Psychology chapter 12

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Picture Story Exercise (PSE).

A projective test in which an individual looks at a series of pictures and is asked to tell a story about the picture he sees is called the


Allport and Odbert (1936) wrote down all the trait terms from two dictionaries in their study of traits. This is known as the _____ approach.


Current research on _____ suggests that even when participants are interacting with different people and in different settings, the participants tended to behave or respond in similar manners across various situations.


Lorianna strongly believes that she is in control of her choices and behaviors. In fact, she will tell you that she doesn't regret anything she has ever done in her life because she has learned from all of her experiences. This best reflects a/n ____________locus of control.


Repression and regression are the same defense mechanism except that one happens when you are anxious and the other happens when you are manic.

face validity.

The items on the NEO-PI-R are considered to have


Will's doctor just told him that he had developed lung cancer after many years of smoking. Will leaves the doctor's office and lights a cigarette, telling himself that he is fine and smoking is no big deal. Will is using the defense mechanism known as

it seems like it fits the trait it is supposed to measure.

An item on a personality assessment is high in face validity if

cognitive affective processing systems.

CAPS is an acronym for


Eysenck focused on the role of arousal in personality and behavior. His theory, the ____, suggests that reticular formation plays a role in wakefulness or arousal.

behavior, environment, and cognitive factors are all important in understanding personality.

Social cognitive theory states that


_____ is a powerful and pervasive defense mechanism by which anxiety caused by unacceptable id impulses are pushed back into the unconscious mind.


is an enduring pattern of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral ways of responding to the environment.

Behavioral genetics

.is the study of the inherited underpinnings of behavioral characteristics.


A _________________ test presents individuals with an ambiguous stimulus and asks them to describe it or tell a story about it.


A criticism of the social cognitive perspective of personality is that it ignores the role biology plays in personality.


According to Freud, the ego works on the _________ principle.


According to Mischel, our thoughts and emotions about ourselves and the world affect our behavior and become linked in ways that matter to the behavior. This is known as


According to Rogers, which is not an essential quality for promoting optimal functioning?


According to the RAS theory, both introverts and extroverts start out their mornings at the same level of arousal but daily experiences are what shape the behavior.

essentially zero relationship between birth order and personality type.

Adler posed ideas that birth order and personality were associated and that many people believe that in what order you were born influences your personality type. Research on the topic identified that there is

individual psychology

Alders theory of ______________ argued that people are motivated by their desire for perfection


Although he is highly prejudiced against women, Joe makes sure to always speak with women in his office in a friendly way and tries to promote them when possible. Jung would describe Joe's behaviors as the result of his ___________ one of the archetypes that help in the collective unconscious.

sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholic.

Around 400 B.C.E., Hippocrates, the father of medicine, described human beings as having one of four basic personalities based on levels of particular bodily fluids (called humours). These four humours consisted of

twin studies.

Behavioral genetics works to understand the underpinnings of behavioral characteristics. Most research in behavioral genetics uses

Hans Eysenck

British psychologist, ____________________ was among the first researchers to describe the role of a particular brain system, the reticular activation system, in relation to the extraversion /introversion of an individual's personality.

internal locus of control and high self-efficacy.

Carlos is getting ready for an important job interview. He reviews his resume, makes sure he is dressed properly and tells himself that whatever happens he can get through it. Because Carlos is confident in his academic choices and interviewing skills and he really wants this job, you could describe Carlos as having an

collective unconscious.

Cerys has read all the books on mythology in his school's library, and he is intrigued by how the stories all seem to have similar elements and themes. In each story there is a hero and a villain, a damsel in distress, a wise old man or woman to guide the hero, and a funny sidekick. Jung would tell Cerys that the commonalities are there because the story creators were all tapping the


Cerys has read all the books on mythology in his school's library, and he is intrigued by how the stories all seem to have similar elements and themes. In each story there is a hero and a villain, a damsel in distress, a wise old man or woman to guide the hero, and a funny sidekick. Jung would tell Cerys that the hero, the villain, the wise mentor, the love interest, and the sidekick are all patterns of interpreting experience called


Defense mechanisms aim to reduce anxiety ________________ by unconsciously distorting reality.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2).

Dr. Drust asks his client, Nairi, to complete a test that will help him pinpoint the type of depression she has and which personality characteristics may be contributing to her problem. The test consists of 567 true and false questions and addresses attitudes and emotions, behaviors and symptoms. Dr. Drust has given Nairi the

Picture Story Exercise (PSE)

Dr. Vartan shows his client, Dallas, 12 different pictures and asks him to tell a story about each one, including the characters' thoughts and feelings. Dallas has just taken the


Elijah often worries about his future. He almost always lies awake the night before a test concerned that he will fail. On the rare occasion that he does receive a grade that is lower than one for which he hoped, he becomes depressed and irritable and usually gets sick. His friends tease him that he takes everything far too seriously, or that he's going to have a nervous breakdown before he reaches 20. Based on this information, and relying on the Five Factor Model, we can say that Elijah would most likely score high in


Elke lends a friend some money but the friend doesn't pay her back when he said he would. Though Elke feels angry, her mother taught her that it is rude to yell or say anything that might upset someone else, so she pretends she isn't angry and asks the friend to pay her back in a month. Freud would say that Elke's _____ told her she shouldn't show anger towards others.


Factor analysis is a statistical procedure in which humanistic psychologists used to identify human factors (i.e., unconditional positive regard) of personality development.


Freud approached personality development through the unconscious mind and childhood experiences, while Trait Theorist, _________________ approached personality development through the conscious experiences and understanding the healthy mature person.


Freud believed that psychological problems were _____; in other words, they were caused by multiple unconscious processes.


Freud's _________ theory largely focuses the unconscious aspect of our personality.


Freud's early work focused on _______, which refers to physical symptoms that have no physical cause, and concluded that these symptoms were overdetermined or had many causes in the unconscious.


Frued considered the _________ to be psyches consience

openness to experience.

Geneviève is a tolerant woman. She dresses well and likes to try new experiences but also is very goal driven. She hopes to start her own travel business one day. Based on what you know about Geneviève, you might expect her to score high on

BIS and BAS.

Gray proposed the reinforcement sensitivity theory, which suggests there are two systems that may underlie personality. These systems are


If Eysenck is the founder of the RAS theory, then _____ is the founder of the reinforcement sensitivity theory.


If locus of control is related to one's interpretation of their responsibility over events, behaviors and choices, then ______ is the belief that one can master a situation and produce change in those choices or behaviors.


If you were to gluttonously eat an entire birthday cake, Freud would say that was caused by your


In accordance with brain area function, ______ such as serotonin and dopamine have also been implicated in the role of personality development.


Lying about one's self in an online dating profile is not related to _______, a trait shaped by altruism, generosity and viewing of others in a more positive manner.


Mischel criticized other personality theories on the notion that behavior is not always consistent across situations. Group starts

based on a given situation.

Mischel didn't find evidence to support cross-situational consistency; rather, he believed that personality often changes


Mischel is known for his theory of


Octavia enjoys being around others and is well known for her social grace. She is warm and engaging with everyone she meets regardless of whether the setting is the classroom, her workplace, a restaurant, or her own home. Based on this information and relying on the Five Factor Model, we can say that she would most likely to score high in

Carl Rogers

Of the following theorists, who is NOT associated with psychodynamic theory?

experience negative emotions more than positive ones. be at risk for heart disease. complain of health issues.

People scoring high on the trait of neuroticism, are more likely to ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT


Personality psychologists may attempt to apply personality theory to one person's life, such as Adam Lanza, the shooter from the Sandy Hook elementary school tragedy, to help understand the story behind why and how a person could behave in the ways he did. This method is called a(n)


Personality researchers state that more specific traits may be better predictors of behavior than a broad list of traits.


Phil's boss called him into her office and told him that he was a bad employee and was going to be fired if he didn't show improvement. Although he wanted to argue that he was a good employee, Phil held his tongue to avoid getting into even more trouble. When he got home his wife apologized for not having dinner ready yet. Phil screams at his wife and tells her she is a bad wife for making him wait for dinner after he was at work all day. Phil's behavior is an example of


Research on cultures and personality suggest that the big five factors do capture human personality around the world. Which of the following traits is most likely to emerge across cultures and languages?

reaction formation

Researchers attempt to understand stigmas and stereotypes surrounding homosexuality. They often use ________, a defense mechanism in which a person's conscious experience is the exact opposite of his or her unconscious feelings.

representation of who we are and who we wish to become during childhood.

Roger's approach to personality development included the development of a self-concept, a-1

social desirability.

Self-report testing is a commonly used method for assessing personality characteristics. However, one of the flaws with such assessment measure is


Serotonin is associated with mood, which suggests that low levels of serotonin are linked to


Since her physician told Fabienne that she needs to lose weight to improve her health, she has been trying to eat healthier. But every time she goes out to a restaurant, she can't resist ordering several unhealthy desserts. Her friends suggest that she try to eat the foods she craves in moderation, but she tells them that when she sees the sweets she's not "supposed" to eat, she can focus on nothing but how badly she wants them. Freud would say that Fabienne's _____ is encouraging her to overeat certain foods.


The Oedipus complex is thought to occur in which stage of psychosexual development?


The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), also known as the Picture Story Exercise (PSE), is a type of ___________ test.

social cognitive

The _____ approach to personality development emphasizes conscious awareness, beliefs, expectations and goals and how these factors relate to behavior and performance.

personological and life story perspectives.

The approach that stresses that the way to understand the unique personality of each person is to focus on his or her life history and story is called


The big five factors of personality include neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and


The level of arousal in the RAS experienced by introverts is _____ their optimal level.


The neurotransmitter _____________ has been linked with the experience of reward and thus extraverts are motivated to bring these levels up by engaging in more stimulating experiences.


The trait approach to personality development is missing the importance of ______ factors, the understanding that circumstances may elicit different responses from an individual.

conditions of worth.

Tommy's mom only gives him praise when he scores a goal during his soccer game. Additionally, his mom often sets standards for such things as doing chores and work around the house for which she will give him praise. Based on Roger's thinking, Tommy's mom is establishing

factor analysis

Trait theories utilize _______, a statistical procedure for identifying which traits correspond with each other.

Cognitive factors, personality, and the environment all interact to determine a person's personality.

What does reciprocal determinism mean?

Abraham Maslow

What theorist stressed the importance of self-actualization?


When a person is unable to successfully navigate the challenges of a specific stage of psychosexual development, thereby not progressing to the next stage, that person is

Psychobiographies may not be generalizable.

Which is a criticism of the personological approach?

It does not hold individuals accountable for their behaviors if all negative human behavior emerges from negative situations.

Which is considered a criticism of the humanistic perspective of personality development?

A man whose hand is numb despite any physical explanation

Which of the following is an example of hysteria?


Which of the following personality traits would you expect a successful graduate student to be high in?

oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency period, genital stage

Which of the following, from earliest to latest, is the correct ordering of the psychosexual stages of development?

reticular formation

Which part in the brain stem plays a role in wakefulness or arousal?


Which personality structure did Freud believe was responsible for creating defense mechanisms?

Carl Jung

Which theorist developed the idea of the collective unconscious?

Albert Bandura

Which theorist is most closely associated with the social cognitive approach?

projective test

Which type of assessment requires participants to tell a story about a novel stimulus?


While Layne's friends enjoy her sense of humor and warmth, they are often frustrated by her inability to get places on time. Worse, she rarely calls to say she will be late, and sometimes she doesn't show up at all. She hates to commit to anything beforehand and seems to make decisions based on her moods, regardless of how those behaviors might affect others. Based on this information, and relying on the Five Factor Model, we can say that Layne would be most likely to score low in

Sigmund Freud

Who was the founder of psychoanalysis?

Henry Murray

Whose analysis of Hitler was the first "offender profile," and it has served as a model for modern criminal profiling?

She has an external locus of control.

Zelda doesn't believe it is important to study too much for her test. She believes her grade will be determined by outside factors like how hard the test is and luck. Which of the following best describes Zelda?


_____ theories best describe personality as a broad set of enduring dispositions that tend to lead to characteristic responses.


factors that are missing in the trait theories are emphasized in the personological and life story perspectives, which show the importance of changes in behavior across various environments or circumstances.


"Who am I" and "Who do I want to be" are statements that best reflects Roger's idea of a

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