pysch exam 4

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_____ conducted the famous Bobo doll research, which showed the power of _____.

Albert Bandura; observational learning

Who discovered the basic process of classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov

The collective unconscious is to _____ as basic anxiety is to _____.

Jung; Horney

Which of the following statements about ego defense mechanisms is FALSE?

Using ego defense mechanisms increases feelings of anxiety

People who have a(n)_______ explanatory style use internal, stable, and global explanations for negative events.

a pessimistic explanatory style

Psychologists formally define learning as:

a process that produces a relatively enduring change in behavior or knowledge as a result of past experience

What type of personality test involves the interpreting of an ambiguous image and is used to assess unconscious motives and conflicts?

a projective test

Despite the fact that Jacob is actually incompetent at many of the tasks that his job entails, he is constantly bragging about his accomplishments, abilities, and skills. Alfred Adler would probably suggest that Jacob has developed _____ to cover up his weaknesses.

a superiority complex

Wendy often avoids trying or learning new tasks because she sees herself as inadequate, weak, and helpless. Alfred Adler would probably suggest that Wendy has developed _____ that keeps her from striving for mastery and self-improvement.

an inferiority complex

People who have _____ use external, unstable, and specific explanations for negative events

an optimistic explanatory style

Psychoanalyst Karen Horney described _____ as "the feeling that a child has of being isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile world."

basic anxiety

Dr. Mendez is a researcher who believes that physical and emotional health are affected by the complex interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. Thus, Dr. Mendez tends to follow the _____ model in her research.


The famous Bobo doll study demonstrated that:

children are less likely to imitate someone who has been punished for his or her actions than they are to imitate the actions of someone who has been rewarded

Secondary reinforcers are also called ________ reinforcers.


In Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment, he presented the sound of a bell along with meat powder to his dogs. After several trials, the dogs learned to salivate to the sound of the bell in the absence of the meat powder. When the dogs salivated only at the sound of the bell and in the absence of meat powder, salivation acted as a(n):

conditioned response (CR)

Although he stayed calm during the conversation, Mark was angry as he left Professor McArthur's office because he felt he had been treated unfairly. A short while later, Mark snapped at a fellow student who asked if she could borrow his notes. Which ego defense mechanism best accounts for Mark's behavior toward the other student?


Whenever Caleb gets stressed out or upset, he tends to drink excessively in order to drown his sorrows. Caleb is using a maladaptive form of an emotion-focused coping strategy called:


What was the unconditioned response (UCR) in Watson's famous "Little Albert" study?

fear in response to the loud clanging sound

A study of first-year law students found that the students who had an optimistic outlook:

had stronger immune systems than the students with a pessimistic outlook

According to reciprocal determinism:

human behavior and personality are the result of the interaction of behavioral, cognitive, and environmental factors

The learning that occurs in the absence of reinforcement and is not demonstrated until later when reinforcement occurs, is called:

latent learning

Roy is having trouble passing his calculus course. No matter how hard he studies, he cannot seem to pass a calculus test. Eventually, Roy gives up and stops studying or even coming to calculus class. Roy's behavior can be explained as an example of:

learned helplessness

Charlie's girlfriend dumped him when she found him flirting with another woman. Charlie no longer flirts with other women in front of his girlfriends. This is an example of:

negative punishment

The beeper sounds in your car until you fasten your seat belt. The removal of the annoying beeping is ________ for fastening the seat belt.

negative reinforcement

According the five-factor model of personality, the Big Five traits are:

neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness

Mindy is in nursing school and is learning how to measure a patient's blood pressure. Her instructor first shows the class a video that demonstrates the proper procedures for measuring blood pressure and then demonstrates these same procedures using Mindy as a "patient." Mindy and her class are learning how to measure blood pressure in patients through the use of:

observational learning

Which of the following represents the correct order of Freud's psychosexual stages of development?

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

A supervisor reprimands an employee for wearing jeans to work. From then on, the employee never wore jeans to work again. This is an example of:

positive punishment

Giving a child a reward for making good grades on their spelling test is a form of:

positive reinforcement

Even though Mary was not thinking about the events surrounding the day when she graduated from high school, she can easily bring memories about that day to conscious awareness. In terms of Freud's theory of personality, Mary's memories are stored at the _____ level of awareness.


Before reading this question, you were not thinking about the name of the first president of the United States. In terms of Freud's theory of personality, the name was stored at the _____ level of awareness. However, once the question brings the name to your mind, the name is at the _____ level of awareness.

preconscious; conscious

________ reinforcers are innate and often satisfy biological needs.


Faced with the financial and personal problems associated with returning to school as an adult student, Amanda estimated how much she would need to live on, how much time she could devote to working, and how much study time she would need to succeed academically. Amanda is using a(n) _____ coping strategy called _____.

problem-focused; planful problem solving

Troy and Carrie are a couple. Troy is unable to consciously admit he has strong feelings of sexual attraction to other women. However, he suspects and accuses Carrie of being sexually attracted to other men, even though Carrie has never done anything to arouse such suspicions. Which ego defense mechanism best explains Troy's behavior?


Dr. Livingston maintains that unconscious mental processes and early childhood experiences are critical in the formation of personality. Dr. Livingston's beliefs reflect the _____ perspective of personality.


Classical conditioning involves _____, while Operant conditioning involves _____.

reflexive behaviors; voluntary behaviors

________ reinforcers are learned by association, usually via classical conditioning.


The resources other people provide in times of need, including emotional, tangible, and informational support, are referred to as:

social support

______ is a negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are perceived as taxing or exceeding a person's resources or ability to cope.


When Chris missed his connecting flight due to bad weather, he became extremely upset and worried about the important meeting he was going to miss. In this scenario, the missed connection is an example of a _____, and his response to the missed connection is an example of ____.

stressor, stress

Resilience is:

the ability to cope with stress and adversity, to adapt to negative or unforeseen circumstances, and to rebound after negative experiences

Jung was the first to describe the basic characteristics of which of the following personality types?

the introvert versus the extravert

Which definition reflects Freud's view of the id?

the irrational component of personality that seeks immediate gratification

In Watson's famous "Little Albert" study, what was the unconditioned stimulus (UCS)?

the loud clanging sound

Which definition reflects Freud's view of the ego?

the rational mediator, organized component of personality that is sensitive to the demands of the external world

According to Freud, the ego is guided by _____, whereas the id is guided by _____.

the reality principle; the pleasure principle

During their third year at college, Tammy and Timothy both lost their part-time jobs in the library due to funding cutbacks. Tammy was mildly disturbed, shrugged her shoulders, and said she'd soon get another job. Timothy was distraught and believed he might have to quit college. Their different reactions to the same stressful event emphasize the importance of:

their cognitive appraisals of the event

While talking to another coworker, Doug makes many hateful comments about Brian behind his back. Later that morning when he sees Brian, Doug acts very friendly to Brian and offers to buy him lunch. Which ego defense mechanism best explains Doug's behavior?


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