PY: Pre-Test

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Edward Titchener

Dr. Birket believes that in order to fully understand sensations and thoughts, it is first necessary to understand all the separate component parts through introspection. Dr. Birket's views are most consistent with those of

obsessive compulsive personality disorder

Dr. Depp met with Jimmy, his client, and has completed his assessment. He has determined that Jimmy is far too preoccupied with rules, perfectionism, and schedules. What might be Jimmy's diagnosis?

the absolute threshold

The minimum detectable value of a stimulus is called

what make up the peripheral nervous system

The nerves which connect the central nervous system with the sense organs and muscles are

Wilhelm Wundt

The person responsible for establishing psychology as an independent discipline with its own subject matter is


The process of selectively reinforcing responses that are closer and closer approximations of some desired response is called:

a self-serving bias

Attributing one's success to dispositional factors and one's failures to situational factors is referred to as

a token economy

Bubba the Boss developed schizophrenia and is now institutionalized. At the Crooks Insane Asylum, the therapists give Bubba a red chip whenever he makes his bed, brushes his teeth, buttons all the buttons on his clothes, or helps with the dishes. This chip can be used to purchase items or recreation, e.g. a candy bar or movie. This type of therapy is often called

a conditioned response

Claire used to really enjoy potato salad, and at a family reunion, she ate a large helping. Unfortunately, the potato salad had not been kept cold, and she became quite ill after eating it. Now she finds that even the sight of potatoes in the grocery store can make her feel sick to her stomach. In this example, the sick feeling that Claire experiences when she sees potatoes in the grocery store is:


In addition to neurons, the other type of cells that make up the nervous system are

Independent; dependent

In an experiment scientists manipulate _______________ variables and measure_______________ variables.


Jeremiah has schizophrenia. His physician is likely to prescribe a drug that blocks the neurotransmitter _______________ in order to reduce his psychosis.


Located in the temporal lobe, the _______________ seems to be involved in emotional behavior.

object permanence

Madeline is seven months old. Her mother is eating a cookie and Madeline wants some. Her mother hides the cookie under a napkin, but Madeline is not fooled. She knows the cookie is still there. What does this exemplify?

correlation does not prove causation

Mr. Griffin has gathered evidence that the self-esteem of students is negatively correlated with their typical levels of anxiety. Before he uses this evidence to conclude that self-esteem reduces anxiety, Mr. Griffin first should be reminded that:

time since the last meal

One could operationally define hunger as


The close, emotional bond of affection between an infant and its caregiver is called:

negative; positive

Tyler takes a prescription medication in order to reduce pain, and Kelly takes the same medication in order to experience a "drug high". Tyler's behavior is reinforced by _______________ reinforcement, and Kelly's behavior by _______________ reinforcement.


Umberto is a one-year-old, and his mother is sensitive and responsive to his needs. He is distressed when his mother leaves him, and he is happy to see her when she returns. What kind of attachment is this?

an attribution

When we make assumptions about why people do the things they do we are making

dissociative identity disorder

Which disorder was formerly called multiple personality disorder?


Which of the following is the sense of smell?


Winnie thinks that the FBI is sending messages to her brain and commanding her to do things. Beliefs that have no basis in reality are known as


Yielding to real or imagined social pressures defines which of the following terms?

dark adaptation

You enter your shade-darkened den from the bright sunlight of the beach outside your door. For a while, it is difficult to see. Soon, however, you undergo _______________ and can see quite well.


_______________ is a psychoanalytic term for the process of clients relating to their therapist in ways very similar to those of other important relationships in their lives.

Charles Darwin

_______________ wrote the book, On the Origins of Species, which presented a theory of evolution that has helped shape how we look at human and other animals' behavior.

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