Psychology Exam 3

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A performance score on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) that is higher than all but 2 percent of all scores earns an intelligence score of _____.


_____ is to a multiple-choice test in a U.S. history class as _____ is to the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

Achievement; aptitude

The three-stage processing model of memory was proposed by:

Atkinson and Shiffrin

Who is MOST likely to have memory difficulties?

Jane who studies Spanish and french back to back

According to B. F. Skinner, which example illustrates the BEST use of an alternative to punishment in the attempt to reduce an undesirable behavior?

Mark is reinforced for working quietly in class instead of being punished for disrupting class

When learning occurs in the California sea slug, more of the neurotransmitter _____ is released at certain synapses.



set of basic sounds; building blocks to spoken language

The hospital where Jack works has specific step-by-step procedures, or _________________, for treating people having heart attacks.


Hermann Ebbinghaus observed that it is much easier to learn meaningful material than to learn nonsense material. This best illustrates the advantage of:

deep processing.

John B. Watson believed that _____ should be the focus of psychology.

observable behavior

Approximately _____ percent of U.S. network and cable television programs feature violence.


Some individuals have an amazing ability to remember things. For example, Russian journalist Solomon Shereshevskii could remember up to _____ digits or words.


Which statement BEST illustrates classical conditioning rather than operant conditioning?

Because his older brother once locked him in the closet, Dustin gets anxious in small, enclosed rooms.

The Hopi do not have a past tense for their verbs. According to _____, this suggests that they cannot readily think about the past because language imposes conceptions of reality.

Benjamin Whorf

John has been a coffee drinker since he started college years ago. He finds that, anytime he smells coffee when he enters a nearby starbucks he starts to feel more alert and awake even before he takes his first sip. This is an example of

Classical Conditioning

In one study, monkeys first learn to classify pictures of cats and dogs. Then they are shown images that are "catlike" or "doglike." Which of the following suggests that monkeys are able to form concepts?

Different frontal lobe neurons fire in response to the images

He referred to priming as the "wakening of associations."


Three hours after eating at an airport fast-food restaurant, Karen got extremely nauseous while in flight. The next time she was in the airport and walked by that restaurant, she felt a wave of nausea. How can this best be explained?

The nausea from the fast food is an unconditioned response (UR).

A lesion in _____ area of the brain would MOST likely result in a disruption of language comprehension and expression.


In classical conditioning, _____ is associating events where the conditioned stimulus announces the unconditioned stimulus; whereas in operant conditioning, it is associating a response with a consequence (reinforcer or punisher).


Mabel has Alzheimer's disease and her _____ memories of people and events are lost, but she is able to display an ability to form new _____ memories by being shown words repeatedly.

explicit; implicit

This is a relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of your memory system.

long term memory

Before publishing her test of musical aptitude, Professor Reed first administered the test to a representative sample of people. This was MOST clearly necessary for test _____.


If you learn a list of chemistry terms while you are in a great mood, you have a better chance of recalling that list if you are in the same kind of mood when you take the exam. This is known as:

state-dependent memory

______________ refers to encoding that requires attention and conscious effort.

effortful processing

The law of effect states that rewarded behavior is likely to recur; this is which of the following psychologist's principle?

Edward Thorndike

Which of the following challenged the idea that any perceivable neutral stimulus can serve as a CS?

Garcia and Koelling's findings on taste aversion in rats

Henry, a heavy smoker, is interested in quitting. Given what you know about the cognitive processes involved in classical conditioning, what is the MOST likely reason he still has trouble quitting after he is treated with a drug that induces nausea when he smokes a cigarette?

He realizes his nausea is due to the drug, not simply the cigarette.

According to operant conditioning principles, which approach would NOT be recommended when dealing with a young girl who is resistant to going to school every morning? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

Parents should express their anger by yelling at the girl

Seventeen-year-old Ricky has had his driver's license for less than a year. Ricky absolutely loves driving any car. His love of driving gave him the idea of getting a job delivering pizza 25 hours a week. After Ricky has the job for 6 months, one can predict that:

Ricky's love of driving would decrease.

A long time ago, Leslie was stuck in an elevator for over 3 hours. Though generally not claustrophobic, after 2 hours she felt like the elevator walls were closing in on her. Now 10 years later, she still vividly recalls the details of the emotionally traumatic experience. What is MOST likely causing her long-lasting robust memory of this event?

Stress hormones increase glucose activity, which then fuels brain activity.

Memories of emotional events are especially likely to be facilitated by activation of the:


Ted is a mildly autistic adult who has difficulty empathizing with the feelings of others and inferring what emotions another person might be experiencing. Some theorists would speculate that this is because Ted has:

an impaired mirror neuron system.

A high school counselor gave Amy a test designed to predict whether she could learn to become a successful architect. Amy MOST likely took a(n) _____ test.


The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is intended to predict students' performance in graduate school. The GRE is therefore a(n) _____ test.


The SAT is an example of a(n) _____ test.


The easier it is for an individual to remember a circumstance in which a car battery failed to function, the more he or she expects such an event to recur. This BEST illustrates the impact of the _____ heuristic.


Deep brain structures involved in movement and the formation of our procedural memories for skills are the

basal ganglia

A potential source of irrationality is ______________, our tendency to cling to our views in the face of contradictory evidence.

belief perseverance

There is a small group of people who still think that the Earth is flat despite the fact that they are often otherwise normal members of modern society. They are exhibiting _____.

belief perseverance

Repeated exposure to graphic violence in movies, television, and violent video games may increase the likelihood of imitation of violent behavior and also tends to:

cause desensitization to observed violence.

Damage to the _____ would MOST likely interfere with learning a conditioned fear response to the sight of a dog that had bitten you on several occasions.


Three-year-old Kirsten was playing with a balloon she was given by her father. While playing with the balloon, it popped in her face, which frightened her and caused her to cry loudly. That weekend she was attending a birthday party and saw some balloons, began to cry, and ran out of the room. This is an example of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

classical conditioning

Some have criticized Skinner for not considering the influence of ________ on behavior.

cognitive processes

Modern intelligence tests calculate an intelligence quotient (IQ) score by:

comparing a participant's score against the average score of other participants of the same age.

Dr. Williams is designing a new intelligence test and is thinking about all of the mental groupings or ______________ that a person could answer for "table", such as surgical table, dining table, work table, and so on.


In Pavlov's studies, the dogs began salivating at the sight of the person who regularly brought food to them. The sight of this person had become a(n) _____ for the dogs.

conditioned stimulus

Marina feels a rush of love and nostalgia at the scent of honeysuckle; the fragrant scent is similar to that of the perfume her mother wore when Marina was little. The perfume's fragrance is a(n):

conditioned stimulus

When Jane had leukemia as a child she had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy always made her nauseous. As she went through a year of treatment, the waiting room started to make her nauseous. The waiting room became:

conditioned stimulus

Jill locked her keys in her car. She is now narrowing the available problem solutions to the single best solution. This illustrates:

convergent thinking.

"How many uses can you think of for a brick?" Norman is asked by the examiner. Norman is taking a test of:

divergent thinking.

If you study for a test by reviewing multiple-choice items but your test is given in an essay format, you aren't likely to do as well as you might have if the test were also multiple choice. This is explained by the:

encoding specificity principle.

DeMarcus drinks several cups of coffee a day. Often, DeMarcus experiences an almost immediate sense of alertness when he smells a fresh cup of coffee, even though it takes about 20 minutes for the caffeine in the coffee to reach significant levels in the bloodstream. He decides, with the encouragement of his physician, to quit drinking coffee. At first, he still experiences the alertness when he smells freshly brewed coffee, but after about 10 days he no longer experiences the effect. That DeMarcus no longer experiences the alertness effect exemplifies:


Whenever Tarik reminded himself that his musical skills could earn him fame and fortune, he became less creative in his musical performance. This BEST illustrates that creativity may be inhibited by _____ motivation.


Checking one's postal mailbox is generally reinforced on a _____ schedule, because the mail only comes once per day at about the same time. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Hakeem has a very clear memory of his daughter's birth. He remembers the weather, what he was wearing, the sounds in the hallway, and the joy he felt.

flashbulb memory


general intelligence, refers to the existence of a broad mental capacity that influences performance on cognitive ability measures.

Marlee was robbed in a parking garage by a person wearing strong cologne. She now refuses to go through the male fragrance department at the department store and will not park in any kind of parking garage. This classically conditioned response best illustrates:


Laurie and her lab partner conditioned a rat to press a lever for food when a red light was on, but discovered that the rat would also press the lever when a white light was on. Laurie and her partner reported that the rat had exhibited _____ through _____ conditioning.

generalization; operant

Professor Wallace studies memory in people who have had strokes. Professor Hansen studies people who claim to have clear memories of events that happened over three decades ago. Such research on the extremes of memory:

helps us to understand how memory works

Because of abuse and neglect, Marcy was not exposed to spoken or signed language until age 10. Research suggests that:

her ability to master any language is lost.

LaTonya resisted changing her answer to a test question after reminding herself that it's always best to stick with your first answer. LaTonya's decision BEST illustrates the use of a simple thinking strategy called a(n) _____.


While you are watching television the electricity goes out. For a few tenths of a second you are still able to see the last images from the screen. This is an example of __________ memory.


Luke experiences some damage to his cerebellum. Based on information provided in the textbook, Luke's _____ memory may be impaired.


A research participant is required to report as much of a poem as he can remember immediately after having read the poem once. The greatest number of recall errors should occur for lines:

in the middle of the poem

Six-year-old Fiona has no memory of a trip she took to the hospital when she was 2 years old, yet the rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail. Her inability to remember this event is known as _____ amnesia.


Six-year-old Fiona has no memory of being taken to the hospital when she was 2 years old. The rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail, but Fiona has no recollection of the event. Her inability to remember this event is known as

infantile amnesia

Juan easily taught his cat to jump through a hoop for the reward of food, but could not get his cat to fetch a ball and return the ball to him. The cat would chase the ball but use his paws to roll the ball so he could chase the ball again. The reason the cat had difficulties with fetching the ball was because of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

instinctive drift.

James has suffered hippocampal damage from a near-fatal bus crash. He is not able to remember verbal information, but retains the ability to recall visual designs and locations. He may have suffered damage to his:

left hippocampus.

A chimpanzee in the zoo has figured out how to use a particular kind of stone to crack open the nuts thrown to him by spectators. His problem solving has been shaped by:

local customs

A chimpanzee in the zoo has figured out how to use a particular kind of stone to crack open the nuts thrown to him by spectators. His problem solving has been shaped by:

local customs.

The hippocampus and brain cortex display simultaneous activity rhythms during sleep. This supports the process of:

memory consolidation.

Whenever Mindy experiences intense feelings of fear, she is overwhelmed with childhood memories of her abusive parents. Mindy's experience BEST illustrates _____ memory.


Whenever Rachel gets blue, she immediately is flooded with thoughts of failed relationships and missed chances. Rachel's experience BEST illustrates _____ memory.


In English, most _____ are combinations of two or more phonemes.


Although Jason typically smokes two packs of cigarettes each day, he recalls smoking only a little more than one pack per day. His poor memory best illustrates:

motivated forgetting.

Linda had a severe toothache for many days before she went to the dentist. After treatment she was much relieved. The next time she experienced pain in her teeth she went to the dentist right away. This is an example of _____ reinforcement.


Matt regularly buckles his seat belt simply because it turns off the car's irritating warning buzzer. This BEST illustrates the value of _____ reinforcement.


The American version of Alfred Binet's original intelligence test initially worked poorly with California schoolchildren because it was not _____ for American students.


Episodic memory is exemplified by one's memory of:

one's first kiss.

At work, there is a vending machine that dispenses extra candy bars when you select either the A or B choices. You continue to frequent this machine regularly. This BEST illustrates:

operant conditioning

If children get attention for doing cartwheels, they will repeat the trick if they find this attention to be enjoyable. This BEST illustrates:

operant conditioning

Jennifer trained her dog to howl when he heard Jennifer play the piano by giving him a treat for doing so. One day in her car, Jennifer played a CD of a piano concerto and her dog began to howl. The dog learned to howl through _____ and also demonstrated _____ of a learned response.

operant conditioning; generalization

In studies, improved academic performance was more closely associated with visualizing effective studying, rather than visualizing an A on the grade list, beaming with joy, and feeling proud. The latter is known as _____.

outcome simulation

The linguistic determinism hypothesis could be challenged by the finding that:

people with no word for a certain shape can still perceive that shape accurately.

The sentence, "The treth ef thes stetement shed be evedent" shows that consonant _____ usually carry more information than do those that represent vowels.


To reduce the self-destructive behavior of some children, a therapist might squirt water in the children's faces whenever they bite themselves. The squirt of water is a:

positive punishment.

"Cat food, cola, toothpaste," Ned's roommate recites items over the phone. Ned throws his books in the back seat and gets into his car. He is supposed to stop at the store on the way home. His roommate continues to list a few more items. Finally, he wraps up, ". . . coffee creamer, spaghetti sauce, dish soap, and iced tea mix." Ned forgets a couple of things, but he does get the cat food, cola, and toothpaste. His memory of these items reflects the _____ effect.


In an effort to recall his early life experiences, Aaron forms vivid mental images of the rooms in his childhood home. Aaron is engaged in the process of:


Introductory psychology students were more likely to achieve a good midterm exam grade if, prior to the exam, they repeatedly practiced visual imagery that involved: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

process simulation.

Clarissa makes great creative contributions to the arts or sciences. She is most likely to:

receive above-average scores on tests of divergent thinking.

"Dog food, coffee, paper towels," Michelle's roommate begins reciting items into the phone as Michelle gets into her car. She is supposed to stop by the store on the way home. Her roommate continues to list a few more items. Finally, he wraps with, ". . . coffee creamer, spaghetti sauce, dish soap, and iced tea mix." Michelle forgets a few things, but the spaghetti sauce, dish soap, and iced tea mix are in the bag. Her memory of these items reflects the _____ effect. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Hermann Ebbinghaus found that the more times he practiced the nonsense syllables on day 1, the fewer repetitions he needed to relearn them on day 2 because he had increased his __________ time.


Jack cannot consciously recall how frequently he criticizes his children because it would cause him too much anxiety. Sigmund Freud would have suggested that his poor memory illustrates:


Carmen is trying to remember the name of a woman sitting next to her on the bus. She knows she met her at a party, and she is trying to remember which one. Carmen is able to imagine where the woman was seated at the party, as well as what she was eating. Carmen is using _____ cues to remember the woman's name.


Thomas is mentally recreating the mood that accompanied his original learning of course material. This is an effective way to activate:

retrieval cues

Jonny has suffered hippocampal damage from a near-fatal bus crash. He is able to remember verbal information, but has no ability to recall visual designs and locations. He has MOST likely suffered damage to his

right hippocampus.

Although Jordan cannot recall the exact words of a poem he heard recently, he clearly remembers the poem's meaning. This BEST illustrates the importance of:

semantic encoding

In Atkinson and Shiffrin's three-stage memory processing model we record information in which order?

sensory, short-term, long-term

In teaching her son to play basketball, Mrs. Williams initially reinforces him with praise for simply dribbling while standing still, then only for walking while dribbling, and finally only for running while dribbling. She is using a procedure known as _____.


Millie has been having difficulties remembering what people have just said. She is unable to follow along during her favorite television shows. Millie is having difficulty with her _____ memory.

short term

_____ memory holds a few items, such as a phone number, briefly before the information is stored or forgotten.

short term

Theo suffers from depression and is currently in treatment. His physician is using electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which will affect his _____ memory.



simple strategies or mental processes that we use to quickly form judgments, make decisions, and find solutions to complex problems.

Rashad is studying for tomorrow's biology exam. He has been reading and taking notes for hours, and he feels like he cannot study any longer. To avoid retroactive interference, the best thing for Rashad to do at this point is to:


Several months after watching a science fiction movie about space travel and alien abductions, Margo began to remember that aliens had abducted her and had subjected her to many of the horrors portrayed in the movie. Her mistaken recall best illustrates:

source amnesia

Jack cannot consciously recall how frequently he criticizes his children because it would cause him too much anxiety. Sigmund Freud would have suggested that his poor memory illustrates:

source amnesia.

When Jane had leukemia as a child she had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. She had associated the waiting room with nausea. Now 35 years old, she had to take her mother to the same hospital for breast cancer treatment. She became nauseous while in the waiting room with her mother. Her nausea best illustrates:

spontaneous recovery

Ralph came home quite drunk from a party on Saturday night. (Luckily he was given a ride home.) Once in the apartment, he threw his keys down somewhere and immediately fell asleep. He may not be able to find his keys again until he is once again drunk because of:

state-dependent memory

In the last few months of 2001, many Americans believed flying was more dangerous than driving. This led to a major increase in traffic fatalities. This flaw in reasoning is known as:

the availability heuristic.

After being verbally threatened by a person in a passing car, Nate was asked if he recognized the man who was driving the car. Several hours later, Nate, in recalling the incident, mistakenly said that the driver was male rather than female. His experience best illustrates:

the misinformation effect.


the smallest units of speech that convey meaning; for example, the word "work" is a single morpheme, but the word "working", which implies some action, is made up of two morphemes

Four-year-old Katie observed Maggie, two years younger, begin to cry when she fell down. Katie immediately ran over to Maggie, patted her on the back, and told her everything would be all right. She even began to cry herself. Katie's ability to infer Maggie's mental and emotional state is an example of:

theory of mind

Memory experts who are skeptical about reports of repressed and recovered memories emphasize that:

therapeutic techniques such as guided imagery and dream analysis encourage the construction of false memories.

Most learning involves the process of association. With classical conditioning, an organism comes to associate:

two stimuli

If the functioning of your cerebellum is impaired, you would have trouble:

tying a knot.

In classical conditioning, the _____________ stimulus naturally and automatically triggers a response


Carla had leukemia as a child and had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy always made her nauseous. As she underwent a year of treatment, the waiting room started to make her nauseous. The nausea from the chemotherapy is the:

unconditioned response

In conditioned taste aversion, spoiled or poisoned food is a powerful:

unconditioned stimulus.

A researcher develops a questionnaire to assess the personality trait of impulsivity among adults. Across two studies individuals get very similar scores. However, when one reviews the sample questionnaire items, it seems clear that they relate more to whether a person is sociable, outgoing, and fun than to whether an individual is impulsive. As a result, one would question the _____ of the researcher's questionnaire.


Gamblers and fisherman have a difficult time controlling their need to gamble and fish because of the _____ schedule of reinforcement.


Jack finds it extremely difficult to pull himself away from the blackjack table. He keeps thinking he will break even as the next hand will be his winning one. This is an example of the effects of a _____ schedule of reinforcement. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Christy moved from her home state so that she could attend graduate school in her desired field of study. She did not know anyone where she moved to and spent the money she had saved for the move very quickly. Things cost much more than she had expected. She received little support from her family to pursue her college education. Still, she progressed and quickly earned her degree. She graduated at the top of her class. With respect to Sternberg's facets of creativity, Christy has a(n) _____ personality.


New memories are _____; they need to be _____ if one wants to remember them.

weak; exercised

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