Qatar History- The Qatari British Relations (Treaty of 1916-1935)

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What hapenned in 1968-1970?

- Britain announced its intentions to pull out its military troops from Arab Gulf Region - Formation of Federal Union

How many members are in the NAM?

-120 members (as of April 2015) -17 observer states -10 observer organization

What happend in 1970-1971?

-Confederat Union failed -Qatar interim constitution was issued (2 April) -First cabinet was formed (28 May)

What happened in 1971-1973?

-Qatar announced its independence (3 Sept) -British-Qatar Treaty of 1916 was cancelled -Qatar joined the League of Arab States (11 Sept) - Qatar joined United Nations (21 Sept) -Qatar joined non-alligned movement

What are the reasons which lead to the conclusions of treaty of 1916 between Qatar and Britain

1.Increasing piracy on the coast of Qatar 2.Fluorishing arms trade in Doha (representing a big danger to britain power) 3. The downfall of al-Ahshaa' in the hands of Amir Abdul Aziz Al-Saud 4. European aspirations to Arabian gulf; the entrance of Germany, France and Russia in the colonial rivalry

What are the 9 Trucial States?

Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al Khaimah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, Fujairah, Bahrain, and Qatar

When did the Ottomans left Qatar permanently?

August 1915 (during the era of Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al-Thanis rule)

What do you call the battle of Qatar and Ottaman Empire in 1893?

Battle of al-Wabjah

What country controlled and dominated the Arabian Gulf through trade?


Most Important items in Treaty of 1916 (Britain)

Britain •protection and immunity of the Sheikh ships, his people and their ships •privileges and advantages of the Sheikh and his friends •protection from seasides attacks

What is the Trucial System?

Britain assumed responsibility nominallly in qn advisory capacity to several territories in the Persian Gulf

What did Britain do with the battle of al-Wabjah 1893?

Britain took advantage of it and use it for their benefit

What was the Non-alligned Movement formed?

During the Cold War

Completing digging of tunnels of Qatars railway project Establishing hamad port and opening Hamad international Airport Establishing ras Laffan emergency and safety college and raising social security salaries Promulgation of law on National Service and establishing the first police academy Opening many hospitals and launching the first Qatars satellite "Es'hailsat"

Emir Tamim bn Hamad Al Thani (2013- present)

Important Provisions (Social Aspect)

Encourage cooperation in the field of education, science and culture -sthrengthening communication between professional bodies, universities and cultural institution -promoting the exchange of technical, scientific and cultural information

What did Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed bin Thani do when the Britains try to cooperate with them?

He preferred to avoid cooperation with Britain until his death

When was the Treaty of 1916 signed?

It was signed in November 3, 1916

Important Provisions (Political Aspect)

Mutual role towards peace and stability in the Gulf region -consultation on common interest -setting disagreements through peacefum mea

What happened in 1973?

Non Alligned Movement

What is NAM?

Non-alligned Movement

What happend in 1939?

Oil Reserves Discovered

when, who and why asked a renewal for the treaty of 1916?

On May 1, 1935, Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al-Thani asked for renewal of the protection and the new treaty should include the comprehensive protection of the State from sea, land and air.

What is the Non-alligned Movement?

Organization of states that did not seek to formally allign themselves with either US or USSR

Most important items in Treaty of 1916 (Qatar)

Qatar •cooperation in eliminating piracy and slave trade •will not establish relationships with any country without consent •british residency for trade purposes •non-importation and sell without british consent

Who signed the Treaty of Friendship?

Qatar and United Kingdom

Who are the people who signed the treaty of 1916?

Qatar: Sheikh Abdullah Al Thani Britain: Major Percy Cox (political resident)

When was the Treaty of Friendship formed?

September 3, 1971

Who accepted British protection and signed a treaty in 1916?

Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani

Reorganized the environment to commensurate with the recent developments Incrased the national income In 1997, the University of Qatar was established In 1973, the Court of Accounts was established Qatar is a member of thcooperation counci for the arab states of the gulf (GCC) in 1981 In 1991, Qatar start exploiting the North Gas Field

Shk Khalifa bn Hamad Al Thani(1972-1995)

Known for his wisdom, shrewdness, strong-will and patience Signed a treaty with Britain in 1916 Oil was discovered during his era Faced many chalenges and overcomethem all

Shk. Abdullah bn Jassim(1913-1949)

Qatar witnessed major economic growth due to discovering a number of oilfields Introduction of an administrative system, the creation of Ministry of Finance in 1960 qatar gained its complete independence in 1971 Qatar is a member of League of Arab States, United Nations and Non-AlignedMovement

Shk. Ahmed bn Ali Al Thani (1960-1972)

Known as religious, pious and kind towards his people Schools were oppened in 1952, hospitals and mosques are built and roads were paved First shipment of Qatari Oil in 1949 Took honorable attitudes sipporting of Arabs and Muslim Issues

Shk. Ali bn Abdullah Al Thani (1949-1960)

Considered as the real founder of the Indepentent Emirate of Qatar he is known for his knowledge, knighthood, shrewdness and courage the Qatari tribes unified under his leadership maintained the rights and interest of Qatari People Fought the Ottomans in the battle of Al-Wabjah in 1893

Shk. Jassim bn Mohammed (1878-1913)

He is known as pious, straightforward, intelligent and experienced Made Qatari tribes to cooperate with him to face external dangers Signed a Treaty of 1868

Shk. Mohammed bn Thani (1850-1878)

Give the 8 Emir of Qatar and their year of Reign

Shk. Mohammed bn Thani: 1850-1878 Shk. Jassim bn Mohammed: 1878-1913 Shk. Abdullah bn Jassim:1913-1949 Shk. Ali bn Abdullah: 1949-1960 Shk. Ahmed bn Ali: 1960-1972 Shk. Khalifa bn Hamad: 1972-1995 Shk. Hamad bn Khalifa: 1995-2013 Shk. Tamim bn Hamad: 2013-present

Issuing the permanent constitution of Qatar State in 2004 approval of Qatar states vision 2030 Educational initiative Interactive participating for resolving many problems of Arabic and Islamic world Winning of hosting of world cup 2022

Shk. hamd bin Khalifa al Thani(1995-2013)

What happened to Qatar and Ottoman empire?

They had a conflict because Qatar thought they were allies but the Ottomans goal was really to dominate Qatar

What is the ultimate goal of Britain?

To gain control of the trade routes between British teritories in Asia (India, Myanmar, etc.) and Europe

What happened in 1945?

World War II

The 9 trucial states are the countries who _______________

signed a protection treaty in Britain

Conditions for the rewal of the treaty of protection 1935

•British-persian company was given franchise to explore oil in Qatar •Appontment of British Deputy in Qatar ( Col. Fowel- British representative) •Usage of Royal British Air aforces against any attacks on Qatar •Establishments of post office, telegraph and wireless communication •Allow britain alliens, indians and others to enter Qatar for work and business

Important Provisions (Economic Aspect)

•Maintain close relatons in the field of trade •Seek ways to develop and strenghten the relationship

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