Psychology Exam #2

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What are teratogens?

"Monster makers" Substances including viruses and chemicals that can damage the developing embryo or fetus

Insecure Attachment

(anxious style): not exploring, clinging to mother, loudly upset when mother leaves, remaining upset when she returns

Insecure Attachment

(avoidant style): seeming indifferent to mother's departure and return

As the body is flooded by an artificial opiate, like heroin, the brain stops producing its own natural opiates called:


Mr. Nydam suffers amnesia and is unable to remember playing golf on a particular course. But the longer he plays the course, the more his game improves. His experience illustrates the difference in:

explicit memory and implicit memory.

Our memory of facts and experiences that we consciously know and can easily recite is known as:

explicit memory.

Physical and cognitive abnormalities in children that are the result of a pregnant woman's heavy drinking is known as:

fetal alcohol syndrome.

Short-term memory is to _____________ as long-term memory is to _____________.

fleeting; permanent

Self-Reference Effect

Actively relating material to ourselves, aids encoding and retention Deepest form of processing

What is anterograde amnesia?

An inability to form new long term declarative memories. Individuals could still learn how to go places (automatic processing), could learn new skills (procedural memory), and acquire conditioned responses. They could NOT remember any experiences which created these implicit memories. Failure of encoding

A recent ad for toy cars stated the following: "Your son will feel 10-feet tall today, he will be able to explore his world, he will be able to create cities, he will be able to drive his imagination to new places." This is an example of:

gender roles.

What is infantile amnesia?

In infancy, the brain has an undeveloped hippocampus Most people cannot recall memories from the first 3 years of life

What is the misinformation effect?

Incorporating misleading information into one's memory of an event

Erikson's Stage: Elementary School (6-Puberty)

Industry vs. Inferiority

What is the social learning theory?

We learn gender role behavior by imitation, and by rewards and punishments that shape our behavior.

Erikson's Stage: Preschool (3-6 Years)

Initiative vs. Guilt

Erikson's Stage: (Late 60s and Up)

Integrity vs. Despair

Erikson's Stage: Young Adulthood (20s to Early 40s)

Intimacy vs. Isolation

How does context affect memory?

We retrieve a memory more easily when in the same context as when we formed the memory.

Confusing the source of information, such as remembering a movie scene as an actual experience, is called:


According to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, during adolescence, teenagers:

become confused about who they are.

Dr. Brooks has a client who suffers from substance use disorder. In therapy, she suggests that his abusive home environment, limited sense of life purpose, and deficient dopamine reward circuits might account for his addiction. Dr. Brooks is most clearly using a _______________ approach to understanding addictive behaviors.


In everyday interactions, men are more likely to state their opinions, and women to offer support. However, women tend to become more assertive, and men more empathic:

by age 50.

You just found out that your sister conceived about seven days ago. You rush to find a book on pregnancy so that you can learn more about it. What will the book say is happening around the seventh day of pregnancy?

The cells of the zygote begin to differentiate.

Where are conditioned responses formed and stored?

The cerebellum

What does prenatal development entail?

The embryo: 2-8 Weeks The multicellular cluster that implants to the uterine wall Differentiated cells develop into organs and bones

Reasoning hypothetically and deducing consequences enables adolescents to:

detect inconsistencies and spot hypocrisy in others' thinking.

Neuroadaptation is most likely to contribute to which of the following?

drug tolerance

Boys who are stronger and more athletic during their early teen years tend to be:

more popular.

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, the focus of preconventional morality is to:

obey rules to avoid punishment

One of your friends claims to have a shopping addiction and another reports being addicted to Internet games. What is one potential danger of considering these types of excessive behaviors to be addictions?

To define these types of behaviors as illness might allow individuals to NOT take responsibility for their behaviors.

What does the sensorimotor stage entail?

Touching and mouthing used to know the world Sensing the world without thinking

Erikson's Stage: Infancy (to 1 Year)

Trust vs. Mistrust

While you probably wish that your study time was automatic, unfortunately successful studying for Introductory Psychology requires attention and conscious effort known as:

effortful processing.

Javier is 20 years old and still very much dependent on his parents. They are paying for his college tuition as well as his living expenses. He spends his school holidays at home with them. He is in the phase of life known as:

emerging adulthood.

Tameka is reading a novel. When the phone rings, she looks up to see if her husband is going to answer it, which he does. She returns her attention to the book, going back to the exact spot on the page where she left off. Tameka is able to effortlessly return to her reading because:

of the automatic processing of space.

Nutrients and oxygen are transferred from a mother to her developing fetus through the:


During this stage of Piaget's cognitive development, children are able to represent things with words and images and use intuitive rather than logical reasoning.


The period of sexual maturation during which a person becomes capable of reproducing is known as _____.


Fill-in-the-blank test questions are to multiple-choice questions as:

recall is to recognition.

Ivan recently suffered a severe stroke and is no longer able to remember events from his childhood. His memory problems are related to:

retrieval failure.

Johnny has suffered hippocampal damage from a near-fatal bus crash. He is able to remember verbal information, but has no ability to recall visual designs and locations. He has damage to his:

right hippocampus.

Female breasts are to ___________ as male testes are to ___________.

secondary sex characteristics; primary sex characteristics

3-year-old Adam happily explores the attractive toys located in the dentist's waiting room while his mother is in the room. However, if she briefly leaves and then returns, he will return periodically to her side for brief moments. Adam most clearly displays signs of:

secure attachment.

During Piaget's sensorimotor stage, children acquire a:

sense of object permanence.

When Sara imitates her mother, carefully wrapping and setting out presents for the holiday celebration, she is praised and given holiday cookies. Sara's learning of gender-linked behaviors is best explained by:

social learning theory.

9-year-old Jared has one very good friend. The two boys spend a great deal of time playing one-on-one basketball, and often can be heard talking to each other about a wide range of topics. Compared to other boys his age, Jared is:

somewhat unusual, because most boys his age typically play in large groups and do not engage in intimate discussion.

Walid has been working 70-hour work weeks and has been getting his days and nights mixed up as well as having trouble separating his dreams from reality. Just yesterday he thought a project had been completed, but in reality it was only a dream. This problem is known as:

source amnesia.

Six months after a patient committed suicide, your attorney is asking if the patient called you before committing the act. You respond no. Three months later, opposing counsel asks you similar questions and you respond yes, confusing this patient with one of your current patients. This is an example of:

source misattribution.

Ralph came home quite drunk from the party on Saturday night. Luckily he was given a ride home. He threw his apartment keys down somewhere and immediately fell asleep. He may not be able to find his keys again until he is once again drunk because of:

state-dependent memory.

When adolescents achieve the intellectual summit:

they apply their new abstract reasoning tools to the world around them.

The average woman enters puberty __________ sooner than the average man.

two years

Secure Attachment

: mild distress when mother leaves, seeking contact with her when she returns

Piaget's Operational Stage

6/7-11 Years Logical thought limited to concrete topics Simple mathematical transformations


Multiple Choice

What is source amnesia or misattribution?

Neglecting to remember where the story came from, and attributing the source to your own experience

Lock and Key

Neurotransmitters and receptor sites fit similar to a lock and key Opiates are fake endorphins which stimulate the same receptor sites

What are the stages in Piaget's Developmental Theory?

1. Birth-2 Years: Sensorimotor 2. 2-6/7 Years: Preoperational 3. 7-11 Years: Concrete Operational 4. 12-Adulthood: Formal Operational

What are the 3 steps to personhood?

1. Conception 2. Prenatal Development 3. The Competent Newborn

What are the three main types of psychoactive drugs? What are examples of each?

1. Depressants (alcohol, barbiturates, opiates) 2. Hallucinogens (LSD, THC, Ecstasy) 3. Stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, meth, cocaine, ex)

What is the memory process?

1. Encoding 2. Storage 3. Retrieval

What are the stages of childhood development?

1. Physical 2. Cognitive 3. Social

The Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of Memory Formation

1. Sensory Memory: Stimuli are recorded by the senses 2. Short Term Memory: Information is processed and encoded through rehearsal (operative word) 3. Long term memory: Information is stored here

Piaget's Formal Operational Stage

12-Adulthood Abstract thought Hypothetical situations and development of morals

Piaget's Preoperational Stage

2-7 Years Old Development of thought, language, and theory of mind.

Among your _____ chromosomes, ____ are unisex.

46 ; 45

Ceci and Bruck's study of children's memories showed that ________ percent of the children who had not received genital examinations from a pediatrician still pointed to either genital or anal areas when asked.


What are the primary aspects of the fetus?

9 weeks and on hands and face have developed; embryo is now deemed a fetus By six months, the fetus may be able to survive outside the womb

Imagine a study in which participants are shown 2000 slides of houses and storefronts, each for only 10 seconds. Later, these same participants are shown 300 of the original slides paired with slides they have not seen before. According to research, these participants would be able to recognize ______ percent of the slides they had seen before.


Kaleb decided to go to his 25th year high school reunion. He looked in his yearbook to see whose picture he might recognize. According to research, he should expect to recognize _____ percent of his classmates' pictures.


What is a schema?

A mental container we build to hold our experiences Images, models, and/or concepts

Which of the following statements best defines identity?

A person's sense of self

Effortful Processing Strategies

A way to encode information into memory to prevent decaying and facilitate ease of retrieval (i.e. chunking, mnemonics, rehearsal, etc.)

Assimilation vs. Accomdation

Assimilation of the cat into an existing schema Accommodation of the new animal by creating a new schema for it

In early childhood, neural connections proliferate in the_____________________.

Association areas

What are the styles of parenting?

Authoritarian Permissive Authoritative

Erikson's Stage: Toddlerhood (1-3 Years)

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

What is the timeline for walking?

Beginning to walk: 12 months Walking independently: 15 months

What does maturation refer to, in a psychological sense?

Biologically driven growth and development enabling orderly changes in behavior Experience (nurture) can adjust the timing, but maturation (nature) sets the sequence

What is the principal task of infancy?

Building neural networks

What are psychoactive drugs?

Chemical substances that alter perceptions, mood, and other aspects of consciousness. Examples include caffeine, tobacco, Adderall, alchohol, etc.

Which of the following statements is true of parent-child relationships?

Conflict during the transition to adolescence tends to be greater with first-born than with second-born children.

Explicit/Declarative Memories

Facts and experiences that we can consciously recall Requires effortful processing (i.e. studying, rehearsing, storage into long term memory)


Fill in the blanks

Erikson's Stage: Middle Adulthood (40s to 60s)

Generativity vs. Stagnation

When does puberty begin for boys and girls?

Girls: Begins around 12 Boys: Begins around 13

Evidence suggests that heredity influences some aspects of alcohol misuse problems. Which of the following findings supports this theory?

Having an identical twin who suffers from alcoholism is a greater risk factor than having a fraternal twin who suffers from alcoholism.

What are opiates?

Highly addictive depressants (morphine and heroin) Depress nervous system activity; reduces anxiety and especially reduces pain Repeated use can reduce natural neurotransmitter production

Hussein is concerned because he cannot remember events from before he was about 4 years old. What is the most likely cause for this infantile amnesia?

His memories were organized differently after he turned 3 or 4. His maturing cortex allowed him to gain a sense of self he didn't have before he was 4. His maturing cortex increased his long-term storage after age 4. All of these things contribute to infantile amnesia.

According to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, which of the following is an issue during adolescence?

Identity versus role confusion

Erikson's Stage: Adolescence (Teen Years into 20s)

Identity vs. Role Confusion

What are the most detrimental effects of alcohol abuse?

Impact on functioning Slow neural processing (reduced sympathetic nervous system, and slower thought and physical reaction) Reduced memory formation (caused by disrupted REM sleep and reduced synapse formation) Impaired self control

Implicit Memories

Memories we are unconsious of and thus declare/talk about Entails automatic processing (i.e. without our awareness that we are building a memory and without processing in working memory

______________ refers to our tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with our current mood. In other words, if you are in a bad mood, you will be more likely to have negative associations.

Mood-congruent memory

_____ involves doing the right thing, and what one does depends on social influences.


What is imagination inflation?

Once we have an inaccurate memory, we tend to keep adding more imagined details, as perhaps we do for all memories

___________________ are the body structures that make sexual reproduction possible.

Primary sex characteristics

_______________ occurs when something you learned before interferes with your recall of something you learn later.

Proactive interference

Where are procedural memory and motor skills formed and stored?

The basal ganglia, in close proximity to the thalamus


Refers to a person's characteristic style and intensity of emotional reactivity

What is retrograde amnesia?

Refers to an inability to retrieve memory of the past. Failure of storage or retrieval

What is cognition?

Refers to the mental activities that help us function, including: problem solving, using language, and inner thoughts


Refers to the physical, social, and behavioral characteristics that are culturally associated with masculine and feminine roles and identity.

Capacity and Location of Memories

The brain is NOT like a hard drive with hierarchical files Memories are stored in overlapping neural networks Storage does not become full-becomes more elaborately connected

What is priming?

Retrieval is affected by activating our associations Priming has been called invisible memory because it affects us unconsciously.

25-year-old Nellie is an accountant who often goes out with coworkers after work to relax. Which of the following is a warning sign of alcoholism?

She sometimes drinks to alleviate anxiety and depression.

Modification of AS model

Short term memory became working memory Automatic processing circumvents working memory

The major active ingredient in marijuana is:


Where is the encoding and storage of explicit memories facilitated?

The hippocampus Events and facts are retained there for a couple of days before consolidating, moving to other parts of the brain for long term storage


The information enters the brain in a manner which allows for storage


The information is held in a manner that allows for retrieval at a later juncture

What is the definition of memory?

The persistence of learning over time, through the storage and retrieval of information and skills


The time required to learn something previously studied

Deep/Semantic Processing

When encoding information, we are more likely to retain it if we deeply process information by focusing on the semantics (meanings) of the words

Anatoli and Andrei are 11-month-old identical twins. Anatoli took his first steps yesterday. How soon will Andrei take his first steps?

Within a day; identical twins generally begin walking on nearly the same day.

What does conception entail?

Zygote stage: The first two weeks Cell multiplication Cell differentiation: Creation of specialized locations and structures

Of the following teenage girls, which do you think might be most at risk for drug misuse?

a 15-year-old girl who has a history of physical abuse and depression

After Nadia learned that penguins cannot fly, she had to modify her existing concept of birds. This best illustrates the process of:


You invite a group of people to your house for a wine tasting event, but you have not figured out how people will get home afterwards. According to research, you should be concerned about this because:

as the blood-alcohol level rises, people have decreased concerns about drinking and driving.

Sharon's father demands total obedience from his children. When he speaks, he expects his children to listen. There is no discussion, no arguing. He has zero tolerance for breaking the rules he has set forth. Sharon's father has this type of parenting style.


Luca's parents set firm rules but are responsive to the needs of Luca. They give him a chance to explain himself and also explain their position on why they cannot allow him to stay out past midnight, etc. Luca's parents have this type of parenting style.


According to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, the issue of integrity versus despair arises during _____.

late adulthood

Jake enjoys hunting, fishing, playing football, and wrestling more than the other boys, while Susan enjoys wearing fancy clothes, perfumes, and shopping more than girls her own age. We can say that Jake is exhibiting more _____________ traits, while Susan is exhibiting more _____________ traits as they are highly gender typed.

masculine; feminine

In infancy, neural connections grow in ___________ , as well as the motor and sensory strips.

the less complex parts of the brain (i.e. brainstem and limbic system)

At a block party, Cyndi meets nine new neighbors. Moments later, she can only remember the names of the first three and last two neighbors she met. Her experience illustrates:

the serial position effect.

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