Psych Test 3b

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Hypnotism was discovered by?


Which kinds of animals tend to sleep more than others?


During which stage of sleep are the major postural muscles most relaxed?

REM sleep

After students graduate from college, what happens to their memory of a foreign language that they studied in college?

Their memory remains stable for the first 3-6 years and then begins to fade steadily from then on.

You look at a series of gauges. Most have their indicators pointing at the same direction but one is pointing a different direction. You notice the odd ball. This pattern indicates that you found the discrepant indicator by

a preattentive process

Biological rhythms of wakefulness and sleepiness are controlled by?

a small area in the brain

What is a prototype?

a typical example of a category

Suppose astronausts are on a flight to another planet. The temperature and lighting of the spacecraft remain constant at all times. When will the astronauts become sleepy?

about once every 24-25 hours

Probably the best explanation for the classic Stroop effect would be that

one response dominates, perhaps automatically, and it will interfere with the less dominant response

The concept of working memory is roughly synonymous with

one's current sphere of attention

The concept of prototypes suggests that:

people decide whether an item is a member of a category by comparing it to familiar or typical examples

"change blindness" refers to the phenomenon that

people looking at a scene often fail to notice something that changes

Which of the following provides evidence that our 24-hour sleep-waking cycle is the result of a built-in mechanism?

people who live in a near-polar region still generate close to a 24-hour cycle of sleeping and being awake

Remembering how to ride your bike is an example of

procedural memory

The ability to find a way to express new ideas of different ways of expressing old ideas demonstrates what feature of language?


The quick jump your eyes make from one focus point to another is called


your visual processing becomes inactive during


You say you cannot remember the geography you learned in junior high school. Someone tests whether you can relearn it faster than you learned it the first time.Which method of testing memory is this?


When people are made to focus on only one letter in the middle of a sentence, they typically can

see several letters on both the right and the left of the focus letter

If a person practices a difficult new motor task before going to sleep

the brain areas that were active during the learning of the task become active during sleep

Psychologists use the term memory to refer to

the process of retaining information as well as to the information retained

People can often work on two unrelated tasks with less interference between the tasks than one might expect. This fact has been taken as support for the idea that

working memory is made up of more than one component

In the traditional information-processing model, one difference between short-term memory and long-term memory is that...

you forget many short-term memories almost as soon as your attention is distracted; long term memories can be available at any time

Some people describe themselves as "morning people", while others describe themselves as "evening people". Which of the following statements is true regarding that distinction?

"evening people" have low body temperatures in the morning that gradually rise during the day.

How many fixations per second does a typical reader have when reading an average page of text?


A complete sleep cycle from stage 1 to stage 4 and back to stage 1 again lasts about

90 to 100 minutes

Edgar suffers a stroke on the left side of his brain and as a result has a condition characterized by inability to produce speech and difficulties using and understanding grammatical devices. This condition is known as _____ aphasia


In Ebbinghaus's studies of memorization of nonsense syllables, who did the memorizing?

Ebbinghaus himself

Which of the following is true regarding when ground squirrels awaken from hibernation?

Males wake up prior to the time females are sexually receptive

Logan has no trouble sleeping at night but he feels sleepy during much of the day, sometimes suffering sudden attacks of sleepiness. He is probably suffering from?


Which of the following would you be most likely to find by a "preattentive" process?

One red object among a group of gray and white ones

A person suffering spatial neglect would show all of the following except?

Only attending to people who approach from the person's left side

A cognitive psychologists wants to learn about how a person thinks when solving a problem. What is the primary difficulty with simply asking people to describe their own thought process?

People are not always aware of how they solve particular problems

Which of the following is most likely to occur during sleep?

The brain engages in some restorative processes during sleep

What is paradoxical about paradoxical sleep?

The brain is active, but the muscles are relaxed

Edna suffers a stroke and is left with a condition characterized by difficulty recalling the names of objects and impaired comprehension of language. Theis condition is known as _____ aphasia


One unusual feature of implicit memory is that

a person can have an implicit memory without having any conscious recognition of a memory

WHich of the following is NOT an example of unconscious perception?

a person with spatial neglect only puts clothes on the right side of his body when getting dressed

When reading, we generally read

about 11 characters at one time

Research in the 1950's suggested that the capacity of short-term memory is

about seven items

The "attentional blink" is a brief period of time

after perceiving one stimulus when it is difficult to perceive a second stimulus

The Where's Waldo books present elaborate drawings, each of which contains the character Walkdo embedded somewhere in the drawing. Finding Waldo requires

an attentive process

Viewing memory as a process in which items enter memory and go from a brief sensory store to a short-term temporary memory to a long-term permanent memory is an example of...

an information-processing model

The encoding specificity principle refers to the fact that retrieval cues are more effective in stimulating a memory if those retrieval cues...

are similar to the environmental context at learning

What is trus of a child's language development

as early as age 2 1/2 to 3 years old, childrens language errors imply that they are using grammatical rules

Children begin to use grammatical rules, such as how to make a plural,

at an early age, even 2-3 years old

In what way is identifying a suspect from a lineup similar to taking a multiple choice test?

both are a form of a recognition memory test

Sleep apnea is a condition in which people have trouble

breathing while they sleep

The savings method of testing memory

can detect weaker memories than the recall method

People who seem to have forgotten some information may be able to remember that same information if you...

change the method of testing

If you remember the 12-digit number "100110021003" as the three numbers "1001-1002-1003" you improve your ability to recall it by means of


A rhythm of activity and inactivity that lasts about a day is called a

circadian rhythm

The study of how people think, acquire knowledge, imagine, plan, and solve problems is called _______ psychology


Which of the following has been used to explain the word-superiority effect?

connectionist models

The subjective experience of perceiving oneself and other entities is known as


Suppose I asked you to tell me the names of the members of your third-greade class. To help you out, I provide all of their first and last initials. This is an example of what memory test?

cued recall

your history professor gives you a list of the initials of all the U.S. presidents and vice presidents and asks you to fill in the names. What king of memory test is this?

cued recall

If asked to tell your social security number, you are being asked to perform a _____ memory test.


Memory improves when there is an increase in

depth of processing

During REM sleep

dreaming is likely to occur

memory for a specific life events such as graduating from high school, of getting married, is known as

episodic memory

During reading, the eyes alternate between fixations and saccades. Reading--in the sense of understanding the words--occurs during

fixations only

Your friend asks you to name the seven dwarves from "Snow White". This is a _____ memory test.

free recall

According to Sigmund Freud, every dream is based on

fulfillment of a wish

Circadian rhythms are controlled by _____, so people's sleep-wake cycles are _____.


Language is easily learned by humans because the human brain

has areas that are specialized for language

When comparing human memory to a computer, most psychologists today would agree...

human memory is really not similar to computers

Our best evidence for the importance of early development in human language learning is the fact that

if deaf children are not exposed to some sort of sign language by age 12, they will never learn it well

Which method of testing memory is most likely to show signs of memory even in people who claim that they do not remember something at all?


You are asked to sketch a picture of your general psychology lecture hall. While you never actually tried to remember the types of chairs and the color of the carpet, you are told that your drawings has a # of correct features. Your memory for your classroom would be an example of...

implicit memory

Hypnosis is a condition of

increased suggestibility

The language acquisition device

is a built-in mechanism for acwuiring language in humans

The rate of prgression through the stages of language ability

is approximately the same in all languages and cultures

One reason why "muh-muh" is the word for mother in so many languages is that

it is easy for infants to make that sound

The ability to understand sentences such as "this store sells horse shoes, and that store sells alligator shoes" depends on our

knowledge about the world

measurements of brain activity during a binocular rivalry task involving the flashing of two stimuli at different rates shower

large portions of the brain become activated according to which stimulus is consciously perceived.

Which of these types of memory can store the largest amount of information? (greatest capacity)

long-term memory

Mesmer's idea of animal magnetism

made physicians and scientists associate hypnosis with eccentrics

The suprachiasmatic nucleus is a structure at the base of the brain known to be involved in

maintaining circadian rhythms

People performing a Stroop task will generally

make many errors stating the color name instead of the color the word is printed in

Freud believe that dreams had two levels of meaning, the _____ content, which is the content that appears on the surface, and the ____ content, which is hidden and only represented symbolically.


Research on reading indicates that we typically read short, familiar words

more than just one word at a time

each unit of meaning in a word is called a


Whales and dolphins have evolved their sleep patterns so they

only sleep in half of their brains at a given time

Each letter or short combination of letters in a language that forms a unit of sound is known as a


The ____ effect is a tendency to remember the first items on a list; the _____ effect is a tendency to remember the last items.


The presentation of previous stimuli that facilitates one to think of a certain object or concept is called?


After you witness a robbery, you have trouble describing the thief. The police show you several photographs and ask whether any of them was the thief. They are checking your memory by which method?


People experiencing the beta effect would likely report

seeing a light moving even though there is no moving light

Your memory of the rules of basketball or golf is a type of

semantic memory

The "central executive" aspect of working memory is responsible for

shifting attention

In the 1960s and 1970s Gardner and Gardner were able to teach a chimpanzee to communicate by

sign language

The brain activity associated with REM sleep is most similar to that associated with

stage 1 sleep

The levels-of-processing principle distinguishes between

strengths of various long-term memories

The sequence of words as they are actually spoken or written is called the ____ of language

surface structure

The sentence "Never threaten someone with a chain saw" can mean at least two very different things. This sentence has one ____ and at least two ______.

surface structure...deep structures

If a flashing light alternates between two locations, it can appear to be moving back and forth, This is known as?

the phi effect

Why is it impossible for sleepwalking to occur during REM sleep?

the postural muscles are so relaxed that they would not support a person

the main contribution of the levels-of-processing principle is that it accounts for

the varying strengths of long-term memories

An evolutionary theory of sleep, supported by the sleeping habits of different animals, would propose sleep evolved to complement

their natural ways of life, including eating, migrating, and staying out of danger

In the experiment by Peterson and Peterson that demonstrated the decay of short-term memory over 20 seconds, why did they ask their subjects to count backward by threes during the delay?

to preven rehearsal

Ebbinghaus used nonsense syllables in his experiments on memory because nonsense syllables are...


The basic conclusion about attention from the research on change blindness is that

we notice a few details (depending on what we paid attention to) but otherwise we retain the gist of a scene

In general, our attention is drawn to

whatever is unusual given the current context.

When an experimenter flashes the letter P on the screen for a split second, you cannot identify it. Yet when the experimenter flashes PARK on the screen for the same period of time, you identify it. This is an example of

word-superiority effect

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