Quiz Questions Starting at 6

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How many villages does Umuofia comprise?




At the close of Things Fall Apart, the District Commissioner thinks the story of Okonkwo coudl made interesting reading, "perhaps not a whole chapter, but a reasonable paragraph at any rate." How should we interpret this in the context of Achebe's novel?

Achebe has written an entire novel on this character while the commissioner thinks he's only worth a paragraph. This shows the differences in values between the two societies.

an oracle


In which of the following ways is "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" demonstrative of Modernist tendencies?

All of these answers apply.

Which of the following is an example of middle class repressive society in A Doll's House?

All of these answers apply.

Whom did Okonkwo beat in his legendary wrestling match?

Amalinze the Cat

priestess of Agbala


Okonkwo's wife


Okonkwo's daughter


According to Yeats' "Easter 1916", all of tthe people who died or were executed for the Easter 1916 uprising were people who were deserving of hero status.


In "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" the speaker uses the allusion to Lazarus to show that he too possesses great knowledge which he can share if only the world will listen to him.


In "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," the line "Though I have seen my head [grown slightly bald] brought in upon a platter/ I am no prophet" is an allusion to John the Baptist. Prufrock feels that he, like John, will be murdered if he speaks the truth.


Like the Romantics, Realists valued the exceptional members of the middle class.


Modernism tends to produce works that are easily resolved.


Realism often explores the ethics of the upper classes.


Whereas the Romantics examined the ethical choices made by upper class individuals, Realism examines and comments upon the ethical choices of the middle class.


Yeats' theory of historical gyres can be illustrated through his poems "A Coat" and "Easter 1916."


To which of the following does Eliot not allude in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"?

He alludes to all of these.

Which of the following statements is true of the character of Obierika in Things Fall Apart?

He questions the injustices of ritual law as well as the assumed traditions of his tribe.

boy given to Umuofia by a neighbor village


Who are "MacDonagh and MacBride/ And Connolly and Pearse"?

Irish patriots who died as a result of the Easter 1916 uprising.

How did World War I affect writers of the Modernist period?

It created a sense of fragmentation and disillusionment.

Which of the following statements is true of "Leda and the Swan"? 1. It references a Roman myth of creation. 2.All of these answers apply. 3.It is by Yeats and uses the myth of Achilles' birth to discuss the coming age of history. 4. It implies a comparision between the Greco-Roman era and the Christian era.

It implies a comparision between the Greco-Roman era and the Christian Era

Which is true of the quotation, "In the room the women come and go talking of Michelangelo"?

It is by Eliot and mentions one of the most misunderstood artists in history.

Which is true of the quotation, "And what rough beast, its hour come at last"?

It is by Yeats and represents the birth of a new, humanistic era.

Which of the following statements is not true of the quotation, "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold"?

It is from Yeats' "Easter 1916."

Which is true of the title of Things Fall Apart?

It is from a Yeats poem which also has the theme of the end of a civilization.

Which social idea of the late 19th century claims that as long as the upper class holds the reigns of power, the poor will grow less and less powerful and be crushed under the heels of those who control production?


To which other divine mother can Leda (in "Leda and the Swan") be compared?


white missionary

Mr. Brown

native teacher and leader of the Mbanta church

Mr. Kiaga

In what country does Things Fall Apart take place?


In what country is A Doll's House set?


Okonkwo's son


Okonkwo's best friend


Okonkwo's third wife


leader of the Igbo community


white missionary who takes over for Mr. Brown

Rev. Smith

Which of the following did not influence the work of T. S. Eliot?

Romantic poetry

Which social idea of the late 19th century proposes that races and social classes should prosper, live or die according to how "fit" they were?

Social Darwinism

Which of these is a reason Nwoye converts to Christianity in Things Fall Apart?

The Christian hymns appeal to his confusion over the injustices in the tribal laws

Which of the folllowing is the best interpretation of the line "A terrible beauty is born"?

The line shows the paradox between the terrible death of the Irish patriots and the beauty of having new Irish martyrs for the cause.

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Yeats' "Easter 1916"?

The poem is a cry for Ireland to end its quest for "home rule."

What is ironic about the title of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"?

The speaker never has the nerve to confess his love.

Which of the following is the best interpretation of the line "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons"?

The speaker sees his life as a series of social but trivial interactions.

Twice in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" the speaker leads us to the brink of an "overwhelming question," but never explicitly clarifies what that question might be. What is the question?

The speaker wants to ask a girl if she likes him.

In A Doll's House, Nora's decision to leave her children has a valid basis in the play.


Naturalists portryed individuals as animals, and if there were a God, He was against those humans struggling for survival.


Okonkwo always wishes that his daughter Ezinma had been born a son instead.


Okonkwo fears that he will become like his father.


Realists portrayed middle class characters whereas the naturalists focused more on working class individuals who were brutalized by society.


The allusion to Shakespeare's play Hamlet in :"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is appropriate because both works have as a primary theme the fear of taking any real action.


Whereas the Romantics valued nature as a way of seeing God connect with man, Realists questioned the very existence of God.


known for his weakness and irresponsible nature


What is on the card Dr. Rank leaves at the Helmer home in A Doll's House?

a black cross

Why does Okonkwo kill Ikemefuna?

because Okonkwo is afraid that if he doesn't others will call him weak

white administrator of Umuofia


"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" can best be described as which type of poem?

dramatic monologue

Where, exactly, does the action for A Doll's House take place?

in one room of the house

For what reason is Okonkwo exiled?

killing a fellow tribesman

What does Nora do at the end of A Doll's House?

leaves her family and husband

What little treat does Nora sneak when Helmer isn't looking in A Doll's House?


Prufrock proclaims that he is not the hero of his own tale; rather, he is "an attendant lord, one that will do/ To swell a progress, start a scene or two..."Politic, cautious, and meticulous;/ Full of high sentence, but a it obtuse;/ At times" Which of the following is the proper use of "obtuse" in this description?

not quick or alert in intellect

What holy animal does Okonkwo's clan suspect the Christians have killed and eaten?


What are the outcasts in Things Fall Apart required to do before they may join the church?

shave their heads

In "The Second Coming," what creatured does Yeats describe as having "a shape with lion body and the head of a man"?


In A Doll's House, what is Dr. Rank's disease?


What dance does Nora do at the party in A Doll's House?


To what does the phrase "what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born" allude?

the birth of Christ

Who is Anne-Marie in A Doll's House?

the children's nanny/nurse

Who is Krogstad?

the man from who Nora Helmer borrows money

In A Doll's House, why has Nora borrowed large amounts of money?

to take her husband on a trip for his health

What is the primary crop of the Igbo people?


Which poem by Yeats illustrates his desire to pull together myths, stories, traditions, and ideas of the past in order to create a new Irish tradition?

"A Coat"

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