Psycho final review

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How would you calculate the standard deviation of these scores? 10, 9, 6, 8, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5. Select one: a. Take the square root of the variance b. You cannot calculate the variance of the scores with the given information. c. Square the variance. d. Square the mean. e. Take the square root of the mean.

a. Take the square root of the variance

Conduction in the axon is: Select one: a. all or none b. decremental c. graded d. hyperpoloarized e. all of the above Feedback

a. all or none

Which of the following is true of autistic children a. the majority are retarded b. they have cold and aloof parents c. almost all have special talents like calendar calculation or musical abilities d. two of the above e. three of the above

a. the majority are retarded

A motorist takes his car to the garage for a tune-up. Unbeknownst to him, the mechanic tells the motorist that he tuned the car, when in fact he didn't. The motorist feels the car runs better. This illustrates Select one: a. a double bind b. a placebo effect c. desensitization d. delusions of reference


According to Freud's structural theory of the personality Select one: a. the id operates on the reality principle b. the ego operates on the reality principle c. the superego is formed before the ego d. the ego and id are present at birth Feedback


Bruch's interpersonal account of anorexia attributes the etiology of this disorder to: Select one: a. problems from the oral stage b. problems from the anal stage c. problems from the Oedipal/Elekra stage d. problems from the latency stage


Compared to childhood onset conduct disorder, adolescent onset conduct disorder manifests Select one: a. a pattern of persistent aggressive behavior during latency b. a lower likelihood of antisocial personalisty disorder (ASPD) c. a greater predominance of boys d. a higher likelihood of comorbid ADHD


Homogamy refers to which of the following? Select one: a. choosing a partner of the same gender b. choosing a partner similar in SES, education, and intelligence c. choosing a partner based on proximity d. choosing a partner who is very attractive


If your nephew preferred to play with dolls and had mostly female friends during elementary school, what might you predict about his future sexual orientation? Select one: a. he would grow out of it and show heterosexual orientation at adulthood. b. he would have a high probability of being homosexual. c. he would probably be effeminate but would become heterosexual. d. there is nothing you could predict given this limited amount of data.


In a famous set of studies, dogs who were According to Seligman and his colleagues, a person is prone to depression if he/she has an explanatory style by which failure is attributed to factors that are Select one: a. specific, internal, stable b. global, internal, stable c. global, external, stable d. specific, internal, stable e. global, internal, unstable


A patient with an elevator phobia is asked to imagine being stuck in an elevator for increasingly long periods of time. The therapist must be a proponent of Select one: a. systematic desensitization b. the internal working model c. transference d. an effort attribution


According to research, which is NOT TRUE of physically attractive people? Select one: a. they are rated as being arrogant and selfish b. they are rated as more competent c. people look at them longer d. they are more likely to get elected to office


Calculate the variance of these scores. 10, 9, 6, 8, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5. Select one: a. 2.89 b. 5 c. 3.5 d. The variance cannot be calculated using the given information.

a. 2.89

What is the formula to calculate an effect size (ES) between two means (Mean A & Mean B)? Select one: a. Mean(A) - Mean(B)/ average SD b. Mean(A)- Mean (B) c. Mean(A) x Mean(B) d. Mean(A) + Mean(B)/varianceAB

a. Mean(a) - Mean(B)/ average SD

The school is concerned about Jim, a first grader with ADHD, because he requires constant supervision to keep him from disrupting classroom activities. A behavior modification program is instituted to help Jim behave more appropriately.In one aspect of the program, when Jim finishes his seatwork, he receives a token which can be turned in later for a reward from his parents. This is called Select one: a. negative reinforcement b. positive reinforcement c. primary reinforcement d. stimulus control


When Jim stops yelling and calms down, his teacher lets him leave the time-out box and return to the game. Over time, he spends shorter and shorter periods in the time-out box. This illustrates Select one: a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. avoidance learning d. punishment


Which is NOT TRUE of the instrumental role in marriage Select one: a. it involves managing affairs external to the family b. it involves using intuitive affect-based problem-solving c. it is more commonly assumed by men than women d. it protects the family from external dangers


Which of the following best captures Erikson's conflict for ages 6-12 Select one: a. trust vs.mistrust b. industry vs. inferiority c. autonomy vs. shame/doubt d. identify vs. role confusion e. generativity vs. stagnation


Which of the following biological reactions DOES NOT typically occur in PTSD? Select one: a. norepinephrine activity increases b. decreased dopamine activity leads to hypervigilance c. cortisol activity increases d. endorphin activity leads to numbing


Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the 2-factor theory of avoidance learning? Select one: a. the dog's fear is due to Pavlovian conditioning to the box b. animals first learn to avoid and then to escape c. the avoidance response demonstrates operant conditioning d. negative reinforcement explains learning to jump over the barrier


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Asch's studies on social pressure Select one: a. participants conformed on 37% of the trials b. participants conformed as much with 3 confederates as with 7 confederates in the group c. the presence of one dissenter in the group reduced conformity of 1/4 of its peak d. 13 of 50 participants never gave the incorrect answer


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of brain functioning in ADHD? Select one: a. the frontal lobes show less glucose metabolism b. the frontal lobes shows elevated serotonin activity c. dopamine activity is reduced in the frontal lobes d. frontal lobe blood flow is reduced


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of hypertension/coronary heart disease? Select one: a. it is more common in Blacks and people of low SES b. it is as concordant in DZ as in MZ twins c. it may be associated with greater SNS reactivity d. it is associated with Type A personality


Which of the following is NOT an example of the emergence of self-control in the toddler period Select one: a. inhibiting a prepotent response in the "A not B" task b. using a positive internal working model c. using words like "no" or "hot" while refraining from forbidden acts d. showing shame, embarrassment, or guilt after doing something wrong


Which of the following is NOT true of stereotypes? Select one: a. they are automatic cognitive processes b. they have no basis in reality c. they conferred an evolutionary advantage d. they create a domain of empathy e. they can lead to misperception of individuals


Which of the following is PRESENT during the preoperational period Select one: a. reversibility b. symbolic representation c. decentration d. part/whole thinking


Which psychodynamic defense mechanism is assumed to be operating when an anorexic becomes disgusted at the sight of fatty meat or gooey Twinkies? Select one: a. repression b. reaction formation c. projection d. displacement


_____ would be a good example of a prototype for the concept "bird." Select one: a. penguin b. sparrow c. turkey d. pelican


The Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision postulates ( ) receptors, whereas the Hering opponent-process theory of color vision postulates ( ) receptors. a. 2, 3 b. 3, 4 c. 4, 3 d. 2, 4 e. 3, 2

b. 3, 4

What is the mean of these scores? 10, 9, 6, 8, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5. Select one: a. 70 b. 7 c. 6 d. 5

b. 70

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE Select one: a. an excitatory stimulus makes a neuron less polarized b. an inhibitory stimulus makes a neuron less polarized c. the post-synaptic neuron summates excitatory and inhibitory inputs d. when neurons depolarize, they become less negative in voltage

b. an inhibitory stimulus makes a neuron less polarized

What are phonemes? Select one: a. logical heuristics b. categories of speech sounds c. minimal sentence-like phrases d. units of meaning

b. categories of speech sounds

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of motherese a. using short simple sentences b. giving many commands c. repeating many words and phrases d. using higher and more variable pitch e. using exaggerated stress patterns

b. giving many commands

Which of the following is NOT a monocular cue to distance and depth a. linear perspective b. retinal disparity c. relative size d. common fate e. interposition f. texture gradients

b. retinal disparity

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Weber's account of sensation a. The larger the stimulus, the less sensitive one is to changes in its intensity b. the intensity by which the standard must be increased to be noticed is the square root of the intensity of the standard c. Weber's fraction is the percent needed for one j.n.d. d. Weber's fraction differs by modality

b. the intensity by which the standard must be increased to be noticed is the square root of the intensity of the standard

Which of the following has NOT been found to be true of infants who are "securely attached" in Ainsworth's strange situation a. they have better peer relations later in childhood b. they don't cry when their mother leaves the room c. their mothers tend to be more responsive and attentive d. they are better problem-solvers in kindergarten

b. they don't cry when their mother leaves the room

According to Erikson, the central conflict in adolescence is Select one: a. initiative vs. guilt b. basic trust vs. mistrust c. identity vs. role confusion d. autonomy vs. shame and doubt e. intimacy vs. isolation


In a famous set of studies, dogs who were exposed to unavoidable shock were later unable to learn an escape response. This is an example of Select one: a. displaced aggression b. progressive failure of adaptation c. learned helplessness d. general adaptation syndrome


In the diathesis-stress model of psychopathology Select one: a. the diathesis is always biological b. the diathesis is always psychological c. the diathesis can be either biological or psychological d. the diathesis can be environmental


In the diathesis-stress model of psychopathology Select one: a. the diathesis is always biological b. the diathesis is always psychological c. the diathesis can be either biological or psychological d. the diathesis is environmental


Pick the proper arrangement of concepts so each is a subset of the next: Select one: a. skateboards, automobiles, vehicles b. men, women, citizens c. lions, predators, animals d. flowers, plants, flowering plants


Which best describes the foot-in-the-door phenomenon? Select one: a. groups take more extreme positions than the average of their views would predict b. mind guards prevent the group from hearing other views c. most people agreed to a large request after agreeing earlier to a small request d. most people agreed to a small request but refused a big request e. explicit attitudes are often not correlated with behavior


Which defense mechanism involves shifting the target of an id impulse to a less dangerous person/object Select one: a. repression b. reaction formation c. displacement d. projection e. sublimation


Which of the following describes Erikson's central conflict for ages 18-30 Select one: a. trust vs. mistrust b. industry vs. inferiority c. intimacy vs. isolation d. autonomy vs. shame/doubt e. generativity vs. stagnation


Which of the following does NOT indicate operation of a gender schema in a preschooler Select one: a. a boy thinking only men fix cars b. a girl saying all nurses are women c. a girl getting upset if you say she's a boy d. a boy saying that the electrician in a story was a man when it was a woman


Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the opponent-process theory of motivation Select one: a. pain leads to pleasure and pleasure leads to pain b. how the organism feels derives from the sum of the A and B processes c. with repeated exposure, the A process starts sooner, is larger, and lasts longer d. the B proces for positive events is distress e. with repeated exposure, the B process comes to dominate in more subjective experience


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of "schemes" according to Piaget Select one: a. they start out as physical operations on objects b. mental schemes operate on representations c. they disappear by adolescence d. they need to change to incorporate new objects e. schemes become increasingly complex over time


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of cortisol's role in memory Select one: a. excessive amounts of cortisol damage memory b. cortisol facilitates memory via increasing glutamate c. cortisol interferes with long-term potentiation d. cortisol levels affect the health of the hippocampus


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of procedural memories? Select one: a. they involve recalling how to perform a task b. they can be thought of as stimulus-response pairings c. they tend to deteriorate greatly in Alzheimer's disease d. they are stored in the cerebellum


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of sociopaths Select one: a. being a loner b. feeling no guilt for crimes committed c. feeling anxious d. being charming but basically selfish e. behaving impulsively


Which of the following is generally NOT TRUE of bulimia? Select one: a. It is considered more ego-dystonic than anorexia b. It is more associated with impulse-control disorders than anorexia c. It typical precedes anorexia chronologically d. Recurrent binging and purging are both required criteria


Which of the following kinds of memory were impaired after HM had his hippocampus lesioned? Select one: a. memory for events that occurred before the operation b. procedural memory, like for bike riding c. memory for new information experienced since the operation d. semantic memory, like for word meanings


Which was NOT a finding in the Sluyter study of mice with "short attack latency" (SAL) versus "long attack latency" (LAL) Select one: a. SAL and LAL mice differed greatly in aggressiveness b. SAL mice were more likely to aggress outside of their home area c. SAL mice were better at cognitive tasks d. SAL mice were more sexually dominating, and had more offspring


Who devised the first age-graded scale to identify children needing special schooling by using tasks such as vocabulary, arithmetic, memory, discrimination, concpets, and comprehension questions? Select one: a. Galton b. Yerkes c. Binet d. Goddard e. Terman


Children lose the ability to discriminate non-native phonemes by a. 4 months b. 6 months c. 12 months d. 18 months

c. 12 months

What is the mode of these scores? 10, 9, 6, 8, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5. Select one: a. 7 b. 5 c. 6 d. 70

c. 6

Which of the following is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter Select one: a. dopamine b. serotonin c. GABA d. glutamate


The idea that the brain operates in both a bottom up and top down way, with simple, modality-specific sensory-bound functioning at the bottom and more abstract and flexible, less localized functioning at the top is best associated with Select one: a. Broca b. Gall c. Luria d. Lashley

c. Luria

Psychophysics is a branch of psychology that studies a. the relationship between the disciplines of physics and psychology b. the brain as a physical object c. the relation between a physical stimulus and the sensory experience it ultimately gives rise to d. the role of the autonomic nervous system e. the physical basis of motivation, emotion, and other mental activity

c. The relation between a physical stimulus and the sensory experience it ultimately gives rise to

When a toddler sees a pear and says "apple", this is an example of Select one: a. a predicate statement b. an overegularization c. a categorical overinclusion d. an analogical overextension e. a proto-declarative Feedback

c. a categorical overinclusion

A problem in initiating and organizing action (such as lighting a cigarette) is best called Select one: a. aphasia b. agnosia c. apraxia d. anomia

c. apraxia

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the "internal working model" according to Bowlby? a. it represents how the child has been treated by caregivers b. it involves the child's sense of worth c. it is something the child is born with d. it changes over time as a result of experience e. it provides a template for how one views others

c. it is somethig the child is born with

Which of the following is NOT one of the required diagnostic criteria for autism a. problems in social-emotional reciprocity b. problems in social communication c. mental retardation d. problems in social relationships e. restricted repertoire of interests/activities

c. mental retardation

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Meany's findings with rat pups a. rat mothers differ in how much nurturing/licking/grooming they provide b. pups with low-nurturing mothers have more HPA response to stress and are emotional and fearful c. rats with high-nurturing moms have fewer hippocampampal glucocorticoid receptors, resulting in less negative feedback inhibition. d. variations in maternal nurturing affect the expression of genes for hippocampampal glucocorticoid receptors e. the cross-fostering paradigm can help decouple genetic and environmental effects

c. rates with high-nurturing moms have fewer hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors, resulting in less negative feedback inhibition

When a 9-month-old cries and fusses every time his mother leaves the room, he is showing: a. social referencing b. stranger anxiety c. separation protest d. insecure attachment

c. separation protest

Harlow's monkeys raised without mothers a. preferred the wire "mother" that gave milk b. didn't cling to the wire mother c. used the "cloth mother" as an attachment object d. showed equal attachment to the "milk" and "cloth" wire "mothers"

c. used the cloth mother as an attachment object

According to the biopsychosocial model, low autonomic arousal contributes to the development of sociopathy Select one: a. because it reduces anticipatory anxiety b. because it increases the likelihood of positive reinforcement for self-restraint c. because it reduces the likelihood of negative reinforcement for self-restraint d. some of the above e. all of the above


Compared to latency age children with depression, depressed adolescents Select one: a. have a more equal gender ratio b. have more vegetative symptoms c. are more suicidal d. two of the above e. three of the above


Eysenck's model of personality Select one: a. is based on Freud's structural theory of personality b. has five factors captured by the acronym OCEAN c. is based on the Greek idea of the four bodily humors d. has two factors organized in a circumplex model e. is based on the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin Feedback


In Bandura's Bobo doll experiments Select one: a. children who saw an adult hitting the Bobo doll were more aggressive when they had a chance to play with the Bobo doll than children who watched non-aggressive adult models b. this modeling effect was not found if the children watched the adults being aggressive in a film c. Bandura's study demonstrated observational learning d. some of the above e. all of the above


In Freud's structural theory Select one: a. the ego represents "me me me now now now" b. the superego makes the ego feel guilty c. the id makes the ego feel anxious d. some of the above e. all of the above


In Maier's studies of analgesia processes in rats Select one: a. animals subjected to uncontrollable and unpredictable shocks developed numbness to pain b. animals that could avoid or escape from the shock showed less fear than animals who could not c. predictable shock caused more fear than unpredictable shock d. some of the above e. all of the above


Maria's parents discovered that their daughter is allergic to antibiotics because one day she got violently ill after taking an orange-flavored antibiotic. Now Maria gets sick to her stomach when she smells oranges and orange juice. Maria's reaction to orange juice can be explained as Select one: a. the Garcia effect b. operant conditioning c. Pavlovian conditioning d. both (a) and (b) e. both (a) and ( c )


People with panic disorder probably have a genetic or biochemical predisposition toward the disorder. When environmental conditions and cognitive factors combine with this predisposition, the person may show panic disorder. This description describes what model of mental disorders? Select one: a. behavioral-psychological b. psychoanalytic-medical c. humanistic-psychoanalytic d. diathesis-stress


The drama of the Oedipus complex unfolds according to the following progression of events Select one: a. identification, love, dear, hate, renunciation b. love, fear, hate, renunciation, identification c. hate, fear, identification, renunciation, love d. love, hate, fear, renunciation, idenfication


To receive the DSM-5 diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) one Select one: a. must meet both the inattentive and hyperactive criteria b. must have been normal until age 5 c. must have a parent who had ADHD d. must meet either the inattentive or the hyperactive/impulsive criteria e. must have feelings of low self-esteem


What best describes the parental investment model? Select one: a. culture influences what is considered attractive b. women tend to marry men of similar religion c. men prefer women who are less intelligent than they are d. men prefer women who are healthier and younger


What kind of mental structure do we access when deciding if tulips and daffodils are flowers that grow from bulbs? Select one: a. a script b. an episodic memory c. an internal working model d. a taxonomic hierarchy e. a perceptual network


When Jim is aggressive during recess, he has to leave the game and stand in the time-out box. This is an example of Select one: a. negative reinforcement b. avoidance c. positive reinforcement d. extinction


When people attribute guilt to victims, they are manifesting Select one: a. stereotype priming b. individualistic thinking c. a situational attribution d. just world thinking e. the fundamental attribution error


Which best captures the phenomenon of "attitude alignment" Select one: a. people chose partners who share their attitudes b. people tend to like someone who likes them c. relationships are happier when partners idealize one another somewhat d. over time, partners modify their attitudes to become more similar to one another


Which best describes the effect of stereotype threat? Select one: a. people perceive members of an outgroup as threatening b. people tend to think others get the treatment they deserve and hence "blame the victim" c. when flashed pictures of black faces, people are quicker to judge that an object flashed on the screen is a gun than when flashed pictures of white faces d. when people are primed to think of their gender, they perform more in keeping with the stereotypical performance of that gender than when not primed to think of gender


Which best describes the results of the Festinger & Carlsmith cognitive dissonance study Select one: a. attitude change occurred because of persuasive communication delivered by an attractive source b. participants paid $20 changed their attitudes more than those paid $1 c. attitude change occurred because of Pavlovian and operant conditioning processes d. participants paid $1 changed their attitudes more than those paid $20 e. participants changed their behavior to correspond to their attitudes


Which of the following are TRUE about marriage? Select one: a. the age of marriage is increasing b. women marry at a younger age than men c. SES has no association with age of marriage d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following factors affected compliance in the Milgram studies Select one: a. compliance decreased when the exerimenter was present only by phone b. compliance increased when the learner did not scream, protest, or ask to stop the procedure c. the presence of a dissenting experimenter did not affect compliance d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following improve retrieval/recall? Select one: a. "deeper" processing at encoding b. using a different format for the retrieval phase than the encoding phase c. relating the to-be-remembered material to previous knowledge d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following is NOT one of Kahneman and Tversky's cognitive heuristics? Select one: a. availability b. representativeness c. illusory correlation d. cognitive dissonance e. confirmatory bias


Which of the following is NOT true of Type A men Select one: a. they are assertive, driven, and pressured b. they tend to marry more educated women c. they are more likely to have a heart attack than Type B men if their wife works d. they are more likely to have a heart attack than Type B men if their wife is a homemaker e. two of the above


Which of the following is NOT typical of the "anal" personality according to Freud Select one: a. being stubborn b. being obsessive, compulsive, and orderly c. being stingy d. being flashy, histrionic, and dramatic e. being moralistic and preoccupied with authority


Which of the following is an important element of Vygotsky's theory of development? Select one: a. preschoolers do not demonstrate concrete operations b. "experts" in a field solve problems differently than "novices" c. rate of mental development reflects innate capactities d. children "internalize" speech addressed to them


Which of the following is true of Mischel? Select one: a. he believed behavior was determined by situational factors not personality traits b. he demonstrated that many behaviors had low cross-situational consistency c. he demonstrated that delay of gratification in the preschool years predicted adult competence d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following is true of alcohol craving Select one: a. it is a conditioned response to cues associated with drinking b. alcoholics have more craving to drinking cues than social drinkers c. alcohol craving is associated with serotonin activity in the occipital lobes d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following is true of connectionist models? Select one: a. they use serial distributed processing b. they mimic neural networks c. a node's level of activation varies according to inputs it receives d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following is true of girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) Select one: a. they are born with semi-male genitals b. they are more likely to be homosexual in orientation as adults c. if they receive hormone treatment after birth, they are no more aggressive and active than females without CAH d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following is true of testosterone Select one: a. injection of testosterone increases sex drive in males b. injection of testosterone decreases sex drive in females c. winning a game triggers an increase in testosterone in males d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following is true of the fundamental attribution error? Select one: a. people tend to make dispositional attributions about themselves b. people tend to make situational attributions about themselves c. people tend to make personological attributions about others d. some of the above e. all of the above Feedback


Which of the following shows that gender differences in aggression are biological in origin Select one: a. baby male rhesus monkeys engage in more rough-and-tumble play than females b. administering male sex hormone increases aggressive behavior in animals c. more men than women are convicted of violent crimes d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following was NOT a finding in Schuckit's study of college men and future alcoholism Select one: a. men without alcoholic parents varied in their tolerance for alcohol b. men with alcoholic parents varied in their tolerance for alcohol c. men with alcoholic paretns had more tolerance than men without alcoholic parents d. men without alcoholic parents had more tolerance than then with alcoholic parents e. men with more tolerance were more likely to become alcoholics in the next 10 years


Which theory has been used to explain "preparedness" in phobias Select one: a. psychodynamic theory b. humanistic theory c. cognitive theory d. evolutionary theory


The idea that human nature is selfish, aggressive, nasty, and competitive but that society constrains people to restrain these impulses is most associated with which famous philosopher? Select one: a. Plato b. Descartes c. Locke d. Hobbes

d. Hobbes

Parents who are highly intelligent and well-educated are more likely to provide intellectually stimulating environments for their children and are also more likely to have children who are intelligent than parents who have lower levels of intelligence. This illustrates Select one: a. gene-environment interaction b. evocative gene-environment correlation c. genotypic reaction range d. passive gene-environment correlation e. phenotypic interaction

d. Passive G x E correlation

Which of the following are characteristics of the correlational approach to psychology? Select one: a. measuring how variables are interrelated to each other in the "real" world b. manipulating the independent variable c. examining the differences in naturally occurring groups d. two of the above e. three of the above

d. Two of the above--a. measuring how variable are interrelated to each other in the "real" world; and c. examining the differences in naturally occurring groups

In a "split-brain" patient, which of the following are true Select one: a. an object seen only in the right visual field can be named b. an object seen only only in the left visual field can be named c. the corpus collosum is severed d. a & c e. b & c

d. a & c--a. an object seen only in the right visual field can be named; c. the corpus callosum is severed

The resting potential of a neuron: Select one: a. is seen only in the cell body b. is seen only in the axon c. is about +70 mv inside with respect to the outside d. is about -70 mv inside with respect to the outside e. is an all or none conducted potential

d. is about -70 mv inside with respect to the outside

In myelinated axons conduction of the action potential: a. is continuous b. jumps from synapse to synapse c. jumps from dendrite to dendrite d. jumps from node of Ranvier to node of Ranvier e. is slowed down by the myelin

d. jumps from node of Ranvier to node of Ranvier

The left and right optic nerves cross over to the contralateral side in the a. blind spot b. thalamus c. occipital lobe d. optic chiasm

d. optic chasm

Which of the following are true of genotypes? Select one: a. a genotype can result in various phenotypes b. a genotype has a reaction range which depends upon environmental factors c. a phenotype is something you are born with d. some of the above e. all of the above

d. some of the above--a. a genotype can result in various phenotypes; and b. a genotype has a reaction range which depends upon environmental factors

Which of the following are aspects of the body's SNS response to perceived stress a. heart rate increases b. respiration rate increases c. pupils constrict d. some of the above e. all of the above

d. some of the above--a. heart rate increases; b. respiration rate increases

Which results were found in the Hane and Fox (2006) study of 9-month olds a. infants with more nurturing mothers were less cranky when observed at home b. infants with less nurturing mothers were more fearful and showed less joint attention with their mothers during the lab visit c. infants with more nurturing mothers showed more right frontal activty on EEGs d. some of the above e. all of the above

d. some of the above--a. infants with more nurturing mothers were less cranky when observed at home; b. infants with less nurturing mothers were more fearful and showed less joint attention with their mothers during the lab visit

In the Hit Rate Model, the hit rate (or sensitivity) represents a. the percent of times the signal is absent that the subject says it is absent b. the percent of times the subject says the signal is present when it actually is c. the percent of times the signal is present that the subject says it is absent d. the percent of times the signal is present that the subject says it is present e. the percent of times the signal is absent that the subject says it actually is present Feedback

d. the percent of times the signal is present and the subject says its present

The right hemisphere is more specialized than the left hemisphere for which of the following Select one: a. face recognition b. language c. spatial/pattern perception d. some of the above e. all of the above

d.some of the above--a. face recongnition; c. spatial/pattern perception

According to the Atkinson-Shifrin model of information processing Select one: a. information attended to passes from the sensory register into working memory b. information in working memory is lost in a few seconds if it is not rehearsed c. both recognition and recall demonstrate retrieval from long-term memory d. some of the above e. all of the above


In Werker's study of 5 day old infants growing up in monolingual English, bilingual English-Tagalog, or bilingual English-Chinese language environments, high-amplitude sucking results indicated that Select one: a. the monolingual English children preferred English b. the bilingual English-Tagalog group showed no language preference c. the bilingual English-Chinese children showed more Tagalog preference than the monolingual English children d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which findings have been reported regarding adult attachment Select one: a. people with "secure" attachment seek comfort from a partner when feeling distressed b. people with "secure" attachment comfort a partner when the partner is distressed c. people with "anxious-ambivalent" attachment do most reassurance seeking d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following are TRUE of stress-induced analgesia in veterans Select one: a. when veterans with PTSD are exposed to "combat stimuli," they show reduced sensitivity to pain b. stress-induced analgesia results from tiggering endorphins c. administration of an opiate agonist blocks stress-incued analgesia in veterans with PTSD d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following best captures the fact that only a fraction of young women exposed to media messages about thinness become anorexic? Select one: a. attribution theory b. the behavioral model c. preparedness theory d. social learning theory e. the diathesis-stress model


Which of the following describes Erikson's central conflict for ages 30-60 Select one: a. trust vs. mistrust b. intimacy vs. isolation c. autonomy vs. shame/doubt d. industry vs. inferiority e. generativity vs. stagnation


Which of the following findings about PTSD are compatible with the diathesis-stress model Select one: a. the likelihood of PTSD is proportional to trauma severity b. people with pre-existing disorders are more likely to develop PTSD than people without c. previous sexual abuse increases the likelihood of PTSD in response to rape d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following findings about immune functioning have been demonstrated in research Select one: a. immune functioning decreases during exam stress b. immune functioning decreases when couples fight c. immune functioning decreases when baby rats are shocked or separated from their mothers d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following has been found in research on adult attachment Select one: a. about 60% of the adults described themselves as securely attached b. questionnaires yielded two attachement-related factors, namely anxiety and avoidance c. percentages of adults in the avoidant category and the anxious-ambivalent cateory were about equal d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following is true about the heritability of IQ Select one: a. it is estimated to be about 50% on average b. heritability of IQ is higher in high SES groups than in low SES groups c. heritability of IQ is higher in adults than in children d. some of the above e. all of the above


Which of the following is true of prototypical exemplars of concepts Select one: a. they are classified more quickly than peripheral exemplars b. they are likely to possess most of the characteristic features of the concept c. they are classified more accurately than peripheral exemplars d. some of the above e. all of the above


Children with higher intelligence show greater increases in knowledge when exposed to intellectual stimulation than children with less intellectual ability exposed to the same level of intellectual stimulation. This illustrates Select one: a. selective breeding b. incomplete dominance c. active gene-environment correlation d. evocative gene-environment correlation e. gene-environment interaction

e. G x E interaction

Which of the following are true of neurotransmitters Select one: a. they are stored in presynaptic neurons b. each transmitter has its own shape receptor c. they are ejected from the post-synaptic neuron and then broken down or re-uptaken d. some of the above e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following is true of morphological inflections Select one: a. they are omitted in telegraphic speech b. they include verb endings for person and tense c. children sometimes add them where they don't belong d. some of the above e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following is true regarding categorical perception of phonemes a. discrimination is good at the boundary between phoneme categories b. discrimination functions show sharp inflections c. identification functions are smooth d. discrimination is good between phoneme categories e. some of the above f. all of the above

e. some of the above

In Signal Detection theory, d' (d prime) refers to which of the following a. the distance between the means of the "noise" distribution and the "signal" distribution b. how easy the signal is to detect c. the criterion a person uses to say a signal is present d. all of the above e. some of the above

e. some of the above--a. the distance between the means of the "noise" distribution and the "signal" distribution; b. how easy the signal is to detect

In the Hit Rate Model, the false alarm rate represents a. the percent of times the signal is absent that the subject says it is absent b. the percent of times the subject says the signal is present when it actually is c. the percent of times the signal is present that the subject says it is absent d. the percent of times the signal is present that the subject says it is present e. the percent of times the signal is absent that the subject says it actually is present

e. the percent of times the signal is absent that the subject says it is present

Erikson's view of the first developmental stage differs from Freud's view in that a. Erikson's account is psychosexual and Freud's is psychosocial b. Erikson's account is psychosocial and Frued's is psychosexual c. Erikson focuses on oral needs and Freud focuses on mutiple aspects of nurturance d. Erikson postulates a polarity between basic trust and mustrust and Freud postulates a conflict between gratification and frustration of labindial urges e. two of the above

e. two of the above--b. Erikson's account is psychosocial and Freud's is psychosexual; d. Erikson postulates a polarity between basic trust and mistrust and Freud postulates conflict between gratification and frustration of labindial urges

Comparied to Type I alcoholics, Type II alcoholics Select one: a. have earlier onset b. have higer rates of ASPD c. are more likely to be high novelty seekers d. are more likely to be men e. some of the above f. all of the above


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