What do the following lines of code do? with open("Example3.txt","a") as file1: file1.write("This is line C\n")
Append the file "Example3.txt"
What do the following lines of code do? with open("Example1.txt","r") as file1: FileContent=file1.readlines() print(FileContent)
Read the file "Example1.txt" Read the file "Example1.txt"
Consider the function Delta, when will the function return a value of 1 def Delta(x): if x==0: y=1; else: y=0; return(y)
When the input is 0 When the input is 0 - correct
After applying the following method,L.append(['a','b']), the following list will only be one element longer.
In Python, if you executed var = '01234567', what would be the result of print(var[::2])?
What is the output of the following few lines of code ? A=['1','2','3'] for a in A: print(2*a)
'11' '22' '33' '11' '22' '33'
what is the result of the following lines of code: a=np.array([0,1,0,1,0]) b=np.array([1,0,1,0,1]) a*b
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
What is the output of the following lines of code: x=1 if(x!=1): print('Hello') else: print('Hi') print('Mike')
Hi Mike
In Python, if you executed name = 'Lizz', what would be the output of print(name[0:2])?
What is the syntax to obtain the first element of the tuple: A=('a','b','c')
In Python, what is the result of the following operation '1'+'2'
What is an important difference between lists and tuples?
Lists are mutable tuples are not
How many duplicate elements can you have in a set?
0, you can only have one unique element in a set
Consider the following Python Dictionary: Dict={"A":1,"B":"2","C":[3,3,3],"D":(4,4,4),'E':5,'F':6} , what is the result of the following operation: Dict["D"]
(4, 4, 4)
what is the result of the following lines of code: a=np.array([0,1]) b=np.array([1,0]),b)
What is the result of the following operation in Python: 3 + 2 * 2
What is the correct way to sort the list 'B' using a method, the result should not return a new list, just change the list 'B'.
Consider the function Delta, when will the function return a value of 1 def Delta(x): if x==0: y=1; else: y=0; return(y)
When the input is 0 When the input is 0
What do the following lines of code do? with open("Example2.txt","w") as writefile: writefile.write("This is line A\n") writefile.write("This is line B\n")
Write to the file "Example2.txt" Write to the file "Example2.txt"
what are the keys of the of the following {'a':1,'b':2}
what is the result of the following lines of code: a=np.array([1,1,1,1,1]) a+10
array([11, 11, 11, 11, 11]) array([11, 11, 11, 11, 11])
Given myvar = 'hello', how would you convert myvar into uppercase?
what is the correct code to perform matrix multiplication on the matrix A and B,B),B)
What is the result of applying the following method df.head(), to the dataframe df
prints the first 5 rows of the dataframe