push and pull factor

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push factor

1. Push Factors: Conditions that drive people to leave their homes Examples: Land scarce in home country Political and/or religious persecution Revolutions Poverty --------------- Not enough jobs Few opportunities "Primitive" conditions Desertification Famine/drought Political fear/persecution Poor medical care Loss of wealth Natural Disasters Death threats Slavery Pollution Poor housing Landlords Bullying Poor chances of finding courtship ------------ Pull Factors Job opportunities Better living conditions Political and/or religious freedom Enjoyment Education Better medical care Security Family links Industry Better chances of finding courtship

pull factor

Conditions that attract people to a new area Examples: Promise of freedom (religious and political) Hope for a new life Industry Jobs Land ---------- 1. Plentiful and cheap land in the West (until the frontier was closed) 2. Jobs and opportunities 3. Religious freedom 4. Political freedom 5. Irish-potato famine


Push and pull factors are those factors which either forcefully push people into migration or attract them. A push factor is forceful, and a factor which relates to the country from which a person migrates. It is generally some problem which results in people wanting to migrate. Different types of push factors can be seen further below. A push factor is a flaw or distress that drives a person away from a certain place. A pull factor is something concerning the country to which a person migrates. It is generally a benefit that attracts people to a certain place. Push and pull factors are usually considered as north and south poles on a magnet.

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