Psychology Test

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Sigmund Freud

founder of psychoanalysis

What is psychology and what questions does it seek to answer?

Biology is the study of living organisms; psychology is the study of the soul inside the human organism. It asks and seeks to answer the questions: "Who are we?" "What are we?" and "How do we develop as human beings?" The word psyche is Greek for "soul."

What are the main assumptions of third force psychology?

* we are good by nature and can properly manage human behavior; * psychological illnesses are caused by physiology, social circumstances, psychological and emotional states, and mental processes rather than by spiritual problems; *mental health can be restored when these factors are properly balanced.

B. F. Skinner

American psychologist who championed behaviorism and studied operant conditioning

What assumptions shape Marxist psychology?

Being materialists and humanists, Marxists psychologists had an initial affinity with behaviorism as a scientific way of explaining human behavior. But behaviorism doesn't allow for free will, which created a problem for Marxists, They needed a theory that not only allowed for free will, but also provided a mechanism for directing behavior

What assumptions shape secular psychology?

Secular psychology is shaped by two fundamental assumptions: The idea of a personal God is a myth, and we are purely physical beings produced by naturalistic processes. Everything can be explained by material causes, including what we perceive as our minds, souls, and personalities. This view is known as mind/body monism. There is only one (mon) basic reality—the material world.


Formation of mental visual images.


the science of behavior that focuses on observable behavior only

What assumptions shape postmodern psychology?

'The ideas of 'soul" and human "essence" are obsolete to Postmodernists. Instead of an identifiable, unique "self" they believe in a decentered self. Human beings are social constructions without any singular essence, nature, or soul. Instead, we may actually have multiple selves, an idea developed by French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and others.


is the stage at which a person meets his or her full psychological potential.


A holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal

Fourth Force Psychology

A school of psychology that attempts to integrate aspects of transcendental religious teachings within the framework of modern psychology


study of the mind

Ivan P. Pavlov

Russian physiologist; founder of "classical conditioning" coined the term conditional reflex

What are the three forces that combined to shape secular psychology?

Today's secular psychology is often called third force psychology. The first force was B. F. Skinner's behaviorism. The second force was Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. The third force was based on Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization.

How do Islam and Christianity differ when it comes to understanding human nature?

Christianity sees all humans as inherently bound in sin and in need of a redeemer. Islam believes we are capable of redeeming ourselves. No one else can do it for us.

What assumptions shape New Spiritualist psychology?

"There is no physical, spiritual, or mental pain in higher consciousness.

The idea of multiple selves creates multiple problems. Can you name a few?

1. It absolves people of responsibility for their judgments and actions. 2. However we choose to define ourselves is acceptable, no matter how deviant. 3. It blurs the lines between normal and abnormal. 4. Social order breaks down because the idea of "normal" is ridiculed and anything goes, including immoral or illegal activities.

What assumptions shape Islamic psychology?

According to Islamic psychology, submission is the key to psychological health. We don't find healing and peace by becoming more like our creator or by pursuing our own good or by meditation, but by submission. We are all born with the true faith of Islam and without sin.

What is the New Spiritualist view of psychological health and how does it differ from other worldviews?

In regard to psychological health, Secularists say it comes from focusing on the self. Marxists say it comes from the freedom to revolt. Postmodernists say it comes from identifying our multiple selves. New Spiritualists say it comes from the Buddhist tradition of denying the self.

What is self-actualization and how is it achieved?

The goal of third force psychology is self-actualization—the stage at which a person meets his or her full psychological potential. It rejects the idea of personal sin, which is seen by Erich Fromm and others as part of what keeps us sick, Self-actualization, in the words of Abraham Maslow, "stresses 'full-humanness, the development of the biologically based nature of man."

Classical conditioning

a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events

Cognitive behaviorism

reduces all behavior to neural functioning and seeks to explain behavior by examining underlying neurological causes. Researchers use neuroimaging of the brain to study how mental activities are related to brain functions.


to think about deeply and quietly, reflect upon; to plan, intend

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