Quiz 5 Review

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Which is the most common form of skin cancer?

basal cell carcinoma

Wounds that only damage the epidermis won't bleed because the epidermis is avascular.


Which structure in the figure produces melanin?


Jaundiced skin has a _______ hue, often due to liver problems. Cyanotic skin appears _________ due to lack of oxygen and excessive carbon dioxide in the blood vessels of the skin.

Yellow, Blue

The buildup of bilirubin in an infant's blood can occur if the liver does not remove the chemical causing the skin to appear yellow. This condition is


Which type of epithelium makes up the epidermis?

keratinized stratified squamous

In this phase of would healing the clot forms a scab; epithelial cells migrate into scab; fibroblasts also migrate to start scar tissue; and pink granulation tissue contains delicate new blood vessels.


A skin graft would be used for an injury when the ______ was destroyed.

Stratum Basale

Three to five rows of clear, flat dead keratinocytes, present only in thick skin of the fingertips, palms, and soles is called:

Stratum Lucidum

The skin is also known as a (the) _________.

cutaneous membrane

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