Quiz #7: Technology and Environment

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A system where the government receives profits and distributes them to the people


Movement of people from rural areas to cities, leading to the growth of urban areas and changes in social structure.

Cottage Industry

a business or manufacturing activity carried on in a person's home


1. A type of cloth or woven fabric; 2. The first industry to be industrialized in the 18th century.

Second Agricultural Revolution

1. Advancements in farming and crop rotation in the 17th and 18th centuries, leading to increased agricultural productivity. 2. Use of machines to improve farming - Seed Drill - Iron Plow

Factory Acts

1. English laws passed from 1802 to 1833 2. that limited the workday of child laborers, set minimum cleanliness and safety requirements 3. Government taking over this responsibility leads to an increase in taxes

Second Industrial Revolution

1. Later stage of industrialization in the United States 2. Resources: Resources: Oil, Steel, Electricity, Cars, and Chemicals

First Industrial Revolution

1. Period of major industrialization and social changes, starting in the 1750s in England. 2. Initial phase of industrialization happened in England because they had one of the largest coal supplies in the world and a small population, so they need the development of machines 3. Resources: Coal, Iron, Cotton, Textiles, Railroads

Spinning Jenny

1. The first major invention of the First Industrial Revolution 2. A machine that could spin several threads at once 3. Helped develop the TEXTILE industry

Steam Engine

1. The steam engine uses the force produced by steam pressure to push a piston back and forth inside a cylinder. 2. The steam engine helped drastically increase textile production 3. Allows for the development of the railroad


1. injecting small amounts of pathogens to build immunity and fight a virus 2. developed because of increase in disease during the industrial revolution


An economic system where private company produces goods for profit and then invests those profits to make more profits


Something that makes life easier.

Puddling Process

removed impurities in the iron and produced A stronger, more pure version

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