Questions Missed on Biology Practice Test #1

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Carbon is a major component of all organic compounds, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Carbon dioxide is continually exchanged between the atmosphere and oceans. What geological process returns carbon to the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide?

Volcanic Activity (The geological process that returns carbon to the atmosphere is volcanic activity. Transpiration returns water to the atmosphere. Respiration is considered a biological process. Decomposing marine sediments return carbon and other elements to the oceans.)

Cells move through the cell cycle, growing and dividing as they do. No cell will be able to continue through this cycle without the energy provided by this important molecule. That is..

ATP (It is the major energy molecule of the cell, providing the energy for most of the energy-consuming activities of any cell.)

Nutrients enter a cell ______ the concentration gradient by the process of _______.

Against; diffusion (Diffusion is the movement of nutrients from an area of high concentration to low concentration to achieve an equilibrium. Nutrients enter cells with the concentration gradient by the process of diffusion.)

In the body cells of most organisms, oxygen is used to release ________ for use by the cells.

Carbon Dioxide (In the body cells of most organisms, oxygen is used to release energy for use by the cells. Most organisms use glucose, i.e. a sugar, for cell energy. To make this energy available in the cell, cells take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide as a by-product.)

Two students set up the following apparatus in a lab: a pipette was filled with a mixture of yeast and apple juice and inverted in a test tube filled with warm water. The students observed bubbles being released from the end of the pipette. Which MOST LIKELY represents the gas being released and the process used to make it?

Carbon dioxide, respiration (The yeast likely used the sugars in the apple juice, along with oxygen, to make ATP, and gave off carbon dioxide as a waste.)

In the illustration, the structures that project from the cell membrane are ______________ and are used for ______________.

Cilla, locomotion (Cilia are short projections from the cell membrane of Paramecia used for locomotion or movement.)

Cells require glucose as a source of energy to carry out life processes. Large molecules like glucose cross the cell's plasma membrane by...

Facilitated diffusion through protein channels (Glucose enters a cell by facilitated diffusion through protein channels. Since the molecules are too big to move directly through the semipermeable membrane, there are built-in protein channels to facilitate the movement glucose into the cell. Because the glucose is moving with the concentration gradient, the channel helps the movement; no energy is expended. Active transport requires the use of energy to move molecules or ions against the concentration gradient. An example is the sodium-potassium pump.)

___________ are lipids that store energy and are typically composed of multiple building blocks containing three fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule.

Fats (They store energy long-term for cellular activity. This includes both animal (saturated) and plant (unsaturated) fats.)

Will and Juan decided to make a snack after school: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a glass of cold milk. They assembled the following ingredients: bread skim milk grape jelly peanut butter Which ingredient provides the most calories? Explain why...

Peanut butter because it contains oils or lipids. (The chemical energy in foods and the eventual caloric value is derived from the chemical bonds within the substance. The larger the molecule, the more chemical bonds. That means the more chemical energy and the higher the caloric value. Simple sugars are smaller than carbohydrates and carbs are smaller than lipids. Skim milk is low in fats.)

This developing plant uses starch stored in the seed as a source of energy during germination. This stored starch is a by-product of...

Photosynthesis (Photosynthesis produces glucose; plants can convert and store excess glucose as starch. Both sugar and starch are types of carbohydrates.)

The relationship between the number of organisms in the food chain and the size of the individual organisms within each level of the food chain is...

Inversely Proportional (As the size of the organism increases in the food chain, the number of organisms supported by the food supply decreases. This forms a biomass pyramid.)

Which process results in two daughter cells each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell?

Mitosis (Its is the term that refers to the process of nuclear division.)

Usable chemical energy on Earth begins as light energy, usually solar energy. Plants and other autotrophs convert solar energy to chemical energy via the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of light, are transformed into glucose. The chemical energy is stored in the chemical bonds of glucose and is released during the process of cellular respiration. Cellular respiration releases the chemical energy stored in food molecules to produce high-energy ATP molecules. Macromolecules such as carbohydrates and fats can be used as fuels for the production of ATP. All foods contain chemical energy, but the amount of chemical energy is dependent of the type of food. The larger the compound, the more chemical bonds present and the greater amount of available chemical energy. We can rank molecule size, from smallest to largest, as sugar, starch, fat. We refer to the stored chemical energy in foods as calories. A calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. When we refer to the calories in food, we are really talking about kilocalories or 1000 calories. Biology students "burned" 2 grams of food to heat water in a calorimeter in order to determine which food items contain the most usable chemical energy. 1. Pick two food items to burn. 2. Hypothesize as to which of your items will contain the most calories. 3. Record your data in the data table. When we have completed the lab, we will combine all group data to draw conclusions. Compare the food energy in calories from burning the chip and the saltine. How can you explain this differences in terms of chemical composition?

The chip contains more lipids than the saltine. (If you did the brown paper bag test on the two, the chip would leave behind some grease on the bag. The saltine would not. The saltine is basically starch; the chip is starch and lipids (fat).)

While cleaning a saltwater aquarium, students placed a family of fiddler crabs from the saltwater aquarium into a container of distilled water. What effect will this have on the crabs?

The crabs will die if left in the freshwater, their cells will burst. (The freshwater is a hypotonic solution that the crabs are not adapted to. Their cells would burst and kill them, if they were left long enough.)

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