Python 221

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You can create a ___ file in your repository's root directory to tell GIT which files and directories to ignore when you make a commit.


Which feature of version control is most directly responsible for allowing continuous integration (CI) testing?

Automatic Processes

Which of the following were debugging recommendations provided by the instructor?

Breathe, Explain your code outloud, Add print() statements to your code

Pandas has which three (3) main objects?

DataFrame, Series, Index

A Pandas Series is a bit like a specialization of a Python ___?


Which feature of version control allows teams of developers/testers working at remote locations to communicate during a project?

Enhancing Collaboration

NymPy ndarray's are multidimensional containers for heterogeneous data.


Using plt.scatter should be preferred over using plt.plot when plotting large dtasets.


Version control does not allow programmers at remote locations to work on the same files at the same time.


What type of plot is often used as a first step in "understanding a dataset"?


Which Integrated Development Environment is lightweight and comes with Python?


git init

Initialize an existing directory as a Git repository

What are the two types of testing discussed in this lesson?

Integration testing and Unit testing

git clone [url]

Retrieve an entire repository from a hosted location via URL

The plt.subplot() command takes 3 integer arguments. What are the 3 arguments (in the correct order)?

Rows, columns, index

Which full-function IDE is available as part of the Anaconda package?


git checkout

Switch to another branch and check it out into your working directory

git status

Show modified files in working directory, staged for your next commit

What is one of Matplotlib's most important features?

The ability to play well with many other operating systems and graphics backends.

With version control, if one programmer overlays another programmer's code - can the original code be recovered?


A Pandas DataFrame is a ___ array of indexed data and flexible column names.


Which assert statement would check to see if multiply_nums(x,y) function works correctly?

assert multiply_nums(8,2) == 16

What class is subclassed when writing unittest testcases?


Pandas has a function called ___ which has a similar syntax to np.concatenate but contains additional options


When creating a NumPy array, to explicitly set the data type of the resulting array you use the ___ keyword.


NumPy arrays are most often compared to what Python data type?


What debugging strategy was used in the lab that allowed you to send messages to the console and/or a file


The ___ branch in Git is 1st branch and is often designated as the production branch


Which NumPy function was used in our lab with Boolean arrays to count True/False entries?


The most efficient command to create a 4x4 identity matrix is ___.


The command to create a 3x4 NumPy array filled with 2's is:

np.full((3,4), 2)

The command to create an array with 5 values evenly spaced between 0 and 25 is:

np.linspace(0, 25, 5)

What is the primary difference between plt.scatter and plt.plot when it comes to plotting individual points?

plt.scatter can control the properties of each individual point.

What command was required to render the plots visible when using Jupyter?


Pandas aggregation methods include:

sum(), first(), mean(), min()

What type of Matplotlib plot allows you to compare different views of data side by side?


git commit -m "[msg]"

Commit your staged content as a new commit snapshot

A Pandas Series is a ___ array of indexed data.


git push

Transmit the local branch commits to the remote repository branch

In NumPy arrays, elements are stored in contiguous blocks of memory for faster operations.


One difference between Pandas Index objects and NumPy arrays is that indexes are immutable.


Pandas is a software library written for Python for data manipulation and analysis.


When using Matplotlib subplots, the grid indexing runs from...

Upper left to bottom right

git add

Add a file as it looks now to your next commit (stage)

A Pandas Series has an explicitly defined index associated with the values. This explicit index definition can be what data type?

Any desired type

If an Assert condition fails, the program will stop and generate what type of error?


Histograms use ___ to group a range of values, then counts the number of values in that range for plotting.



Data type of the array

GitHub ___ was the tool used in the Learning GitHub tutorial to interact with GitHub from the desktop.


When setting logging levels in Python, which message levels will be displayed if setLevel(logger.ERROR)"


With ___ indexing, you pass in an array of indices to access multiple array elements at once.


git merge

Merge the specified branch's history into the current one


Number of dimensions

Which Python interactive debugger is the most well known and runs from the command line?


A ___ takes simple column-wise data as input, and groups the entries into a two-dimensional table that provides a multidimensional summarization of the data.

Pivot Table

What does PEP stand for?

Python Enhancement Proposals

How does well-written (PEP8) code help the efficiency of the software development process?

Readability, Collaboration, Bug Fixes

git config --global "[email-addr]"

Set the email address that identifies the user for all git commands.

git config --global "[user name]"

Set the name that identifies the user for all git commands


Size (in bytes) of each array element


Size of each dimension


Total size (in bytes) of the array


Total size of the array

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