Quater 1 Review Quiz

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How do computers represent complex information?

-Computing devices use patterns of bits to represent complex information. -Depending on context the same sequence of bits may represent different types of information -Common abstractions that are represented by computing devices include numbers, characters, and color.

Convert the decimal (base-10) number 20 to binary (base-2).


Which of the following binary (base-2) numbers is LARGEST?


Your computer uses 4 bits to represent decimal numbers (0, 1, 2, 3 and so on) in binary. What is the SMALLEST decimal number for which an overflow error would occur?


How many total numbers can be represented with an 8-bit binary (base-2) system?


What is the smallest number that will cause an overflow error if a computer uses 6 bits?



8 bits

A car dealership assigns each parking spot on the lot a unique ID using binary digits. What is the minimum number of bits needed if there are 300 spots?


Convert the binary (base-2) number 1001 to decimal (base-10).


Which of the following best describes how computing devices represent information?

A computer represents data as bits which is either a 0 or a 1.


A contraction of "Binary Digit"; the single unit of information in a computer, typically represented as a 0 or 1

Computing systems

A group of computers working together to serve a common purpose.

Computing networks

A group of interconnected computers that can send or receive data.

Which of the following situations is most likely to cause issues arising from the digital divide?

A state makes voter registration forms available only by visiting a government website


A type of computer that forwards data across a network


A way of representing information using only two options.

Intellectual Property

A work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a piece of writing or a design, to which one has rights and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, trademark, etc.

Which of the following is NOT true of how computers represent complex information?

Abstraction helps represent complex information by surfacing complexity that might otherwise be hidden.

Open access Example

Allows software to be written that scans through a database of scientific journals and then create a list of all the articles written about Covid


An agreed-upon set of rules that specify the behavior of some system

Arman takes a picture with his smartphone which he subsequently posts online. Beatrice finds the picture online and posts a copy of it on her website with an attached Creative Commons license. Which of the following best describes who owns the photo?

Arman owns the photo because he was the original creator and did not license the work.

Fault Tolerant

Can continue to function even in the event of individual component failures. This is important because elements of complex systems like a computer network fail at unexpected times, often in groups.

Which of the following is true of intellectual property?

Creative Commons enables content creators to freely distribute their otherwise copyrighted work.

Packet Metadata

Data added to packets to help route them through the network and reassemble the original message.

Digital Data

Data that changes discreetly through a finite set of possible values

Analog Data

Data with values that change continuously, or smoothly, over time. Some examples of analog data include music, colors of a painting, or position of a sprinter during a race.

Overflow Error

Error from attempting to represent a number that is too large.

Round-off Error

Error from attempting to represent a number that is too precise. The value is rounded.

Which of the following Internet protocols is used to request and send pages and files on the World Wide Web?



HyperText Transfer Protocol - the protocol used for transmitting web pages over the Internet

Which of the following best describes the purpose of an IP address?

IP addresses provide a unique number for identifying devices that send and receive information on the Internet

Which type of compression is used when you want to compress a file but don't want to maintain the original quality?


Which of the following is true of lossy and lossless compression algorithms?

Lossy compression algorithms are typically better than lossless compression algorithms at reducing the number of bits needed to represent a piece of data.

Which of the following is true of how packets are sent through the Internet?

Packet metadata is used to route and reassemble information traveling through the Internet

Which of the following is MOST likely to be an outcome of the digital divide?

People from some racial or ethnic groups have unequal access to computing technology.

An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that builds the routers and wired connections that allow individuals to access the Internet. Why would an ISP consider adding additional redundant connections to its network? Choose the BEST answer.

Redundant networks are more reliable

Which of the following Internet protocols is MOST important in reassembling packets and requesting missing packets to form complete messages?

Tranmission Control Protocol

Jorge is sending a large image file to a friend as part of a shared classroom project. Which of the following is most likely true if Jorge opts to compress the image before sending it?

The image will require fewer bits in order to be represented.


The maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time, usually measured in bits per second.

Victor is watching an online video. The video is being sent to his laptop by a server over the Internet which splits the video into packets and sends them in the order they appear in the video. Which of the following is true about how the packets will arrive at his computer?

The packets may arrive out of order

IP Address

The unique number assigned to each device on the Internet.


a computer network consisting of interconnected networks that use standardized, open (nonproprietary) communication protocols.

Lossless Compression

a data compression algorithm that allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data. -A process for reducing the number of bits needed to represent something without losing any information. This process is reversible.

Internet Protocol (IP)

a protocol for sending data across the Internet that assigns unique numbers (IP addresses) to each connected device


a system for representing numbers using combinations of the digits 0 - 9

World Wide Web

a system of linked pages, programs, and files.

Two devices are connected to the Internet and communicating with one another. A gardener digging a large hole accidentally breaks the wires in the network that is currently being used by the devices to communicate. The network begins using a different path on the network and communication continues as normal. This situation best exemplifies which principle?


The Internet is built on a stack of communication protocols that are ______. As a result, any computer can communicate with other computers on the Internet, without need to apply for a license from a company.



the process of finding a path from sender to receiver.


A process for creating a digital representation of analog data by measuring the analog data at regular intervals called samples.

Lossy Compression

A process for reducing the number of bits needed to represent something in which some information is lost or thrown away. This process is not reversible.


A protocol for sending packets that does error-checking to ensure all packets are received and properly ordered.


A protocol used on the internet for fast transmission of information but with minimal error checking.


A sequence of direct connections; the series of connections between computing devices on a network starting with a sender and ending with a receiver.

Bob purchases a smartphone and is immediately able to use it to send a photo over the Internet to friend who lives in a different country. Which of the following is NOT necessary to make this possible?

A singe direct connection is established between any two devices connected to the Internet

When visiting a museum Lian takes a photo of a painting with a smartphone which stores the photo as an image file. Which of the following is true?

The photo is a digital representation of the analog painting

Which of the following best describes the protocols used on the Internet?

The protocols of the Internet are open and used by all devices connected to the network

Open access

online research output free of any and all restrictions on access and free of many restrictions on use, such as copyright or license restrictions

Open source

programs that are made freely available and may be redistributed and modified


the capacity for the system to change in size and scale to meet new demands.


the inclusion of extra components so that a system can continue to work even if individual components fail, for example by having more than one path between any two connected devices in a network.

Copyright Example

A musician incorporates parts of Wutangs music into his song after he gets permission from Wutang.


A chunk of data sent over a network. Larger messages are divided into packets that may arrive at the destination in order, out-of-order, or not at all.

Creative Commons

A collection of public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work, used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created

Computing device

A machine that can run a program, including computers, tablets, servers, routers, and smart sensors

Creative Commons Example

A musician wants his songs to be downloaded for free. He doesn't mind if his songs are modified or incorporated into other songs.

Data Compression

A process for reducing the number of bits needed to represent a piece of information

Lucy is completing a project as part of a science class using materials she found online. Which of the following is MOST LIKELY to lead to legal consequences?

Using images posted online by another student without permission or citation

Ryan is designing an app that needs to quickly send low quality photos between users. Most smartphones take much higher quality photos than Ryan needs for his app. Which answer best describes the type of compression Ryan should choose and why?

Lossy compression since it typically results in smaller data sizes.

Which of the following is true of how the Internet has responded to the increasing number of devices now using the network?

The protocols of the Internet were designed to scale as new devices are added

Which of the following is true of how computers represent numbers?

Using a fixed but large number of bits can eliminate the possibility of round off error when representing numbers in binary

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