Queen Elizabeth I

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How old was Queen Elizabeth I when she became Queen?

She was 25 years old.

Where the British ships bigger or smaller than the Spanish Armada Ships?


The make up concoction called "The Spirits of Saturn" were made by mixing _____________ & _________?

White lead & vinegar.

Also, were the British ships more maneuverable than the Spanish Armada's ships.


Did the Spanish Armada encounter foul weather when heading back to Spain?


As Elizabeth got older her portrait paintings looked ________?


English channel

access route to Spanish colonies.

Queen Elizabeth's reign is sometimes referred as_________?

"The Golden Age".

The speech that was given to parliament in 1601, it was called _______?

"The Golden Speech".

Her make up concoction was called ___________?

"The Spirits of Saturn".

At what age did Edward (Elizabeth's 1/2 brother) die?


When did Queen Elizabeth I begin her reign of England & Ireland?


When was the Spanish armada defeated?


What age was Elizabeth at when she became queen?


How long did she rule England?

44 years.

What age was Queen Elizabeth at when she died?


Who were the parents of Queen Elizabeth I?

King Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn.


King Henry VIII dies, Mary becomes queen.

Absolute monarchy

King having complete control over government and people.

When did queen Elizabeth I die?

March 24th, 1603.


A nation with tremendous authority, resources and wealth.

Who was honored by Elizabeth to paint her portraits?


Why did they call her the virgin Queen?

Because she never got married.

She loved beautiful _________ & __________?

Clothing & Jewelry.


Coronation of Elizabeth.

In addition she enjoyed _______ & watching _________?

Dancing & Plays.


Elizabeth imprisoned in Tower of London.


Elizabeth was freed but under house arrest.

Who became the Dominate World Power after the defeat of the Spanish Armada?


Some of these portraits reveal she was an early _________?


Edmud Spenser based his character _________ in the faerie _______ on _________?

Gloriana, Queen, Elizabeth.

Her garments were often made with ________ & ________?

Gold & Silver.

Sir Francis Drake

Helped defeat Spanish Armada; first Englishman sail around the world.


Her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed.

What types of conflict occurred as countries become more powerful?

Internal- civil wars, external- colonial wars.

The son of her former rival ,Mary Stuart succeed her on the throne as ________?

James I.

Elizabeth loved ________ & could play the ________?

Music & flute.

Her make up made her look drastically _______?


Age of absolutism

Period after exploration that provided European nations with vast overseas empires and wealth that strengthened the kings.


Price Edward was born (Elizabeth 1/2 brother)

What was the primary religion in England/Britain?


At what place did Queen Elizabeth draw her last breath at?

Richmond palace in surrey.

When was queen Elizabeth I born?

September 7th, 1533.

The tone of Queen Elizabeth I speech that she gave to her troops?

Strong & Direct.

Elizabeth mourned over the death of _________?

The Earl of Leicester.

Where did the Spanish Armada sail to, when attacking England?

The English Channel.

Elizabeth made her most famous speech to her army at _________?



To bring together.


To go around or across the world by travel.


To partner with another holding same purpose; to support and work with in hopes of achieving similar goals.


To plan out in detail; anticipate the act of opposition.


To take control by force.

After the death of Queen Elizabeth came the end of _________?

Tudor; a royal family that had ruled England since the last 1400's.

During the time England was preparing for war Queen Elizabeth __________ her ___________?

Visited & troops.

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