Quiz #4 Chapter 14

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A body mass index (BMI) of ___ or lower, or a loss of more than ___ percent of body weight within a month or two, indicates anorexia nervosa


A boy's first ejaculation of sperm. Erections can occur as early as infancy, but ejaculation signals sperm production. May occur during sleep (in a "wet dream") or via direct stimulation.

circadian rhythm

A day-night cycle of biological activity that occurs approximately every 24 hours.

sexually transmitted infection (STI)

A disease spread by sexual contact, including syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, and HIV.


A girl's first menstrual period, signaling that she has begun ovulation. Pregnancy is biologically possible, but ovulation and menstruation are often irregular for years after.


A gland in the brain that responds to a signal from the hypothalamus by producing many hormones, including those that regulate growth and sexual maturation.


A hormone that affects appetite and is believed to affect the onset of puberty. Leptin levels increase during childhood and peak at around age 12.

HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis

A sequence of hormone production originating in the hypothalamus and moving to the pituitary and then to the adrenal glands.


A sex hormone, considered the chief estrogen. Females produce much more estradiol than males do.


A sex hormone, the best known of the androgens (male hormones); secreted in far greater amounts by males than by females.


A sexually transmitted disease, the most common in developed countries, caused by the bacterium ______________ trachomatis. Often producing no symptoms, it can cause infertility, chronic pain, or a tubal pregnancy if left untreated.

child sexual abuse

Any erotic activity that arouses an adult and excites, shames, or confuses a child, whether or not the victim protests and whether or not genital contact is involved.

sex hormones

estrogens & androgens are _____________________ they affect body's shape & function & produce additional hormones that regulate stress & immunity


female height spurt occurs ___________ menarche


genetics, body fat, influence _________ of puberty


puberty __________ with hypothalamus signal to the pituitary gland pituitary sends hormonal message through the bloodstream to adrenal glands and the gonads to produce more hormones.

binge eating disorder

significant binge-eating episodes, followed by distress, disgust, or guilt, but without the compensatory purging, fasting, or excessive exercise that marks bulimia nervosa

secondary sex characteristics

Physical traits that are not directly involved in reproduction but that indicate sexual maturity, such as a man's beard and a woman's breasts.


About ______ times as common as anorexia is bulimia nervosa

bulimia nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by binge eating and subsequent purging, usually by induced vomiting and/or use of laxatives.

anorexia nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by self-starvation. Affected individuals voluntarily undereat and often overexercise, depriving their vital organs of nutrition. It can be fatal.


In both genders, adolescence is the peak time for the emergence of many _______________ possibly due to hormonal increases

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Puberty usually lasts _____ to _____ years. Many more years are required to achieve psychosocial maturity.


The paired sex glands (ovaries in females, testicles in males). They produce hormones and mature gametes.

primary sex characteristics

The parts of the body that are directly involved in reproduction, including the vagina, uterus, ovaries, testicles, and penis.

growth spurt

The relatively sudden and rapid physical growth that occurs during puberty. Each body part increases in size on a schedule: Weight usually precedes height, and growth of the limbs precedes growth of the torso.


The time between the first onrush of hormones and full adult physical development.

adrenal glands

Two glands, located above the kidneys at either side of the lower back, that respond to the pituitary, producing hormones.


Which organ system becomes oilier, sweatier, and more prone to acne?

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

a group of viruses that can cause genital warts and increases the risk of "serious, life-threatening cancer" in both sexes

body image

a person's idea of how his or her body looks

HPG (hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad) axis

a sequence of hormone production originating in the hypothalamus and moving to the pituitary and then to the gonads


adolescence begins with _____________ and ends with culture


adolescent growth: physiological changes triggered by puberty are dramatic, unlike those of either childhood or adulthood. the social context matters body & brain __________ affected by both

schizophrenia, depressed

adolescent males are almost twice as likely as females to develop ________________, and females are more than twice as likely to become severely ________________.(probably because of sex differences in hormones)


body chemicals that regulate hunger, sleep, moods, stress, sexual desire, immunity, reproduction, and many other bodily functions and processes, including puberty.


hastens puberty, especially if a child's parents are sick, drug-addicted, or divorced, or if the neighborhood is violent and impoverished. physical & sexual abuse ups odds of early menarche


male height increase occurs ___________ spermarche

secular trend in puberty

over the past two centuries, because of improved nutrition and medical care, children have tended to reach their adult height earlier and their adult height has increased


teenagers are less susceptible to respiratory ailments. Mild asthma, for example, often switches off at puberty WHY? _______________ system decreases in size at puberty


teenagers have fewer colds and allergies than younger children, this is aided by growth of the __________


where hormone production signals begin

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