Psychology Exam 3 Practice Questions

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According to Freud, defense mechanisms are a/an ________ part of being a psychologically healthy and well-adjusted individual. Select one: a. inevitable b. essential c. unnecessary d. unsafe

b. essential

Jim and John are fraternal (dizygotic) twins that were reared together. If Jim and John have similar personalities, it can be attributed to: Select one: a. shared environment b. shared environment and genetics c. having names that begin with the same letter d. genetics

b. shared environment and genetics

Dr. Federico studies how the attitudes held by members of your social group influence your political judgments. Dr. Federico is likely to be a ______________________ psychologist. Select one: a. personality b. social c. cognitive d. developmental

b. social

Parental investment theory suggests that women place more emphasis than men on the ______ of a potential mate. Select one: a. youthfulness b. social status c. height d. attractiveness

b. social status

What is the moral or take-home message of Solomon Asch's series of experiments in which participants were asked to judge the lengths of lines? People will go to great lengths Select one: a. to please others on whom they depend. b. to fit in with others. c. to convince others of their points of view. d. to assert their independence.

b. to fit in with others.

You are a researcher on a behavior genetics study studying identical and fraternal twins; based on what has been discussed in lectures, you would propose that the environment was responsible for a given behavior when you find which of the following patterns of correlations? Select one: a. .70 for identical twins; .35 for fraternal twins. b. .35 for identical twins; .70 for fraternal twins. c. .35 for both identical and fraternal twins d. one cannot determine environmental effects in a behavior genetics study, only genetic effects

c. .35 for both identical and fraternal twins

While still an experimental treatment, research suggests that PTSD may be prevented by: Select one: a. Using DCS (D-cycloserine) to speed up the extinction of emotional memories. b. Administering DCS (D-cycloserine) within 24-hours of a traumatic event to prevent the formation of emotional memories. c. Administering a beta-blocker within 24 hours of a traumatic event to prevent the formation of emotional memories. d. Using beta-blockers to speed up the extinction of emotional memories.

c. Administering a beta-blocker within 24 hours of a traumatic event to prevent the formation of emotional memories.

Do these scenes differ? When searching for differences between these two scenes, which of the following statements best describes how participants from the United States (an Individualistic culture) responded? Select one: a. American students paid more attention to spatial orientation, objects and context. b. American students preferred to solve the problem independently. c. American students focused on objects that they associated with airports such as windows, doors, and landing gear. d. American students spotted differences more quickly than Japanese students.

c. American students focused on objects that they associated with airports such as windows, doors, and landing gear.

All of the following conclusions were reached based on the Milgram study EXCEPT Select one: a. morally advanced subjects are more willing to defy the experimenter. b. people with high levels of authoritarianism are more likely to comply with the experimenter's demands. c. Americans were more likely to obey the experimenter's commands than non-Americans. d. there were no differences between males and females.

c. Americans were more likely to obey the experimenter's commands than non-Americans.

According to the book, infants with what kind of attachment style are more likely to be disliked and mistreated by peers later in childhood? Select one: a. Secure b. Avoidant c. Anxious d. Disorganized

c. Anxious

A reliable test is one that Select one: a. is almost entirely valid. b. Researchers can use for years without revising c. Accurately measures what it was designed to measure d. Provides consistent scores each time one takes it.

d. Provides consistent scores each time one takes it.

The individual who first observed that emotional responses appear to be instinctive and universal rather than learned and culture-specific (suggesting that emotion has an adaptive value) was Select one: a. Carl Jung b. Charles Darwin c. Francis Galton d. Sigmund Freud

d. Sigmund Freud Incorrect

The first standard test to empirically measure intelligence was developed by ____________. Select one: a. Terman b. Wechsler c. Gardner d. Simon and Binet e. Galton

d. Simon and Binet

Which of the following would you choose if you wanted to measure IQ in a child? Select one: a. the Rorschach b. The WAIS c. The MMPI d. The WISC

d. The WISC

Inspired by the events of World War II, which famous study looked at the question of whether ordinary people would obey the orders of leaders to the point of committing atrocities against innocent people? Select one: a. The Asch line experiment b. The Robbers Cave Study c. The Zimbardo Prison Experiment d. The Milgram Obedience Study

d. the Milgram Obedience Study

In some animal species males invest less in raising offspring and need to compete more for access to females. In these species, one is more likely to find ____________. Select one: a. inclusive fitness b. selective breeding c. species aggregation d. sexual dimorphism

d. sexual dimorphism

Social psychology is best defined as the scientific study of Select one: a. deviant behavior. b. sociology. c. social influence. d. social situations.

d. social situations

Part of the reason Social Psychologists took so long to investigate how the dimensions of culture affect behavior, emotions, cognition and attention was because ____________________. Select one: a. at first they were concerned with solving social issues raised by World War 2. b. the experimental method they used is concerned with how people are alike. c. the correlational method they used did not allow them to draw cause and effect conclusions. d. they could not investigate cross-cultural differences until they had a base line of the behavior and attitudes of their WEIRD population.

b. the experimental method they used is concerned with how people are alike.

As suggested by the facial feedback hypothesis, our emotions are most likely to be affected by Select one: a. the external stimuli. b. the facial blood vessels. c. our bodily movement. d. the face shape.

b. the facial blood vessels.

In explaining personality, social learning theorist Walter Mischel was most interested in the influence of Select one: a. unconscious forces. b. the situation. c. instincts. d. personality traits.

b. the situation

If a test accurately measures what it was designed to measure, we would say that the test is Select one: a. consistent. b. valid. c. empirical. d. normative.

b. valid

The ___________ operates on the pleasure principle, whereas the ___________ operates on the reality principle. Select one: a. ego...superego b. c. id...ego d.

c. id...ego

Alan (an inexperienced pool player) and Ben (an experienced player) were playing a game of pool at the local bar. A group of girls came over to watch them. Based on what Social Psychologists have learned about "social facilitation" you would predict that ______________ with other people watching them. Select one: a. Alan's performance will improve and Ben's performance will get worse b. both Alan and Ben's performance will improve c. both Alan and Ben's performance will get worse d. Alan's performance will get worse and Ben's performance will improve

d. Alan's performance will get worse and Ben's performance will improve

The phenomenon of ________ was demonstrated when Zajonc found that cockroaches will run faster on a simple maze when ________. Select one: a. conformity, observed by other cockroaches. b. conformity; running with other cockroaches. c. social facilitation; they are alone d. social facilitation; other cockroaches are present

d. social facilitation; other cockroaches are present

________ refers to the tendency to underestimate the impact of situational influences on others' behavior. Select one: a. fundamental attribution error b. group think c. conformity d. ultimate attribution error

fundamental attribution error

A young female meerkat with no offspring of her own is more likely to put herself at risk and give an alarm call when predators approach her group when she has more close relatives in the group in danger. This is an example of: Select one: a. Altruism b. Kin selection c. Intra-sexual selection d. Inclusive Fitness

a. Altruism Incorrect c. Intra-sexual selection Incorrect

The proposal that emotions serve to keep humans alive long enough to reproduce and form relationships that ensure the survival of offspring was first made by ___________________. Select one: a. Charles Darwin b. Paul Ekman c. Francis Galton d. Kurt Lewin

a. Charles Darwin

A psychologist wants to determine the most parsimonious way to describe personality. She starts with a large number of questions and tries to find the smallest number of traits that will account for the variation in people's answers. Which technique will she use? Select one: a. Factor analysis b. Validity c. Twin study d. Reliability

a. Factor analysis

Which of the following statements was most likely said someone who was reared in a collectivist culture such as China? Select one: a. I value competence more than harmony. If I'm right about something, then I don't care if others are bothered. b. I am angry because my rights have been violated. c. I am ashamed because I have not lived up to my obligations. d. I am a unique and self-contained person.

a. I value competence more than harmony. If I'm right about something, then I don't care if others are bothered.

When comparing the effect of culture on the likelihood of making the Fundamental Attribution Error, which of the following is true? Select one: a. Individuals from a Individualistic culture such as the United States are significantly less likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error. b. Individuals from a Collectivist culture such as India are less likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error. c. Individuals from a Collectivist culture such as India are significantly more likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error. d. Members of Collectivist and Individualistic cultures make the Fundamental Attribution Error at the same rate, about 40%.

a. Individuals from a Individualistic culture such as the United States are significantly less likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error. Incorrect c. Individuals from a Collectivist culture such as India are significantly more likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error. Incorrect

Jenny is 75 years old. Based on what researchers have found about fluid and crystallized intelligence, one would predict that_______________________________. Select one: a. Jenny will have more accumulated knowledge of the world than when she was younger. b. Jenny will be able to solve puzzles better than when she was younger. c. Jenny will have declined both in her ability to learn new ways of solving problems and in her accumulated knowledge of the world. d. Jenny will have specialized in one or more ways of being smart.

a. Jenny will have more accumulated knowledge of the world than when she was younger.

Your friend, Chayton, believes that psychologists have an ethical obligation to work for solutions to the problems facing society. In this opinion, Chayton most resembles which of the following psychologists? Select one: a. Kurt Lewin b. Carl Rogers c. Albert Ellis d. Fritz Perls

a. Kurt Lewin

Which of the following candidates is most likely to win, given that optimism predicts elections? Select one: a. Laura, who says she can restore the health care system b. Eddie, who says the next couple of years are going to be tough and require sacrifice c. John, who says that cutting spending is the only way to restore the economy d. Denise, who promises to raise taxes by only a small percentage to fund education

a. Laura, who says she can restore the health care system

Which of these practices is most consistent with eugenics? Select one: a. Making birth control more accessible to people of limited intellectual ability. b. Providing extra funding to help low-IQ care for their children. c. Restricting desirable jobs to wealthy individuals. d. Preventing immigrants and African-Americans from going to school.

a. Making birth control more accessible to people of limited intellectual ability.

Which of the following is NOT a level of organization in Allports approach to describing personality? Select one: a. Primary b. Secondary c. Central d. Cardinal

a. Primary

Which of the following researchers work was the most influential in shaping our understanding of conformity? Select one: a. Solomon Asch b. Martin Seligman c. Muzafer Sherif d. Hans Eysenck

a. Solomon Asch

Among the primary functions of attachment is that the attachment figure serves as a "secure base." To what does this term refer? Select one: a. The attachment figure provides comfort. b. The attachment figure provides shelter and food. c. The child does not wander away from his attachment figure. d. The presence of the attachment figure allows the child to explore his or her environment more confidently.

a. The attachment figure provides comfort. Incorrect

If the personality factor of Openness is represented by many more words in European languages than in other languages, what inference can you make about European culture, given the Lexical hypothesis? Select one: a. The characteristics of Openness to Experience-curiosity, imagination, innovation-are more important to European culture than to other cultures. b. The test is biased towards European culture and may not be as 'real' as its advocates claim. c. The number of words for openness in European languages is just a coincidence and no inference can be made about European culture based on that coincidence. d. European cultures value personal discipline and dependability more than other cultures.

a. The characteristics of Openness to Experience-curiosity, imagination, innovation-are more important to European culture than to other cultures.

Kim is part of a psychology study. She is inside an fMRI scanner, while playing a computer game. When the other players in the game start to exclude Kim, what is likely to happen to her brain? Select one: a. The cingulate cortex, which regulates pain, will activate. b. The pre-frontal cortex, which regulates language and conscious thought, will activate. c. The hippocampus, which regulates emotional memories, will activate. d. The amygdala, which regulates anger, will activate.

a. The cingulate cortex, which regulates pain, will activate.

Which area of the brain is most associated with general intelligence? Select one: a. The prefrontal cortex. b. The hippocampus. c. The amygdala. d. The cerebellum. e. The occipital lobe.

a. The prefrontal cortex.

In terms of male and female differences in IQ, which of the following statements is true: Select one: a. There are more men than women at both the high end and the low end of the IQ distribution. b. Women excel at tasks requiring spatial ability. c. There is no difference between men and women in average IQ scores or variance. d. Women have average IQs three to five points higher than the average IQ of men.

a. There are more men than women at both the high end and the low end of the IQ distribution.

Your friend argues that people's behavior is influenced by the situations in which they find themselves and not by some innate enduring personality trait. As a Psy 1001 scholar, you recognize that your friend is making the same argument in the "Person-Situation debate" as ___________________. Select one: a. Walter Mischel b. Alfred Binet c. Jean Piaget d. Sigmund Freud

a. Walter Mischel

Mikhail Baryshnikov, a Soviet-born and trained dancer and choreographer, is often described as the greatest dancer of the 20th century. His entire life has been dedicated to dance, and his work has been characterized by remarkable creativity and innovation. As discussed in lecture, according to Gordon Allport's approach to personality, Baryshnikov's pervasive interest in dance is best described as Select one: a. a cardinal trait b. a central disposition c. high in openness to experience d. high in need for achievement

a. a cardinal trait

Miles has very vivid memories of a car accident he witnessed five years ago. When he closes his eyes and thinks about the accident, he feels as if he can recall every detail of it, right down to the brand name printed on the tires of one of the cars. This type of memory is called ____________. Select one: a. a flashbulb memory b. a memory illusion c. procedural memory d. sensory memory

a. a flashbulb memory Correct

As described in lecture, the appetitive motive system in the brain is activated by IAPS pictures that are: Select one: a. high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension. b. low on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension. c. high on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension. d. low on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

a. high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

Many people are suspicious of claims that IQ has a genetic component because _________________. Select one: a. because supporters of the eugenics movement have misused findings of genetic influences on behavior. b. because researchers cannot separate genetic and environmental factors that contribute to "intelligence" since parents provide both. c. because the evidence for the environment bases of IQ is so overwhelming. d. because IQ tests are biased.

a. because supporters of the eugenics movement have misused findings of genetic influences on behavior.

Paula is a powerful, gifted athlete, and she plays sports in all seasons, every day, for as many hours as she can. Her enthusiasm for sports is an extremely pervasive part of her personality and makes her different from most people. According to Allport's organization of traits, discussed during lecture, Paula's enthusiasm is a _____________. Select one: a. cardinal trait b. secondary disposition c. characteristic of the Big Five trait of Extraversion d. central trait

a. cardinal treat

When they meet new people, Emma tends to be reserved and quiet whereas Jane tends to be outgoing and talkative. In all situations, in fact, Emma tends to be more reserved and Jane tends to be more outgoing. The observation that people react differently to the same situation refers to __________ of personality. Select one: a. distinctiveness b. universality c. consistency d. consequence

a. distinctiveness

As discussed in lecture, rewarding stimuli cause the release of which neurotransmitter? Select one: a. dopamine b. GABA c. DCS d. norepinephrine

a. dopamine

Most standardized tests of intelligence have a distribution of scores that ________. Select one: a. follows the bell curve b. has a positive skew c. has a negative skew d. appears bimodal with two peaks of high frequency

a. follows the bell curve

The Actor-Observer bias predicts that when Lou does well on his Psy 1001 Final he will_______________________. Select one: a. give himself credit for being so smart. b. he will be disappointed because he will feel that he could have done even better. c. he will assume that everyone has done just as well as him because the test was easy. d. he will attribute his success to the useful study aids provided by the Psy 1001 team.

a. give himself credit for being so smart.

Jacob is a very skilled basketball player. When his girlfriend and her friends stopped by his house during a basketball game with his friends, Jacob's performance ________ due to what Zajonc calls ____________. Select one: a. got worse; social awareness b. got worse; prosocial interference c. improved; social facilitation. d. improved; attribution

a. got worse; social awareness Incorrect

Paul Ekman's research indicates that, across cultures, people can usually identify the following emotional expressions: Select one: a. happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust b. anger, fear, happiness, sadness, remorse, disgust c. happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, remorse, suspicion d. fear, disgust, love, anger, surprise, disappointment

a. happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust

Which of the following are basic emotions that people can usually identify in photographs, according to Ekman? Select one: a. happiness, sadness, surprise b. love, happiness, disgust c. sadness, remorse, fear d. fear, anger, disappointment

a. happiness, sadness, surprise

The fact that humans are more motivated to protect the children of their siblings and kin than the children of strangers is explained by ______________________. Select one: a. inclusive fitness theory b. survival of the fittest c. parental investment theory d. sexual dimorphism

a. inclusive fitness theory

Someone who comes from a culture that uses Analytical thinking is more likely to ____________________. Select one: a. pay attention to just the central figure in a scene. b. look for how he or she is like other people. c. emphasize their duties and obligations. d. pay attention to both the central figure and the context when looking at a scene.

a. pay attention to just the central figure in a scene.

At the end of lecture one day, you are completely confused by what your professor has been trying to teach you. When the professor asks whether anyone has questions about the material, you notice that no one else raises their hands. You assume everyone else has understood the lecture perfectly, and you dont want to appear dumb by asking some simple questions. But, when talking to your friends after class, you realize that they had been just as confused. This situation is likely the result of Select one: a. pluralistic ignorance b. diffusion of responsibility c. evaluation apprehension d. the bystander effect

a. pluralistic ignorance

As described in lecture, a beta-blocker is effective in the treatment of PTSD because it Select one: a. prevents the formation of painful memories. b. blocks the effects of dopamine. c. is pleasurable but non-addictive. d. accelerates the extinction of painful memories.

a. prevents the formation of painful memories.

While cleaning up after her party last night, Angela forgot to put the leftover crab dip in the refrigerator. When she discovered the spoiled dip in the morning, Angela said she didn't mind having to throw it out because it wasn't that good anyway. According to Freud, Angela is most likely using the defense mechanism of Select one: a. rationalization. b. regression. c. reaction formation. d. projection.

a. rationalization.

Two approaches for measuring personality are: Select one: a. fluid and crystallized b. self-report and projective c. the "Strange Situation" and the Big 5 d. aptitude and achievement

b. self-report and projective

If an individual retakes a test and gets test results that are similar to or consistent with the scores they received the first time they took the test, the test has Select one: a. reliability. b. accuracy. c. validity. d. generalizability.

a. reliability.

In a study of twins reared apart in the 1980s and 1990s, a sample of identical twins who were raised in separated environments produced scores on three measures of intelligence that were as similar to each other as a sample of twins who were raised together. Though the sample sizes were relatively small, this research has been repeated with approximately the same findings. We can have some confidence that these findings are valid because of the critical thinking principle of Select one: a. replicability. b. extraordinary claims. c. falsifiability. d. Occam's Razor.

a. replicability.

You and your group have had four weeks to complete a group project for your economics class. You are now four days away from the due date, and you and one other group member have been putting in all of the time and effort. The other two members come occasionally to group meetings and do the minimal work required. This unfortunate situation is known as ___________. Select one: a. social loafing. b. altruism c. the bystander effect d. prosocial loafing

a. social loafing

In the Freudian view of personality, you can think of the ________ like an angel sitting on one shoulder and the ________ like a devil sitting on the other. Select one: a. superego; id b. id; ego c. ego; id d. id; superego

a. superego; id

The Big Five personality traits are identified across data sets, and across race and ethnicities, the old and young, and men and women. This indicates that Select one: a. the Big Five model is basic to our understanding of personality. b. the Big Five model is pervasive. c. the Big Five model reveals an objective reality. d. the Big Five model is useful for predicting human behavior.

a. the Big Five model is basic to our understanding of personality.

The "Big Five" model of personality is considered 'real' because: Select one: a. the traits consistently emerge from factor analysis and are stable over time, plus the same traits are found in many cultures. b. it is based on the lexical hypothesis. c. it describes individual human behavior at a deep level and manages to capture the unique qualities of each person. d. it provides a good explanation for the causes and the development of personality over the lifespan.

a. the traits consistently emerge from factor analysis and are stable over time, plus the same traits are found in many cultures.

A psychologist would use a projective test when: Select one: a. they want a quick, inexpensive method to assess personality b. they are assessing the likelihood that a person is lying. c. they are measuring Freud's defense mechanisms. d. they are trying to get to an unconscious level of personality.

a. they want a quick, inexpensive method to assess personality Incorrect

Researchers studying the personality trait of "agreeableness" have found a correlation of 0.36 between monozygotic twins (MZ) reared together. Based on the methods of behavioral genetics discussed this semester, researchers would consider a correlation of ________ between dizygotic twins reared together as consistent with a genetic component to this personality trait. Select one: a. 0.72 b. 0.18 c. 0.09 d. 0.36

b. 0.18

What is the Flynn Effect? Select one: a. A correlation between poverty and IQ. b. A rise in the average IQ of the population over time. c. A rare genetic mutation affecting IQ. d. A significant effect of nutrition on IQ.

b. A rise in the average IQ of the population over time.

Which of the following best illustrates the characteristic of good scientific practice known as replication? Select one: a. The Dunedin Longitudinal study looked repeatedly at the same cohort of New Zealanders over a thirty-year period. b. An important model of intelligence was developed with a twin population, then found again in a sample of Dutch merchant marines. c. The Big Five emerged from a factor analysis of a large set of English adjectives. d. Gordon Allport did over 250 idiographic case studies of individuals.

b. An important model of intelligence was developed with a twin population, then found again in a sample of Dutch merchant marines. Correct

The idiographic approach to studying personality is most likely to use what kind of method to gather information? Select one: a. Adoption Study b. Case Study c. Experimental Study d. Correlational Study

b. Case Study

Which of the following statements is true concerning the relationship between brain volume and intelligence? Select one: a. The higher the brain volume is, the higher the intelligence test scores. b. Higher brain volume causes higher intelligence test scores. c. The higher the brain volume is, the lower the intelligence test scores. d. Higher brain volume is unrelated to intelligence test scores.

b. Higher brain volume causes higher intelligence test scores. Incorrect d. Higher brain volume is unrelated to intelligence test scores. incorrect

Which of the following is true of the classic Robber's Cave study by Sherif and Sherif (1967)? Select one: a. It showed just how obedient males and females can be when faced with an authority figure. b. It demonstrated that when the in-group and out-group mentality are formed, prejudice and hostility are likely to follow. However, by limiting resources and forcing groups to work together, the hostility ended and friendships eventually formed. c. It demonstrated that in-group and out-group bias are a function of obedience to outside authority. d. By providing unlimited resources, groups did not need to compete, the hostility ended and friendships eventually formed.

b. It demonstrated that when the in-group and out-group mentality are formed, prejudice and hostility are likely to follow. However, by limiting resources and forcing groups to work together, the hostility ended and friendships eventually formed.

Dr. Fine wanted to measure his client's personality using a test that would get at a deeper level of description. It seems likely that he would choose to use which of the following? Select one: a. WAIS b. MMPI c. TAT d. WISC


What kind of animals did Harry Harlow and his colleagues use to discredit the most commonly accepted theory of attachment of the time? Select one: a. Geese b. Monkeys c. Pigeons d. Rats

b. Monkeys

Which of the following is the correct sequence of Allports idiographic levels of organization from LEAST salient/characteristic and LEAST pervasive to MOST salient/characteristic and MOST pervasive? Select one: a. Central, Secondary, Cardinal b. Secondary, Central, Cardinal c. Cardinal, Secondary, Central d. Secondary, Cardinal, Central

b. Secondary, Central, Cardinal

Which psychological test asks the subject to tell a story based on a picture of one or more people in which it is unclear what is going on? Select one: a. Rorschach test b. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) c. California Psychological Inventory (CPI) d. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

b. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

What did Harlow's research demonstrate about infants' attachments to their mothers?
 Select one: a. They rarely occur naturally. b. They are based on comfort and touch. c. They are genetically programmed. d. They are based on food supply.

b. They are based on comfort and touch.

Wanda is very quiet around people in authority, but she can be loud and boisterous among her peers. Which of the following theorists would explain the difference in Wanda's behavior in terms of situational factors? Select one: a. Carl Rogers b. Walter Mischel c. Sigmund Freud d. Alfred Adler

b. Walter Mischel

A belief about the characteristics of members of a group that is applied generally to most members of the group is known as _______________. Select one: a. prejudice b. a stereotype c. an illusionary correlation d. framing

b. a stereotype

As discussed in lecture, a fear startle response in rats will be blocked by lesions to which of the following areas of the brain? Select one: a. temporal lobe b. amygdala c. primary sensory cortex d. broca's area

b. amygdala

A cult in Edina, MN, claimed to have received messages from "the Guardians", a group of superior aliens, that the world was going to be destroyed on Dec 21. In preparation, group members had sold all their worldly belongings and quit their jobs. Researcher Leon Festinger and Stanley Schacter were curious to see how group members would react when the world didn't end on doomsday. They thought the gap between what the group members had done and their belief that the world was going to end would produce ____________________. Select one: a. social contagion b. cognitive dissonance c. groupthink d. diffusion of responsibility

b. cognitive dissonance

The difference between conformity and obedience is Select one: a. nonexistent since there is no difference. b. conformity is influence from peers or colleagues and obedience is influence from authority. c. conformity is the result of inoculation while obedience is the result of fear. d. conformity occurs to most anything while obedience is unquestioning devotion to a single cause

b. conformity is influence from peers or colleagues and obedience is influence from authority.

In a video in lecture we saw Harry Harlow's research with macaque monkeys reared in isolation and their preference for the "cloth mother" in the phenomena called _________________, . Select one: a. social referencing b. contact comfort c. secure attachment d. social facilitation

b. contact comfort

Because Ken's history professor was a college student during the 1970s, he has extraordinary insight and knowledge of facts concerning the Vietnam War era. This knowledge is associated with the term _______________. Select one: a. multiple intelligence. b. crystallized intelligence. c. general intelligence. d. fluid intelligence.

b. crystallized intelligence.

Parental investment theory suggests that males and females Select one: a. do not develop different mating strategies depending on their levels of personal investment in producing and nurture offspring . b. develop different mating strategies depending on their levels of personal investment in producing and nurture offspring . c. do not make significant personal investments to produce and nurture offspring. d. make significant personal investments to produce and nurture offspring.

b. develop different mating strategies depending on their levels of personal investment in producing and nurture offspring .

Alfred Binet is remembered for ____________________________________. Select one: a. developing the first culture-free test. b. developing the first intelligence test. c. proposing a general factor, "g". d. computing the intelligent quotient.

b. developing the first intelligence test.

In lecture, we saw a clip from a 1940s film in which a woman is stalked as she walks down a dark alley at night. We hear her footsteps-click, click, click-and experience her nervousness. She turns to look behind her, and suddenly a bus enters the screen from the opposite side. The bus doors open with a sharp hiss. The audience screams!! The audience's exaggerated response is the so-called "bus effect" and an example of Select one: a. nucleus accumbens activation. b. fear-potentiated startle response. c. neuroticism. d. primary survival reflex.

b. fear-potentiated startle response.

________ refers to the tendency to underestimate the impact of situational influences on others' behavior. Select one: a. ultimate attribution error b. fundamental attribution error c. group think d. conformity

b. fundamental attribution error

Randeep had been studying hard for a while in the Lind Hall library for an upcoming Psychology exam. When his friend Annelise came over and said hello, his heart rate decreased, he stretched back in his chair, he gave her a big smile, and said "I'm so happy to see you!" According to Dr. Gewirtz's definition, when Randeep's saw his friend, the somatic aspect of his emotional response is that _________________________. Select one: a. he said, "I am so happy to see you." b. he gave her a big smile c. he felt relief. d. his heart rate decreased

b. he gave her a big smile

Pam is very dependable, disciplined and hardworking. She pays attention to details and always gets her assignments in on time; she is always punctual. Her desk is neat as a pin, and all her papers are well-organized. But she is irritable and suspicious, a bit difficult to work with. She isn't quite sure whom she should trust. It would seem that Pam is Select one: a. high in conscientiousness and high in agreeableness. b. high in conscientiousness and low in agreeableness. c. low in conscientiousness and high in agreeableness. d. low in conscientiousness and low in agreeableness.

b. high in conscientiousness and low in agreeableness.

A highly vivid and detailed emotional memory that retains its vividness yet which may change its details over time ______________________. Select one: a. is known as retrograde amnesia. b. is known as flashbulb memory c. underlies problems with source monitoring errors. d. illustrates the misinformation effect

b. is known as flashbulb memory

As enacted in discussion sections, a group of friends get together to plan a vacation. They are all high in extraversion and low in conscientiousness. Based on the Big Five model, one predicts that the plan they will create will Select one: a. be well organized and structured and include lots of opportunities to meet people (joining Australia Outback Tours.) b. let them be energetic, adventuresome and sociable (like sky-diving in Australia) while remaining less structured and more impulsive. c. be well organized and structured and provide opportunities for personal growth (visiting the Opera House in Sydney, Australia.) d. concentrate on just a few, unstructured activities (such as watching sunsets on Cable Beach in Australia.)

b. let them be energetic, adventuresome and sociable (like sky-diving in Australia) while remaining less structured and more impulsive.

Suppose your facial expression were molded into a smile without your being aware of it. Then you examine some cartoons. Based on the facial feedback hypothesis when your response to the cartoons is compared to your usual response to cartoons, you are Select one: a. equally likely to find them funny but more likely to complain that they are silly. b. more likely to find them funny. c. less likely to find them funny. d. equally likely to find them funny but more likely to complain that some of them are offensive.

b. more likely to find them funny.

Researchers studying infant stress levels using the "Strange Situation" method have found that Select one: a. most infants are upset with the mom when she departs and remain upset at her when she returns. b. most infants are upset with the mom when she departs but are happy when she returns. c. most infants are not upset with the mom when she departs because they know she will return shortly. d. most infants are happy with the mom when she departs and they remain happy with her when she returns.

b. most infants are upset with the mom when she departs but are happy when she returns.

The appetitive motive system is associated with which kinds of behaviors? Which kinds of behaviors are associated with the defensive motive system? Select one: a. approach, avoid b. nurturing, aggression c. avoid, approach d. both are associated with increased fear-potentiated startle.

b. nurturing, aggression Incorrect

The purpose of the defense mechanisms, according to Freud, is to Select one: a. gain access to the unconscious b. reduce anxiety c. achieve physical gratification d. protect the id

b. reduce anxiety

As discussed in lectures and discussion sections, models of intelligence that include "g" are based on the observation that: Select one: a. some children are at high risk of failing in school. b. scores on various tests of mental ability tend to correlate positively. c. people can excel at one thing and be quite average on another. d. some people have more and better schooling than others.

b. scores on various tests of mental ability tend to correlate positively.

When she was a little girl and when she was an adult, Dora was willing to go on adventures with her big sister that she would be reluctant to undertake alone. Being around her big sister gave her the confidence to explore her environment. Evidently, Dora's sister provided Dora with the evolutionary function of attachment known as _________________. Select one: a. strange situation b. secure base c. proximity d. safe haven

b. secure base

Which of the following statements about intelligence and the brain is true? Select one: a. Brain size is uncorrelated with intelligence across species, but it is correlated with intelligence within species. b. Human brain size correlates between 0.3 and 0.4 with intelligence. c. Brain size is completely uncorrelated with intelligence. d. Bigger brains cause higher intelligence.

c. Brain size is completely uncorrelated with intelligence. Incorrect

hich of the following is the best example of the "feelings" aspect of an emotional response? Select one: a. Tyler smiled when he found out his test grade was above the average in his PSY 1001 class. b. Laura screamed and flinched when she looked up and saw her sister's reflection in the mirror behind her. c. Condoleezza told Barack that she was disgusted to discover moldy cheese on her sandwich. d. Cindy threw away Greg's letterman jacket because it reminded her of their recent break-up.

c. Condoleezza told Barack that she was disgusted to discover moldy cheese on her sandwich.

Your friend asks you to volunteer to counsel juvenile delinquents for two hours a week for two years and you refuse, but then your friend asks you to chaperon juvenile delinquents on a one-day trip to the zoo, and you agree. In this case, your friend has persuaded you using which technique of persuasion? Select one: a. Foot in the door technique b. prosocial altruism appeals c. Door in the face technique d. Low ball technique

c. Door in the face technique

Glen volunteers his time at an animal shelter for a few hours a week, walking the dogs and cleaning up the mess around their kennels. Karla has a part-time job at the shelter, and she gets paid to do the same dirty work. According to cognitive dissonance theory, who will be happier about cleaning up after the dogs? Select one: a. They will both like it equally. b. They will both dislike it, but for different reasons. c. Glen d. Karla

c. Glen

The fact that human females are pickier than males in choosing a mate is consistent with which of these: Select one: a. Sexual dimorphism b. Intrasexual selection c. Parental Investment Theory d. Inclusive Fitness

c. Parental Investment Theory

Which of the following situations best illustrates validity? Select one: a. Jessica gets a Big 5 score on conscientiousness that is average for college students. b. People who get above average scores on the WAIS also tend to get above average grades at University. c. Psy 1001 exams adequately represent the material covered in lectures and the text. d. David gets 500 on the SAT verbal scale each of the three times he takes it.

c. Psy 1001 exams adequately represent the material covered in lectures and the text. Incorrect

A Psy 1001 student completed the Twenty Statements Test. At first she had trouble thinking of words to describe herself, but when she was given a context ("With friends, I am _______", "With my family, I am _______"), she found it easier to describe herself. What could account for this finding? Select one: a. She comes from a culture that stresses self as independent. b. She comes from an individualistic culture. c. She comes from a culture that emphasizes self as interdependent. d. She comes from a culture that values analytical thinking.

c. She comes from a culture that emphasizes self as interdependent.

Which of the following is the best example of an autonomic aspect of an emotional response to an incident? Select one: a. "I was terrified," Edwina commented as she described her recent car accident to a friend. b. When Molly saw the flock of wild turkeys by Pioneer Hall, she smiled happily. c. The criminal got sweaty palms during the lie detector test when he was asked about what really happened last Thursday night. d. After his girlfriend was fired, an angry programmer hacked the company computers and trashed six months worth of sales data.

c. The criminal got sweaty palms during the lie detector test when he was asked about what really happened last Thursday night.

One-year old Tommy is extremely distressed whenever his mother leaves him, yet resists her attempts to comfort him when she returns. Based on these behaviors, it seems that Tommy has ___________________ with his mother. Select one: a. not yet developed an attachment style b. secure attachment c. anxious-ambivalent (also called insecure) attachment d. avoidant attachment

c. anxious-ambivalent (also called insecure) attachment

When Vikas tried to understand why Aisling lied to him about going to Chicago last weekend, he assigned causes to her behavior in the process known as _____________. Select one: a. impression management. b. the self-serving bias. c. attribution. d. behavior assignment.

c. attribution

Kofi recently took a personality questionnaire in Psych 1001 and found his scores to be two standard deviations above the class mean in openness and agreeableness. Based on Dr. Simpson's explanation of what the scores mean, compared to other students Kofi would most likely be _______________________________________. Select one: a. be moody, curious and unconventional. b. be intelligent, suspicious and insensitive. c. be creative, cooperative and kind. d. very traditional in his attitudes and emotionally stable.

c. be creative, cooperative and kind.

When an individual's attitudes do not match up with his/her behaviors, ________ is likely to occur. Select one: a. compliance b. prejudice c. cognitive dissonance d. discrimination

c. cognitive dissonance

Which of the following is NOT one of the main attachment styles? Select one: a. Avoidant b. Anxious c. Depressed d. Secure

c. depressed

Parental investment theory suggests that males and females Select one: a. do not develop different mating strategies depending on their levels of personal investment in producing and nurture offspring . b. make significant personal investments to produce and nurture offspring. c. develop different mating strategies depending on their levels of personal investment in producing and nurture offspring . d. do not make significant personal investments to produce and nurture offspring.

c. develop different mating strategies depending on their levels of personal investment in producing and nurture offspring .

The typically negative behaviors an individual displays toward others based on membership to a particular group is referred to as ________; the typically negative attitudes an individual has toward others based on membership to a particular group is referred to as ________. Select one: a. discrimination; aggression b. prejudice; discrimination c. discrimination; prejudice d. stereotypes; discrimination

c. discrimination; prejudice

As discussed in the lecture on the study of emotion, the blink response is a technique used to measure ________. Select one: a. unconditioned learning b. someones arousal level c. fear-potentiated startle d. if someone is lying

c. fear-potentiated startle

Expectations about what is appropriate behavior for each sex MOST accurately describes Select one: a. gender behaviors. b. gender differences. c. gender roles. d. gender stereotypes.

c. gender roles

As discussed in lecture, the blink response of individuals diagnosed as psychopaths has been measured on IAPS images rated as pleasant, neutral or unpleasant. The researchers found that, compared to normal subjects, psychopaths.... Select one: a. show an elevated response to all unpleasant images b. show an elevated response to pleasant images c. have the same response to unpleasant images as they have to pleasant images d. have an elevated response to images of mutilation but are otherwise comparable to normal subjects

c. have the same response to unpleasant images as they have to pleasant images

Ann screamed in terror while watching the classic horror film, "A Nightmare on Elm Street." It seems likely that _________________ was more active in her brain during these fear-filled scenes. Select one: a. her cerebellum b. her hippocampus c. her amygdala d. her frontal lobe

c. her amygdala

As described in lecture,, an IAPS picture of a snake attacking you would likely be rated as: Select one: a. high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension. b. low on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension. c. high on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension. d. low on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

c. high on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

A famous psychologist, Gordon Allport, corresponded with one Jenny Gove Masteron. He used her 301 letters as the basis of an intensive study of her personality. The best name for the approach that Allport used in this case (which emphasizes the unique aspects of an individual's personality) is ____________. Select one: a. psychoanalytic b. nomothetic c. idiographic d. cardinal

c. idiographic

A man who donates sperm to a sperm bank is maximizing his __________________ while minimizing his _____________. By shopping through catalogues of sperm donors searching for the most desirable traits, a woman is practicing _____________. Select one: a. sexual fitness, altruism, parental investment. b. Intersexual selection, genetic determinism, kin selection c. inclusive fitness, parental investment, eugenics d. intrasexual selection, inclusive fitness, parental investment

c. inclusive fitness, parental investment, eugenics Correct

As discussed in lecture, the startle reflex is humans can be measured by Select one: a. avoidance response. b. cognitive dissonance. c. muscle potential in the vicinity of the eye. d. arousal levels.

c. muscle potential in the vicinity of the eye.

There are two alternative pathways to persuading others. One leads us to respond to persuasive arguments on the basis of snap judgments based on the surface aspects of the arguments. This is known as the ____________ of persuasion. Select one: a. afferent route. b. central route. c. peripheral route. d. efferent route.

c. peripheral route

Hal is fearful of men who are friendly toward him, convinced that they are all homosexuals attempting to seduce him. If Hal is unconsciously anxious because he is sexually attracted to men, we might conclude that Hal is using the defense mechanism that Freud called : Select one: a. regression b. reaction formation c. projection d. displacement

c. projection

The evolutionary function of attachment that keeps an infant close to its caregiver is known as ________________. Select one: a. parsimony b. safe haven c. proximity d. secure base

c. proximity

Ekman's research proposed that there are ________ distinct emotions across cultures. Select one: a. three b. four c. seven d. nine

c. seven

Who was the inventor of correlational research methods who later studied the effects of sensory skills on intelligence? Select one: a. Alfred Binet b. Henri Simon c. Sir Francis Galton d. Charles Spearman

c. sir francis galton

As a requirement of her Medieval Cities class, Anna and three others have to make a presentation. Anna is struggling with another class (Calculus 2) and, since the presentation is a group grade, she decides to let the other group members do most of the work. In this situation, Anna is engaged in the phenomena that Social Psychologists call ________. Select one: a. conformity b. the bystander effect c. social loafing d. cognitive dissonance

c. social loafing

Kenneth is especially skilled when it comes to chart reading, map reading, and graph reading tasks. According to Gardner, Kenneth's skills reflect ________ intelligence. Select one: a. linguistic b. logic-mathematical c. spatial d. naturalistic

c. spatial

Alfred Binet and Sir Francis Galton would have likely disagreed about Select one: a. the extent to which tests can measure intelligence. b. the extent to which intelligence tests were objective measures. c. the extent to which our senses influence intelligence. d. the extent to which intelligence tests were reliable.

c. the extent to which our senses influence intelligence.

Which of the following examples provides the best analogy for a nomothetic approach to personality? Select one: a. Joe, in attempt to boost office morale, identifies what each of his managers does best so that he can give them assignments to best suit their individual strengths. b. In the first chapter of a novel, the protagonist, Carol, is introduced; she and her life are described in vividly realistic detail. c. Tanya, a professor, tries to remember the names of her students by thinking of each of them as a unique individual, each with their own special history and personality. d. As Bob searches for a new car, he compares all his options based on how they vary on a few important dimensions: size, gasoline consumption, safety, and color.

d. As Bob searches for a new car, he compares all his options based on how they vary on a few important dimensions: size, gasoline consumption, safety, and color.

What is the Flynn Effect? Select one: a. Moral emotions tend to be more powerful than other types of emotions. b. As hunger and thirst increase, higher order motivations become less powerful. c. When given any personality feedback, people tend to think it describes them well. d. Average IQ increases with each generation.

d. Average IQ increases with each generation.

_____________ is a statistical approach to determining how many concepts are measured by a set of questions. Select one: a. Reliability b. Empiricism c. Regression d. Factor analysis

d. Factor analysis

As described in lecture, which of the following is the best definition of a positive emotion? Select one: a. A feeling that is added to the environment as a consequence of behavior. b. A behavior that has evolved in order to assure survival. c. A culturally universal response to pleasant stimuli. d. Feeling good in anticipation of a future reward.

d. Feeling good in anticipation of a future reward.

An individual differences psychologist would be interested in which of the following questions? Select one: a. How do stereotypes affect our behavior? b. What is the effect of group size on helping behaviors? c. What is the role of the situation on conformity? d. How can intelligence affect life outcomes?

d. How can intelligence affect life outcomes?

What does it mean to say that intelligence is a theoretical construct? Select one: a. People who are intelligent are better able to understand and use abstract ideas. b. Researchers cannot agree on a definition of intelligence. c. Intelligence is not especially practical except at predicting success or failure in school. d. Intelligence is not a thing that can be observed; it is inferred from observable differences in behavior.

d. Intelligence is not a thing that can be observed; it is inferred from observable differences in behavior.

Nathan reflexively puts a pencil in his mouth while he's reading his Psych 1001 textbook, which causes his lips and face to form a frowning expression. Based on the facial feedback hypothesis, this may have what effect on his feelings about the Intro Psych material? Select one: a. It will have no effect because he is not aware that he is making the facial expression. b. It will have no effect, because there is no sympathetic nervous system arousal. c. It will make him feel more positively about the material. d. It will make him feel more negatively about the material.

d. It will make him feel more negatively about the material.

A sociologist has a large sample of participants, and gives them a wide variety of surveys and questionnaires that measure political attitudes and beliefs. She conducts a factor analysis and finds that nearly all of the correlation among the measures is explainable by two factors, which she interprets as "fiscal conservatism" and "social conservatism." She concludes that individual differences in political attitudes can be most parsimoniously explained by two independent (unrelated) factors. Which of the following, if TRUE, would most STRENGTHEN her conclusion? Select one: a. The two factors are themselves highly correlated b. Several of her measures only weakly correlate with the rest of her measures c. Many of her measures have high loadings (correlations) on both factors d. The two factors are themselves nearly uncorrelated

d. The two factors are themselves nearly uncorrelated

A 10-year-old child scores 140 on an IQ test with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Based on the normal distribution, you can draw the following conclusion about this child : Select one: a. the child has scored 40% higher than an average 10-year old b. Ten percent of 10-year olds score higher than this child. c. This child is as bright as an average 8-year old. d. This child scores in the gifted and talented range.

d. This child scores in the gifted and talented range.

Which of the following best illustrates the adaptive value of emotion? Select one: a. Fabian chose to spank his son for disobeying because he thought it was important to show that behavior has consequences. b. Marta was so overwhelmed by all the work she had to finish before the end of the semester that she was paralyzed with fear and didn't do anything. c. After her stroke, Dorothy stopped feeling fearful. d. When a raccoon threatened her infant son, Maya's fright gave her the strength to grab him and run like the wind to safety.

d. When a raccoon threatened her infant son, Maya's fright gave her the strength to grab him and run like the wind to safety.

In which of the following scenarios would you predict to see the greatest obedience? Select one: a. When the "teacher/participant" is required to hold the "learner's" hand on a shock plate. b. When the experimenter gives instructions to the "teacher/participant" by telephone. c. When the "teacher/participant" has no verbal feedback from the "learner." d. When the "teacher/participant" directs someone else to administer the shock.

d. When the "teacher/participant" directs someone else to administer the shock.

As discussed in lecture, the three primary motive systems in the brain are : Select one: a. hunger, thirst, and sexual drive b. flight, flight, reproduction c. id, ego and superego d. appetitive, defensive and impulse control

d. appetitive, defensive and impulse control

The emotional bond that a newborn baby shares with his or her caregiver(s) is called ________. Select one: a. maternal love b. paternality c. affective link d. attachment

d. attachment

Parental investment theory suggests that men place more emphasis on the ______ of a potential mate than women do. Select one: a. ambition b. height c. intelligence d. attractiveness

d. attractiveness

During a break in one of her favorite TV shows, Kamala sees an ad for a shampoo that she hasn't tried before. She admires the luxurious, glossy locks of the beautiful models and decides, effortlessly and unconsciously, to buy that shampoo. In this case Kamala is using what type of processing? Select one: a. Controlled b. Top-down c. Bottom-up d. Automatic

d. automatic

As described in lecture, if the amygdala is lesioned, the fear-potentiated startle will ____________. Select one: a. not be affected b. grow stronger c. requires higher arousal to activate d. be reduced or even disappear

d. be reduced or even disappear

A group of friends get together to plan a vacation that will allow expression of their personalities. They are all high in conscientiousness and low in extraversion. Based on the Big Five model of personality, as reviewed during discussion sections, one predicts that the plan they develop will let them Select one: a. be energetic and sociable, as well as less structured and more impulsive. b. be well-organized and structured, but will include lots of opportunities to meet people. c. be very unstructured and casual, like going to a people-free beach to commune with nature. d. be well-organized and structured, but it won't include a lot of opportunities to meet new people.

d. be well-organized and structured, but it won't include a lot of opportunities to meet new people.

According to the textbook, researchers have found a correlation between brain size and intelligence: Select one: a. when comparing intelligence within humans, but not across different species b. Researchers have not found a correlation between brain size and intelligence c. when comparing intelligence across species, but not within humans d. both within humans and across species

d. both within humans and across species

Benoit's internal working model--"I cannot depend on others"-- Select one: a. helps him lower and contain his distress in stressful situations. b. makes him more likely to give support when his girlfriend is upset. c. increases his distress in stressful situations. d. causes him to use dysfunction conflict resolution tactics when trying to resolve major relationship problems.

d. causes him to use dysfunction conflict resolution tactics when trying to resolve major relationship problems. Incorrect

When developing tests to predict school performance, Binet's insight was that ____________________________. Select one: a. children with more efficient senses will have higher IQs. b. children may excel at one or more multiple intelligences. c. family background will play a larger role than motivation. d. children who struggle in school are behaving like younger children.

d. children who struggle in school are behaving like younger children.

When reasoning about other people, the flawed scientist uses ______________, the kind of conscious, voluntary, and effortful reasoning that processes all the information available. Select one: a. Automatic processing b. Bottom-up processing c. Top-down processing d. Controlled processing

d. controlled-processing

Zimbardo concluded from his Stanford prison study that after prisoners and guards had been assigned roles that deemphasized their individuality, they adopted their designated roles more easily than anyone might have imagined as a consequence of ______________. Select one: a. obedience b. influence c. conformity d. deindividuation

d. deindividualization

The excitement was high and the crowd of fans was huge. After beating Iowa and taking back the Floyd the pig trophy, thousands of Gopher fans swarmed the field, climbing on the goal posts, yelling, screaming, and taking their clothes off. To social psychologists, this behavior of normally mild-mannered UM students is an example of __________. Select one: a. demonification. b. individuation c. demoralization. d. deindividuation

d. deindividuation

Allison completed an IQ test with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. She obtained an IQ score of 130 and is in the 98th percentile. This means that she: Select one: a. answered 130 questions correctly. b. answered 98 questions correctly. c. answered 98% of questions correctly. d. did better than 98% of the people her age who took the test.

d. did better than 98% of the people her age who took the test.

At a crowded park, Kayla sees an old man clutching his heart and stumbling. If Kayla assumes that someone else will help the old man, she is experiencing the phenomenon known as Select one: a. evaluation apprehension b. pluralistic ignorance c. social loafing d. diffusion of responsibility

d. diffusion of responsibility

The ________ technique involves asking for an unreasonably large request before asking for the small request you are hoping to have granted. Select one: a. low-ball b. bait-and-switch c. foot-in-the-door d. door-in-the-face

d. door-in-the-face

According to Freud, the component of personality that operates according to the reality principle is the Select one: a. Superego b. Conscious c. Id d. Ego

d. ego

A Minnesota Twin Study correlated IQ scores for identical and fraternal twins who had been reared in different household. The researchers found a correlation of .74 for IQ scores for identical twins. What does the difference between the correlation coefficient of .74 and a perfect correlation (1.0) represent? Select one: a. Heritability measurements are only 74% accurate. b. IQ test measurement error c. Some identical twins do not share 100% of their genes. d. environmental influences also play a role in intelligence.

d. environmental influences also play a role in intelligence.

Spearman, an early intelligence researcher, observed that scores on many different kinds of intelligence tests were correlated. He determined that one general concept, "g," could account for these correlations by using the statistical approach known as ________________. Select one: a. central tendency b. inferential analysis c. scatterplot analysis d. factor analysis

d. factor analysis

The Big 5 personality traits were discovered using____ Select one: a. case study analysis b. cross-cultural surveys c. converging lines of evidence d. factor analysis

d. factor analysis

Ta-Nehisi was walking back to his dorm after studying until midnight. When a car filled with four drunks slowed down and began to trail him, he began to feel fear. He broke into a sweat and began to breath faster. His heart began to pound. He quickened his pace and thought of a different, safer route home. According to Dr Gewirtz's definition, in this incident, the autonomic aspect of Ta-Nehisi's emotional response was _______________________________. Select one: a. sweating, shortness of breath and his pounding heart. b. finding a different, safer route home c. quickening his pace d. feeling fear

d. feeling fear. incorrect

If Dave scores higher than 90% of the norm group on the WAIS-IV, this means that he: Select one: a. fell into the 10th percentile of scores. b. scored worse than at least 50% of other test-takers. c. would be close to being considered mentally retarded. d. fell into the 90th percentile of scores.

d. fell into the 90th percentile of scores.

Research on flashbulb memories finds that ______________________________. Select one: a. flashbulb memories are less susceptible to the misinformation effect than other memories. b. over time flashbulb memories are more accurate than other memories. c. flashbulb memories are more susceptible to the misinformation effect than other memories. d. flashbulb memories change over time just like other memories.

d. flashbulb memories change over time just like other memories.

As discussed in lecture, the appetitive and defensive motive systems in the brain are regulated by the _________________: Select one: a. arousal system b. cognitive system c. prefrontal cortex d. impulse control system

d. impulse control system

You agree to look after your friend's dog while he visits a friend in the hospital. You start to imagine how pleasant it will be to take the dog for a long walk. Only after you have agreed and starting imaging the fun you will have with the dog, does your friend add that he will be gone all weekend. Had you realized this, you might not have agreed, but now, the idea of walking the dog is so appealing that you still agree. In this case your friend has used what social psychologists call __________ to persuade you? Select one: a. Compliance b. Foot-in-the-door technique c. the Door-in-the-face technique d. Low-balling

d. low-balling

Parental investment theory suggests that, in comparison to men, women show ______ desire for partners who are intelligent, ambitious and have high social status and ______ interest in attractiveness. Select one: a. less; more b. more; less c. less: less d. more; more

d. more; more Incorrect

According to research, humans have a biological need for interpersonal interactions. This is called the Select one: a. need-for-friends theory b. need-for-intimacy theory c. need-for-interpersonal-interactions theory d. need-to-belong theory

d. need-to-belong theory

According to Gardner there are as many as ________ types of intelligence. Select one: a. five b. three c. seven d. nine

d. nine

As described in lecture, a fear-potentiated startle response in animals Select one: a. results in an increase in the frequency of a response. b. is the result of a sudden loud noise. c. can only be observed outside the laboratory. d. occurs in the presence of a conditioned stimulus.

d. occurs in the presence of a conditioned stimulus.

Freud's psychodynamic approach to personality was based on a belief that Select one: a. people search for a spiritual meaning and continuity with past and present human experience. b. individuals have a natural drive to achieve their full potential. c. people are more than the sum of their parts and engage in goal-directed behavior. d. personality results from conflicting and often unconscious forces within the individual.

d. personality results from conflicting and often unconscious forces within the individual.

As discussed in lecture, when comparing the blink response of psychopathic prisoners and normal subjects on IAPS images rated as pleasant, neutral or unpleasant, researchers find that Select one: a. psychopathic prisoners and normal subjects show the same blink response pattern to pleasant, neutral and unpleasant IAPS images. b. psychopathic prisoners have a much stronger blink response to unpleasant IAPS images than normal subjects. c. psychopathic prisoners have a much weaker blink response to pleasant IAPS images than normal subjects. d. psychopathic prisoners have a blink response to unpleasant IAPS images that resembles their blink response to pleasant images.

d. psychopathic prisoners have a blink response to unpleasant IAPS images that resembles their blink response to pleasant images.

According to the authors, the key criteria for evaluating personality assessments are Select one: a. objectivity and reliability. b. objectivity and validity. c. reliability and objectivity. d. reliability and validity.

d. reliability and validity.

Sherif's "Robbers Cave" experiment demonstrated that prejudice can be reduced by Select one: a. engaging all members in competitive play. b. engaging each team against each other in a tournament. c. getting boys within each group to form strong bonds within the group. d. requiring the groups to cooperate to achieve a goal.

d. requiring the groups to cooperate to achieve a goal.

Dan went to a party even though he didn't feel like going out. Even though he felt a little down, he forced himself to smile and then, oddly enough, he actually felt happier. This reaction is consistent with Select one: a. the two-factor theory of emotion. b. the common-sense view of emotion. c. exposure therapy. d. the facial feedback hypothesis.

d. the facial feedback hypothesis.

Observing that intelligence test items with very different content all correlated, Spearman hypothesized that _____________. Select one: a. intelligence could be divided into fluid and crystallized intelligence b. intelligence tests were only good for measuring specific abilities c. intelligence tests did not measure intelligence at all d. there was an underlying general factor of intelligence (g)

d. there was an underlying general factor of intelligence (g)

Roberta has collected data on students' attitudes toward cheating. According to Walter Mischel, the students' attitudes will likely ________ predict whether or not they cheat on an upcoming exam. Select one: a. fail to b. moderately c. strongly d. weakly

d. weakly

As described in lecture, research by Dr Simpson and colleagues found that adults with an anxious attachment style Select one: a. were more likely to use conciliation tactics when trying to solve a major relationship issue. b. felt uncomfortable being close to others and tended to withdraw from their romantic partners. c. were more likely to seek support and less likely to give support when stressed. d. were more likely to use dysfunctional conflict resolution tactics when trying to solve a major relationship problem.

d. were more likely to use dysfunctional conflict resolution tactics when trying to solve a major relationship problem.

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