Questions I got wrong

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Which of the following describes the most likely effect that a single base substitution in the middle of gene's sequence will have on the protein the gene encodes?

A single amino acid would change because pairing of mRNA and tRNA in the ribosome would change

Which of the following is Not impacted by the acidification of ocean water?

Diatom shells

Which of the following statements correctly explains the observation that parents with two different phenotypes produced offspring with a phenotype that is a blend of the two parental varieties?

Neither of the parental alleles is dominant over the other

Why is a scientific topic best discussed by people of varying points of view, from different subdisciplines, and representing diverse cultures?

Robust and critical discussion between diverse groups improves scientific thinking.

The drug cytochalasin B blocks the function of actin. Which of the following aspects of the cell cycle would be most disrupted by cytochalasin B?

cleavage furrow formation and cytokinesis

To understand the chemical basis of inheritance, we must understand the molecular structure of DNA. This is an example of the application of which concept to the study of biology?


A person on a strict diet and exercise regimen lost 7 kg (about 15 pounds) of body fat in just two weeks. In which of the following forms did the lost fat most likely leave the body?

released as CO2 and H2O.

Which of the following individuals will inherit an X-linked allele from a male parent who carries the allele?

all of his daughters

Which statement about ecological organization is correct?

Biosphere is a part of the ecosystem

A homozygous tomato plant with red fruit and yellow flowers was crossed with a homozygous tomato plant with golden fruit and white flowers. The F1 all had red fruit and yellow flowers. The F1 were testcrossed by crossing them to homozygous recessive individuals and the following offspring were obtained: Red fruit and yellow flowers-41 Red fruit and white flowers-7 Golden fruit and yellow flowers-8 Golden fruit and white flowers-44 How many map units separate these genes?


If the parent or offspring genotypes or phenotypes are known, the pattern of inheritance can be predicted. Two organisms, with genotypes BbDD and BBDd, are mated. Assuming independent assortment of the two loci, which of the following genotypic ratios in offspring would occur?

1BBDD: 1 BbDD: 1 BBDd: 1 BbDd

In a certain species of diploid fish a single gene controls skin color. Researchers have found four different alleles of this gene within the fish population. How many different gamete genotypes are possible in an individual of this species?


How many electrons are present in a H- and H+ ion respectively?

2, 0

A sample of double-stranded DNA contains 28% thymine. Approximately what percent of the nucleotides in this sample will be guanine?


Which of the following characteristics allowed Hershey and Chase to determine whether the genetic material was made of DNA or protein?

DNA contains phosphorus, whereas protein does not

Rank the following one-base point mutations with respect to their likelihood of affecting the structure of the corresponding polypeptide (from most likely to least likely).1. insertion mutation deep within an intron2. substitution mutation at the third position of a codon in an exon3. substitution mutation at the second position of a codon in an exon4. deletion mutation within the first exon of the gene

4, 3, 2, 1

If a DNA sample were composed of 10% thymine, what would be the percentage of guanine?


Which of the following are possible base compositions for double-stranded DNA? %A%G%C%T%U

5 45 45 5 0

Which of the following structures is needed for the translation initiation complex to form in eukaryotes?

5` cap

How many unique gametes could be produced through independent assortment by an individual with the genotype AaBbCCDdEE?


A sample of double-stranded DNA contains 42% cytosine. Approximately what percent of the nucleotides in this sample will be thymine?


Which of the following ratios of nucleotides is constant for DNA?

A + T = G + C

Which of the following statements correctly describes what happens to a chromosome after a nonreciprocal translocation?

A chromosome transfers a fragment but receives none in return

The genetic code is essentially the same for all organisms. From this, one can logically assume which of the following to be true?

A gene from an organism can theoretically be expressed by any other organism

A mutation that disrupts cyclic electron flow in the light reactions of photosynthesis will specifically reduce the production of which of the following molecules?


Which of the following statements about ADP/ATP is true?

ATP can have four negative charges.

The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6. What would be the molecular formula for a molecule made by linking three glucose molecules together by dehydration reactions?


Which of the summary statements below describes the results of the following reaction? C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy

C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced.

Which of the following statements best describes a relationship between the evolution of multicellular life on Earth and the laws of thermodynamics?

Evolution has occurred in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics and resulted in an increase in the entropy of the universe

Which of the following processes correctly describes alternative RNA splicing?

It can allow the production of proteins of different sizes and functions from a single mRNA

Which of the following statements about law of segregation is correct?

It describes the inheritance of different chromosomes relative to one another

Which of the following statements accurately describes the structure of a eukaryotic chromosome?

It is a single linear molecule of double- stranded DNA plus proteins.

Which of the following statements best describes the addition rule of probability?

It is the probability that either one of two independent events will occur

As electrons are passed through the system of electron carriers associated with photosystem II, they lose energy. What happens to this energy?

It is used to establish and maintain a proton gradient.

Which of the following products results from the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA?

NADH and CO2

Which of the following most accurately describes selective permeability?

Only certain molecules can cross a cell membrane

After mixing a heat-killed, phosphorescent (light-emitting) strain of bacteria with a living, nonphosphorescent strain, you discover that some of the living cells are now phosphorescent. Which observation(s) would provide the best evidence that the ability to phosphoresce is a heritable trait?

Phosphorescence in descendants of the living cells

Which of the following statements best describes some aspect of protein secretion from prokaryotic cells?

Proteins secreted by prokaryotes are likely synthesized on ribosomes bound to the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane

In cats, an X-linked locus is responsible for fur color. There are two known alleles at this locus. One results in black fur color; the other results in orange fur color. A heterozygote animal has patches of orange and black fur (tortoiseshell). Which of the following explains the patches of color in female heterozygote cats?

Random x inactivation affects fur color

Gene S controls the sharpness of spines in a type of cactus. Cactuses with the dominant allele, S, have sharp spines, whereas homozygous recessive ss cactuses have dull spines. At the same time, a second gene, N, determines whether or not cactuses have spines. Homozygous recessive nn cactuses have no spines at all. Which of the following explains why a crossing a true breeding spineless cactus with a dull-spined cactus could result in both sharp- and dull-spined offspring?

Sharp-spined cacti are more successful in environments with predators

Which of the following reasons explains why a steam burn is more severe than a hot water burn?

Steam contains more energy than water

Which of the following reasons explains why map units on a chromosome linkage map are not reliable measure of physical distances?

The frequency of crossing over varies along the length of the chromosome

A recombination frequency of 50% indicates ____

The two genes are likely to be located on different chromosomes

Which of the following statements is correct regarding starch and cellulose?

They are polymers of glucose

What is a syndrome?

a group of traits typically found in conjunction with a particular chromosomal aberration or gene mutation

The most commonly occurring mutation in people with cystic fibrosis is a deletion of a single codon. What is the result of this type of mutation?

a polypeptide missing an amino acid

A replication error results in a zygote that has inactive telomerase, which of the following characteristics would you expect to see in the organism that develops?

a reduction in chromosome length in gametes

A patient has 47 chromosomes, including three X chromosomes. Which of the following statements describes her expected phenotype?

a sterile female

For a species with a haploid number of 23 chromosomes, how many different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes are possible for the gametes based on the independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis?

about 8 million

All of the following are part of a prokaryotic cell EXCEPT ___

an endoplasmic reticulum

Mendel's observation of the segregation of alleles in gamete formation has its basis in which of the following phases of cell division?

anaphase I of meiosis

Some regions of the plasma membrane, called lipid rafts, have a higher concentration of cholesterol molecules. At higher temperatures, these regions ___

are less fluid than the surrounding membrane

Movement of amoebae across a surface requires which of the following activities by components of the cytoskeleton?

assembly of actin filaments to form bulges in the plasma membrane

Accuracy in the translation of mRNA into the primary structure of a polypeptide depends on specificity in the ____

attachment of amino acids to tRNAs

The phosphate transport system in bacteria imports phosphate into the cell even when the concentration of phosphate outside the cell is much lower than the cytoplasmic phosphate concentration. Phosphate import depends on a pH gradient across the membrane, phosphate transport is most likely an example of which of the following transport processes?


A cell lacking which of the following structures is most likely to be a prokaryote?


Cotton-topped tamarins are small primates with tufts of long white hair on their heads. While studying these creatures, you notice that males with longer hair get more opportunities to mate and father more offspring. Which of the following research questions would best test the hypothesis that having longer hair is adaptive in these males?

determine if hair length is heritable

Beta oxidation generates substrates for cellular respiration through catabolism of which of the following molecules?

fatty acids

Hemoglobin, when subjected to 40% acetonitrile at ph 10.0, loses its quaternary structure, which means the ____

four α and β polypeptides dissociate

Plasmodesmata in plant cells are most similar in function to which of the following structures in animal cells?

gap junctions

Eukaryotic telomeres replicate differently than the rest of the chromosome. This is a consequence of which of the following?

gaps left at the 5' end of the lagging strand

Frederick Griffith heat-killed a culture of pathogenic bacteria. He split the sample and injected half of it into mice. The mice lived. He then mixed the other half of the sample with a living, nonpathogenic bacteria strain and injected the mixture into mice. The mice died. Which of the following describes a treatment that would help clarify interpretation of these data?

heat killing the mixed sample and injecting it into mice

If plant cells are grown on media containing radioactively labeled thymine for one generation, radioactively labeled macromolecules will be detected in which of the following organelles?

in the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts

Which of the following molecules carries information from DNA and directs incorporation of amino acids at the ribosome?


When a glucose molecule loses a hydrogen atom in an oxidation-reduction reaction, the glucose molecule is ___


Miller's classic experiment demonstrated that a discharge of sparks through a mixture of gases could result in the formation of a large variety of organic compounds. Miller did not use which of the following gases in his experiment?


Which of the following results is most likely when a plant cell is submerged in a hypertonic solution?

plasmolysis will shrink the interior of the cell

A cell with a predominance of free ribosomes is most likely ___

primarily producing proteins in the cytosol

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