Purchasing & Buyer Behavior FINAL REVIEW

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Which type of sale occurs when one consumer sells a product directly to another with or without the assistance of a commercial intermediary?

consumer-to-consumer sale

Achievers (VALS)

goal-oriented lifestyles that center on family and career. Prefer premium products that demonstrate success to their peers.

ideas motivation

guided by beliefs & principals, purchase functionality & reliability

self-expression motivation

guided by desire to express individuality, purchase experiences

achievement motivation

guided by social position & influenced by actions, purchase status symbols

Which of the following is a value representative of an innovative organization that seeks to change, views problems as opportunities, and rewards individual efforts?

hard work comes first, leisure second

Which type of consumer decision making does not include alternative evaluation?

nominal decision making

Which of the following is a type of consumer decision making discussed in your text?

nominal decision making, limited decision making, and extended decision making

Which of the following is a key element of relationship marketing?

customizing the relationship to the individual, pricing to encourage loyalty, augmenting the core service with extra benefits, marketing to employees

How many PRIZM segments are there?


Emma noticed that she was almost out of gas, so she pulled into the nearest gas station and filled up her tank. Emma's decision on which gas to purchase is characterized by

a low level of purchase involvement

Jonathon is a career-oriented person. He values predictability over change. Premium products are important to him to show friends he is successful. To which VALS segment does Jonathon belong?


Which of the following is a dimension of a consumer's self-concept?

actual self-concept, ideal self-concept, private self-concept, social self concept

Given the informational role of the web in today's B2B environment, salespeople need to

adopt the role of solution provider

Which of the following is not a key situational dimension or characteristic that influences consumer behavior?

alternative evaluation

top guns (car segments)

ambitious and driven

Which of the following is typically included in a psychographic or lifestyle study?

attitudes, values, activities, interests, demographics

Individuals with independent self-concepts tend to be


proud patrons (car segments)

believe a car is a reward for hard work

Nominal decisions can be broken into which two distinct categories?

brand loyal decisions and repeat purchase decisions

Joyce will only drink Pepsi, and she feels an emotional attachment to it. That is the brand she was brought up on and is the one she continues to drink every day. Joyce is exhibiting

brand loyalty

The term used to refer to turnover in a firm's customer base is


Organizational objectives can be categorized as

commercial, governmental, nonprofit, cooperative


confused by technology (25%)

Rebecca is a single woman in her 40s. She sold her Honda Civic and bought an Acura RLX, which is considerably more expensive. She was going to her brother's house with her mother, and she asked her mother to drive in her car instead of Rebecca's new one. She didn't want her brother to see that she had purchased an expensive car for herself. Rebecca was experiencing

consumption guilt

Michelle enjoys grocery shopping and trying new recipes. She likes to show offer her skills in the kitchen, especially by using multiple appliances. She cooks from scratch at least three times a week and isn't afraid to have leftovers from one of her homecooked meals. Michelle belongs to which cooking lifestyles segment?

cooking enthusiasts

Which of the following services would be classified as having an extended hedonic consumption purpose?


Which of the following nonmarketing factors affect consumers' desired state?

culture, reference group, household characteristics and financial status/expectations

Gertrude is very environmentally-conscious, so she only uses paper bags at the grocery store and tries to purchase items in packages that are recyclable. Her behavior concerns which type of situation?

disposition situation

Walker and his wife have two children. They have purchased a new computer for their household every four years or so for almost 20 years. When Walker purchases a new one, usually for him to be able to work at home, one of his children will get the old one. However, they have a few old computers sitting in the attic and garage because Walker doesn't really know how to get rid of them. This is an example of which type of situation?

disposition situation

Which situation involves consumers disposing of products or product packages after or before product use?

disposition situation

A brand whose perceived performance falls below expectations generally produces


Which of the following is a negative emotion influenced by both the product (e.g., hearing aids, feminine hygiene products) and the situation?



evaluative statements about other people, places, ideas, products, etc.

Which type of consumer decision making involves the evaluation of many attributes and alternatives and employs complex decision rules?

extended decision making

Carla and her family lost their home and everything in it in to a fire. People would console her by saying that at least her family was not harmed and that everything else can be replaced. She would reply, "I know it was just stuff, but it was our stuff and was special to us." This is reflecting Carla's

extended self

Consumers typically attend the theater for utilitarian purposes.


Most consumer purchases involve relatively high-involvement decision making, and therefore, arouse little or no postpurchase dissonance.


Psychographics is the process managers use to manipulate the physical retail environment to create specific mood responses in shoppers.


The three types of consumer decision making are rebuy, limited, and extended.


Universal problem recognition involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce.



first to buy new electronic equipment (31%)

Darryl is a chemist at a pharmaceutical company, and he was asked by the decision-making unit at his company to visit and evaluate potential vendors that will supply his company with the chemicals required to manufacture their products and to conduct laboratory tests of a new product that can be used in the manufacture of their products. Darryl is assisting the company with which type of information search?


Crowding generally produces which outcome for the retail outlet and the consumer?

generally negative outcomes for both

In high-tech markets, who is most likely to recognize a problem or need to purchase?

head of a department

Which dimension of self-concept refers to the individual's perception of who I would like to be?

ideal self-concept

Pamela is a consumer who is guided in her choices by her beliefs and principles rather than by feelings or desire for social approval. She tends to purchase products based on functionality and reliability. Which primary motive is guiding Pamela's behavior?

ideals motivation

The Martins' home has potentially unsafe levels of radon, but they have no idea because it is odorless and they have not been feeling any ill effects from it. In fact, several homes have this problem and the owners are not aware of it, and they may never become aware of it unless testing is done. What type of consumer problem is this?


Which of the following is not a source of increased customer profitability over time?

increased churn

Self-concepts have been categorized into two types, which are

independent and interdependent

characteristics of individuals with an independent self-concept

individualistic, egocentric, autonomous, self-reliant, self-contained

Shawn tries to obtain information that might assist his company whenever he talks with sales representatives, attends trade shows, or when he reads the journals related to his industry. Shawn is conducting

informal information search

Which dimension of product performance relates to the physical functioning of the product?


individuals with which type of self-concept tend to be obedient, sociocentric, holistic, connected, and relation oriented?

interdependent self-concept

For products in which stage of the product life cycle are the engineering and R&D likely to be key functions influencing the purchase decision?


James is giving his cousin, Conor, a new video game for his birthday. Which of the following is the most likely reason James is giving this gift?

it is a ritualized consumption experience

Survivors (VALS)

lead narrowly focused lives, often feel powerless. Primarily concerned about safety and security so they tend to be brand loyal.

Microsoft is a company that has derived a great deal of success from leading change, and other computer-related companies look to Microsoft for cues as to where technology will be heading in the future. Microsoft would be classified as which type of user reference group?

lead user

Marla is bored with her cell phone. She wants to purchase a new one that has cool ring tones and can take pictures and video. She's not going to conduct a big search for a new phone as she's just going to consider a few others. Which type of decision making is this?

limited decision making

Which type of consumer decision making includes the evaluation of only a few attributes, simple decision rules, and few alternatives?

limited decision making

Which type of decision making involves internal and external search, few alternatives, simple decision rules on a few attributes, and little postpurchase evaluation?

limited decision making

Some companies attempt to initiate problem recognition through

mass media advertising and point-of-purchase displays

Thinkers (VALS)

mature, satisfied, reflective. Tend to be well educated and seek out information. They favor durability, functionality, and value in products.

For which stage of the product life cycle is the decision-making unit likely to be small?


usage rates

measurements of consumption within a specified product category; often consumers are categorized as heavy, medium, light, or nonusers

characteristics of individuals with an interdependent self-concept

obedient, sociocentric, holistic, connected, relation oriented

endowment effect

object does not become part of self-concept, but because of ownership, customer places value on object

The extended self consists of the self plus


Doubt or anxiety regarding a purchase a consumer has made is known as

post purchase dissonance

Connie just purchased her first new car, and she's actually feeling a little bad about it. She's concerned about how much money she spent and how long she will be making car payments. She's not sure she made the right choice, either. She liked another car a little better, but ended up purchasing another model. Connie is experiencing

postpurchase dissonance

Makers (VALS)

practicality and self-sufficiency. Choose to spend time with family and close friends. They buy basic products.


prefer to shop online (13%)

A commercial firm in which one or a few individuals owns a controlling share of the firm is known as a(n)

private firm

Kerri is searching within herself and trying to determine how she would like to be to herself. Kerri is seeking her

private self-concept

A food manufacturer asked a group of working mothers to think about the problem of serving nutritious meals to their families given their time constraints and to indicate what activities, products, or brands are associated with or perhaps could eliminate those problems. This manufacturer is using which approach to problem recognition?

problem analysis

Which approach to problem recognition starts with a problem and asks respondents to indicate which activities, products, or brands are associated with (or perhaps could eliminate) those problems?

problem analysis

Rod purchased a Porsche to satisfy himself, not to impress others. He sees this car as a reward for his hard work. To which segment of Porsche owners does Rod belong?

proud patrons

A commercial firm in which stock is widely traded is known as a(n)

public firm

Which of the following is not an alternative if a consumer decides to retain a product's package?

recycle it

__________ refers to the flow of purchase influence within an industry.

reference group infrastructure

An attempt to develop an ongoing, expanding exchange relationship with a firm's customers is called

relationship marketing

Marketing efforts focused on a firm's current customers are generally termed

relationship marketing

Binge drinking among college students can be described as a(n)

ritual behavior

Consumer-to-consumer solutions to "problems they never knew they had" have accelerated due to the rise of

social media like Pinterest, crowd sourcing like kickstarter, peer innovation like quirky

Radian6 is a leader in the field of

social media measurement and consumer problem discovery

Which of the following is a nonmarketing factor affecting problem recognition?

social status, previous decisions, motives, situation

Mimi is a teenager and wants to be accepted by her friends. In fact, she might act a certain way not because she really wants to, but rather, she does it because others around her are doing it. The influence these others have on Mimi represent which situational characteristic?

social surroundings

The sum of all the physical features of a retail environment is referred to as the

store atmosphere

Which type of organizational purchase situation occurs when the purchase is of minor importance and is not complex?

straight rebuy

Believers (VALS)

strongly traditional and respect rules and authority. Slow to change and technology averse. They chose familiar products and brands.

Innovators (VALS)

successful, sophisticated, high self-esteem. Change leaders, are most receptive to new ideas and technologies. Tastes for upscale, niche products and services

peak experience

surpasses the usual level of intensity, meaningfulness and richness and produces feelings of joy

The costs of finding, evaluating, and adopting another solution are known as

switching costs

Which dimension of product performance relates to aesthetic or image-enhancement performance?


Which of the following is not a consumption response?

task definition

Which of the following is not a category of organizational objectives?


Sharon has to purchase a gift for her mother and only has this afternoon to do so because her birthday party is that evening. She's wondering how she will be able get to the mall in time to pick out the perfect gift. This is an illustration of which situation characteristic?

temporal perspective

Which of the following is a situational characteristic?

temporal perspective

A completely nominal decision does not even include consideration of

the "do not purchase" alternative

The probability of a consumer experiencing postpurchase dissonance, as well as the magnitude of such dissonance, is a function of which of the following?

the degree of commitment, the importance of the decision, the difficulty of choosing among the alternatives, the individual's tendency to experience anxiety

bon vivants (car segments)

thrill seekers

Which disposition alternative is the most widely used by consumers?

throw away

Which of the following is not considered a user reference group in organizational buying?

trade press

Strivers (VALS)

trendy and fun loving. Favor stylish products that emulate the purchases of people with greater material wealth. Many believe that life isn't fair.

Decision-making units are likely to vary over the product life cycle.


Disposition of the product or the product's container may occur before, during, or after product use.


Personal space and resulting crowding perceptions can vary from culture to culture.


The disposition situation can create significant social problems as well as opportunities for marketers.


The tendency of an owner to evaluate an object more favorably than a nonowner is known as the mere ownership effect.


Various factors beyond functional utility influence organizational decisions.


Which following PRIZM factor is determined by population density, relates to where people live, and is strongly related to the lifestyles people lead?



use technology to gather information (31%)

fantasists (car segments)

use their car as an escape


widely held beliefs about what is acceptable or desirable

Carl is middle age and single. He has a high school education and works at a hotel as a desk clerk. He lives in a tiny apartment. Even though he doesn't have a high income, he tries to live an active life attending sporting events, and sometimes he brings a date with him. To which PRIZM group does Carl belong?

young & rustic

Which of the following is a characteristic of a decision-making unit?

Large, highly structured organizations ordinarily involve more individuals in a purchase decision than do small, less formal organizations.

Experiencers (VALS)

appreciate the unconventional. Active and impulsive, seeking stimulation from the new, offbeat, and risky. Spend income on fashion, socializing, and entertainment

elitists (car segments)

consider cars as cars no matter the price tag

The individuals (representing functional areas and management) within an organization who participate in making a given purchase decision make up the

decision-making unit (DMU)

Which of the following can possibly be part of the informal information search process for organizational buyers?

discussions with sales representatives

Nominal decision making is sometimes referred to as

habitual decision making

VALS System

provides a systematic classification of U.S. adults into eight distinct consumer segments. Based on enduring psychological characteristics that correlate with purchase patterns.

Atmosphere is referred to as __________ when describing a service business such as a hospital, bank, or restaurant.


Richard is studying how various usage situations influence the consumption of his company's products. He conducted qualitative analyses (i.e., focus group discussions and depth interviews) as well as surveyed a larger sample of consumers to better understand and quantify how products are used and the benefits sought in the usage situation by the market segment. Richard is performing the first two steps in an approach to develop

situation-based marketing strategies

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