public health 203 final exam

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28. In the U.S., disinfection of drinking water with chlorine or other methods is done to remove

Answer: Pathogenic microorganisms

16. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are

Answer: Persistent in the environment

6. Subacute exposures are those that last for

Answer: One month or less

34. Water scarcity is defined as

Answer: An annual supply of renewable freshwater less than 1,000 cubic meters per person

49. A product (that could be used as a fuel) that results from anaerobic decomposition of garbage in a landfill is

Answer: Methane

24. If I passed through a radiation detector carrying Polonium 210 stored in a glass vial in my pocket, would the detector alarm go off?

Answer: No - Polonium 210 emits alpha radiation.

4. During April 2009, a Texas community reported 87 cases of H1N1 associated influenza. Ultimately, 9 fatal cases of H1N1 occurred during this same month. There were 4 other fatalities. The CFR associated with H1N1 during April was:

Answer: 9/87 × 100

41. Smog complex is

Answer: A condition associated with smog that causes eye irritation, irritation of the respiratory tract, and chest pains

7. The principle of environmental sustainability states that

Answer: A strong, just, and wealthy society can be consistent with a clean environment.

59. We discussed several examples of environmental justice over the semester. Provide an example of an environmental justice issue we discussed in class and briefly describe the issue. You should be able to do this in 2-3 sentences. [Fill in the blank]

Answer: A topic we talked about an environmental justice issue was food deserts in Chicago. A food desert is an urban location, which is unable to buy affordable fresh/good quality produce within one mile. On the map of Chicago, food deserts are almost exclusively in places where African-Americans live.

52. We discussed how water is used in the United States this semester. Which one of the following uses the most freshwater in our country?

Answer: Agriculture

35. All of the following statements are true regarding hydraulic fracturing EXCEPT:

Answer: All chemicals used in fracking fluid are disclosed to the public [Correct answers: A. Involves horizontal drilling underground C. Used to access natural gas deposits stored in shale formations D. The public is concerned about contamination of drinking water wells from fracking E. Hydraulic fracturing is exempt from safe drinking water regulation]

27. The effects of ionizing radiation include

Answer: All of the above [A. Damage to bodily tissues B. Damage to DNA C. Formation of ion pairs in exposed atoms D. Removal of orbital electrons from neutral atoms]

25. Bodily injury from radiation depends on

Answer: All of the above [A. Exposure dose (rems) B. The cumulative effects of exposure C. Whether the whole body or part of the body is exposed D. Individual susceptibility]

45. Hazards associated with sanitary landfill operations include

Answer: All of the above [A. Spreading of disease by scavenging animals B. Leaching of nutrients into adjacent waterways C. Air pollution D. Release of VOCs]

48. The Love Canal site

Answer: All of the above [A. Was a notorious toxic waste site in New York State B. Led to the creation of the Superfund C. Was repopulated in the 1990s D. Generated concerns about the health of residents who lived in the area]

3. Which of the following statements is true about cohort studies?

Answer: All of the above [A. Subjects are classified according to their exposure. B. They are a type of longitudinal design. C. They may be either prospective or retrospective. D. The measure of association is called relative risk.]

30. The microbial agent Giardia intestinalis is an example of

Answer: An enteric protozoal parasite

12. Melanosis are associated with ingestion of

Answer: Arsenic

36. The least likely explanation for global warming is that it is due to

Answer: Normal variations in the earth's temperature

67. The US Federal government sets standards for various parts of the environment; for example, the Federal action level for lead in drinking water is 20 parts per billion. States are free to set their own standards if they wish. These levels must be:

Answer: At concentrations lower than allowed by federal standards

9. The definition of emerging zoonoses covers

Answer: B and C [B. Both new and previously known agents C. Appearance of agents in regions not usually affected]

15. Which of the following pesticides is (are) associated with the "Golden Age of Discovery"?

Answer: B and C [B. Chlorinated hydrocarbons C. Organophosphates]

18. Biopesticides include

Answer: Canola oil

19. By definition, an organic chemical contains which of the following:

Answer: Carbon

57. Which two contribute the most to warming of the climate?

Answer: Carbon dioxide and methane

39. Carboxyhemoglobin may be formed when a person inhales air that contains

Answer: Carbon monoxide

21. A major concern of exposure to extremely low frequency radiation has been

Answer: Childhood leukemia and brain cancers

13. Lindane, mirex, and DDT all belong to a group of pesticides called

Answer: Chlorinated hydrocarbons

53. All of the following are effective strategies to reduce UVR exposure except for:

Answer: Choosing to sunbathe in the middle of the day

17. One of the concerns that surrounded the use of Agent Orange was that it

Answer: Contained very small amounts of dioxin

33. A microbial agent that can survive treatment with chlorine is

Answer: Cryptosporidium parvum

37. Identify the incorrect statement regarding diesel exhaust

Answer: Diesel particles have a net cooling effect on climate. [Correct answers: A. Widespread exposure to diesel exhaust occurs in the community. B. Public health experts have named it a probable carcinogen. C. Older vehicles do not have the advantage of advanced emissions controls. E. It is a mixture of particles and gases.]

63. Describe the difference between physical and economic water scarcity. You should be able to do this in 2-3 sentences. [Fill in the blank]

Answer: Economic water scarcity mean there is water, but it is not being made available to the public because there is not enough money to do so. Physical water scarcity means there is literally no water available.

1. On Airs, Waters, and Places was significant because it

Answer: Emphasized the role of the environment in people's health

60. A significant cause of Indoor air pollution in developing countries is efficient burning of biomass fuels. [True/False]

Answer: False

69. True or False: If President Trump is able to eliminate the EPA, this will automatically delete most, if not all, of our environmental health laws.

Answer: False

70. True or False: Manufacturers have replaced BPA proactively with other synthetic compounds (like BPF or BPS) in consumer products, mainly because we know them to be much safer than BPA.

Answer: False

71. Highly unstable radioisotopes will have much longer half-lives than stable radioisotopes. [True/False]

Answer: False

72. True or False: Food deserts are mainly caused by the lack of irrigation in farms that produce food products.

Answer: False

65. Traffic fatalities per VMT have declined in the US. But total traffic fatalities have remained level over the past 20 years. Why? [Fill in the blank]

Answer: Fatalities have decreased per mile traveled, but traffic fatalities have remained level over the last twenty years because the exposure, measured by total vehicle miles traveled (VMTs), continues to grow.

73. Which of the following is a significant receptor of treated effluent from UMass sewage?

Answer: Feedwater into the UMass steam plant

40. A temperature inversion causes a(an)

Answer: Greater concentration of pollutants close to the earth's surface

50. All of the following are true about atrazine except:

Answer: Has been linked with abnormalities in humans [Correct answers: A. Has been linked with hormonal changes in frogs B. Is used as a herbicide in the United States D. Is detectable in spring water in the Midwest E. Is banned as a herbicide in the European Union]

2. The author of On Airs, Waters, and Places was

Answer: Hippocrates

51. All of the following statements about fecal coliform are true except:

Answer: If fecal coliform is identified in your drinking water, you will get sick [Correct answers: A. A good indicator of sewage contamination B. Many fecal coliform bacteria are harmless to humans C. E. coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria E. E. coli is a good indicator for freshwater contamination]

42. All of the following effects have been associated with air pollution except:

Answer: Increases in osteoporosis

46. The term pollution denotes

Answer: Introduction into the natural environment by humans of potentially harmful substances, materials, or energy

20. Alpha radiation is non-penetrating and therefore

Answer: It is dangerous when ingested or inhaled and localizes in certain tissues.

5. Which of the following abbreviations is used to describe toxic effects of chemicals?

Answer: LD50

26. Compared to ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation has:

Answer: Longer wavelengths and lower frequency

10. One of the differences between Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is that

Answer: Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium and RMSF by a rickettsial agent.

Answer: Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium and RMSF by a rickettsial agent.

Answer: Mercury

64. We discussed the export of electronic waste out of the United States and its disposal in other countries. Describe two reasons why other countries accept our electronic waste. You can answer in 1-2 sentences. [Fill in the blank]

Answer: One reason is they take our electronic waste is because they repurpose it for profit. The other reason is that it provides jobs for them.

58. All of the following are true about the Air Quality Index except:

Answer: Only used to describe ozone concentrations [Correct answers: A. Conveys air quality data in an easy-to-understand format B. Is a color-coded system (e.g. green, orange, red) C. Focuses on short-term health effects D. Can be used to characterize air quality outside of the United States]

8. What problem may be encountered in the problem definition stage?

Answer: Poorly defined problems

61. Define the precautionary principle. You should be able to do this in one sentence. [Fill in the blank]

Answer: Preventative measures should be taken when there is a reasonable possibility of harm

32. The human actions are significant causes of coastal degradation include all EXCEPT:

Answer: Pumping of groundwater wells

29. Drinking water treatment involves all the following except

Answer: Removal of all dissolved chemicals

47. The primary stage of sewage processing involves

Answer: Settlement of suspended solids

22. The term that refers to low levels of ionizing radiation exposure over long time periods that are associated with an increased probability of the occurrence of an adverse health event is

Answer: Stochastic effect

31. To ensure the safety of all bottled drinking water in the United States, standards are set by

Answer: The FDA

38. Acid rain is

Answer: The precipitation of acidic compounds formed when components of air pollution interact with other components in the air

43. The greatest danger of medical waste is to

Answer: Those who are occupationally exposed onsite

44. The most frequently recycled materials is

Answer: Used automobile batteries

62. How might the precautionary principle be applied to the use of phthalates or bisphenol-A in consumer products? You should be able to describe how the principle could be applied in no more than 2-3 sentences. [Fill in the blank]

Answer: When scientists realize that BPA was acting as an estrogenic hence mimicking estrogen in humans, FDA decided to ban BPA in children's bottles and cups in 2012. This ban was to prevent harm onto the next generation.

66. List two human health concerns described in the 60 minutes video about electronic waste disposal that we watched in class. You can describe in one sentence each. [Fill in the blank]

Answer: When they break down the electronics, the pollution emitted into the air is highly polluted with polychlorinated dioxins and the rate of miscarriages is high. Also the amount of lead in the children's blood is one of the highest.

68. President-elect Trump, while running for office, expressed an interest in abolishing the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Is it possible for the President to do this?

Answer: Yes

23. Which of the following forms of radiation can penetrate up to a 2-cm layer of skin tissue?

Answer: beta particles

54. Stanley Watras, an employee of the Limerick Nuclear Plant, was exposed to high levels of radon

Answer: from his home

14. What is considered to be the mode of action resulting from an insect's exposure to an Organophosphate

Answer: inhibit acetylcholinesterase **Fun fact: Organophosphates are typically used as herbicides and would not harm an insect**

56. For water bodies like the Hudson River and the Housatonic River that are contaminated with PCBs, what is the most common method of removing the PCBs from the river? [Fill in the blank]


55. Name one example of a non-selective herbicide we discussed in class. [Fill in the blank]


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