Psychology Exam 4

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The MOST recent edition of the DSM, the DSM-5, appeared in:


Kyle is extremely manipulative. He can look anyone in the eye and lie convincingly. His deceit often endangers the safety and well-being of those around him, but he is indifferent to the suffering that he causes through his actions. His behavior BEST illustrates:

Antisocial personality disorder

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder are MOST likely related to ____


Teresa is in therapy to manage her feelings of anxiety about going to the dentist. She is paralyzed with fear when she goes to the dentist and cannot have dental work done unless she is given a tranquilizer. Her therapist has asked her to construct a list of anxiety-provoking images that Teresa associates with the dental office and being in the dental chair. Her therapist is having her construct a(n) _____ as part of systematic desensitization.

Anxiety hierarchy

Dr. Frye is a cognitive therapist who is explaining to Melissa that assuming people are thinking negative thoughts about her is a(n):

Arbitrary inference.

Hikikomori is a syndrome first identified in japan in the 1970's. How many young Japanese now live with the syndrome?

At least 1,000,000

The MOST common hallucinations experienced in schizophrenia are:


Donald has a serious drinking problem. In order to reduce his intake of alcohol, a behavior therapist gives Donald a medication called Antabuse, which induces nausea whenever it is taken with alcohol. This behavioral technique is called "_____."

Aversive conditioning

_____ is a behavior therapy procedure that conditions new responses to a stimulus that originally triggered an unwanted behavior.

Aversive conditioning

The MOST common of the negative symptoms in schizophrenia is:


A person with a maladaptive, learned behavior such as cigarette smoking would likely most benefit from _____ therapy, which focuses on unlearning behaviors that are maladaptive.


Keisha has been afraid to get on an airplane for 10 years because she once experienced a great deal of turbulence on a flight. She might benefit from _____, a type of therapy that that has proved especially effective in dealing with fears by focusing on what is maladaptive and learned.

Behavioral therapy

The primary difference between the "common sense view" of emotion and the ABC model proposed in rational-emotive behavior therapy involves one's _____ about the events that make the person miserable.


There appears to be a clear relationship between _____ and the progression of schizophrenia.

Biological changes in the brain, such as a dramatic loss of gray matter

Boris is a prolific painter. However, he is also prone to periods of hopelessness and depression, which are followed by periods of mania. It is very likely that Boris is suffering from:

Bipolar disorder.

Individuals with _____ personality disorder have extreme mood swings and may engage in self-mutilation and threaten suicide in order to manipulate others.


A student confides in her teacher that she has caught her roommate frequently gorging on fatty sweets and snack foods. The teacher asks if the roommate has gained weight or seems to be exercising more lately. The teacher is trying to find out if the roommate may be suffering from:

Bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder.

Jessie has been spending a lot of time in the bathroom. She is hiding chocolate wrappers in her dresser drawer. When her roommate, Casey, listens at the door, she can hear her vomiting frequently. Casey talks to the RA on her floor. The RA suspects Jessie may be suffering from:

Bulimia nervosa.

_____ are psychological disorders that are distinguished by disturbances in normal psychological functioning and may include problems with memory, identity, consciousness, perception, and motor control.

Dissociative disorders

Which is NOT an example of something associated with a dissociative disorder?

Dissociative histrionics

The psychological disorder that involves two or more distinct personalities occurring within an individual is called "_____."

Dissociative identity disorder

Schizophrenia is a severe disorder characterized by:

Distorted beliefs, disturbed perceptions, and distorted thought processes.

The defining features of paranoid personality disorder are:

Distrust and suspiciousness.

Since the age of 20, Gerome has been on Haldol in order to control symptoms of schizophrenia. This medication is most likely regulating the neurotransmitter _____ in her brain.


There is a widely held belief that schizophrenia is related to, and may be caused by, excessive activity of the neurotransmitter _____ in the brain.


Two _____ symptoms of major depressive disorder are helplessness and worthlessness.


What is a structural difference found in the brains of people with schizophrenia?

Enlarged ventricles

Mental health professionals make diagnoses bases on ____, using interviews and other clinical assessments


From a(n) ____, fear of spiders, snakes, and foal smells would tent to protect is from true dangers

Evolutionary standpoint

In the media, portrayals of violent be;havior among current or former mental patients are


According to the textbook, neurotransmitter abnormalities, family interaction patterns, and cultural attitudes may all contribute to eating disorders. This suggests that eating disorders are BEST understood by:

Examining psychological, social, and biological factors

Hannah's mother died abruptly six months ago. Since then, Hannah has been unable to go to work or classes, and she continues to suffer emotionally. From this description, it is likely that Hannah's response:

Exceeds that of the normal mourning process.

Studies have shown that in vivo exposure is typically more effective than imaginary exposure in treating phobias. This is why _____ is usually the preferred method for treating phobias.

Exposure therapy

Behavior therapies based on the procedures of classical conditioning focus on the process of:


According to a humanistic perspective, in order to feel good about themselves and motivated to move forward, people must:

Feel accepted and approved of by others.

Studies have shown that college students contemplating suicide may first seek support from a(n):


Two brain areas implicated in obsessive-compulsive disorder are the ____, which area(s) involved in planning and thinking ahead, and the ____, which is involved in the regulation of movements

Frontal lobes; caudate nucleus

A disorder characterized by excessive worry accompanied by three or more of the following symptoms: restlessness, fatigue, poor concentration, irritability, or sleep disturbance is known as " "

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Someone with ____ experiences an excessive amount of worry an anxiety related to family, health, school, and other aspects of daily life

Generalized anxiety disorder

According to the textbook, imbalances in the neurotransmitters dopamine, adenosine, and _____ may all be related to schizophrenia.


The drug lithium seems to help regulate neurotransmitter associated with bipolar disorder?


Katy sees ninjas rappelling from her ceiling, ready to attack. Katy is experiencing a:


People with schizophrenia may hear voices or see things that are not actually there, which is a psychotic symptom known as "_____."


Traumatic events don't produce pottraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in everyone. Which is a factor that increases the likelihood of developing PTSD after a traumatic event

Have a personal or family history of psychological disorders

If anxiety leads a person to study for an exam, then it is _____, but if it keeps the person from ever leaving home, then it is _____.

Helpful; harmful

When someone meets Lanie, one of the first things they notice is that she is very dramatic and impulsive. She is a "drama queen" who displays shallow, attention-getting emotions and will do whatever she can to get people to praise her. Lanie exhibits characteristics typical of _____ personality disorder.


Aversive conditioning can BEST be characterized as:

Not very effective

An intrusive, repetitive thought or image is called a(n) " "


In many cases, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience ____ that focus on fears of contamination of germs or dirt, and ____ that revolve around cleaning and sterilizing

Obsessions; compulsions

People who suffer from ____ are so preoccupied with unwanted repetitive thoughts and/or actions that they are unable to function in their daily lives


Bob reports to his doctor that he has developed a "bad habit" that has persisted for a couple of years. When he gets dressed in the morning he puts on his pants at least 100 times, because each time he puts one leg one, the other leg needs to be "evened out." This behavior has caused him to be late for classes and work. The doctor suspects that Bob is suffering from:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Michael is extremely fearful of germs. He sleeps in a special chamber at night, wears gloves, and will only eat food that he can unwrap. His symptoms are most characteristic of:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Among which age group is the suicide rate the HIGHEST?

Older adults

Which statement is true about the link between violence and mental illness?

Other factors, such as poverty and abusing drugs, are stronger predictions of violent and illegal behaviors than mental illnesses

The erroneous belief that an isolated event will have major repercussions in one's life is called "_____."


When a man has frequent and unexpected panic attacks, he is suffering from an anxiety disorder known as " "

Panic Disorder

Several times in the past two months, Petra has experienced a racing heart, intense fear that something horrible is about to happen, and an inability to breathe. Petra most likely suffers from:

Panic attacks

Tony fears suffering a panic attack or other embarrassing or incapacitating symptoms in a place from which escape would be difficult or impossible. The medial specialists he consults cannot find anything physically wrong with him. His personal physician suggests Tony may want to see a mental health professional. Tony's symptoms indicate that he may have:

Panic disorder

Holly always feels down during the winter months, but she feels fine when it is summer. Holly MOST likely has _____ disorder.

Seasonal affective

Both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, there is a decrease in the brain activity of the neurotransmitter:


John is a first-year college student at a local university. He was diagnosed with a condition that involves an irrational fear of being publicly humiliated or embarrassed. John was MOST likely diagnosed with:

Social anxiety disorder

Nora has become increasingly withdrawn. She is so afraid she will do or say something embarrassing the she has begun to avoid places and type of social gatherings. Nora may be developing:

Social anxiety dissorder

One of the BEST predictors of the onset of an episode of major depressive disorder is exposure to a:

Stressful event

Progressive relaxation is the process of _____ until a deep state of relaxation is achieved.

Successively relaxing one muscle group after another

When George was younger, he experienced a very painful tooth extraction. He now has an extreme fear of dentists and has not had a checkup in years. To help George overcome his irrational fear, a behavioral therapist would MOST likely use:

Systematic desensitization.

With schizophrenia, a negative symptom is one:

That involves the lack of, or reduction in, behavior that is expected.

Which statement is true?

The DSM-5 is used in North America, whereas the ICD is used Internationally

A man who has recently lost a loved one may have difficulty sleeping, feel loneliness, and be excessively weary. What is the MOST likely to be experiencing?

The normal sorrow and grief associated with tragic situations

What is a core symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

The person experiences the increased physical arousal associated with anxiety

Comorbidity refers to:

The presence of more than one disorder

Cognitive therapy arose because of an interest in the role of _____ in controlling one's behavior.


At his weekly therapy session, Heinrich became agitated at his therapist, saying that she was controlling, domineering, and trying to ruin his life with her smothering. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


Andrew has grown very close to his psychoanalyst and tells her that she reminds him of the aunt who raised him. Andrew is likely experiencing:


A person must display symptoms of major depressive disorder for at least _____ in order to be diagnosed with it.

Two weeks

Dr. Turcotte works at a prison. He often has to provide therapy for people who have committed horrific crimes. Dr. Turcotte is well liked by the inmates because despite their crimes, he treats each with:

Unconditional positive regard

Depression is a serious, common psychological problem that affects many people. Although questions remain concerning the cause(s) of depression, it is known that:

Women are nearly twice as likely to suffer from major depressive disorder than men.

Which statement is true for the United States?

Women attempt suicide more often than men do, but men are more often successful at completing suicide.

Physiologically, the effects of anorexia are similar to the effects of starvation: basal metabolic rates _____, and blood levels of glucose, insulin, and leptin _____. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

decrease; decrease

In schizophrenia, a persistent falsely held belief is a _____ and a false or distorted perception is a _____.

delusion; hallucination

The purpose of the DSM-5 is to provide:

descriptions of abnormal disorders

Anna has always been "dramatic" and will do anything to get attention. If she has a personality disorder, it is most likely to be _____ personality disorder.


One cluster of personality disorders exhibits dramatic or impulsive behaviors. For example, someone with _____ personality disorder displays shallow, attention-getting emotions and goes to great lengths to gain praise.


The main strategy of behavior therapy is to unlearn _____ behaviors and learn _____ behaviors in their place.

maladaptive; adaptive

The goal of behavior therapy is to:

modify problem behaviors.

Dissociative identity disorder is also referred to as "_____."

multiple personality disorder

With schizophrenia, hallucinations are referred to as a "_____ symptom," while the flat affect is referred to as a "_____ symptom."

positive; negative

Aaron Beck was originally trained in _____ therapy. He later went on to develop _____ therapy.

psychoanalytic; cognitive

One thing that can happen with amnesia with dissociative fugue is that the person may _____ his past history and _____ what occurred during the fugue state.

remember; have amnesia about

Standing in line at the grocery store, Karl runs into an old friend. He proceeds to tell Karl, using pressured and loud speech, about all that he is doing, has done, and would like to do, and describes two inventions he is working on. Karl, a psychology student, wonders if his friend's rapid shifting of topics is the result of _____, a common characteristic of bipolar disorder. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

A flight of ideas

Johnny's heartbeat suddenly increases, his breath shortens, and he is afraid to leave the house for the fear of having a panic attack. He doesn't know why he feels this way, and he cannot pinpoint something in the environment that could have triggered these feelings. Johnny MOST likely has:

A panic disorder

Talia believes that she needs medication to help her deal with her depression. Which type of mental health professional should she probably see? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

A psychiatrist

One of the significant "caveats" or qualifications that must be made in the diagnosis of a psychological disorder is that pattern of behavioral or psychological symptoms must represent:

A serious departure from what is culturally or socially normal

Which may precipitate dissociative amnesia?

A stressful event

The A in the ABC model of rational-emotive behavior therapy is the _____ event.


Which characteristic is commonly reported in dissociative identity disorder?

An amnesia or memory problem

Jodie is convinced that her husband will get sick and die unless she cleans the kitchen every day. She constantly thinks about the germs that are in her kitchen, and feels like she always has more to clean in the already spotless kitchen. Jodie MOST likely has:

An obsessive-compulsive disorder

Although she is underweight, Lindsey is extremely afraid of being fat. She often checks her body in the mirror for any signs of fat and refuses to eat most foods because she insists they are fattening or high in calories. Lindsey demonstrates symptoms of:

Anorexia nervosa.

Someone with a history of aggressive, violent behavior and a criminal record is MOST likely to have which type of personality disorder?


The psychological disorder distinguished by unethical behavior, deceitfulness, impulsivity, irritability, and lack of remorse is called "_____ disorder."

Antisocial personality

Andy sits in unusual postures, often failing to move for hours. Andy is MOST likely exhibiting:


posttramatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by:

Chronic physiological arousal, recurrent thoughts or images of trauma, and avoidance of reminders of trauma

In _____ therapy, the therapist reflects the clients' statements back to them and encourages the clients to set their own therapeutic goals.


Hillary's therapist is an active listener who often paraphrases what she says. He does not judge her and is open to her exploration of her weaknesses. He gives her appropriate validation and encourages her to reflect on her feelings. He wants to deepen her self-understanding. Hillary is most likely undergoing:

Client-centered therapy

Psychiatrist Aaron Beck developed _____ therapy, which focuses on changing the client's unrealistic beliefs.


What is one major factor that distinguishes cognitive and behavioral treatments from psychoanalytic psychotherapy?

Cognitive and behavioral treatments focus on dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors.

Klaus has been diagnosed not only with major depressive disorder but also generalized anxiety disorder. Klaus' case illustrates


attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is sometimes diagnosed in conjunction with substance use disorder in the same individual. This is an example of:


A(n) _____ Is a behavior or mental act that a person repeats over and over in an effort to reduce anxiety


Olivia is afraid that her house is going to burn down, which is causing her severe anxiety. By checking and rechecking that her stove is off she feels less anxiety about a destructive fire. Her checking behavior is a(n):


Which is a highly effective way to reduce the fear associated with specific objects and eventually overcome a phobia?

Confront the fear by gradually increasing exposure to the feared object or event.

Essential to developing an anxiety hierarchy as part of systematic desensitization is pairing the anxiety-provoking image with a(n):

Control scene

Tonya is interested in studying psychological disorders. If she wants to study the classification system most often used in the United States, she should read the:


The technique of _____ is used in mindfulness-based therapies in order to increase awareness of one's thoughts, impulses, cravings, and emotions.


Karen stays with her boyfriend, despite how badly he treats her. When her friends ask her about it, she defends him, saying, "He takes care of me" and "I don't want to be alone." Her friends suspect that Karen is showing symptoms of _____ personality disorder.


Peter dislikes being alone and refuses to move out of his parents' house, make his own food, or take care of his own finances, even though he is twenty-four and has a job. Peter meets the criteria for _____ personality disorder.


The current revision of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders includes 20 chapters, with content organized around ____ across the life span

Developmental changes

The main feature of dissociative disorders is _____, which is a disturbance in the normally unified experience of psychological functions involved in memory, consciousness, perception, or identity.


_____ is a disturbance in the normally integrated experience of psychological functions involved in memory, consciousness, perception, or identity. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Every time Taylor goes to a party in her dorm or at a friend's house, she runs into a young woman whose behavior she finds peculiar. The more she watches her, the more she suspects traits of _____ personality disorder based on her exaggerated, overly dramatic, attention-seeking entrances. She also notices her provocative clothing and behavior, which seems designed to specifically attract the attention of people around her.


_____ is a type of insight therapy that emphasizes the positive nature of humankind.

Humanistic therapy

Cognitive therapy focuses on helping a client:

Identify and correct distorted thinking about self, others, or the world.

Like a traditional psychoanalyst, an interpersonal therapist uses _____ to help the patient recognize hidden feelings and transferences that may be occurring in important relationships in the patient's life.


The difference between normal anxiety and pathological anxiety is that pathological anxiety has three features NOT present in normal anxiety. Pathological anxiety is:

Irritation, uncontrollable, and disruptive

The form of psychotherapy called "family therapy":

Is based on the assumption that the family is a system, and therefore, treats the family as a unit.

Behavior therapists assume that maladaptive behaviors are:


If Breyanna wants a therapy that focuses on fixing her _____, she should look for a behavioral therapist.

Maladaptive behaviors

During a _____, a person might exhibit grandiose or extremely high self-esteem, reduced sleep time, and/or increased talkativeness.

Manic episode

Antisocial personality disorder is most commonly diagnosed in:


The primary difference between group therapy and self-help groups is the presence or lack of presence of a:

Mental health professional

Which statement is NOT good advice to help a friend or acquaintance who might be feeling suicidal?

Minimize the individual's suicidal intentions.

What characterizes dissociative identity disorder? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

More than one conscious self or identity that controls behavior at different times

Damian, a 30-year-old man with schizophrenia, is being seen in the psychiatric emergency department. When asked various questions, his responses are emotionally flat, brief, and empty. He stares into space and is disheveled. Damian is showing the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


Ms. Serta has schizophrenia. Although she takes medication to control her symptoms, she continues to suffer from low emotional expressiveness and general apathy. Ms. Serta is exhibiting the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


In schizophrenia, behaviors or characteristics that are limited or absent, including social withdrawal, diminished speech, limited emotions, and loss of energy, are called "_____."

Negative symptoms

_____ is to an absence of appropriate behaviors as _____ is to an excess of inappropriate behaviors.

Negative symptoms; positive symptoms

Dr. Barlow does not decide how therapy will proceed, because she leaves that to the client. Dr. Barlow's approach is considered:


Ms. Higgins believes that aliens from another planet have removed her stomach and are watching to see how long it takes her to grow another. Ms. Higgins is MOST likely suffering from:


Tony keeps having episodes during which he begins sweating, his pulse races, he experiences shortness of breath, and he feels like he going to die. The results of all his medical tests are negative, and the specialists he consults cannot find anything physically wrong with him. His personal physician suggests Tony may want to see a mental health professional because his symptoms indicate he may have:

Panic disorder

Despite being a faithful wife, Ms. Smith dreads going home because, if she is even five minutes late, her husband accuses her of having an affair. He insists that he is "not affected" by her behavior, but "knows" that she "hates" him and is interested in other men. Of the personality disorders discussed in the text, which is MOST likely to be Mr. Smith's condition?

Paranoid personality disorder

Chronic, low-grade depression is to _____ disorder, as intense, debilitating depression is to _____. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

Persistent depressive; major depressive

If Dr. Thomas focuses his energy as a therapist on empathy, unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and active listening, he is most likely conducting:

Person-centered therapy

Inflexible and maladaptive personality traits that are consistent across a broad range of situations are what characterize a(n) _____ disorder.


If Jasmine avoids any situation in which help may not be available in case of a panic attack strikes, she may be suffering from a(n):


Mark is distraught by high bridges that he avoids them and takes an unnecessarily lengthy route to and from work each day. Although Marl realizes his behavior is unreasonable, he appears to suffer from a(n):


A 25-year old woman has come to the local police precinct to complain that her neighbors are trying to kill her by poisoning her drinking water. She reports also being concerned for her life because the TV anchor on the morning news warned her, "They are coming to get you, Ms. Taylor." The woman appears to be exhibiting the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


Believing that you have superpowers, hearing voices that aren't there, and having trouble forming sentences that make sense are all examples of the _____ of schizophrenia.

Positive Symptoms

_____ increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.

Positive reinforcement

A token economy involves giving clients some type of voucher for desired behaviors, which can later be traded for rewards. Token economies are therefore based on:

Positive reinforecment

Casy's father suffered and witnessed trauma during the Vietnam War and, as a result, he is most likely to develop:

Pottraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

The three steps in systematic desensitization are:

Progressive relaxation, anxiety hierarchy, and imagining a control scene.

Kerry has recently called to set up an appointment at the college counseling center. He is unable to sleep, has lost his appetite, and is not interested in any of his usual activities. His distress is significantly impairing his grades and social life. Given the likelihood that Kerry is suffering from a ____, he will be given an appointment to see a counselor

Psychological disorder

The severe disturbance in eating behavior known as an eating disorder known as an eating disorder is a type of:

Psychological disorder

Rachel has recently completed the coursework necessary to become a clinical psychologist. The primary difference between Rachel and a psychiatrist is Rachel's expertise in:

Psychological testing and evaluation.

Also known as "_____," this area of scientific study focuses on the origins, symptoms, and development of psychological disorders


Dr. Alfonso investigates the pattern of development of psychological disorders. Dr. Alfonso's field of specialization is known as "____"


Jeanine is taking a class on the scientific study of psychological disorders and their origins, symptoms, and development. Jeanine's course is likely in:


The subfield in which psychological disorders are studies is generally known as " "


Flat affect, one of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, involves:

Reduced emotional responsiveness.

Therapists use _____ in behavior therapy to shape behaviors to be more adaptive.


After briefly telling his psychoanalyst about his relationship with his ex-wife, Jerome abruptly changes the subject. Jerome is exhibiting:


The primary goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to:

Resolve long-standing conflicts.

The disabling psychological disorder that can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and abnormal psychomotor behavior is called "_____."


Which list describes the symptoms of dissociative disorders?

experiencing severe, disjointed cognitive processing that significantly disrupts memory, awareness, and personality

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