Psychology Exam #2

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Memories before the age of _____ are often unreliable.


Conditioning seldom occurs when a(n) _____ repeatedly comes before a(n) _____.

unconditioned stimulus; neutral stimulus

Jack finds it extremely difficult to pull himself away from the blackjack table. He keeps thinking he will break even because the next hand will be his winning one. This is a _____ schedule.


In addition to automatically forming associations, about which factor is information NOT formed automatically?


By which group is the tend-and-befriend strategy MOST often used?


Jamaal has to make an important phone call. Unfortunately, his cell phone is not charged and he has to use his landline, which does not store phone numbers. To make the call, he has to get the number from his cell phone and remember it long enough to dial on his landline. For this task, which memory system is MOST important?

working memory

The ingredients of emotion include not only expressive behavior but also:

conscious experience and bodily arousal.

Psychologists have determined that fear of situations such as flying can be explained by:

fear of what we cannot control

Research has demonstrated that we actually _____ more than we can recall.


What do twin and adoption studies tell us about intelligence?

Both genetic factors and the environment affect intelligence.

A lesion in this part of the brain would MOST likely result in a disruption in speech.

Broca's area

Children who are promised a payoff for playing with an interesting toy have later been observed to play with the toy less than those who are not promised the reward. These findings provide support for the role of _____ in operant behavior.

Cognitive processes

Jane had leukemia as a child and had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy always made her nauseous. As she underwent a year of treatment, the waiting room started to make her nauseous. The waiting room became the:

Conditioned stimulus

Because he mistakenly believes that older workers are not as motivated to work as hard as younger workers, a factory foreman is especially vigilant for signs of laziness among his senior employees. His supervision strategy BEST illustrates:

Confirmation bias

Lara's mouth is dry and she realizes that she has not had anything to drink all morning. The water level in her cells has dropped and she feels thirsty. She is becoming agitated by watching people drink large glasses of soda, and the next chance she gets, she will have a large drink. Her motivation for getting a drink can be explained by:

Drive-reduction theory

Secondary reinforcers are powerful tools for shaping behavior because they have become associated with primary reinforcers. Which reward is NOT a secondary reinforcer?


Governments use this in an attempt to lead people in healthy directions, such as saying that there is a 90 percent survival rate from a particular surgery, rather than saying that 10 percent will die from the surgery.


The concept of a set point is relevant to understanding the experience of:


When the blood glucose level drops, _____ increases.


Which theorist(s) would agree with the statement "We observe our heart racing after an incident and then feel afraid"?


Which strategy is NOT a way to balance online activity and real-world connections?

Make sure that you keep in touch online with all your close friends.

Which statement is TRUE regarding gender/sex differences in intellectual abilities?

Males' mental abilities vary more than females.

An empathic husband who observes his wife in pain will exhibit some of the same brain activity she is showing. This BEST illustrates the functioning of:

Mirror neurons

Tina is a 7-year-old girl who frequently witnesses her father's anger and physical abuse toward her mother. In Tina's room, she is playing with her toys and begins to yell at them and hit them for "being so stupid and not having dinner ready." Her behavior is a clear example of:

Observational learning

Which statement BEST describes the relationship between imagery and performance?

Performing a task and imagining doing a task uses similar areas of the brain.

Which statement is NOT a possible factor for understanding racial and ethnic differences in intelligence scores?

Racial and ethnic groups do not differ in intelligence scores.

Although B. F. Skinner and other behaviorists did not think that it was necessary to refer to thoughts or expectations when explaining human learning, findings from experiments with rats suggest otherwise. Which finding suggests that cognitive processes are involved in operant learning?

Rats appear to experience latent learning while exploring mazes

Women appear to be more sensitive to nonverbal cues than men. Which research finding supports this statement?

Research has found all of these things to be true.

Some people are able to bounce back from many stressors, while other people who experience similar life events do not. This ability is called:


The type of behavior occurs as an automatic response to a stimulus


Dierdri is a figure skater preparing for the upcoming national championships. Her coach has suggested she practice mentally for the competition. Which image should she imagine?

She should imagine her jumps and spins while listening to her skating music.

Automatic processing is an unconscious, effortless encoding of information about:

Space, time, frequency All of the above

Irene is having trouble convincing her husband that spanking is not necessarily the best way to control their child's behavior. Which argument should she NOT use to support her position?

Spanking increases the frequency of the behavior

These cells attack cancer cells, viruses, and other foreign substances.

T lymphocytes

Three hours after eating at an airport fast-food restaurant, Karen got extremely nauseous while in flight. The next time she was in the airport and walked by that restaurant, she felt a wave of nausea. Which statement does NOT explain this phenomenon?

The restaurant became an unconditioned stimulus (US) for nausea.

Nikolas is suspected of a crime and is asked to take a polygraph test. Although he is innocent, what are the chances that he will be falsely accused?

These tests are inaccurate about one-third of the time.

Compared with the general population, how much time do lonely people spend online?

They spend a greater-than-average amount of time online.

People who are competitive, super motivated, impatient, and verbally aggressive are likely to be classified as:

Type a

Strangers placed in male-female pairs were instructed to stare into each other's eyes for two minutes. They reported feeling:

a triangle of attraction and affection

According to observational learning theory, when children have _____ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them. When children have _____ models, they imitate the helpful and positive behaviors they observe.

antisocial; prosocial

Marcy was not exposed to spoken or signed language during her early years because of abuse and neglect. We know that her ability to master:

any language is lost

Which theory of motivation BEST explains why people climb mountains?

arousal theory

The sympathetic nervous system is to _____ as the parasympathetic nervous system is to _____.

arousal; calming

In operant conditioning, animals:

associate their own actions with consequences

Shane's doctor suggests that he begin an aerobic exercise program in addition to the psychotherapy for his depression. As a result, Shane will NOT experience:

becoming more anxious from the stress of exercise program

When Judy's professor failed to recognize that Judy had her hand raised to answer a question, Judy began to think her professor was unfriendly. Judy later learned that the professor's limited vision kept him from seeing her raised hand, but she continued to think he was unfriendly. Judy's reaction BEST illustrates:

belief perseverance

People tend to use emotion-focused, rather than problem-focused coping strategies when they:

believe they cannot change a stressful situation

Maia has plenty of food and lives in a nice house. Now she feels she needs to find a lover or even a close friend or two with whom she can share her life. According to Abraham Maslow, what is motivating her?

belongingness and love needs

If people have a frightening experience immediately after hearing a strange sound, their fear may occur when they hear that sound again. This BEST illustrates:

classical condtioning

In her research, Professor Kyoto seeks to identify circumstances in a person's bias that are especially likely to impede effective problem solving. Her research is MOST likely in the area of _____ psychology.


Being able to visualize the layout of your house is an example of a:

cognitive map

Akira has expertise in mathematics, thinks in a novel way, seeks new experiences, and is intrinsically motivated. She is MOST likely high in what form of thinking?


Walter was bitten by a dog when he was 5 years old. To this day, he will not pet dogs; however, he will pet cats. This reaction BEST illustrates:


Tammy's sister and her husband want their 4-year-old daughter to learn a new language and would like to start by the time she is five. What advice should Tammy give?

early childhood is the best time to learn a new language

Attempting to alleviate stress directly by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to one's stress reaction is known as _____ coping.


The three steps in memory information processing are:

encoding, storage, and retrieval

Jennifer remembers that, when she was 6 years old, her grandparents gave her a Barbie doll for her birthday. This is an example of _____ memory.


The human mind seems to operate on two tracks. One track involves processing _____ memories, and the other specializes in processing _____ memories.

explicit; implicit

Brenda studies frequently for her class in hopes of earning an A in the class. She is trying to keep her grade point average as high as possible. She is motivated by:

extrinsic reinforcement

Regardless of culture, _____ music feels happy and _____ music seems sad.

fast-paced; slower

Terrell is not feeling hungry at the moment. This is likely because his:

gherlin levels are low

Research indicates that individuals with a(n) _____ mind-set tend to flourish when challenged in school.


The assistant chief of police has decided to forego using the polygraph test on a suspect and will use a different technique to assess the suspect's physiological responses to crime-scene details. This is known as the:

guilty knowledge test

The feel-good, do-good phenomenon refers to the impact of:

happiness on helpfulness

Derek's psychologist has asked him to write about a personal trauma he experienced as a child. How might this writing exercise influence his health?

he will have fewer health problems in the coming months

When people repeatedly imagine nonexistent actions and events, they can inadvertently create false memories. For example, in an experiment students are asked to repeatedly visualize breaking a toothpick. Following this exercise, they are more likely to think they have actually broken a toothpick. This phenomenon is known as:

imagination effect

Aerobic exercise _____ the body's production of serotonin and _____ arousal.


Type A personality is to Type B personality as _____ is to _____.

irritable; calm

After a construction accident, James was left without the ability to comprehend and express language because of damage sustained in his:

left temporal lobe

Because of _____, "hypnotically refreshed" memories may prove inaccurate, especially if the hypnotist asks leading questions.

memory construction

Gerri's psychologist has suggested that she take time to relax and silently pay attention to her inner state. This technique is called:

midnfulness meditation

Brandon thinks that he is a great guy. He thinks he is good looking and smart and that any girl would be lucky to have him choose her to be his girlfriend. He knows that all girls are attracted to him. Brandon's example illustrates:


According to the drive-reduction theory, we are pushed by our _____ and pulled by our ____.

needs; incentives

This type of behavior produces consequences


Jessica believes she can complete an entire term paper in two days and so begins the paper two days before its due date. Unfortunately, once she begins, she realizes it will more likely take five days to complete. Her failure to accurately determine how long the assignment would take BEST illustrates:


Jerry always expects the worse to happen and appears to doubt that he will reach his goals. Jerry is experiencing:


In an effort to recall his early life experiences, Aaron formed vivid mental images of the rooms in his childhood home. Aaron was engaged in the process of:


During a Spanish language exam, Janice easily remembers the French vocabulary she studied that morning. However, she finds it difficult to recall the Spanish vocabulary she rehearsed that afternoon. Her difficulty BEST illustrates:

proactive interference

Finding from John Garcia's research on taste aversion in rats indicate that:

rats are more likely to develop aversions to taste than they are to sights or sounds.

A _____ test gives consistent scores no matter when an individual takes the test.


According to Sigmund Freud, one reason that people forget is because they are _____ painful memories.


Classical conditioning focuses on _____ behavior, whereas operant conditioning focuses on _____ behavior.

respondent; operant

Ivan recently suffered a severe stroke and is no longer able to remember events from his childhood. His memory problems are related to:

retrieval failure

Evidence of multiple intelligences may come from observations of people with this disorder.

savant syndrome

According to the Schachter-Singer two-factor theory of emotion, which is the CORRECT sequence of events when a car drives directly toward a group and they experience emotion?

see an approaching car; heart pounds and, at the same time, the arousal is cognitively labeled; experience fear

Research has found that _____ temporarily weakens after an exertion, replenishes with rest, and becomes stronger with exercise.


Brent has learned that George Washington was the first president of the United States. Remembering this fact is an example of _____ memory.


In the movie Memento, the lead character has to write everything on his body and take notes. Otherwise, he quickly forgets because the injury he sustained left him without _____ memory.


Mary has just divorced her husband and has had to move to a small apartment that she is able to afford with her income alone. She is now struggling to pay her monthly bills and cries regularly. Mary is experiencing:

significant life change

Which method does NOT improve your memory?

sleeping less

Ricardo distributes his study time rather than cramming because he wants to retain the information for the long term. He is using the _____ effect.


Shelia says things like "me go," "mama bye," and "dada go." She is in the:

stage of telegraphic speech

When discussing stress and health, psychologists refer to the challenging event as the _____, the physical response to the event as the _____, and the process through which a person interprets the event as the _____.

stressor; stress reaction; stress

Which method is an effective way to minimize proactive and retroactive interference?

studying before studying

A local religious organization has taken an interest in reaching out to community members with AIDS. They were prompted to do this when they learned that religiously active AIDS patients seem to _____ than do their nonreligious counterparts.

survive longer

Mandisa is under an extreme amount of stress. She is battling with her ex-husband about money and their children. In this time of stress, Mandisa turns to her friends for support and spends as much time with her children as possible. According to Shelley Taylor, how is Mandisa responding to stress?

tend-and-befriend response

The body's resting rate of energy output is:

the basal metabolic rate

At a block party, Cyndi meets nine new neighbors. Moments later, she can only remember the names of the first three and last two neighbors she met. Her experience illustrates:

the serial position effect

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