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Jack the dog doesn't step pass the imaginary line because he gets shocks every time he does which is conditioned stimulus


A conditioned response is triggered

By the conditioned stimulus

The term ____means learning through associate the term____ is learning through consequence

Classical, operant

Cynthia had an intense fear of cats. Her psychologist repeatedly paired her love for classical music with the gradual exposure of Cynthia to a cat until her fear for cats was cured. In this scenario, Cynthia's fear was cured using _____.

Counter conditioning

2 year old Joey calls all females, Mama, Joey is demonstrating a lack of


Tom cat for only one member of the house


The disappearance of the conditioned response is


About half of all secondary reinforcement are related to primary


Every hour you get a five-minute break. This is an example of

Fixed internval

Each day at five your boss tells u your doing a good job

Fixed interval

Ivan Pavlov the unconditioned condition was


When little Albert was scared of all white thing he suffers from


Ivan Pavlov wanted to study

How saliva affects digestion

Paul watches a violent TV program. He later commits a crime he has seen on TV. This would illustrate the ideas of

Albert Bandura

If Jacob's fear of spiders is extinguished, this means that his fear

Becomes weaker

The theorist who was best known for operant conditioning

Bf skinner

_ is the acquisition of knowledge and skills by watching others rather than doing it yourself


If a voluntary response is followed by reinforcement that response is

More likely to occur in the future

Bandura stress the importance of __ while cognitive stresses__

Observations and thoughts

learning the consequences of an action by watching others being rewarded or punished for performing the action


The type of learning by the actions we perform

Operant conditioning

How is bandura different

Places on the inner person, social learning

Reinforce that occurs after a correct response


Which is true of shaping

Progressive steps towards behavioral goal

variable-interval schedule

Random time had passed

— is the act of following a response with a. Stimulus that increases the frequency of the response


In second reinforcement is one that

Represents primary behavior

Mary Cover Jones

Reversed what Watson did took away phobias by operant condition

What is the uniconditoned response when shelia salavates to a blue knife because her dad use to cut sour tangerines for her

Salivating due to tangerines

What is the conditioned response in Sheila salivating when she sees a blue knife because her dad always cut up sour tangerines

Salivating due to the knife

modeling/observational learning


If a dolphin trainer reinforced successive steps of a larger behavior, that trainer would be using


3 year old Jamie is pretending to read the newspaper just like her father

Social learning

Which best describes the theory of operant conditioning

Stimulus response reinforcement

The Order of operant condition

Stimulus réponse

What's another term for shaping

Successive approximate

Sheila salivates when ever she sees a blue knife when she was younger her father always used a blue knife to cut sour tanager what is the unconditioned stimulus


Ivan Pavlov dog learned to responded to the conditioned stimulus which was

The bell

In operant condition the basic principle is

The organism plays active role In the process

In waston experience with little Albert the conditioned stimulus was

The rat

Which the unconditioned stimulus for Jack the dog not stepping pass the imaginary line because he gets shocked?

The shock


a person is exposed to the harmless stimulus until fear responses to that stimulus are extinguished

Brandon had a fear of dogs. To extinguish this fear, his mother baked him his favorite cake and gradually brought a dog closer to him while he ate the cake. In this scenario, Brandon's mother used __________ to cure his fear.


If only the conditioned stimulus is presented over and over again, this would most likely result in


Tom cat stops doing tricks because he no longer gets treats for doing them


Every other time you say "Hi" another person says "Hi"

fixed ratio

You have to pump the handle three times to get gas. This is an example of

fixed ratio

Tom Cat does tricks for Bill. When Bill's cousin visits, Tom Cat will do tricks for him also, because the cousin is similar to Bill.


Jan decides to study harder in school to stop her parents from grounding her for poor grades. This is an example of

negative reinforcement

BF skinner

operant conditioning

Dave is learning to drive a car. This skill is best learned by which process?

shaping and chaining

classical conditioning the unconditioned stimulus produces a

unlearned response, unconditioned

Every so often your parents give you an allowance

variable interval

You ask several people out before you get a date. This is an example of

variable ratio

Classical condition is to operate as

Involuntary is to voluntary

Theory best know for classical

Ivan Palov

If Julie forms a cognitive map to her friend's house, this means that

Julie has a mental image of where the house is located

Bandura stated we learned from watching others


Every so often your parents take you out

Variable Interval

Every once and awhile you're friend calls you

Variable interval

You never know when your going to catch a fish you stick it in there and wait

Variable interval

Sometime you win a raffle

Variable ratio

You never know when the slot machine is going to pay off

Variable ratio

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