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Public employees can be categorized as either "generalists" or "specialists" and also as either "political" or "merit" employees.


The Bush Administration generally supported public-sector collective bargaining and organized labor.


The U.S. government, which relies primarily on inelastic sources of revenue such as income taxes, is the least efficient at generating revenue, while at the same time it is the level of government most relied upon to deliver costly social services.


The federal government has yet to implement total quality management in any of its agencies


The larger a unit of local government, the more likely it is that its bureaucracy will resemble state and national administrative agencies.


The less generalized a goal statement is, the more likely it is to be widely supported in the political arena.


The modification of agency goals virtually always occurs at the initiative of those inside the agency, not those outside.


The phenomenon of administrative discretion (when lower ranking executives are able to personally affect the implementation of law) arises from a lack of centralized authority.


There is no state in the nation that grants public employees even a limited right to strike.


Unions dominate decision making concerning public personnel administration.


Variations in the public's faith in the president are associated with more general feelings of confidence in government.


Which of the following is not present in nearly all decision processes?

Financial criteria for measuring gains or losses

Which of the following is not an independent regulatory entity?

General Services Administration (GSA)

Which of the following agencies is best known for decision making through adjudication rather than through rule making?


The president best known for his use of patronage without necessarily being known as the "patronage" president, was


What level of government has the largest number of elected officials?


The concept of self-actualization is associated with


George W. Bush was successful implementing policy changes in which of the following?

None of the above

Which of the following is not part of the open-systems approach to organization theory?

Outcomes of organizational actions are predictable

What is the acronym popularly used to characterize important administrative principles?

POSDCORB, Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, Budgeting

Which of the following is a value of democracy not shared in principle by most people?

Participatory democracy

Among which of the following occupations is public-sector union membership highest?

Police officers

Which of the following values did the framers of the Constitution seem to emphasize most?

Preventing concentrations of political power

Which of the following groups believes in the dichotomy between politics and administration?

Reformers in the late 1800s

A president whose patronage practices caused some academics to question their acceptance of the politics-administration dichotomy was


Which of the following presidents was called upon regularly to exercise leadership in times of severe economic and military crisis?


The following national government executive departments all reflect the phenomenon of "clientelism" except


"Clientelism," as a distinct political pattern, did not emerge in bureaucratic politics until after World War II.


A challenge faced by only private administrators is that they must pursue broad goals set by others and their efforts will be evaluated by outside forces.


After both the Civil War and World War II, national government expenditures declined from their wartime peaks but remained significantly higher than prewar levels.


Because of the fragmentation of governmental power, bureaucratic accountability is enforced through multiple channels.


Collective bargaining requires all parties involved to address the management function in all its dimensions and to identify managerial weaknesses. Collective bargaining usually leads to an enhanced training function and employee perceptions of an improved quality of work life.


Conflict between the chief executive direction and the legislative direction of a bureaucracy is likely in American government but unlikely in parliamentary systems.


Delegation of responsibility by top-level managers to others in an organization would be less extensive if those managers employed Theory X rather than Theory Y.


Goal congruence among members of an organization is the exception, not the rule.


In some instances, agencies seek to continue making progress in certain directions but do not expect to actually accomplish all of their goals.


In the United States, the national and state governments have both independent and shared powers over their citizens, but the national and state governments do not owe their existences to each other.


Intergovernmental relations are characterized by mostly informal, continuous contacts between officials at different levels of government who share or exchange information and views or agree on the terms of sharing of jurisdiction.


Labor-management relations are ultimately the framework of collective bargaining.


Modem bureaucracy has undergone so many changes that all influences from the past have been lost.


Most Americans are NOT affected by the actions and decisions of public administrators on a regular basis.


Public management has virtually nothing in common with private management.


Tax breaks have grown to the point that if we were to eliminate all of those currently in existence we also could all but eliminate annual budget deficits.


The Electronic Government Act of 2002 encouraged governments to adopt information technology that provides a greater number of citizens direct access via the Internet.


The Hawthorne studies established the importance of the informal social structure and worker integration


The Reagan administration generally preferred political responsiveness over political neutrality in the U.S. Civil Service.


The exception principle does not always work well in a bureaucracy, because there are strong pressures against transmitting bad news to superiors in the hierarchy.


The formal tasks of public personnel administration have traditionally included position classification, recruitment, examination, selection, and compensation.


The labor relations situation for public employees is different in every city, county, and state, and the general status of public sector labor relations is still undefined.


The level of government most involved with the provision of essential public services is the state level.


The more complex the bureaucratic structure of a particular executive agency is, the harder it will be for the chief executive to gather and use information.


The politics surrounding structural rearrangements within public agencies tend to be very low profile and neutral.


The study of public administration is limited to government employees.


Theory Z is characterized by slow, rather than rapid promotions; collective decision making; and general, rather than specialized career paths


Virtually every modern president has had to lead a governmental response to a crisis or emergency and has expanded the powers of the presidency by doing so.


In Parliamentary forms of government,

The officials that parallel our executive branch (the chief executive and top-level ministers) are also influential members of the legislature.

A modern theory of organization that emphasizes interpersonal trust, participation, subtlety, and intimacy among supervisors and subordinates is

Theory Z

An organizational goal related primarily to activities that impact the external environment is called


Democratic political values have varied over time but generally include all of the following except

legislative compromise and administrative discretion

A significant example of the public negatively viewing a bureaucracy after a national crisis

occurred in 2005 with the delayed response to Hurricane Katrina's destruction of the gulf coastal region

Studies of citizen participation tend to confirm all of the following statements except

participants tend to be well educated and affluent

During its earliest period, a major theme of the academic field of public administration was

political neutrality

Which of the following is not a form of federalism in U.S. history?

reserve federalism

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

strengthened protections for "whistle-blowers"

Of the following types of officials, which is most likely to base a pollution-control decision on substantive grounds?

technician who conducted the pollution tests

Which type of committee is responsible for overseeing annual budgets in their entirety?

Budget committees

In most states, chief executives can depend upon their cabinet secretaries to be loyal primarily to them, with few, if any, competing loyalties.


In the Hawthorne experiments, male and female workers tended to act the same way in a number of respects


Individualism cannot be reconciled with pluralism.


Most cities with a population of 50,000 or more and a formal mayor-council structure have a strong mayor.


Charles Goodsell maintains that America's public bureaucracies perform quite well in comparison with bureaucracies elsewhere, whether measured by objective standards or in terms of overall citizen satisfaction.


Demands for job specialization that result from technological change are likely to reinforce the contemporary trend toward representativeness in job hiring.


In October 1998, state and local governments employed 41.7 percent of public-sector, full-time civilian employees residing in the United States.


Which of the following is NOT a constraint on the attainment of rationality if it is present in the decision-making process?

Accurate cost-benefit analysis

Which of the following is not a characteristic of public-sector labor-management relations?

Acknowledged managerial control of the workplace

Public managers are likely to face conflicting incentives from all of the following except

Administrative supervisors

Which of the following is designed to facilitate the evaluation of program performance?

All of the above

Which of the following is(are) involved in intergovernmental relations?

All of the above

The AARA stands for the

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Who are the primary internal groups guiding the collective bargaining process?

Both A and C

The first important step in legitimizing public employee organization and labor activity was

Executive Order 10988

A study published in October 1993 claimed that 25 percent of all local government budgets were needed to meet federal regulatory standards.


Although public trust in government increased slightly during the 1990s, it is still below the levels of previous decades.


Because there are multiple values competing in the public arena, there is no use in developing ethical standards for decision making.


Bureaucrats are often thought to be "scapegoats" for societal problems.


The growth of bureaucracy can be explained by all the following except

divided government

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 was designed to solve the following personnel management weaknesses in the U.S. Civil Service except

excessive presidential control over the Civil Service Commission

"Scientific management," goodness, merit, morality, and neutrality were considered virtues, and job classification and the separation of politics from administration were used. These characteristics describe

government by the "efficient"

Among the most important differences in the respective working environments of public and private managers are, first, the "goldfish bowl" of publicity facing the public manager and, second, the public manager's

having to operate under much tighter time constraints.

All the following are recommendations for change in the personnel systems of the Department of Homeland Security except

hazardous duty pay

Devolution is defined as a process of transferring power or functions from a __________ level of government to a ___________ level of government.

higher; lower

Legislation that applied pressure to state governments to raise the minimum drinking age to twenty-one is an example of

intergovernmental regulation.

All of the following are differences between the private and public sectors that significantly affect the collective bargaining process except

job security is part of the scope of collective bargaining

An example of a social phenomenon only recently defined as a problem requiring government attention is

the ethnics of admins. decision making

The concept of bureaucratic neutrality by definition refers to

the idea that a bureaucracy should act to implement and serve government directives, but not become a political force in its own right.

The actual consequences of communication can be directly affected by whether an organization is characterized by

the political or consensual model of communication

The most basic definition of coordination is

the process of bringing together divided labor

What leadership instrument available to the president and most governors is particularly useful as a source of budgetary influence?

veto power

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