quiz psych memory

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It is easier to remember information that is organized into meaningful units than information that is not so organized. This process is known as:


Which of the following helps to retain info for a long time?

distributed practice

Rebecca is remembering what took place when her friends threw her a surprise birthday party. What type of memory is she using?


John has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and while he is quite forgetful, he is still able to recall events from his teenage and young adult years. His ________________ is still intact.

long-term memory

The prolonged strengthening of potential neural firing that is believed to be the basis for learning and memory is known as:

long-term potentiation

Although Ron typically smokes two packs of cigarettes each day, he recalls smoking only a little more than one pack per day. His poor memory best illustrates:

motivated forgetting

Unlike short-term memory, long-term memory is:


If different parts of the brain could talk, this brain structure would say, "Brain, encode this moment for future reference!"


Adults who have trouble remembering incidents of childhood sexual abuse have sometimes been led by therapists to believe that their memory difficulties result from:


Oliver is trying to make an online purchase, but he doesn't have his credit card. He calls his wife, who reads the 16-digit credit card number to him. Unfortunately, Oliver cannot remember the number long enough to type it into the computer. This is because:

short-term memory is limited in duration and capacity

Cyndi meets nine new neighbors at a block party. Moments later, she can only remember the names of the first three and the last two neighbors she met. her experience illustrates:

the serial position effect

___________ memory refers to the retention of information that is independent of conscious recollection, whereas ___________ memory refers to memory for facts and experiences.

Implicit; explicit

__________ revealed that the reports of memory flashbacks in patients whose brains were electrically stimulated in different cortical regions appear to have been invented, not relived.


A long time ago, Leslie was stuck in an elevator for over three hours. Although generally not claustrophobic, she felt like the elevator walls were closing in on her after two hours. Now, 10 years later, she still vividly recalls the details of the emotionally traumatic experience. What is most likely causing her long-lasting robust memory of this event?

Stress hormones increase glucose activity, which then fuels brain activity

Which statement is accurate regarding when we are most likely to forget information?

We can forget information at any memory stage.

Adam suffered a brain injury in a motorcycle accident that makes it impossible for him to form new memories. He can, however, remember his life experiences before the accident. Adam's memory difficulty most clearly illustrates:

anterograde amnesia

This memory model compares human memory to computer operations

information-processing model

Lonnie often has vivid dreams, and can usually recall them in great detail in the morning. It sometimes takes him a bit of time to figure out if he is remembering a dream or something that he actually experienced. This problem is known as:

source amnesia

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