Psychology topic test 5

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Kaelon believes that most people cannot be trusted. More than not, individuals he has relied on in the past have failed to do as they promised or were using his generosity to their advantage. Recently, a coworker proposed that he would help Kaelon move and offered his truck to Kaelon to assist in the move. Kaelon immediately became suspicious and declined the offer to help, believing his coworker would fail to help him. Based on this information, we may conclude which of the following? A. Kaelon's perception is distorted because his coworker really is willing to assist in the move. B. Kaelon's prior relationship experiences have influenced his perception of his coworker's behavior. C. Kaelon is unable to understand his coworker's behavior because he is unable to perceive altruistic behavior. D. Kaelon's keen perception is detecting dishonesty in others before it is demonstrated.


Two types of binocular depth cues are __________ and __________. A. motion parallax . . . pictorial depth cues B. convergence . . . retinal disparity C. motion parallax . . . retinal disparity D. convergence . . . pictorial depth cues


Which of the following statements is not correct in regard to forming perceptions? The level of familiarity that one has can influence how quickly one recognizes stimuli. Only one's negative experiences can lead an individual to create stereotypes. One's motivation can cause two people to perceive the same thing differently. One's expectations cause individuals to overlook various stimuli in the environment.

B) only ones negative experiences can lead an individual to create stereotypes.

The ear's neural tissue lies on the __________, which forms the floor of the cochlea.

Basilar membrane

_________ constancy refers to the ability to understand that an object retains the same lightness even when illuminated differently. A. Color B. Shape C. Brightness D. Weight


According to the signal detection theory, the detection of stimuli involves decision and sensory processes. T F


An individual's experience of the world depends on both the stimuli they encounter within their environment and how they process that stimuli.


Analgesia occurs when pain signals are blocked from reaching the brain. T or F.


C-fibers transmit aches and pain that are chronic, dull, and poorly localized. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Cells with similar preferences are arranged closer together in the auditory cortex. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Ear wax, which is produced in the external auditory canal, contains chemicals that guard the ear from infections. T or F?


External factors such as prior knowledge and experience influence how incoming information is perceived. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


German philosopher and physicist Gustav Theodor Fechner founded psychophysics.


In order to perceive something, one must first focus attention upon it. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Noise that interferes with the ability to detect stimuli can come from any irrelevant stimuli in the environment. True or False?


People who have color vision deficiency typically lack one or more of the three cones that are sensitive to a particular wavelength. T or F?


Perception of color is determined by the wavelength of light that an object reflects. True or False?


Rhodopsin is a light-sensitive receptor located in rod cells that announce the arrival of light.


Sound waves are detected by the pinna, or the outer part of the ear. T or F?


The ability to independently perceive a creature as a "dog" would depend on one's prior knowledge or experience involving dogs. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The majority of sounds people hear are a mixture of frequencies and amplitudes.


The most complex processing of sensory information occurs in the cerebral cortex. T or F?


The olfactory system is the sensory system that deals with the sense of smell. T or F?


The vestibulo-ocular reflex ensures stable vision by moving the eyes in the opposite direction of the head. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The visible spectrum of light that humans see is merely a narrow portion of the larger spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.


To some extent, sensory receptors in the skin are specialized to detect and register specific stimuli. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Which of the following is not a receptor pair according to the opponent process theory? A. red versus green B. yellow versus blue C. black versus white D. yellow versus red

Yellow verses red

The __________ processes sensory information from all the senses (with the exception of smell) before transmitting it to the cerebral cortex.


Claire just purchased a new silk dress for her school's winter formal. She loves the feel of silk and keeps rubbing it with her fingers because the tactile sense __________.

would adapt if the dress would be held still

Types of inattentional blindness include all of the following except __________ . A. change blindness B. change deafness C. choice blindness D. color blindness

color blindness.

All of the following are physical stimuli for touch except __________ energy. A. mechanical B. chemical C. combustion D. thermal


The cochlea is responsible for __________.

concerting vibrations into neural signals

Damage to the outer ear or middle ear, which transmits sound waves to the inner ear, may result in __________.

conductive hearing loss

__________ is a rare disorder that includes the inability to feel pain.

congenital analgesia

All of the following are types of perceptual constancies except __________ constancy. A. direction B. size C. shape D. color


Images that fall on the optic __________ are not visible because this area lacks rods and cones.


In order to perceive forms and patterns from incoming stimuli, individuals utilize __________.

feature analysis

The Gestalt perceptual organization principle that involves the ability to distinguish objects from their surroundings is the principle of __________.

figure and ground

Gustav Theodor Fechner was a German philosopher and physicist who __________.

founded psychophysics and developed techniques to measure sensation

Purity is to timbre as __________ is to __________.


The kinesthetic system is the sensory system that involves ___________.

info from the muscles and joints

Taste buds are located in all of the following locations except the ___________.

nasal passage

Which of the following is an example of sensory adaptation?

not remembering that you have to study for a test in psychology

Stimuli that can cause pain are referred to as __________ stimuli.


Taste disorders may be linked to a problem with the __________ system.


The receptors for smell are known as __________.

olfactory cilia

Optic nerves travel through the __________ to ensure that visual signals go to each hemisphere of the brain.

optic chiasm

Vestibular information travels to all of the following areas of the brain except the __________. medulla pons cerebellum optic chiasm

optic chiasm

The sensory __________, such as the ear and eye, are sensitive to external or internal stimuli.


A common problem in children that can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss depending on its severity is __________, or ear infection.

otitis media

There are sensory receptors located in human skin that register specific stimuli such as _________.


The __________ lobe contains the primary sensory cortex, which controls sensations such as touch or pressure.


Which of the following can influence one's ability to detect stimuli and increase one's responsiveness to stimuli in dangerous situations?

response criteria

__________ constancy refers to the ability to understand that an object retains the same form even when viewed from a different angle.


Jacob believed that Aaron's shy behavior was due to lack of confidence until he learned that Aaron was quite talkative and excitable when he began discussing types of computer games he liked to play online. This situation reflects which of the following factors concerning perception? A. Perception is influenced by situational outcomes. B. Perception is influenced by knowledge. C. Perception is influenced by culture. D. Perception is influenced by expectation.

situational outcomes

The loudness of a sound is determined by the __________, or height, of the sound wave.


The minimum detectable sound for normal hearing is arbitrarily set at _____ decibels.


Which of the following correctly lists the structures through which sound travels after entering the ear? A. auditory canal, eardrum, ossicles, cochlea B. ossicles, eardrum, cochlea, auditory canal C. eardrum, auditory canal, ossicles, cochlea D. cochlea, eardrum, ossicles, auditory canal


Which of the following examples best illustrates sensory interaction? A. Julie loves chicken noodle soup, but her cold is making it taste bland. B. Michael was surprised to find that he likes the taste of rare steak. C. Alyssa loves the smell and taste of her mother's homemade apple pie. D. Eli thought the fish smelled great but tasted awful.


Which of the following statements concerning bottom-up and top-down processing is correct? A. Due to the complexity of the surrounding environment, individuals often use both top-down and bottom-up processing when perceiving. B. Top-down processing is utilized most when individuals encounter environmental stimuli that they are unfamiliar with. C. Bottom-up processing is utilized most when individuals are drawing on prior knowledge to interpret environmental stimuli. D. Bottom-up and top-down processing often cause an individual to experience inattentional blindness.


___________ of electromagnetic radiation is visible to the human eye.

A narrow portion

Which of the following statements is not true about the ways in which our bodies are able to block pain? A. The release of endorphins in the body assists in alleviating pain. B. Specific neural activity can limit incoming pain signals, alleviating pain. C. Information from other sensory systems can close the pain gate, alleviating pain. D. A neural pathway found in the frontal lobe assists in alleviating pain.

A neural pathway found in the frontal lobe assists in alleviating pain.

________ transmit pain that is sharp, nonchronic, and well localized.

A-delta fibers

Which of the following represents the perceptual process path? A. Neural activity interprets incoming stimuli, which activate the brain to send signals to the senses. B. The senses send a signal to the brain to initiate specific neural activity, which then responds to incoming stimuli. C. Stimuli is detected through senses, which activate specific neural activity that signals the brain for interpretation. D. The brain detects incoming stimuli that activates neural activity, which signals the senses to interpret the stimuli.


When one individual perceives the events of a car crash to be different than another person, which of the following will most likely be occurring? A. One individual is present in a different context or situation than the other person, causing them to have different perceptions. B. One individual is experiencing an alternate reality, which results in a distorted perception. C. Individual perceptions could be influenced by differences in prior knowledge or experience. D. The perception of one individual is distorted because one in five individuals has problems with perceptual accuracy.

C. Individual perceptions could be influenced by differences in prior knowledge or experience.

The type of inattentional blindness that occurs when one fails to detect auditory changes in the environment is ___________. A. choice deafness B. change deafness C. choice blindness D. change blindness

Change deafness

__________ occurs when something interferes with the conduction of sound vibrations from the outer and middle ear to the inner ear.

Conductive hearing loss

The Gestalt perceptual organization principle that reflects the tendency to perceive smooth, continuous patterns rather than disconnected patterns is the principle of __________.


Of the following statements, which does not represent variations in one's perception? A. What matters to one person may not matter to another. B. What is offensive to one person may be inoffensive to another. C. What is exciting for one person may be frightening to another. D. What is meaningful to one person is meaningful to another.


Which of the following statements is not correct concerning the relationship between attention and perception? Focusing one's attention on something in the environment is necessary in order to perceive it. Individuals have the ability to focus attention on a specific stimulus in the midst of surrounding activity. Whether or not people perceive information as meaningful influences their attention to it. Individuals can easily detect changes in the environment when they are absorbed in a task.


Which of the following statements is true about sensory cells in the gustatory system? Sensory cells migrate to the edge of taste buds to die after a month. Sensory cells last a very long time and are renewed about once a year. Sensory cells are located near the center of the taste bud when renewed. Sensory cells last approximately two weeks and are renewed frequently.


Where is earwax located and made in the ear? Why is earwax important?

Earwax is made in the outer ear canal. It protects and moisturizes our ears. It also acts a s a shield between dust and our eardrum.

Kinesthetic disorders enhance one's ability to perform voluntary movements. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Perceptual constancy is a false perception of reality caused by a tendency to misinterpret stimuli. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Research indicates that inattentional blindness often decreases when people work on tasks that require a great deal of attention. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The majority of sensory signals about touch are sent to the olfactory cortex. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Choice blindness is an example of what can occur when an individual selectively focuses one's attention on a specific event or object. T F


The sensory receptors for the kinesthetic sense send information to the brain about the head's position and movement. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


A higher frequency is often perceived as having lower pitch. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


According to research findings, individuals should be highly concerned about the lasting effects of exposure to subliminal messages.


All students perceive poor grades as disappointing. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Animals, like humans, rely heavily on their sense of smell to function in daily life. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


During the process of perception, the brain interprets incoming stimuli before stimuli are detected by the senses. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Kinesthetic disorders help control or direct voluntary movement. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Once someone has a sensory cell, they have that cell for life. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Research suggests that responsiveness to stimuli decreases in dangerous situations. T or F?


The color of an object is in the object itself. T or F?


The vestibular sense originates in the outer ear. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Top-down processing occurs when individuals detect and combine specific features of a stimulus into a more complex form in order to gain understanding of the whole stimulus. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


There are three main types of nerve fibers that carry neural signals from pain receptors to the spinal cord. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F

False, there are two

The Gestalt principle of simplicity represents the tendency for individuals to arrange elements in a way that creates closure or completeness. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Top-down processing is often used when one encounters an unfamiliar stimulus. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


One way in which researchers have attempted to restore vision is through implanting corneal cells in a person's eye. True or False?

False. "FALSE." One way in which researchers have attempted to restore vision is NOT through implanting corneal cells in a person's eye but rather through retinal implant which is known as the retinal prosthesis.

Isaac Newton discovered that the color white is created when light passes through a prism. True or False?

False. It's a rainbow.

The brain processes billions of pieces of information every second. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F

False. Only millions

The Gestalt principle of closure represents the tendency for individuals to group items that are similar together. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Subtractive color mixing involves mixing lights, as seen in theaters. True or False?

False. Subtractive color is the mixing of things such as paint or dye.

The loudness of a sound is measured in units called "hertz." T or F?

False. The loudness of a sound is measured in decibels.

The tactile system is actually made up of two distinct skin senses. T or F?

False. There are four.

Otoliths are small stones in the semicircular canals that shift when the head moves. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F

False. They're not "stones," they're small particles.

Sound processing occurs exclusively in the temporal lobe where the primary auditory cortex is located. True or False?

False. parietal and frontal lobe have also been proven to assist.

Sounds in the external ear depends on vibration of movable bones. T or F?

False. these bones are located in the middle ear, not the external ear

A professor at the college explained to his students that this theory of hearing is similar to piano strings. If you sound a note with a tuning fork near a piano, the piano string tuned to that note will vibrate. Of which theory of hearing was the above an example? A. tuning theory B. frequency theory C. place theory D. cochlear theory

Frequency theory

What principle of perception is at the heart of the Gestalt theory?


Which of the following is not one of the core concepts of psychophysics?


When people talk about the color of one's eyes, they are actually talking about the color of the __________.


All of the following will help maintain healthy ears except _________. A. avoiding exposure to loud music B. gently cleaning the outside of the ear C. getting one's ears checked by a doctor D. not wearing ear pads when playing physical sports

NOT wearing ear pads when playing physical sports

__________ is a result of light from distant objects falling short of the retina, causing distant objects to appear blurry.


Which structure is located at the base of the brain and receives neural signals about smell from the sensory receptors?

Olfactory bulb

Perception is the psychological process in which sensory input is __________.

Organized and interpreted into meaningful data

The phi phenomenon demonstrates that illusions can be influenced by __________. A. perceptions of movement B. perceptual constancies C. tricks in depth perception D. the situational context

Perceptions of movement

All of the following are types of pictorial depth cues except __________. A. light and shadow B. interposition C. perpendicular perspective D. texture gradient

Perpendicular perspective

The only skin sense that has identifiable sensory receptors is __________.


Specialized visual receptors that assist mostly in nighttime vision are __________. A. cones B. rods C. fovea D. optic disks


Stimulation of the senses through the transmission of sensory information to the central nervous system is called __________.


Where does sensory transduction take place?

Sensory receptors

An individual's mental predisposition that influences perceptual expectations is one's perceptual __________.


Saul had a negative experience while visiting his grandfather at a nursing home. An elderly lady yelled at him and hit him with her purse. Soon after, another elderly man stole the present he brought for his grandfather. After his visit, Saul perceived all nursing homes to be homes for unruly and aggressive elderly people and convinced his mother to make other arrangements for his grandfather. This situation reflects which of the following factors concerning perception? Perception is influenced by situational outcomes. Perception is influenced by culture. Perception is influenced by context. Perception is influenced by expectation.

Situational outcomes

Both retinal disparity and convergence increase as an object gets closer to the individual. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Endorphins are the body's natural pain killers because they block pain from the brain. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Whether or not incoming information is perceived as meaningful influences one's attention to it. T F


Vestobular receptors enable one to balance. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Which of the following statements best illustrates Weber's law?

The size of the difference threshold is greater for heavier objects than of lighter ones.

Which of the following best defines absolute threshold?

The weakest amount of stimulus one can detect.

Inattentional blindness occurs when individuals do not observe certain objects or events because they are focused on something else. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F

True because Inattentional blindness occurs when individuals do not observe visible objects in plain sight due to attention being focused else where.

Weber's law states that the just noticeable difference is a constant proportion of the magnitude of the original stimulus. T F

True, weber's law does state that the just noticeable difference us a constant proportion of the magnitude of the original stimulus

Visual acuity is greatest at the fovea of the eye. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F

True. It's a small dot in the retina made of JUST CONES, thus, having great visual acuity

Which of the following statements is true about the sense of smell? Men and women smell the same number of odors. The amount of odors one can smell is unknown. Women tend to smell more odors than men. People can smell approximately 100 odors.

Women tend to smell more odors than men.

Although Thomas was sitting right next to his friends in the park, he was able to smell buttered popcorn a couple of minutes before they did. He has a lower __________ for smells than his friends.

absolute threshold

The first step in sensation for some sensory systems is the __________, which modify incoming stimuli.

accessory structures

The process by which the lens adjusts its shape to focus images at various distances on the retina is called __________.


An image that remains after a stimulus is removed is called a(n) __________.


The outer ear channels sound waves down the external __________ to the __________, a tight membrane that vibrates in response to sound waves.

auditory canal.... eardrum

Stimulation of the senses is.......


All of the following are functions of nasal mucus except __________. A. stopping germs and dirt from entering the body B. converting chemical stimuli into neural signals C. dissolving inhaled chemical substances D. transporting odorants to smell receptors


All of the following are stops on the pathway of taste signals except __________. A. taste receptors B. the prefrontal cortex C. cranial nerves D. the thalamus


Philip was diagnosed with __________ vestibular disorder, which is a dysfunction of the nervous system that processes balance.


The point where optic nerves from each eye cross over to the opposite half of the brain is the optic __________.


Being able to see a square in the middle of the image despite not having lines to form a square represents the Gestalt principle of __________. A. proximity B. similarity C. closure D. continuity


The part of the ear that holds the auditory receptors is called the __________.


When the Victor Frankenstein was making his Monster, he forgot to include the __________, an important structure of the ear needed to change sound waves into signals the brain can process and interpret.


The loudness of sound is measured in __________

decibels (dB)

The retina of the eye does all of the following except __________. A. absorb light B. decrease visual acuity C. process images D. send visual information to the brain

decrease visual acuity

All of the following influence one's experience of pain except __________ factors. A. biological B. psychological C. socio-cultural D. economical


If one creates a negative stereotype as a result of past experiences, the individual may be forming a perception based on all of the following except __________. A. situational outcomes B. excess knowledge C. expectations D. emotions

excess knowledge, because too much knowledge would not have a negative effect

Michael is sensitive to various sensations of touch, and sensory stimuli that are generally considered harmless, such as hugs, make him feel threatened. He is most likely experiencing tactile __________.


Since Eleanor's brain processes incoming sensory stimuli less intensely than normal, she often gets hurt because she does not always recognize painful stimuli. She most likely has tactile __________.


Square A and square B are the same color. This illusion demonstrates which of the following? A. Illusions are influenced by perceptions of movement. B. Illusions are influenced by perceptual constancies. C. Illusions are influenced by the situational context. D. Illusions are influenced by tricks in depth perception.

illusions are influenced by situational context.

All of the following are concepts in psychophysics except __________. detection identification discrimination introspection


The sense that enables awareness of the position and movement of body parts is known as __________.


Which sensory system enables you to touch the top of your head when your eyes are closed? olfactory sense vestibular sense kinesthetic sense tactile sense


One of the drawbacks of the place theory is that it fails to adequately explain pitch perception of __________ frequency sounds.


Smoking can increase someone's risk for developing __________.

macular degeneration

The __________ is hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear that is attached to the inner surface of the eardrum.


The stimuli for kinesthesis is the __________ energy of joint and muscle movement. A. thermal B. electrical C. mechanical D. chemical


Humans and animals are able to detect touch and monitor the position of their muscles due to __________.


Which of the following receptors enable balance and movement?


Many mammals, such as dogs and cats, release __________, which can stimulate a behavioral response in another mammal of the same species.


__________ enable humans to see and detect the color of different objects.


Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between __________ and __________.

physical stimuli . . . sensory experiences

The claim that perception of pitch depends on where the vibration occurs along the basilar membrane is known as __________.

place theory

Vestibular information travels to all of the following areas of the brain except the __________. A. medulla B. pons C. prefrontal cortex D. cerebellum

prefrontal cortex

Believing that individuals who are neighbors will automatically know one another reflects the Gestalt principle of __________. A. proximity B. similarity C. closure D. continuity


The tough, opaque tissue that acts as the eye's protective outer layer is called the __________.


All of the following are locations for kinesthetic system receptors except __________. A. muscles B. semicircular canals C. joints D. tendons

semicircular canals

The __________ are tubular, fluid-filled structures that provide information about head rotations and movements.

semicircular canals (tube is similar to -circular)

Damage to the auditory nerve or to the hair cells in the inner ear results in __________.

sensorineural hearing loss

Which of the following react directly to light, sound, or other stimuli by sending impulses to other neurons and, eventually, to the central nervous system?

sensory receptors

The process occurring at the sensory receptors that converts physical energy into coded neural activity that the nervous system can process is called __________.

sensory transduction (it's like a windmill!!!)

Soothing musical CDs that contain imperceptible messages designed to help people eat more fruits and vegetables is an example of __________.

subliminal stimulation

When an individual registers sensory input without being aware of the process consciously, __________ occurs.

subliminal stimulation

People are sometimes able to detect their name being spoken in an alternative conversation even when they are presently engaged in a different conversation. This example demonstrates the ability to hear one's voice among many when encountering meaningful information, which is known as ___________.

the cocktail party effect

Astronauts experience similar feelings of dizziness and disorientation upon arrival in space and upon their arrival back on Earth. What does this indicate to researchers?

the vestibular sense may be capable of sensory adaptation.

__________ refers to the distinctive character of a sound, or the quality that allows one to distinguish it from other sounds of similar pitch and loudness.


One reason individuals often fail to see the grammatical mistake when reading "I love Paris in the the springtime" is because of the influence of __________ processing.


Georg Von Békésy won a Nobel Prize for his research on the basilar membrane, which showed that it contains a(n) __________ wave.


A team of scientists studied the tongue closely and discovered that humans have a fifth taste receptor for glutamate, or __________, which means "yummy" in Japanese.


The __________ nerve connects with the auditory nerve to relay information to the brain about balance.


All of the following are common types of pain stimuli except __________. A. visual B. mechanical C. chemical D. thermal


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