Psychology 150

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The theoretical formula for calculating Intelligence Quotient is:

(mental age/ chronological age) times 100

The founder of Social cognitive theory was:

Albert Bandura

According to research which of the following contribute to our well being?

All of the above improve can improve your well being according to research.

Lauren Bailey used to walk more than 30 miles a day as well as restricted her food intake severely to the point that her weight dropped to just 42 pounds. Lauren would be diagnosed with which disorder?

Anorexia nervosa

This school of thought tends to describe behavior in response to environmental stimuli.


_____ is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating that causes significant distress.

Binge-eating disorder

Your psychology instructor's office is located:


________ psychologists help clients with their problems like adjusting to a divorce or stress management.


Which of the following is not true about hypnotism?

Everyone can be hypnotized.

_______ determines whether a person can become obese, but ______ determines whether that person will become obese.

Genetics; environment

What distinguished Wilhelm Wundt's contribution from other contributions in psychology?

He established psychology as a laboratory science.

Which subfield of psychology examines how psychological factors affect health and well-being?

Health psychology

Which sexually transmitted disease can spread when blisters occur?


Which type of sexually transmitted disease that without treatment may progress to AIDS which is often fatal?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

This modern perspective of psychology focuses on the human capacity for self-fulfillment, self-awareness, personal growth, choice and free will as the cause of how we act, think and feel.


Recently, Dan Price, chief executive of Gravity Payments, surprised his 100+ workers when he told them he was cutting his roughly $1 million salary to $70,000 and using company profits to ensure that everyone there would earn at least that much within three years. He did so after reading an article on happiness which found that people people earning under $70,00 were not as happy as those earning $70,000 and that earning more than that did not improve happiness and emotional well being. Researching work, income, and happiness would fall under which field of psychology?


Which of the following is NOT on of the "Big Five" personality traits according to the Five Factor Model?


A snake slithers in front of you one your morning walk causing your heart rate to increase and your palms to sweat which then cause you to feel afraid. This example best demonstrates which theory of emotion?

James-Lange theory

Pepsi hired researchers to determine how much swerve to put in diet pepsi. They wanted to use the minimum amount needed for drinkers to notice the sweetness. They were using:

Just noticeable difference

Who was the first female president of the American Psychological Association?

Mary Whiton Clakins

The least common sleep disorder is:


Freud viewed dreams as wish fulfillment for our unconscious wants. Research on this dream theory shows:

No evidence to support his claim.

In which stage of sleep are we most likely dreaming?


Which of the following is most likely to be prescribed for use with hyperactive children?


Which of the following is not a good way to regulate your emotions?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the conscious need to be all we can be is known as:


______ is the detection of physical stimuli from the world around you and the sending of that information to your brain.


The founder of the psychodynamic perspective was:

Sigmund Freud

Based on the serial position effect, you should do which of the following when starting to study?

Start in varying places of your notes

Movies are a series of still images presented fast enough to make them appear to be moving. This effect is called:

Stroboscopic motion

Which event led to Elliott's decision to do the controversial blue-eyed / brown-eyed experiment?

The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The best definition of psychology is:

The scientific study of how we act, think, and feel.

When Ashlyn drank wine for the first time, she felt floaty after just a couple of glasses. Now it take her the entire bottle of wine to get the same feeling. Ashlyn is showing:


The results of the controversial Milgram social psychology experiment were:

Two thirds of the teachers/ subjects shocked the learner to maximum intensity.

Antonio is very competitive. He is a high achiever that gets hostile and impatient with others when things do not go his way. He has great difficulty relaxing. Antonio is showing which personality behavior pattern that may make him more likely to develop heart disease?

Type A

An IQ score of 100 means that:

a person is average.

Several students commented in their introduction that their intention or goal for this course was to earn an A grade. This desire illustrates:

achievement motivation

When Phillip's fellow students show up late to class, he thinks they are irresponsible and lazy. But when Phillip is late to class, he tells his professor that it is not his fault because he got caught behind the train. This scenario best illustrates?

actor-observer bias

Which of the following are universally recognized emotions?

all of the above

Cameron likes to go home after a hard day at work and relax in his recliner, watching the fire roar in his fireplace. In these situations, he often feels "zoned out." His thoughts and the world around him feel fuzzy and indistinct. Cameron is most likely experiencing:

an altered state of consciousness

Margo tends to focus on the future, with a view towards patterns and possibilities. She is good at seeing the big picture rather than working with details. Margo's abilities indicate a ____ personality preference.

an intuition

According to Robert Sternberg, the three types of intelligences are:

analytical, creative, practical

Professor Schultz was recently in a boating accident that left him with brain damage. he has no trouble teaching his classes, which he has taught for over 10 years. However, Professor Schulz has lost the ability to remember new information, such as the names of his students. he is most likely experiencing:

anterograde amnesia

According to context-dependent memory, nurses should probably study, learn and test their nursing material where?

at a hospital or medical setting

Which if the following is true according to the need hierarchy?

basic survival needs must be met before people can satisfy higher needs.

Which theory of personality development would be most likely to think that personality can be trained and learned?


The tendency to perceive a broken figure as being complete or whole is:


Which modern perspective of psychology would suggest that if we can change your thoughts and opinions to be that smoking is bad and harmful then those thoughts could change your feelings and behavior and get you to quit smoking?


Before her fall sorority social, Jade decides to get a haircut at an expensive salon. Afterward, she doesn't think it looks any differently than her normal haircut and is worried that she wasted her money. A few hours later, she tells her sorority sisters that is was the best haircut she has her had. Jade's change in attitude us best explained by:

cognitive dissonance

After watching the movie, Jaws, many people were not only afraid of sharks but also the ocean. According to classical conditioning, fear of the ocean is known as

conditioned response

The ability to do things that are unique and beneficial and to generate novel combinations out of existing elements describes:


Which life event earns the most life change points, meaning it is the most stressful, on the Holmes & Rahe stress scale?

death of close family member

Punishment _____ the likelihood of a behavior, negative reinforcement ____ the likelihood of behavior, and positive reinforcement _____ the likelihood of behavior.

decreases, increases, increases

Sciences has four goals. Much psychology research explains what is happening in terms of the way people act, think, and feel. This demonstrates which goal of science?


Memory of flawed in several ways including memory bias, flashbulb memories, misattribution, suggestibility and false memories. This is known as:


Scientific evidence shows that _____ improves your health physically, cognitively, and emotionally.


Jade is motivated to come to work because her job pays well. She is experiencing ____ motivation.


Iyengar and Lepper conducted a study about choices. They found that:

having six choices of jam led to the most sales of jam

Ronald Cotton is famous because:

he was falsely imprisoned for faulty eyewitness testimony.

Which of the following is a positive response to stress?

heading the gym for a workout

Seven year old Mitchell knows that his cat, Freud, is a cat and that all cats are animals. Mitchell's concept of animal is best characterized as:


A(n) ______ is a specific statement about behavior or mental processes that is tested through research.


The most instinctive part of our personality that screams, "I want it and I want it now", is known as the:


Renee has not ridden a bike in years but while on vacation she has the chance. She is able to remember how to ride without any difficulties due to her _____ memory.


Charlie has a temper tantrum in the check out isle at Walmart because he wants candy. His embarrassed father decides to buy him the candy to shut Charlie up. According to operant conditioning, Dad has:

increased future temper tantrums by using positive reinforcement for a negative behavior

Using the experimental research method, experimenters manipulate variables and then measure _____ variables.

independent; dependent

Jorge prefers a planned and organized approach to life. He likes to read one book at a time, work on one project at a time. He often makes to do lists. Jorge is showing a ____ personality preference.


Sometimes pseudofacts are given as support for claims. Such fabrication occurs most often in fake news. As a good critical thinker in psychology class, you know that you spot fake news by all of the following except?

listening to FOX news

Your psychology instructor hopes that you learn the psychology material so well that it might help you when raising children or supervising people on the job several years after taking the course. To do so, you must store the psychology material in your ______ memory.


Which of Gardner's multiple intelligences are most similar to information taught in schools?

mathematical/ logical and linguistic

When I took a ceramics art class on campus, we would watch the teacher throw pottery on the wheel and then we would try it ourselves. We were engaging in which type of learning?


Factors of differing strength that energize, direct, or sustain behavior is known as:


Recent studies have found that adolescents and young adults who used e-cigarettes were _____ to become regular smokers than those who did not use e-cigarettes.

much more likely

Jacob is good at remembering melodies, noticing pitches and rhythms and keeping time. He would score high on which of Gardner's multiple intelligences?


All of the following would be examples of virtuous positive psychology traits except:


The personality assessment you took to participate in the discussion forum is a(n) _______ assessment.


Structures on the tongue that contain groupings of taste buds are:

papillae, sensory adaptation

Karen and Rick have been married for seven years. They still have as much sexual desire for each other as when they first started dating. This information suggest that Karen and Rick experience:

passionate love

The Oedipus Complex and the Electra Complex occur during which stage of psychosexual development?


Researchers recently found a correlation between the number of hours women sit and cancer. Specifically they discovered the more women sit in leisure time, the higher their risk of cancer. This example illustrates a _____ correlation.


The study of the strengths and virtues that allow people and communities to thrive is known as:

positive psychology

In the Big Bang Theory clip, Sheldon gets Penny to do things he wants by giving her chocolate. This example illustrates which learning principle?

positive reinforcement

Hank has the tendency to behave in ways that confirm his own expectations or other people's expectations. He is demonstrating?

self-fulfilling prophecy

Many of us in this area live near a military base where we hear the sound of freedom often. We hear planes so often that we no longer even notice them. This change illustrates:

sensory adaptation

A sleep disorder in which a person has trouble falling asleep, staying asleep and waking to early is known as:

sleep apnea, insomnia

Which sense is the only one not processed through the thalamus?


The modern perspective that highlights the roles of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status in behavior and mental processes is:


Amanda likes to draw, build,design, and create things. She is talented at imagining things. She would score high on which of Gardner's multiple intelligences?


An environmental event or stimulus that an organism perceives as threatening is known as:


Professor Bochnovic gives a quiz every Wednesday. Her students would then tend to ____ because they are on a ____ schedule of reinforcement.

study on Tuesday nights; fixed interval

Jorge thinks about going to Las Vegas on his vacation, but he remembers the recent mass shooting and decides that Las Vega is too dangerous. Instead he books a flight to Niagara Falls. Jorge's overestimation of the danger in Las Vega is a result of:

the availability heuristic

Amanda makes decisions using logic, and analysis of cause and effect. She is illustrating which personality preference?


The purpose of the Innocence Project, founded in 1992 by Peter Neufeld and Barry Scheck at Cardozo School of Law is:

to exonerate the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reform the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice

The purpose of Zimbardo's controversial social psychology experiment was:

to test conformity to social roles

A person's IQ must be in the ___ of the distribution of IQ scores to be eligible into Mensa, the society for highly intelligent people.

top 2%

According to Rogers, the idea that someone will love you no matter what you say, think or do is known as:

unconditional positive regard

According to the famous classical conditioning experiment with the dogs, the dogs salivating to the meat is the:

unconditioned response

Which sense helps you to maintain your balance?


A positive state that includes striving for optimal health and life satisfaction is called:


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