical mating calls to compete with each other for female attention. Since the females are primarily responsible for reproduction, they have to choose the most suitable males to mate with. This type of selection best illustrates the _____.

anorexia nervosa.

Mariah is an adolescent. She idolizes Gisele Bundchen, the famous supermodel. Mariah desires to be skinny like Gisele because she believes that being thin is considered attractive. In her pursuit of losing weight, Maria often refrains from eating for several full days. She begins to fear the thought of gaining weight and is not satisfied even when she loses weight. Mariah is most likely suffering from:


Mia intends to examine the impact of mother-child interactions during play-time on cognitive development among toddlers. Mia should adopt the _____ method to conduct her study.

social cognitive

The _____ approach to gender development suggests that gender behavior is learned through reward and punishment, observational learning, and modeling.


The _____ phase of the human sexual response pattern involves the continuation and heightening of sexual arousal.

resolution phase

The most significant difference between males and females in the human sexual response pattern identified by Masters and Johnson occurs at the _____.

Beverly, who loves experimenting with life

Which of the following individuals is most likely to obtain a high score on the openness trait of the big five factors of personality?

Older adults tend to not do as well as younger adults in most aspects of memory.

Which of the following is a difference between older and younger adults?

Sexual behavior refers to activities that are involved in reproduction. Sexual behavior refers to activities that lead to arousal and a sexual response. Sexual behavior refers to activities that are pleasurable to a specific individual.

Which of the following is an acceptable definition of sexual behavior?


Which of the following neurotransmitters is released during the orgasm phase of the human sexual response pattern?


Which of the following perspectives of personality primarily stress a person's capacity for personal growth and positive human qualities?


Which of the following sexual practices involves no risk of a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?


Which of the following sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is bacterial in origin?

Erectile dysfunction is more likely to occur with age.

Which of the following statements is true of the disorders of sexual desire and sexual response in men?


Which psychologist articulated the steps of cognitive development from infancy to adulthood?


_____ is the defense mechanism used when the ego shifts feelings toward an unacceptable object to another, more acceptable object.


_____ is the neurotransmitter most closely linked to learning that certain behaviors are rewarding.


_____ is the personality trait most strongly associated with prosocial behaviors.


_____ is the specialization of function in one hemisphere of the brain or the other.

Social cognitive

_____ perspectives on personality emphasize conscious awareness, beliefs, expectations, and goals.


_____ refers to the social and psychological aspects of being male or female.

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