psych unit 2

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You are walking along and suddenly startled by the loud sound of a truck backfiring. Your startle response is the __________, and the sound of the backfire is the __________. Correct A. UR; US B. CS; US C. CR; CS D. CR;UR


One major difference between the Skinner box and Thorndike's puzzle box is Correct A. a "correct" response does not allow the animal to escape and have to be recaptured. B. the animal is permitted to escape, but the experimenter can recapture it. C. the Skinner box allows for observation. D. there is no difference.

A a "correct" response...

Ludwig, a cellist, is memorizing a musical composition just by listening to it, without referring to the sheet music. He most likely is using a(n) _____. Correct A. acoustic code B. visual code C. memory trace D. subliminal stimulation

A acoustic code

According to contingency theory, a randomly presented conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus would not change behavior because A. the conditioned stimulus did not provide strong enough reinforcement. B. the unconditioned stimulus is presented before the conditioned stimulus. C. classical conditioning can only be effective when the operant is performed in a highly structured environment. Correct D. the conditioned stimulus does not provide information about the unconditioned stimulus.

the conditioned stimulus does not provide information about the unconditioned stimulus

If an image of Abraham Lincoln's face was flashed on a screen, the viewer could hold the visual impression in their sensory register as a(n) _____. A. echoic memory B. implicit memory Correct C. memory trace D. acoustic code

C memory trace

According to the law of effect, Correct A. an operant becomes strengthened if rewarded. B. the S-R connection is weakened after several trials. C. the CS and CR become "stamped in" even after extinction. D. a rat will press a bar even if not rewarded.

A an operant becomes...

When a primary reinforcer is associated with a secondary reinforcer, the resulting association is Correct A. classical conditioning. B. operant conditioning. C. observational learning. D. latent learning.

A classical conditioning

Your dog barks and growls to the sound of a stranger's car engine pulling into your driveway, yet wags his tail and gets excited to the sound of your car engine. This is an example of Correct A. discrimination. B. generalization. C. higher-order conditioning. D. response generalization.

A discrimination

Your front doorbell has a higher pitch than your back doorbell. When one rings, you always know which door to answer. This is an example of Correct A. discrimination. B. generalization. C. higher-order conditioning. D. response generalization.

A discrimination

_________ is the first stage of information processing. A. Encoding B. Paraphrasing C. Rehearsing Incorrect D. Retrieving

A encoding

The statement "all blondes are dumb" reflects which of the following? Correct A. generalization B. discrimination C. extinction D. distinction

A generalization

Katie is a very skilled in-line skater and a tap dancer. Her skills are a part of her _____. Correct A. implicit memory B. semantic memory C. episodic memory D. retrograde memory

A implicit memory

Tracy had taken tennis lessons when she was very young and was a good tennis player in her school. However, she had not played tennis for years when she decided to enroll in a tennis class at college. At the tennis class, a moment after she picked up her racket, Tracy realized that she had shifted it to the correct forehand grip without even thinking. Tracy's _____ made this possible. Correct A. implicit memory B. episodic memory C. psychomotor memory D. semantic memory

A implicit memory

Which of the following statements is true about long-term memory? Correct A. It is analogous to a biochemical "hard drive." B. Its capacity to store information is limited. C. Long-term memories are always accurate. D. Long-term memories are lost by displacement.

A it is analogous to biochemical "hard drive"

Working hard to avoid the loss of your pay check next week is an example of a Correct A. negative, secondary, delayed reinforcer. B. positive, secondary, delayed reinforcer. C. positive, primary, immediate reinforcer. D. negative, primary, delayed reinforcer.

A negative, secondary, delayed reinforcer

After your dog has learned to consistently come to you on command, it is wise to put her on __________ because it is more resistant to extinction. Correct A. partial reinforcement B. consistent reinforcement C. continuous reinforcement D. a full reward schedule of reinforcement

A partial reinforcement

The book gives an example of a pigeon getting rewarded for pecking a button only in the presence of a green light. We can then safely assume that Correct A. pecking behavior when the light is off will become extinguished. B. pecking when the green light is off must have been punished. C. it is innate for pigeons to peck only when green lights are on. D. pigeons have superior color vision.

A pecking behavior when the light is off will become entinguished

Any stimulus that, when presented, increases the likelihood that an operant will continue is called a(n) Correct A. positive reinforcer. B. negative reinforcer. C. conditioned stimulus. D. unconditioned stimulus

A positive reinforcer

_________ is the memory to perform an act in the future, as at a certain time or when a certain event occurs. Correct A. Prospective memory B. Episodic memory C. Retrospective memory D. Semantic memory

A prospective memory

_________ of stored information means locating it and returning it to consciousness. Correct A. Retrieval B. Encoding C. Repression D. Displacement

A retrieval

Joy speaks Spanish as she has learnt the language in school. She is now learning to speak French. She often notices that sometimes when speaking in Spanish, French words come to mind. This is an example of _____. Correct A. retroactive interference B. repression C. proactive interference D. dissociative amnesia

A retroactive interference

Christopher knows a lot of facts about the planet earth. He knows that the circumference of the earth is 40,030 km even though he did not personally measure the circumference of the earth. This knowledge is referred to as _____. Correct A. semantic memory B. retrograde memory C. episodic memory D. implicit memory

A semantic memory

ana can only remember a few of the first and last items on her grocery list. Which of the following is this an example of? Correct A. The serial-position effect B. The primacy effect C. The recency effect D. The latency effect

A serial-position effect

Dave cannot remember the last digit in his friend's telephone number. In order to reach him, he keeps trying different numbers until he finds the right one. In this context, which of the following methods is Dave using? Correct A. Systematic random search B. Programmed learning method C. Means-end analysis D. Frame of reference approach

A systematic random search

Spontaneous recovery of extinguished operants supports the notion that Correct A. the operant was not permanently lost. B. the operant was innate. C. the UR was not permanently lost. D. the UR was innate.

A the operant was not permanently lost

Alex, your dog, has just been switched from dry dog food to canned dog food. Alex has always made a fast dash to the kitchen every time he heard the dog food bag rattling. Switching to canned food will most likely result in Correct A. the sound of the bag losing its status as a CS for Alex. B. Alex immediately running to the sound of the can opener. C. Alex continuing to always come running to the sound of a bag being opened. D. none of these.

A the sound of the bag losing...

Which of the following statements is true about heuristics? Correct A. They permit more rapid solutions than algorithms. B. They are more complicated than algorithms C. They guarantee correct solutions D. They require novel problem-solving strategies to be created

A they permit more rapid solutions than algorithms

Individuals who buy lottery tickets on a regular basis are usually on a __________ schedule of reinforcement. Correct A. variable-ratio B. variable-interval C. fixed-interval D. fixed-ratio

A variable-ratio

In short-term memory an image tends to fade after _____ if it is not repeated or rehearsed. A. 90 seconds Correct B. 10 to 12 seconds C. one second D. a day

B 10 to 12 seconds

A trained salivary response was called the _______________ by Pavlov. A. conditioned response Correct B. conditional reflex C. conditioned stimulus D. neutral stimulus

B conditioned reflex

Your mother has a fear of cats. The psychologist repeatedly pairs her love for classical music with the gradual exposure to a cat. This is known as A. higher-order conditioning. Correct B. counterconditioning C. operant conditioning. D. cookie conditioning.

B counterconditioning

The term _________ in memory theory, means to cause information to be lost from short-term memory by adding new information. A. retrieve Correct B. displace C. repress D. chunk

B displace

Using the phrase "Elvis's Guitar Broke Down on Friday" to remember the lines (EGBDF) in a musical treble clef is an example of _____. A. metamemory Correct B. elaborative rehearsal C. retrospective memory D. maintenance rehearsal

B elaborative rehearsal

A(n) _____ is an assumed electrical circuit that corresponds to a memory trace. A. hippocampus Correct B. engram C. schema D. thalamus

B engram

Jill gets $2.50 for every collar she sews on the shirts made in her factory. This is a _____ schedule. A. fixed interval Correct B. fixed ratio C. variable interval D. variable ratio

B fixed ratio

The reason fish and tadpoles are born able to swim, and robins can sing the song of their species immediately after birth is that lower animals' behavior is A. learned Correct B. instinctive C. acquired through imitation D. acquired through a need for survival

B instinctive

Which of the following statements is true about the learning theory in the context of language development? A. It states that children develop language because of an understanding of grammar. Correct B. It emphasizes the role of imitation and reinforcement in language development in children. C. It accounts for the unchanging sequence of language development and the spurts in children's language acquisition. D. It explains how children come to utter phrases and sentences they have not observed.

B it emphasizes the role of imitation...

Which of the following statements is true about the nativist theory of language development? A. It holds that exposure to parental speech causes children to attend to and acquire language in certain ways. Correct B. It holds that the innate factors of children cause them to attend to and acquire language in certain ways. C. It holds that reinforcement by parents causes children to attend to and acquire language in certain ways. D. It holds that the heuristic devices cause children to attend to and acquire language in certain ways.

B it holds that the innate factors of children cause them to attend to and acquire language in certain ways

Which of the following statements is true about a schema? A. It is a way of ejecting anxiety-evoking ideas from conscious awareness. Correct B. It is a way of mentally representing the world that can influence perceptions. C. It is a way of retrieving accurate information from the long-term memory. D. It is a way of displacing information in the short-term memory by adding new information.

B it is a way of mentally representing the world that can influence perceptions

Which of the following statements is true about explicit memory? A. It is also known as procedural or skill memory. Correct B. It is the memory of things that are clearly stated or explained. C. It is the memory of how to perform a task. D. It is the memory associated with things planned for the future.

B it is the memory of things that are clearly stated or explained

Carrie takes an aspirin every time she feels like she is about to get a headache. This is an example of A. positive reinforcement. Correct B. negative reinforcement. C. punishment. D. systematic desensitization.

B negative reinforcement

____ are meaningless sets of two consonants, with a vowel sandwiched in between, that are used to study memory. A. Schemas Correct B. Nonsense syllables C. Episodes D. Memory traces

B nonsense syllables

A dog can be trained to salivate when a bell is sounded by A. having a bell in the room where the animal is fed Correct B. pairing the sound of the bell with the delivery of food. C. praising the dog after it is fed. D. none of these

B pairing the sound of...

Studies involving brain imaging reveal that _____ makes it possible for people to carry out mental tasks with less neural activity. A. declaring Correct B. priming C. positioning D. displacing

B priming

A sofa, bed, and table are _____ of the category furniture, but a magazine rack, lamp, and piano bench are not. A. heuristics Correct B. prototypes C. algorithms D. mores

B prototypes

In Freud's psychodynamic theory, _________ is the ejection of anxiety-evoking ideas from conscious awareness. A. eidetic imagery Correct B. repression C. serial-positioning D. rehearsal

B repression

Stephen was recently involved in a car accident due to which he was critically injured. He is unable to recall the events that led to the accident. Stephen is suffering from _____. A. anterograde amnesia Correct B. retrograde amnesia C. dissociative amnesia D. infantile amnesia

B retrograde amnesia

General knowledge is referred to as _________. A. episodic memory Correct B. semantic memory C. implicit memory D. prospective memory

B semantic memory

_________ is the type or stage of memory that is first encountered by a stimulus. A. Semantic memory Correct B. Sensory memory C. Implicit memory D. Explicit memory

B sensory memory

The reason we are more likely to stop at a red light than at a green light is because A. the human eye is more sensitive to the color red than the color green. Correct B. stopping at red lights is associated with avoiding accidents and tickets. C. we are born knowing that red means stop and green means go. D. none of these

B stopping at red lights is...

When we reinforce small behaviors a little at a time to achieve large changes we are using A. fixed intervals. Correct B. successive approximations. C. scaffolding reinforcements. D. latent learning.

B successive approximations

Which of the following is true about the intelligence quotient (IQ)? A. People who answer fewer items correctly than the average for their age attain scores above 100. Correct B. The IQ reflects the relationship between a child's mental age and his or her actual age. C. The IQ reflects that the same mental age score has the same implications for children of different ages. D. The IQ is obtained by dividing the chronological age of the person by his or her mental age.

B the IQ reflects the relationship between a childs mental age and his or her actual age

Which of the following statements is true about problem solving? A. To understand a problem well, it must be viewed independently of the outer world. Correct B. The parts of our mental representation of the problem should relate to one another in a meaningful way. C. Experience and background information are not crucial for understanding a problem well. D. Trial-and-error methods of problem solving are much more effective than algorithms.

B the parts of our mental representation...

According to Steinberg, which of the following statements is true about creative people? A. They accept their limitations. Correct B. They appreciate art and music C. They always take popular stands D. They accept ideas at face value

B they appreciate art and music

The ----_____ is the feeling that information is stored in memory although it cannot be readily retrieved. A. nonsense syllables effect Correct B. tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon C. flashbulb phenomenon D. serial-position effect

B tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

Which of the following is true about the storage of information in long-term memory? A. Information is stored as choppy impressions in the long-term memory. Correct B. We tend to organize information in order of their hierarchy. C. We tend to organize information in order of their occurrence. D. The information in the long-term memory is stored for a maximum of 12 minutes.

B we tend to organize information in order of their hierarchy

While sitting in her Jeep at a red traffic light, Lauren heard a loud screech. One second later, a cab smashed into the back of her Jeep. Now when she hears a screeching sound, she feels anxious. In this example, the screech became an effective __________, and her anxiety in response to the sound became the __________. A. CR; CS B. US; CR Correct C. CS; CR D. CS; UR


__________ work to increase the likelihood that a behavior will be strengthened, whereas __________ work to decrease the likelihood that a behavior will be strengthened. A. Positive reinforcers; negative reinforcers B. Primary reinforcers; secondary reinforcers Correct C. Negative reinforcers; punishments D. Primary positive reinforcers; primary negative reinforcers

C Negative reinforcers; punishments

Jason, straining his eyes on the deck of a ship, is trying to memorize distant landmarks to the harbor entrance; he is trying to create a mental picture of all the names. He is using _____. A. an acoustic code B. prospective memory Correct C. a visual code D. implicit memory

C a visual code

People and lower animals have learned to control autonomic responses in order to attain reinforcement with the use of A. programmed learning. B. socialization. C. token economies. Correct D. biofeedback training.

C biofeedback training

With the bell-and-pad method of stopping bedwetting, eventually __________ becomes the CS, and __________ becomes the CR. A. the bell; waking up B. the bell; urinating Correct C. bladder tension; waking up D. bladder tension; urinating

C bladder tension; waking up

In operant conditioning, behavior is a result of its A. responses. B. stimuli. Correct C. consequences. D. innate pathways.

C consequences

When Claire was baking an apple pie, the odor of the pie triggered some memories of her childhood. She remembered playing with her younger brother in the living room while her mother baked apple pies. Her memory is an example of a(n) _____. A. prospective memory B. echois memory Correct C. context-dependent memory D. iconic memory

C context-dependent memory

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to _____. A. determine the vividness of stimulation perception B. determine the meaning and importance of dreams Correct C. determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory D. determine the physiological causes of memory disorders

C determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory

Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the events that led to their very first date. Rose distinctly remembers giving Abe her telephone number at a party, but Abe is certain that he got her number from her best friend, Linda. Abe and Rose have different _____ of the event. A. procedural memories B. prospective memories Correct C. episodic memories D. semantic memories

C episodic memories

Your little brother learned that a cow says "moo moo." When he sees a horse he calls it "moo moo," this is an example of A. higher-order conditioning. B. response discrimination. Correct C. generalization. D. discrimination

C generalization

Which of the following statements is true about the influence of genetic factors and environmental factors on intelligence? A. Environmental factors do not influence intelligence. B. Genetic factors do not influence intelligence. Correct C. Genetic factors account for about half of the variations in intelligence test scores among individuals. D. Genetic factors account for about 90% of the variations in intelligence test scores among individuals.

C genetic factors account for about half of the variations in intelligence test scores among individuals

A(n) _________ is a mental representation of a visual stimulus that is held briefly in sensory memory. A. schema B. echo Correct C. icon D. saving

C icon

Dana always hears stories about how extravagantly her first birthday was celebrated, but she is unable to recall the events of that day. Dana's inability to recall the events of her first birthday is known as _____. A. dissociative amnesia B. retrograde amnesia Correct C. infantile amnesia D. anterograde amnesia

C infantile amnesia

Which of the following statements is true about psycholinguistic theory? A. It debunks the concept of "universal grammar." B. It states that prewiring rather than parental speech and reinforcement leads to language acquisition. Correct C. It focuses on the environmental influences on the acquisition of language. D. It ignores the role of the inborn tendency to acquire language.

C it focuses on the environmental influences on the acquisitions of language

Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal? A. It involves storing a list of letters or numbers on an electronic storage device for later use. B. It involves encoding a list of letters by relating it to something already known. Correct C. It involves mentally repeating a list or saying the information to oneself. D. It involves trying to remember a long list of letters or numbers that has been read once.

C it involves mentally repeating a list or saying the information to oneself

Which of the following is true about anterograde amnesia? A. It is the failure to remember events that caused or occurred prior to an accident. B. It is the inability to recall events that occurred prior to the age of three or so. Correct C. It is the failure to remember the events that occurred after a physical trauma. D. It is the inability to recall events that took place in childhood even in the absence of a trauma.

C it is failure to remember events that occurred after a physical trauma

Which of the following statements is true about retroactive interference? A. It is the interference of older learning with the capacity to retrieve more recently learned material. B. It is interference of emotions with the capacity to retrieve semantic memory. Correct C. It is the interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously. D. It is the interference of flashbulb memories with the recollection of paired associates.

C it is the interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously

To remember the names of all the countries in Asia, Jennifer is mentally repeating all the country names several times. This scenario illustrates _____. A. elaborative rehearsal B. repression Correct C. maintenance rehearsal D. serial positioning

C maintenance rehearsal

Despite Pavlov's considerable contributions to the field of psychology he was a ________ by training who staunchly believed that conditioned reflexes were ________ and not a result of learning. A. priest; divine intervention B. priest; inborn Correct C. physiologist; brain reflexes D. medical doctor; inherited

C physiologist; brain reflexes

Sarah remembers that she has to pack her suitcase and has to lock all the windows and doors before she leaves for her vacation the next day. Her memory about activities that need to be performed in the future would be known as _____. A. semantic memory B. episodic memory Correct C. prospective memory D. implicit memory

C prospective memory

When we look at a visual stimulus, our impressions of it may seem fluid enough. This is because _____. A. saccadic eye movements create perceptions at a rate of approximately 20 per second, making the images seem continuous B. short-term memories overlap, which gives the impression of a single perception Correct C. sensory memory briefly holds perceptions, making them seem connected D. perceptions in short-term memory are not stored, but rather are constantly replaced with new perceptions

C sensory memory briefly hold perceptions, making them seem connected

Because of the phenomenon of spontaneous recovery, psychologists believe that A. extinction of a CR can never really occur. B. extinction of a CS can never really occu Correct C. the CR is not really extinguished but merely inhibited during extinction trials. D. the UR is not really extinguished but merely inhibited during extinction trials.

C the CR is not really extinguished...

Which of the following statements is true about concepts? A. They are formed as choppy impressions rather than organized hierarchies. B. They are not crucial to cognition Correct C. They can represent visions of things that can never be measured D. They are formed independently of an individual's experience

C they can represent visions of things that can never be measured

Which of the following is true in the context of children babbling? A. Babbling represents language. B. Deaf children cannot babble C. Children from different cultures babble significantly different sounds Correct D. Babbling is inborn and prelinguistic

D babbling is inborn and prelinguistic

In operant conditioning the manner in which the first reinforced response is made can A. happen at random. B. can happen by chance. C. can be done even while receiving physical guidance. Correct D. be for all of these reasons.

D be for all of these reasons

Why would the term extinction be a possible misnomer? A. because a CS is never really extinguished B. because a CS always has the potential of eliciting a UR C. because the US always elicits a CR Correct D. because we see spontaneous recovery of CRs

D because we see spontaneous recovery of CRs

After a single presentation, Megan can recall her friend's long-distance telephone number and five-digit extension even though the sequence contains 15 digits. One reason for her ease of recall is that she combined the digits into smaller groups of three each. This process is called _____. A. the serial-posiiton effect B. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon C. screening Correct D. chunking

D chunking

Taste aversions are fascinating examples of A. operant conditioning. B. insight learning. C. the contingency theory. Correct D. classical conditioning.

D classical conditioning

In the classical experiment by Pavlov, the saliva to the bell was the A. unconditioned stimulus B. unconditioned response. C. conditioned stimulus. Correct D. conditioned response.

D conditioned response

Generating many possible solutions is a characteristic of which of the following concepts? A. Normative reasoning B. Existential reasoning C. Convergent thinking Correct D. Divergent thinking

D divergent thinking

At a painting exhibition, Martha had admired a painting that depicted a farm. Half an hour later, when she was having lunch with a friend, Martha was able to recall several details depicted in the painting. She remembered correctly the colors that were used, the animals that were drawn, and even the number of trees in the painting. Martha's ability to remember these details would be known as _____. A. nonconscious imagery B. subliminal perception C. echoic memory Correct D. eidetic imagery

D eidetic imageryv

Which of the following is true about elaborative rehearsal? A. It involves visually representing a list of letters that needs to be remembered. B. It involves mentally repeating a list of letters or numbers that needs to be remembered. C. It involves adding additional letters to a list of letters that has already been remembered. Correct D. It involves extending the semantic meaning of the letters that need to be remembered.

D it involves extending the semantic meaning of the letters that need to be remembered

Which of the following is true about the serial position effect? A. It is the tendency to recall more accurately the first five items on a list. B. It is the tendency to recall more accurately only the item at the exact center of a list. C. It is the tendency to recall more accurately the last five items on a list. Correct D. It is the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items on a list.

D it is the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items on the list

Research on the biology of memory involving the visual cortex of rats reared in stimulating environments and the stimulation of certain synapses in sea snails, such as Aplysia, suggests that _____. A. the engram is generalized throughout the entire cortex B. myelination is not critical to memory formation in the brain C. neurotransmitters have no role to play in memory processes Correct D. neural events may be involved in memory

D neural events may be involved in memory

A parent can provide a model for a child to learn how to handle frustration without aggression by A. releasing pent up frustration immediately while the child observes. B. never exhibiting any emotion in front of the child. C. telling the child "do as I say" not "as I do." Correct D. never responding to frustration with aggression in front of the child

D never responding...

Adrienne and Gus want to stop their son's temper tantrums through the use of physical punishment. Research would support this strategy because A. physical punishment has been shown to quickly and effectively change behavior. B. physical punishment creates a closer bond between a parent and a child. C. physical punishment helps create internal moral standards. Correct D. none of these would be supported by research.

D none of these would be supported by research

Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning punishment? A. Physically punished children are more likely to be aggressive. B. Physically punished children are more likely to abuse their children when they have them. C. Physically punished children are more likely to abuse their spouses when they have them. Correct D. Physical punishment does not decrease behavior.

D physical punishment does not decrease behavior

The two types of reinforcers are A. primary and secondary. B. incidental and delayed. C. primary and negative. Correct D. positive and negative.

D postive and negative

Once we have learned the multiplication tables, the recall of six times six is relatively automatic due to _____. A. highlighting B. implying C. positioning Correct D. priming

D priming

While watching a comedy show, Amanda remembered many funny incidents from her own college life. This is an example of _____. A. echoic memory B. implicit memory C. prospective memory Correct D. state-dependent memory

D state-dependent memory

Tim repeatedly placed his pigeon in a cage, with birdseed just outside the cage door. The only way the pigeon could reach the birdseed was to peck a button fixed on one of the walls. This opened the door and allowed the pigeon to reach the seed. According to the law of effect, which of the following would most likely occur? A. The pigeon would ignore the birdseed. B. The pigeon would experience frustration and go to sleep. C. The pigeon would eventually peck the button, access the food but never try to do this again. Correct D. The pigeon would eventually peck the button, access the food and each subsequent time peck the button in less time than it took before.

D the pigeon would eventually peck the button...

Caleb had read in the newspaper that a popular corporation had appointed a new CEO. When he was talking about this to a friend, Caleb could only remember the first letter and the last letter of the new CEO's name. This illustrates _____. A. the displacement effect B. chunking C. eidetic imagery Correct D. the serial-position effect

D the serial-position effect

Which of the following statements is true about thinking? A. Thinking is usually unplanned. B. Thinking refers to unconscious attempts to make sense of the world Incorrect C. Dreaming and daydreaming represent thinking D. Thinking means paying attention to information

D thinking means paying...

Ten-year-old Joshua knows that snakes are reptiles and all reptiles are animals. Joshua's concept of animal is _____. A. overextended B. intuitive C. irregular Correct D. hierarchical

d hierarchical

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