Quizbowl Questions

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This device uses adjustable valves for air and gas flow to create a controlled open flame. It is often used in flame tests and is named after a German chemist.

Bunsen burner

Four unnamed Light Warriors starred in the first installment of this video game series in 1987. A recent entry in this series has you fighting the Beastmen and protecting Eorzea from an incoming moon. These games are famous for their chocobos. This series has spin offs which include the Mana series and the Kingdom Hearts series. For 10 points, name the Japanese roleplaying game series which is set to release its 15th installment in 2016.

Final Fantasy

This leader's son Ogedei was given this man's empire when he died. His face is on the paper money of Mongolia. This man established an empire in Asia that was nearly 12 million square miles, the Mongol Empire. For 10 points, name this famous Mongol emperor born with the name Temujin.

Genghis Khan

According to a 1946 work, members of this ethnic group were not interested in letting their families know they were safe in prison. This ethnic group's "shame culture" is contrasted with American "guilt culture" in Ruth Benedict's The (*) Chrysanthemum and the Sword. For ten points, name this ethnic group that was persecuted in the US during World War II after the Pearl Harbor attacks?


Osama bin Laden first appeared on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list after his involvement in an 1998 embassy bombing in this country with capital at Nairobi.


One leader of this empire died when he slipped on the stairs after hearing a call for prayer. His son succeeded him as the leader of this empire and created a syncretic faith, Din-i-llahi. Another leader of this empire commissioned the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife Mumtaz. Name this empire of the Indian subcontinent with emperors such as Babur and Akbar the Great.

Mughal Empire

Lowry won her first Newbery for this novel about the rescue of Annemarie Johansen and her Jewish family from Nazioccupied Denmark.

Number the Stars

In this author's story A Retrieved Reformation, a boy is freed from a safe by Jimmy Valentine. A character created by this man throws rocks at a cat before being kidnapped and terrorizes his kidnappers Bill and Sam. Another character created by this author sells her beautiful hair to buy a chain for Jim, who ironically sells his watch to buy her a comb. For 10 points, name this American author of The Ransom of Red Chief and The Gift of the Magi.

O. Henry​[or William Sydney Porter​]

One story in this book describes how languages came into being after people attempted to make a tower whose top was in the heavens. This book tells the story of the first murder, in which Abel dies at the hands of his jealous brother Cain. After Abel's death in this book, Eve bears another son named Seth. For 10 points, name this book of the Bible that tells of the creation and of the great flood, the first book of the Old Testament.

The book of Genesis

This amendment to the constitution provided for electoral representation for residents of Washington, D.C., since they have no voting members of Congress.

23rd amendment

Many think this piece is about complete silence, but it is actually meant to consist of the sounds of the environment. For 10 points each: [10] Name this piece which instructs the performers not to play their instruments for the title length of time. [10] 4' 33" was composed by this American experimentalist. He also invented the prepared piano and composed five pieces titled Imaginary Landscape. [10] Cage also composed a piece for this keyboard instrument called As Slow as Possible, a current performance of which is scheduled to end in 2640. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor is also written for this instrument.

4' 33"​[pronounced "fourthirtythree" or "four minutes (and) thirty three seconds"] John Cage Pipe organ

A reference angle of this size in standard position on the unit circle terminates at the point (0,1) [zero comma one] after starting at (1,0) [one comma zero]. Two angles of this size add together to be a (*) straight angle, and any two angles that sum to this size are called complementary. For ten points, name this value that describes one-fourth of a circular rotation or the size of a right angle.

90 degrees

Answer these questions about multiplication: This number is the multiplicative identity. A number multiplied by this has a product of the original number. This property states that when two numbers are multiplied, their order does not matter. This property states that when three or more numbers are multiplied, the grouping of the factors does not change the product.

1 commutative property associative property

This continent has been home to powerful empires like the Mali Empire and Ghana. An area known as the Sahel is between the savannah and this continent's largest desert. For 10 points, name this continent south of the Mediterranean Sea with countries like Ethiopia and Zimbabwe.


This scientist's Annus Mirabilis papers helped him to win a 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. One of this physicist's theories states that spacetime is curved by mass and also predicts time dilation. That theory is called general relativity. He is also known for his massenergy equivalence formula, E = m c 2 . For 10 points, identify this GermanAmerican physicist whose name is now synonymous with "genius".

Albert Einstein

Under his father's command, this man was responsible for defeating the Sacred Band of Thebes in 338 BC. Legend has it that this man solved the Gordian Knot by slicing it with his sword. After this leader's death, his generals, the Diadochi, divided his empire, which stretched from Greece to India. As a youth, this leader was tutored by Aristotle. For 10 points, name this Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire.

Alexander the Great

Important advances made during this war include the invention of the gatling gun. Guerillas in this war were prominent in rural areas and included Bloody Bill and William Quantrill. Fighting in this war broke out in Charleston Harbor at the Battle of Fort Sumter. This war ended at Appomattox Court House where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant. For 10 points, name this war fought between the northern United States and the southern Confederate States.

American Civil War

After learning of Christine Stuart's engagement, this woman accepts the proposal of her classmate at Queen's College, where she studies to be a teacher in (*) Avonlea. This woman becomes close friends with Diana Barry, and marries Gilbert Blythe after she goes to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert on Prince Edward Island. For ten points, name this orphan who lives at Green Gables.

Anne Shirley Blythe

One notable volcano located on this continent is Mount Erebus. Vinson Massif is the highest mountain on this continent. Argentina claims part of this continent as part of its Tierra del Fuego Province; however, an international treaty suspends all claims to parts of this continent in order to advance scientific activity such as studying emperor penguins and ice cores. For 10 points name this icy continent, the location of the South Pole.


This character in To Kill a Mockingbird leaves Scout and her brother Jem small gifts in a tree and saves the Finch children from an attack by Bob Ewell.

Arthur "Boo" Radley

The Parthenon was dedicated to this Greek goddess of wisdom and justice.


Asia is the most populous continent on Earth. This city is the capital of China. Tienanmen Square is located in this city. This is the capital of Thailand, located on the Chao Phraya River. Ulaanbaatar is the capital of this Asian country, the center of a former empire led by Genghis Khan.

Beijing Bangkok Mongolia

This adopted son of Julius Caesar founded the Roman Empire. This man's forces defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra in Egypt.

Ceasar Augustus

In 1887, engineers reversed the flow of this city's namesake river. This city's South Side includes the neighborhood of Englewood, infamous for high crime rates. Along Michigan Avenue in this city, one can find Millennium Park and its shiny sculpture known as "the Bean." The "L" trains in this city run to its two major airports, O'Hare and Midway. For 10 points, name this Midwestern city on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Chicago, Illinois

The May 16 Notification was used to justify one activity in this country. One leader in this country tried to institute the Great Leap Forward. Lin Biao called for the destruction of the "Four Olds" during this country's cultural revolution. Many of this country's new policies were undone after the arrest of the Gang of Four. For 10 points, name this country which was led by Mao Zedong during the communist Cultural Revolution.


This man wrote The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963.

Christopher Paul Curtis

Giovanni Giustiniani died from wounds he received while defending this city. This city used a giant chain connected to the Old Galata Tower to prevent ships from accessing the Golden (*) Horn. Orban designed the giant "Basilica" cannon to target this city's Theodosian Walls in a 1453 siege led by Mehmed II. For ten points, name this city, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, which was renamed to Istanbul in 1930.


This biblical hero was abducted from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar along with his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. For 10 points each: [10] Name this hero who survived a den of lions after being accused of worshipping God. Daniel is considered one of these people by Christian churches, but not in Judaism. These people served as intermediaries, delivering messages for God. Daniel had the ability to interpret dreams, a trait that he shared with this favored son of Jacob who was sold into slavery after his father gave him a colorful coat.

Daniel Prophet Joseph

The highest point in this national park is Telescope Peak. This park was once home to Glacial Lake Manly, and a current feature is a dry lakebed known as Badwater Basin. Racetrack Playa in this park is home to the famous sailing stones. This park in the Mojave Desert is known for having the highest ever recorded temperature in North America. For 10 points, name this California national park home to the point with the lowest elevation in North America.

Death Valley​National Park

In 2015, some attendees to this organization's 65th Congress were arrested at the Hotel Baur au Lac. The 2014 Garcia Report detailed an investigation into suspected bribery related to this organization's bidding process for host sites. Former CONCACAF officials Jack Warner and Chuck Blazer are under investigation for their roles in corruption in this organization. For 10 points, name this international organization that sponsors soccer's World Cup.


One of this country's monarchs, John the Good, negotiated the Treaty of Bretigny [breh-ti-nee] after being captured at Poitiers [pwa-ti-yay]. This country lost a battle on St. Crispin's Day to an army led by Henry V. Forces from this country rallied around the (*) "Maid of Orleans," who was burned at the stake. For ten points, name this country that was defended by Joan of Arc during its Hundred Years' War with England.


Frank Sinatra was nominated for six of these awards during their first year. The group Pentatonix won one of these awards in 2015 and 2016 for their a cappella arrangement work. For 10 points, name these music awards given by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.

Grammy Awards

This character is upset about how much attention his younger brother Manny gets. For 10 points each: [10] Name this main character from Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Greg Heffley

This virus infects cells such as helper T cells and macrophages. For 10 points each: [10] Name this virus that prevents the immune system from working effectively and which may eventually develop into AIDS. [10] About a quarter of the population in this African country, with capital at Gaborone, is infected with HIV [10] HIV is a member of this family of viruses that uses RNA as its genetic material instead of DNA. This family is named for its ability to work "backward" and create new viral DNA.

HIV Botswana Retroviruses

One man with this last name was the U.S. president during the BillionDollar Congress. Another man with this last name led forces against Tecumseh at the Battle of Tippecanoe. That man ran for the presidency with the "log cabin and hard cider" campaign, but died of pneumonia a month after he took office. For 10 points, give this last name shared by presidents Benjamin and William Henry.

Harrison​[accept William Henry Harrison​or Benjamin Harrison​]

Independence, a suburb of Kansas City, contains the presidential library for this U.S. president who took office in 1945.

Harry S. Truman

This man's play Peer Gynt had music written by his fellow Norwegian, Edvard Grieg. This man's plays are frequently performed today, including one about contaminated baths, An Enemy of the People. This playwright also wrote a play about the neurotic wife of George, Hedda Gabler. For 10 points, name this Norwegian playwright who wrote A Doll's House.

Henrik Ibsen

This author created a lawyer's assistant who answers, "I would prefer not to" in response to every request in the story "Bartleby the Scrivener." In a novel by this man, a gold coin is nailed to the (*) Pequod's mast as an incentive for sailors like Queequeg and Ishmael. For ten points, name this author of a novel about Ahab's search for a while whale, Moby Dick.

Herman Melville

This island's native Taino people fought the settlers of La Navidad, which was founded after Columbus' Santa Maria ran aground on this island's western shore. In 2010, this island was rocked by a massive earthquake near the city of (*) Port-au-Prince. For ten points, name this Caribbean island that is politically divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and whose name illustrates its possession by Spain.


Pippi's father Ephraim is a sailor and captain of this ship, which Pippi thought was lost at sea.


In a reference to the Gettysburg Address, this speech opens with "Five score years ago." Its most famous lines were prompted by an outburst from Mahalia Jackson. Its speaker delivered this speech in 1963 at the March on Washington, and said that he hoped his children would be judged by the "content of their character." For 10 points, name this speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., talking about his vision for the future.

I Have a Dream

One painting from this movement shows a group of the artist's friends relaxing and eating under an orange and white striped canopy. That painting is Renoir's "Luncheon of the Boating Party." This art movement was named after a work featuring boats in Le Havre under a red sunrise, which was made by an artist famous for his paintings of water lilies. For 10 points, identify this 19 th century art movement which included artists like Claude Monet.


Before marriage equality was a reality in the U.S., this European country legalized samesex marriage by popular vote in May 2015, the first country to ever do so.


One scientist who studied gravity was this British scientist who was inspired by watching an apple fall from a tree.

Isaac Newton

This linguist recorded a tale in which Eru Iluvatar creates the Ainur, who sing the world into being, in ́ The Silmarillion. For ten points each, Name this British creator of a complex mythology in which some Ainur travel Middle Earth disguised as wizards, like Alatar and Pallando the Blue and Radagast the Brown. In some of Tolkien's novels, this "Grey" wizard helps Bilbo Baggins, and transforms into a "White" wizard after he is killed by the Balrog and resurrected. Gandalf returns from the dead to help Bilbo's nephew, Frodo Baggins, transport the title powerful piece of jewelry to Mordor to be destroyed in this three-book novel by Tolkien.

JRR Tolkein Gandalf the Grey The Lord of the Rings

Name some things about presidential candidates who dropped out of the 2016 election. This former Virginia senator was a Republican who served as Reagan's Secretary of the Navy, but ran as a Democrat until dropping out in October 2015. Bobby Jindal, who ran in the Republican primary until November, served as governor of this southern state from 2007 to 2015. This state's capital is Baton Rouge. Among the first to drop out was this Republican candidate, the former governor of Texas who notably said "oops" in a 2012 debate when he forgot the name of a cabinet department.

James "Jim" Webb Louisiana Rick Perry

In a story by this author, "The Lass of Aughrim" is sung while Gretta Conroy reminisces about Michael Furey. In a novel by this man, Blazes Boylan has an affair with Molly, the wife of Leopold Bloom, who represents the title hero of this man's stream-of-consciousness novel (*) Ulysses. For ten points, "The Dead" is a short story from Dubliners, a collection by what Irish author?

James Augustine Aloysius Joyce

During the feudal age, this country had warriors who followed the Bushido code. Name this country whose Kamakura period saw the samurai caste emerge. Also during the Kamakura period, Mongol fleets attempted two attacks on Japan that were both repelled by this "divine wind." Later, this term referred to Japanese suicide attacks by plane. Those Mongol fleets were led by this grandson of Genghis Khan who established the Yuan dynasty.

Japan kamikaze Kublai

The only president of the Confederate States of America was this man.

Jefferson Davis

This figure was best known as a steel driver who helped to finish railroads in the Virginia area. Three different tunnels have claimed to be the site of a contest Virginia. The ballad of him and his mighty hammer has been retold in song and most recently in a Pixar short. Name this American folk hero who is famous for beating a steam powered drill.

John Henry

Name this man who declared himself "dictator in perpetuity" of the Roman Republic and who was killed on the Ides of March.

Julius Ceasar

This singer rose to fame after being discovered on YouTube Name this Canadian pop star whose hit song "Baby" is the most disliked video in YouTube history. Bieber's recent album Purpose contains this first song by Bieber to reach number one. In it, Bieber repeatedly says, "Better make up your mind," before asking the question in this song's title. Bieber also provided the vocals for this DJ's collaboration with Diplo, "Where are Ü Now?"

Justin Bieber "What Do You Mean?" Skrillex

This major city in western Missouri borders the state it is named after.

Kansas City, Missouri

This holiday's seven principles are represented by a kinara holding seven black, red, and green candles that are lit throughout this holiday.This holiday was established in 1966 by Maulana Karenga, who named it for a (*) Swahili phrase meaning "first fruits." For ten points, name this winter holiday celebrating African heritage, which takes place from December 26 to January 1.


Answer some questions about a performer who was very active in 2016. For 10 points each: [10] This performer sang her song "'Til It Happens to You" at the 2016 Oscars after being introduced by Joe Biden.

Lady Gaga

The northeast border of Nigeria lies on this lake, also the name of a large African country lying across the lake from Nigeria.

Lake Chad

The Watsons travel to Birmingham from this state. In another work by Curtis, the orphan Bud leaves a foster family in this state's city of Flint to meet his grandfather in Grand Rapids.


Members of this religion believe that a "New Jerusalem" will be located in Independence, according to this religion's founder, Joseph Smith.


One of the First Ladies descended from Pocahontas is this wife of Ronald Reagan who launched the "Just Say No" drug campaign.

Nancy Reagan

For 10 points each, answer the following about an early American author from New England and his works. [10] Name this author, most famous for his novel The Scarlet Letter. [10] This character from The Scarlet Letter was required to wear the letter A on her clothing as punishment for her indiscretions. [10] This other Hawthorne novel tells the story of the Pyncheon family and their home, as they try to break the curse of Matthew Maule.

Nathaniel Hawthorne Hester Prynne The House of the Seven Gables

In this movie, Abigail is abducted by Ian and rescued by Ben and Riley, who she ends up helping. The main character in this movie buys a copy of the document he has just stolen, the Declaration of Independence. For 10 points, name this movie starring Nicolas Cage as Ben Gates.

National Treasure

Name this country in West Africa, the most populous country on the continent.


Name this historic temple in Athens, which was mostly destroyed by the Ottoman Empire in 1687.


In this musical work, a little bird chastises a duck by asking, "What kind of bird are you if you can't fly?" to which the duck replies, "What kind of bird are you if you can't swim?" For 10 points each: [10] Name this children's story, in which the title predator swallows the duck whole, before being captured by the title boy with a lasso.

Peter and the Wolf

This most subscribed channel on YouTube is owned by Swedish gamer Felix Kjellberg.


Name this character in a novel by Astrid Lindgren, whose best friends are Tommy and Annika.

Pippi Longstocking

This city is home to the Heinz food company headquarters, and tourists often eat sandwiches dressed with coleslaw and fries at this city's (*) Primanti Brothers. Steelworkers traditionally ate pierogis in this city, which sits at the confluence of the Monongahela, Allegheny, and Ohio rivers. For ten points, name this western Pennsylvania city, the state's second largest city after Philadelphia?

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Name this woman who became known as Rebecca Rolfe after marrying John Rolfe. She is also sometimes linked with John Smith.


This novel's original title was "First Impressions." The author did not originally have her name published on this work, referring to herself only as "a lady" or in later editions, as the author of Sense and Sensibility. The novel deals with issues of love and social mobility, a restriction which two of the novel's couples must come to terms with. Name this Jane Austen novel that follows the romance of Elizabeth Bennett and William Darcy.

Pride and Predjudice

This 16th century movement was inspired by Johann Tetsel and his sale of indulgences. This movement is typically considered to have started when the 95 Theses against the Sale of Indulgences were pinned to a church door in Wittenburg. Charles V, a Catholic, called the Diet of Worms to address this this movement by speaking to Martin Luther. For 10 points, name this movement that first attempted to change Catholicism before breaking off from it.

Protestant Reformation

This politician from California delivered a speech about a dog he had been sent named Checkers. As president, he ended the draft and was the first president to travel to China, before being implicated in the Watergate scandal. For 10 points, name this American president who resigned in 1974.

Richard Milhous Nixon

This Confederate general surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at the end of the war.

Robert E. Lee

In one poem by this author, a character is said to be "all pine" while the narrator is "all apple orchard," and "good fences" are said to make "good neighbors." This poet of "Mending Wall" has "miles to go before" he sleeps in his "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." This poet's most famous work sees a young man take a path which "has made all the difference" after "two roads diverged in a yellow wood." For 10 points, name this poet of "The Road Not Taken."

Robert Frost

Greg's best friend in the series is this kid, an only child who often goes on expensive vacations with his family.

Rowley Jefferson

This writer wrote the song "A Boy Named Sue" for Johnny Cash. For 10 points each: [10] Name this writer, more famous for children's poetry like his book Falling Up.

Shel Silverstein

Lady Gaga was also invited to sing the national anthem at this 2016 sporting event held at Levi's Stadium in California.

Super Bowl 50

This second longest river of Europe begins in the Black Forest of Germany.

The Danube River

At 1,407 feet below sea level, this body of water contains the lowest nonocean point on Earth. The Jordan River is the main tributary of this deepest salt lake in the world. A hill mostly made of salt near this lake is called Mount Sodom. It is bordered by Israel and Jordan, and is sometimes known as "The Sea of Lot." For 10 points, name this Middle Eastern body of water where microorganisms cannot survive due to its salinity.

The Dead Sea

In this novel, Jonas is assigned the position of Receiver of Memories and the current Receiver begins referring to himself by this book's title. For 10 points each: [10] Name this dystopian novel that sees Jonas flee the community with the baby Gabriel.

The Giver

Silverstein also wrote this book about a boy who asks for apples and wood and is left to sit on the stump of his friend.

The Giving Tree

One short story in this book sees the villainous cobras Nag and Nagaina killed by the title mongoose defending a family of humans. That story is "RikkiTikkiTavi." One character in this book is adopted by Messua after being raised by Raksha the wolf. That character kills the lame tiger Shere Khan in this book. For 10 points, name this collection of stories that includes three stories about the "mancub" Mowgli, a work by Rudyard Kipling.

The Jungle Book

This book's narrator once drew a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. For 10 points each: Name this book that sees its title character leave his home asteroid and explore space objects, such as Earth, the most famous work of Antoine de Saint Exupéry. "The Little Prince" was written in this language of SaintExupéry's home country. Other authors who primarily wrote in this language include Alexandre Dumas and Albert Camus. This other French language novel, a work by Camus, sees the title character Mersault kill an Arab during a fit of heat stroke.

The Little Prince French The Stranger

The title character of this book gets into trouble with his father Lester Tilling. Gregory dies in this book because a rat chews his rope. That rat, named Roscuro, hatches a plan with the servant girl Mig to kidnap Princess Pea. For 10 points, name this Kate DiCamillo book about a mouse with big ears.

The Tale of Despereaux [dess-per- oh]

This 1974 horror film is often noted as the first slasher film, a subgenre known for its gore. [10] This film follows a group of friends that encounter the infamous murderer Leatherface, best known for the weapon he uses to kill Franklin. [10] This 1978 slasher film introduced the knifewielding killer Michael Myers and is named after the holiday on which the murders occur. [10] This actress became known as a "scream queen" for playing Laurie Strode in Halloween.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Halloween Jamie Lee Curtis

This statue may represent Dante sitting at the "Gates of Hell." This bronze statue was designed to be viewed from below and is of a nude man with his hand on his chin. For 10 points, name this famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin, which appears to be a man pondering a difficult question.

The Thinker

A character in this play describes himself as "constant as the North star" after being asked to repeal Cimber's banishment. A funeral speech in this play begins, (*) "friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears," and mocks the title statesman's killer, Brutus. For ten points, identify this Shakespeare tragedy about the death of a Roman emperor.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

In this novel, the title family visits Grandma Sands. For 10 points each: [10] Name this novel that sees Kenny and his siblings exposed to racism at its worst when their grandmother's church is bombed in the title city.

The Watsons go to Birmingham

This novel details the life of a certain family in Maycomb County, Alabama. For 10 points each: [10] Name this novel narrated by Scout Finch, a work of Harper Lee.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Following the failure of the Shimabara Rebellion during this period, Christians were forced underground. For 10 points each: [10] Name this last shogunate [showgunate] of Japan. Commodore Matthew Perry entered Japan while this shogunate was in power. [10] The Tokugawa shogunate was founded by man, who led it during the Siege of Osaka against the Toyotomi clan. He also led troops during the Battle of Sekigahara. [10] During the Tokugawa shogunate, this class of noble warriors ranked just under the daimyo in social and political power.

Tokugawa shogunate Tokugawa Ieyasu samurai

This other character is defended from bogus rape charges by Scout's father Atticus, but is still convicted because he is black. This character is killed attempting to flee prison.

Tom Robinson

Rabbis are seen as masters and teachers of this collection of five Biblical books, including what we know in English as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.


A group of people was subjected to this event due to the Treaty of New Echota. Present-day Oklahoma, then a territory, was the destination for many victims of this event, which got its name from the oppression of the Cherokee nation during it. (*) Andrew Jackson supported, for ten points, what nineteenth century event in which tribes of Native Americans were forcibly relocated west of the Mississippi River?

Trail of Tears

This country is currently engaged in military action against the PKK, an organization of Kurdish insurgents. This country led a late July 2015 attack on ISIL after one of its soldiers was killed near its Syrian border. In October 2015, over 100 people were killed in a bombing at a railway station in its capital city of Ankara. This country is led by president Recep Erdogan. For 10 points, name this country which contains Istanbul.


Let's play soccer geography: This nation in Europe does not field an international soccer team, instead, citizens of this nation compete for their "home countries" such as Wales or Northern Ireland. Like many other teams named "New England," the New England Revolution of the MLS play in this state. The team plays at Gillette Stadium in this state's city of Foxborough. The first FIFA World Cup in 1930 was held in this country as they were the reigning Olympic champions. All matches took place in its capital city, Montevideo.

UK Massachusetts Uruguay

Nigeria achieved independence in 1960 from this country. Other colonies of this country included the Falkland Islands and India.

United Kingdom

John Foster Dulles held this position under President Eisenhower. The holder of this position is usually fourth in line for the presidency, although some holders of this position such as Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright were ineligible to succeed to the presidency. This Cabinetlevel position serves as the primary diplomat of the US and coordinates foreign relations. For 10 points, name this Cabinetlevel position currently held by John Kerry.

United States Secretary of State

Two states are currently represented in Congress by independent senators. Angus King from Maine is one, and the other is Bernie Sanders, who represents this state as a US senator.


One holder of this office killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel while in office. That man was Aaron Burr. John Adams called this political office the "most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived" while he was in this office. Thomas Jefferson held this office when Adams was president, before Jefferson, too, became president. For 10 points, name this American political office currently held by Joe Biden.

Vice President​of the United States

Some of the land was part of Maryland, and the other donated land came from this state, where Arlington National Cemetery is located.


A poem by this man lists body parts like "upper-arm, armpit, elbow-socket," and he describes "drops of red / Where on the deck my Captain lies" in a poem for (*) Abraham Lincoln. "I Sing the Body Electric" is by this poet, who said "I celebrate myself and sing myself." For ten points, name this American poet whose collection Leaves of Grass includes "O Captain! My Captain!" and "Song of Myself."

Walt(er) Whitman

One of Silverstein's other poetry books was this book. The title poem in this book describes a place that "the children, they know."

Where the Sidewalk Ends

This collection of poems includes one where a character writes "I'm writing these lines from inside a lion, and it's rather dark in here." Name this collection of children's poems which includes the title poem about a place "before the street begins." Where the Sidewalk Ends is by this poet of "A Boy Named Sue." Silverstein also wrote and illustrated this children's picture book about a boy taking advantage of a tree who loves him.

Where the Sidewalk Ends Shel Silverstein The Giving Tree

This franchise began with a Shonen Jump manga series that initially placed much greater emphasis on dealing with evildoers than the game at the center of the franchise. One anime series of this franchise sees the central game played in Turbo Duels. The protagonist of that series is Yusei Fudo, whose ace monster is Stardust Dragon. For 10 points, name this franchise that includes a real world counterpart to Duel Monsters, Yugi Muto's favorite card game.


The main villain in the movie is this woman, who screams at her henchman to "Pull the lever, Kronk!" as they try to capture Kuzco.


Before one ceremony in this religion, its participants must bathe in sacred water in a room with a tray of rice. That ceremony is called Navjote. The main holy text of this religion contains a set of seventeen hymns called the Gathas. This religion's followers are known as Parsis, and its holy texts are the Avestas. For 10 points, name this dualistic Persian faith which focuses on the eternal conflict between Angra Mainyu and Ahura Mazda.


According to Bronsted and Lowry, these substances can be classified as monoprotic or polyprotic. The Lewis definition states these substances are electronpair acceptors, while the Arrhenius definition says they directly increase the concentration of H+ in solution. Aqua regia is a combination of nitric and hydrochloric types of these substances. For 10 points, name these substances with pH of less than 7, such as vinegar and lemon juice.


These seedbearing plants are distinguished from gymnosperms by the fact that they produce flowers.


This part of the human body contains the humerus bone and two smaller bones called the ulna and radius. Muscles on this part of the human body are the triceps and biceps. For 10 points, name this part of the human body that is attached to the shoulder and ends with the hands.


Name this May 2011 event, the goal of Operation Neptune Spear, in which members of the U.S. Special Forces found and killed the leader of al Qaeda.

assassination of Osama bin Laden

Objects in this region of space are classified into C, S, and M-types based on their spectra. When objects in this area are swept into the orbits of other planets, they leave empty spaces called Kirkwood gaps. Some of the objects in this region include Vesta, Pallas, and the dwarf planet, Ceres, and most of it can be found between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. Identify this ring of rocky objects.

asteroid belt

This phenomenon is nicknamed the "northern lights" or "southern lights," depending on where it is seen. Name this light display that occurs as a result of disturbances in Earth's magnetosphere. The disturbances are usually caused by these streams of charged particles released from the Sun's atmosphere. Solar winds are this fourth state of matter which consists of ionized gas.

aurora borealis solar winds plasma

This Greek prefix begins with the letter "a" and means "self."


This word describes a book written by someone about their own life.


A Gustave Courbet painting depicting and named for one of these events at Ornans shows Christ crucified in the background. Another work showing one of these events depicts Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptist looking down at the mourners in black as Saints Augustine and Stephen carry the title figure. For ten points, name this event, which is occurring for Count Orgaz in an El Greco painting.


Diamond and graphite are both allotropes of this element. For 10 points each: [10] Identify this nonmetal element with symbol C and atomic number 6.


This type of consumer lies at the top of most trophic level diagrams and food chains. Plant examples of these consumers include pitcher plants and venus fly traps. For 10 points, name these types of consumers that get most of their nutrients from eating other animals, contrasted with herbivores.


Chemical reactions happen at different speeds. For 10 points each, answer these questions about changing the speed of a chemical reaction. [10] This is the term for a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction temporarily by lowering the activation energy required. [10] This is the term for a biological catalyst; that is, one created by a living organism. [10] This substance decreases the rate of a chemical reaction temporarily by increasing the activation energy required.

catalysts enzymes inhibitors

This technique relies on differences in partition coefficients between compounds and it was initially used to separate plant pigments. Generally, this technique involves dissolving a substance in a fluid mobile phase and allowing it to travel through a material called the stationary phase. Varieties types of this process are named "gas," "paper," and "thinlayer." For 10 points, name this type of laboratory technique used to separate mixtures.


The Kreutz group of these objects are called sungrazers. Shortperiod examples of these come from the Kuiper [kyeper] belt, while longperiod ones are thought to originate in the Oort cloud. Due to the effects of solar radiation, these objects form a dusty atmosphere called a coma. Famous examples are HaleBopp and one named after Edmond Halley. For 10 points, name these small, icy bodies that often have tails.


In horseshoe crabs, this element makes the crabs' blood look blue. When exposed to air, this element will form a green patina called verdigris and because of its high conductivity, it is often used in electrical wires. On the periodic table, this element is located above silver and gold. When alloyed with zinc, it forms brass and when alloyed with tin, it forms bronze. For 10 points, name this element, which now only makes up 2.5% of a penny.


Wilbur's life is spared after he is shown at this event by Homer Zuckerman. At this event, Charlotte dies after laying her eggs.

country fair

One of these animals named Elsey tells Maureen that "in Cyberland we only drink Diet Coke" in the musical RENT. In an Irish myth, Cuchulainn is unable to prevent one of these animals from being stolen in a famous "raid of Cooley." In Into the Woods, one of these named Milky White is Jack's only friend. A "pox" of these animals was the source of the first vaccines. For 10 points, name this common bovine animal which chews its cud and produces milk.


An autotroph is an organism that can do this activity. An example is most plants who use photosynthesis.

create its own food

The tops of these clouds can sometimes reach near the top of the troposphere due to their extremely intense convection, which can create an anvil shape.

cumulonimbus clouds

Jared Diamond explained how this process, as part of a general exploitation of resources, doomed the Rapa Nui on Easter Island. The Sumatran oranguatan has become endangered due to this process, which is common in Indonesia as (*) palm oil consumption has increased. For ten points, name this ecologically-dangerous process in which a tree-heavy biome is cleared and converted to human use, a process that is currently endangering the Amazon.


In any rectangle, these lines drawn from one vertex to the opposite vertex are of equal length.


In The Three Musketeers, studs containing these objects belonging to Anne of Austria are given to the Duke of Buckingham and stolen by Milady de Winter. Mathilda Loisel goes into debt to replace paste replicas of these (*) gemstones, one of which is "As Big as the Ritz" in an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story. For ten points, name this precious stone set into jewelry in Guy de Maupassant's "The Necklace."


Counting the dozens of these entities is complicated by their uneven starts and ends and their occasional control over separate territories instead of a single unified state, but traditional chronicles like the Records of the Grand Historian agree that the Xia [she-ah] was the first, and the last one, the Qing [ching], was replaced by a republic in 1912. For ten points each, Name these ruling entities of a large Asian territory. After kings led the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Ying Zheng took the title of First Emperor - specifically, Shi Huangdi - when he founded this dynasty in 221 BC. After the Qin dynasty's collapse, the peasant Liu Bang rose to power and founded this successor dynasty. This dynasty's four centuries of power straddle the year 0 AD, and the majority ethnic group of China takes its name from this prosperous dynasty.

dynasties of china Qin dynasty Han dynasty

Harold Brown promoted this object to display the danger of technology developed by Westinghouse and Tesla. William Kemmler was the first victim of this apparatus, which is often nicknamed "Old (*) Sparky" but is now seldom used, having been replaced by a three-drug sequence. For ten points, name this object whose use in applying death sentences was phased out in the 20th century in favor of lethal injections?

electric chair

The gamma function extends this function to real and complex numbers. A combination of k elements chosen from n is equal to [read slowly] this function of n divided by this function of both k and n minus k. This function at zero is one, and the nth value of this function is defined as the product of all positive integers less than and equal to n. For 10 points, identify this function that is represented by an exclamation point.


Name this reproductive part of a plant that has petals.


Identify this force that comes in static, kinetic, and rolling types. This force makes it difficult to push an object across a carpeted floor.


In Amonton's Laws, the effect of this force is independent of surface area. This force's magnitude is equal to a namesake coefficient, symbolized mu, times the normal force. One type of this force prevents resting objects from (*) sliding and can be overcome with lubricants. For ten points, name this force that opposes motion between bodies in contact.


This narrow container has horizontal markings to precisely measure the volume of a liquid.

graduated cylinder

In the metric system, mass is measured with these units.


Name this force that is responsible for objects naturally falling toward the center of Earth.


Red is used alongside these two colors to create images on most television and computer screens. Both answers required.

green and blue

In Sikhism, cutting this is prohibited by the practice of Kesh. According to a theorem in astronomy, black holes have no this, and trichotillomania is a compulsion to pull out this. It is a distinguishing feature of mammals and is composed of a follicle and a shaft. A musical named this features the song "Age of Aquarius." Some styles of this include mullets and dreadlocks. For 10 points, name this protein filament that may be cut at a barbershop or salon.


The simplest carbon based molecules, such as ethane and octane, consist of carbon and this other element.


Simple machines are theoretical devices that allow work to be completed with less effort. [10] This type of simple machine allows one to exert their input force over an extended displacement. Typically, it appears as a flat, sloped surface. [10] This is the name for the fixed point around which a lever pivots or rotates. [10] The mechanical advantage of this simple machine can be calculated by counting the number of sections of rope holding the load.

inclined plane fulcrum pulley

This disease is commonly treated with medications such as oseltamivir and zanamivir. Its B type only infects humans, seals, and ferrets. One outbreak of this disease in 1918 was hastened by the movement of troops in World War II. The surface proteins hemagglutinin and neuraminidase are used to classify these viruses, which are often given names like H5N1 and H1N1. For 10 points, name this group of viruses that comes in "Spanish," "bird," and "swine" types.

influenza​[or flu​; accept Spanish flu​until "Spanish"]

Ultraviolet light has a shorter wavelength than visible light. Name the radiation with a slightly longer wavelength than visible light.

infrared radiation

The first examples of these devices used rubies, so their intensely focused beams of light were red.


Lakoff and Johnson wrote about these literary devices that We Live By, including comparing the state to a father. Examples of this literary device include Dickinson's (*) "hope is a thing with feathers" and Shakespeare's "all the world's a stage." For ten points, name this literary device that compares two things without using "like" or "as," unlike a simile.


Bunsen burners often utilize natural gas, which is primarily composed of this compound with chemical formula CH4


Charlotte managed to save Wilbur by having her messages mistaken for one of these unexplainable events.


Pippi lives with Mr. Nilsson, who is this kind of animal.


The biotech company Oxitec released a "self-limiting" strain of Aedes aegypti, a type of this insect, in Juazeiro in 2015; that strain of this insect possesses a gene that kills offspring before they reach adulthood. For ten points each, Name this insect, a common vector for dengue fever and West Nile virus. Mosquitoes are also blamed for spreading this viral disease, which broke out in Brazil in 2015. Zika has somewhat mild common symptoms, including rash, pain, and fever, but it can cause severe fetal complications, such as this birth defect, in which the brain does not develop normally.

mosquitoes Zika virus microcephaly

This theory was presented in "On the Origin of Species" and was developed independently by Alfred Russell Wallace. For 10 points each: Name this process in which organisms that are better adapted to their environment survive longer and produce more offspring, thus passing on their advantageous traits. "On the Origin of Species" was written by this English naturalist, who studied in the Galapagos while sailing with the HMS Beagle. Darwin hypothesized that these animals adapted the shape of their beaks in order to effectively consume different kinds of food.

natural selection Charles Darwin Darwin's finches

One of the most popular origami designs is this bird which is important in Japanese culture. Folding 1,000 of these birds is supposed to bring one luck or a wish.

paper crane

Friction can be calculated by multiplying the normal force with the coefficient of friction. The normal force is oriented this direction to the surface.


In Ancient China, Liu Hui calculated this number using a 96sided polygon. A circle contains twice this many radians, and this value is the period of the tangent function. This transcendental number can be quickly estimated as twentytwo over seven. A circle's circumference is equal to this number times its diameter, and its area is this number times radius squared. For 10 points, give this number that has a value of about 3.14.


The anterior lobe of this organ secretes the protein prolactin which controls lactation. The posterior lobe of this organ is made of axons that store and release hormones such as vasopressin and oxytocin. This gland is controlled by signals from the neighboring hypothalamus and releases growth hormone. For 10 points, name this gland situated at the base of the brain that is the "master gland" of the endocrine system.

pituitary gland

Adam Curry is credited with creating the first one of these in 2004, which he named "Daily Source Code." Ben Hammersley of The Guardian is credited with creating this term which describes this form of web media broadcast through web syndication. Popular titles in this format include This American Life, Freakonomics Radio, and Serial. For 10 points, give this term, a portmanteau of the words iPod and broadcast.


Stu Ungar is widely regarded as the best player ever of one variety of this game. It's not baseball, but this game's "World Series" airs on ESPN. The music video for Katy Perry's "Waking up in Vegas" features Perry defeating Daniel Negreanu at this card game after rivering a fourth ace. One Lady Gaga song is titled for a "Face" you might use while playing this game. For 10 points, name this family of gambling card games often played at casinos.


This substance is created in the anther and is stuck to the stamen. It can be blown by the wind or carried by insects to reach the pistil, where it will fertilize the plant it lands on. For 10 points, name this substance made of small grains which allow plants to reproduce and that some people are allergic to.


This other quadrilateral has sides that are all equal length. When all the angles are equal, this shape becomes a square.


In 2014, Berkeley, California became the first city U.S. city to implement one of these on sugary drinks. Give the term for an amount of money, typically a percent of a purchase, that consumers often have to pay in order to fund government projects. In the United States, income taxes are collected by this agency under the Department of Treasury. Most personal income tax returns are filed using this IRS form number, which also comes in an "EZ" version used by people with no dependents and no itemized deductions.

sales tax Internal Revenue Service IRS form 1040

Another important Jewish religious position is that of hazzan, or cantor, who leads the congregation in this activity.


Outmoded types of these religious actions are acedia and vainglory. Believers may compensate for these actions by acquiring a plenary or partial indulgence instead of serving temporal (*) punishment on Earth or in Heaven. Gluttony and wrath are two of the Seven Deadly types of these actions. For ten points, name these actions that go against the commands of God.


One of these kinds of events was led by Joseph Cinque. [10] Name this type of event that occurred aboard the ship La Amistad. Denmark Vesey also led a notable one of these events. [10] This man and his followers killed five slave supporters during the Pottawatomie Massacre. He later led slaves in a raid on Harper's Ferry. [10] This slave who frequently had visions led a rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia after witnessing a solar eclipse in 1831.

slave revolt John Brown Nat Turner

Name this animal which Arachne was transformed into after challenging Athena to a weaving contest.


These numbers are generated by summing consecutive triangular numbers or by summing the first n odd numbers. The difference of two of these numbers can be represented as a + b times a b. These numbers cannot be negative and can be written as an integer with an exponent of 2. For 10 points, name these numbers that can be found by multiplying an integer by itself.

square​numbers [or perfect square​s]

This is the "male" organ of the flower. It consists of a pollenproducing anther on top of a filament.


A HertzsprungRussell diagram plots properties of these objects, such as their magnitude and temperature. Two of these objects that revolve around a common center of mass are called binary. As the process of fusion slows down, these may become white dwarfs. After expanding and becoming red giants, these objects can explode in a supernova. For 10 points, name these astronomical bodies that shine brightly in the night sky.


Anansi was given knowledge of all of these things, after capturing a python, a leopard, and hornets for the Sky God.


The ozone layer, which helps shield Earth from UV radiation, is located in this layer of the atmosphere.


These armored vehicles were first built during World War I and had tracks so they could drive over rough ground.


For ten points each, answer the following about secretions in the human body. The lachrymal glands secrete this saline mixture to flush pollutants and pathogens from your eye. This viscous fluid is filled with glycoproteins and antiseptic molecules like lysozyme. When produced by the respiratory system, this fluid is called phlegm [flem]. Patients with this genetic disease produce a thick, sticky mucus, leading to chronic lung infections and a life expectancy of roughly 40 years.

tears mucus cystic fibrosis

These are the slabs of the Earth's lithosphere that move around the surface and slide past and underneath one another.

tectonic plates

Plasma is ejected from this celestial body in its namesake "wind." This body has namesake "spots" which are cooler than the surrounding regions. This body ejects namesake "flares," and its outermost layer is called the corona. For 10 points, name this star at the center of the Solar System.

the Sun

These two men developed the first steerable rudder to control yaw. They owned a bicycle repair shop in Dayton, Ohio, but are more famous for working on flying vehicles. For 10 points, name these famous brothers who made the first successful airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

the Wright Brothers

The strength of gravity between two objects is based on the mass of the objects and also this property.

the distance between the objects

One of Jesus' Beatitudes recounted in the Gospel of Matthew suggests that these people will "inherit the Earth."

the meek

Name these disasters which are rotating columns of dangerous winds.


This is the layer of the atmosphere in which weather takes place. In this layer closest to Earth, temperature decreases with altitude.


This integer is the square root of the largest perfect square in the Fibonacci sequence. A polyhedron with six vertices and eight faces will have this many edges. This value, represented in hexadecimal as "C," is the number of edges on a (*) cube and the number of faces on a dodecahedron. For ten points, name this smallest integer divisible by both 4 and 6, the number of items in a dozen.


This organ has a smooth region called the trigone, which is very sensitive to expansion. The detrusor muscle makes up this organ's walls, and it only contracts when this organ is being emptied. Although it is not the stomach, this organ also has folds called rugae that allow it to expand. It is connected to the kidneys by the ureters and is emptied through the urethra. For 10 points, name this organ that collects urine.

urinary bladder

Rocket scientists calculate the force needed for this quantity to rise high enough to escape a planet's gravitational pull. Objects in free fall accelerate until they reach the terminal type of this quantity. This quantity can change with either a change in direction or with (*) acceleration or deceleration, because it is a vector quantity, not a scalar. For ten points, name this physical quantity that describes speed in a direction.


This chemical's solid phase is less dense than its liquid phase and it is often called the universal solvent. Identify this substance which might also be called dihydrogen monoxide. Because of their structure, water molecules have this property, in which one end of the molecule has a slight positive charge and the other a slight negative charge. Water has a high value for this quantity, which is the cohesive force that holds liquids together. Water striders can walk on water because of this.

water polar surface tension

Tornadoes that occur over a lake or ocean are given this name.


Works in this medium include Kelly Turnbull's Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. Other Canadian artists working in this medium include Kate Beaton and Ryan North, who produce Hark a Vagrant and a work featuring Utahraptor and T-Rex that is updated at (*) qwantz.com [kwonts dot com]. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal is in, for ten points, what online medium used for xkcd [x-k-c-d] and The Oatmeal?


In this short story, the protagonist and her husband are invited by his boss, the Minister of Education, to a party, but she has nothing to wear. This causes her to buy a new dress and borrow the title object, which she loses. After working for ten years to buy a replacement, the main character of this story discovers that the title piece of jewelry was an imitation. For 10 points, name this short story, a work by Guy de Maupassant.

"The necklace"

One scene in this novel sees a group of animals compete in a caucus race with no clear winner. One hookahsmoking character in this novel tells the protagonist of the size changing abilities of a mushroom after asking her, "who are you?" The protagonist of this novel interacts with a cat that slowly vanishes, leaving behind only its grin. For 10 points, name this novel in which the title girl falls down a rabbit hole into a magical world, a work by Lewis Carroll.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland​[or Alice in Wonderland​]

This is the name of the previously mentioned trickster spider from West African tradition. He was defeated by a tarbaby after attacking it and getting his legs stuck.


Popular protest slogans during this time period often started with "Ashshab yurid," meaning "the people want." Name this series of political movements in North Africa and the Middle East that began in December 2010. Arab Spring began in this African nation that deposed President Zine alAbidine Ben Ali in a bloodless coup. The day before the start of the revolutions in Tunisia, Mohammed Bouazizi participated in this form of protest. Several Buddhist monks in Vietnam popularized this practice.

Arab Spring Tunisia self-immolation

For 10 points each, answer the following questions about the hit AMC series The Walking Dead. [10] Much of the first season of The Walking Dead is centered around this Southern capital city. [10] The first season of the show was nominated for one of these awards given out by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. [10] After spending the first five seasons in the state of Georgia, the main characters travel north and end up in this suburb of Washington D.C.

Atlanta, Georgia Golden Globe Alexandria, Virginia

A sculpture by this artist includes six figures walking solemnly while wearing nooses, The Burghers of Calais. This sculptor never completed his Gates of Hell, which includes a sculpture of Paolo and Francesca da Rimini (*) embracing and one of a man pensively resting his chin on his fist. For ten points, name this French sculptor of The Kiss and The Thinker.

Auguste Rodin

For ten points each, answer the following about Buck Showalter shooting himself in the foot. This team lost the 2016 AL Wild Card Game to Toronto while Zach Britton, whose 0.56 ERA was an all-time record low for a reliever, sat in the bullpen. Showalter, this team's manager, used six other relievers, ending with Ubaldo Jimenez, who gave up a game-ending home run. Pundits speculated, but Showalter denied, that Britton stayed in the bullpen because he wouldn't have earned this statistic. This statistic applies when a pitcher enters the game leading by 3 or fewer runs and completes the victory. Pundits speculated, but Showalter denied, that Britton stayed in the bullpen because he wouldn't have earned this statistic. This statistic applies when a pitcher enters the game leading by 3 or fewer runs and completes the victory.

Baltimore Orioles save New York Yankees

One leader of a branch of this religion is said to be the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion. That leader of a Tibetan branch of this religion is the Dalai Lama. One branch of this religion developed a Zen type popular in parts of Asia. The founder of this religion preached the Four Noble Truths and the Middle Way. For 10 points, name this religion that includes the Theravada and Mahayana schools, a religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama.


In 2005, this country's leader promised free heating oil for poor Americans; that support was provided through Citgo, the American arm of this country's national oil company. This country's current president is Nicolas Maduro, who succeeded a man who controlled (*) ́ South America's largest oil reserves. For ten points, name this country formerly led by Hugo Chavez and a corrupt government in Caracas. ́

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

This country's state of Mato Grosso contains the headwaters of the Paraguay River. Pico da Neblina is the highest mountain in this country and is located near the Equator. The martial art of capoeira originated here, as did the celebration of Carnaval in this country's city of Rio de Janeiro. This country contains most of the rainforest surrounding the Amazon River. For 10 points, name this large South American country where Portuguese is spoken.


2015 was a notable year for the LGBT community for many reasons. For 10 points each: [10] In April, a former Olympic decathlete and reality show star announced she was transgender and was changing her first name from Bruce to this other first name.

Caitlyn Jenner

One viral YouTube video features a child by this name biting his brother's finger. Another video is about an antisocial unicorn with this name.


Name this novel whose title spider leaves messages, such as the phrase "Some Pig," to save a more mature Wilbur from slaughter.

Charlotte's Web

This tribe, along with Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole, was among the "Five Civilized Tribes." One member of this tribe, Sequoyah, developed a syllabary to represent this tribe's language in writing. This tribe lost an 1831 Supreme Court case against Georgia. The Treaty of New Echota forced this tribe to go on the Trail of Tears. For 10 points, name this Native American tribe that is originally indigenous to the southeastern U.S.


This short-lived country was created after the battle at Fort Sumter. For 10 points each: [10] Name this country formed by southern states during the American Civil War.

Confederate States of America

At the 2016 Grammys, Lady Gaga performed a tribute to this British singer who had recently died. He collaborated with Queen on the hit song "Under Pressure."

David Bowie

This northern neighbor of Germany lies on the Jutland peninsula. It also controls Greenland.


This fantasy series follows the adventures of a flat world held up by four elephants that stand on the back of a giant turtle. Name this fantasy series, whose expansive mythos includes fairies, vampires, witches, and rock and roll. One of its main characters is the wizard Rincewind. Discworld was written by this man. He frequently collaborated with Neil Gaiman and passed away in 2015 due to Alzheimer's Disease. This frequent character in the series is seven feet tall and rides a horse named Binky. He once took over for the Hogfather, a version of Santa Claus.

Discworld Series Terry Pratchett Death

The "D.C." in the name of the city stands for this, the official name for the territory where the city of Washington is located.

District of Columbia

For 10 points each, answer the following questions about a candidate in the 2016 Republican primaries. [10] This candidate is famous for being the author of The Art of the Deal and star of NBC's The Apprentice. [10] In a rally supporting Trump, this Tea Party politician called her supporters "proud clingers," a phrase which briefly went viral after her speech. [10] This Fox News reporter found herself at odds with Trump during and after the first debate. Trump attributed his refusal to debate before the Iowa primary to her presence.

Donald Trump Sarah Palin Megyn Kelly

Tornadoes are rated on the Enhanced Fujita scale. This number on the scale is the most damaging tornado.


This character travels from Trondheim to Lusitania, where he meets the alien "piggies" who die and become trees. The original book featuring this character is set 3,000 years earlier on an Earth governed by Starways Congress. This protagonist of a book series was born due to the failure of his older siblings to be accepted into Battle School. For 10 points, name this character who commits xenocide on the "bugger" race in a novel by Orson Scott Card.

Ender​ Wiggin

This man illustrated three books asking different bears what they hear and see. He wrote and illustrated a book where an insect meets a blue whale that teaches it a lesson. For 10 points, name this man who wrote and illustrated the books The Grouchy Ladybug and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Eric Carle

This composer set several Venetian Boat Songs in his Songs Without Words. He founded the Lepizig Conservatoire. His visit to Fingal's Cave inspired his Hebrides Overture and he also composed the Italian and Scottish symphonies. He is most known for his incidental music to a play including Puck, Titania, and Oberon. For 10 points, name this German composer of a Wedding March and other incidental music to A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Felix Mendelssohn

One ruler of this country was executed after the Thermidorian Reaction against the Jacobin Club. That leader was the President of the Committee of Public Safety, Maximilien Robespierre. During World War II, this country was led by a puppet state of Nazi Germany until 1944 when Charles de Gaulle took power. Another ruler of this country sold Thomas Jefferson the Louisiana Territory. For 10 points, name this country once ruled by Napoleon Bonaparte.


In Peter and the Wolf, the wolf is represented by this brass instrument, often played with one hand gripping the bell.

French horn

This eastcoast state began producing peaches as early as the 1500s, earning it its nickname of "The Peach State." This state's motto "Eureka!" is a reference to the gold found here. That discovery also gave this state its nickname of "The Golden State." The Buffalo National River and the Boston Mountains helped give this state its nickname of "The Natural State."

Georgia California Arkansas

Name this country whose major cities include Hamburg and Munich.


In the movie, Kuzco is the emperor of this ancient South American empire, which really did exist but as far as we know, none of its rulers were turned into llamas.

Incan empire

During one independence movement in this country, Mangal Pandey attempted to commit suicide by pulling a gun trigger with his foot. During that rebellion in this country, it was revealed that Enfield cartridges were greased with beef fat, which led to the formation of the British Raj in this country. For 10 points, name this country in which soldiers called sepoys rebelled against a British company in cities such as Calcutta.


The line "Floodtide below me! I see you face to face!" opens this poetry collection's "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry." Another poem in this collection describes a "western fallen star," while another features a title character who has "fallen cold and dead." For 10 points, name this poetry collection that includes two poems about Abraham Lincoln, "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd" and "O Captain! My Captain!," a work by Walt Whitman.

Leaves of Grass

The setting of this story is just outside Independence, Kansas between the years of 18691870. For 10 points each: [10] Name this novel about the title building in Kansas, which is the third book in its series. This book inspired a popular television series with the same name during the 1970s and 1980s. [10] This first book in the series describes the author's life in a Wisconsin forest prior to moving to the prairie. [10] Both books were written by this author, the second daughter in a settler family that frequently moved around the Midwest.

Little House on the Prairie Little House in the Big Woods Laura Ingalls Wilder

Greg's older brother Rodrick is the drummer of this band which performs heavy metal music.

Loded Diper

This opera's title character answers Elsa's prayer by arriving in a swan-driven boat and swearing to protect her, so long as she never asks his name. For ten points each, Name this 1848 opera about the son of Parsifal who is sworn to secrecy as a knight of the Holy Grail. Lohengrin is an opera by this prolific German composer, who used Germanic myth as the plot of his epic Ring cycle. Act 3 of Lohengrin opens just after Lohengrin and Elsa take part in this ceremony. Wagner's famous chorus, asking "Faithfully guided, draw near/to where the blessing of love shall preserve you," is now often played at these ceremonies today.

Lohengrin Richard Wagner Wedding

The Giver won this author her second Newbery Medal.

Lois Lowry

This god cut Sif's hair while she was asleep, bringing dishonor to her and anger to her husband Thor. This god was the father of creatures like Jörmungandr and Fenrir. He is destined to kill and be killed by Heimdall. For 10 points, name this shape-shifting Norse trickster god.


Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy amongst Roman senators led by this man along with Cassius. In Latin, Caesar is quoted as saying "Et tu?" to this man.

Marcus Junius Brutus

This civilization's spiritual rituals were recorded in the Chilam Balam manuscripts and were based on a 260-day cycle that was extended by the Long Count system. A demon named Seven Macaw is defeated by Hunahpu [hoo-nah-poo] and Xbalanque [sh'bal-ahn-kay], the Hero Twins, as told by this culture's (*) Popul Vuh. For ten points, name this Mesoamerican culture whose calendar did not actually predict a 2012 apocalypse and which built the Temple of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza.

Mayan civilization

This ship's captain, Christopher Jones, and his crew stayed with this ship's passengers through a brutal winter in Cape Cod. This ship took on passengers from the Speedwell before crossing the Atlantic. For 10 points, name this ship that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth Colony in 1620.


In this book, Greta moves in with a family in Stillwater. Greta, her children, and Captain Cook become performers but are eventually released at the North Pole thanks to Admiral Drake. For 10 points, name this book about a man who takes care of some birds who prefer the cold.

Mr. Popper's Penguins

This is the one state which does not have a bicameral legislature; that is, this state's legislature is only made up of one house which is based in its capital of Lincoln.


This scientist engaged in a "War of Currents" against Thomas Edison. Name this Serbian-American scientist who advocated for an AC electric grid and created a namesake coil often used to create electric zaps. This inventor, currently the CEO of Tesla Motors, has proposed a hyperloop transporter and founded the private space exploration company SpaceX. Musk appeared in a 2010 Marvel film where he tells this character that he has an "idea for an electric jet."

Nikola Tesla Elon Musk Tony Stark

The end of the war was officially at 11:00 am on this day, which is now celebrated in the United States as Veterans Day.

November 11, 1918

In June, same sex marriage became legal in all 50 states after this landmark Supreme Court decision.

Obergefell v Hodges

LaVoy Finicum was recently killed in this state along U.S. Highway 395. Finicum had been occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in this state as a member of a militia with Ammon Bundy. The FBI's Portland division helped investigate their occupation. For 10 points, name this West Coast state.


Greek mythology explained the changing of seasons with the story of a goddess being kidnapped to the Underworld. In grief, her mother made the world barren and cold. Name this Greek goddess of springtime and vegetation, the daughter of Demeter. This man was the husband of Persephone who kidnaps her from the world. He is god of the Underworld and Zeus's brother. Hades feeds this fruit to Persephone, who eats several of its seeds that represent the months she must spend with him in the Underworld.

Persephone Hades Pomegranate

This book introduces "the glad game," and the main character uses it to make friends. That girl in this book received crutches and was glad she did not need them. For 10 points, name this novel about a cheerful young girl who becomes temporarily disabled due to a car accident.


This god was once forced to build the walls of Troy under King Laomedon's orders. He was once caught in a temple with Medusa, after which Athena turned Medusa and her sisters into the Gorgons. In a contest over the patronage of Athens, his saltwater spring lost to Athena's olive tree. This god tried to kill Odysseus by wrecking his raft and cursing him to sail for 10 years. For 10 points, name this Greek god of horses and the sea.


Pocahontas was a member of this Native American tribe, named after her father who was Chief at the time of her capture.


Because she didn't understand the words, this character called the national anthem "the dawnzer song." This character first appeared in the book Henry Huggins as the annoying sister of Beatrice, known as "Beezus." For 10 points, name this younger sister of Beezus created by Beverly Cleary.

Ramona Quimby

For ten points each, answer the following about artwork commissioned by Pope Julius II. Julius decorated the apartments of the Apostolic Palace with numerous frescoes, including The School of Athens and La Disputa, by this Italian artist. Julius hired Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of this chapel of the Apostolic Palace. Michelangelo's works on this room's ceiling include The Creation of Adam. Michelangelo was also commissioned to sculpt a depiction of this biblical figure for Julius' tomb. Due to an awkward translation in the Vulgate, this sculpture has horns.

Raphael Sanzio da Urbino Sistine Chapel Horned Moses

Answer the following bonus about the colorful history of discrimination in America. For 10 points each: After World War II, Joseph McCarthy was a leading proponent of the idea that America was being taken over by Communism, a belief often given this twoword name. This man sat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors alongside Harvey Milk, and was convicted of manslaughter for the deaths of Milk and Mayor George Moscone. This threeword phrase reflects support by some people who believe that police officers are being unfairly criticized, similar to a phrase used by African Americans since 2013.

Red Scare Dan White Blue lives Matter

Peter and the Wolf was written by this Russian composer. He also composed The Love for Three Oranges.

Sergei Prokofiev

In this novel, the main character is present for the firebombing of Dresden and meets the alien Tralfamadorians. Name this book that sees the optometrist Billy Pilgrim become "unstuck in time" This author of Slaughterhouse Five introduced the recurring character of Kilgore Trout in his novel God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. Slaughterhouse Five topped the Best Seller list of this newspaper, whose motto is "All the News That's Fit to Print."

Slaughterhouse-five Kurt Vonnegut The New York Times

This author was inspired by Alice in Wonderland to write the first book of her Underland Chronicles, Gregor the Overlander. The first book in this author's most popular series sees a girl nicknamed Foxface die after stealing and eating poisonous berries from the deuteragonist. The last book of that series by this author sees Katniss kill District 13's President Coin after rebels take the Capitol. For 10 points, name this author of the Hunger Games trilogy.

Suzanne Collins

Opposition forces in this country's civil war include a namesake "Free Army." The terrorist group known as ISIL or Da'esh controls much of the eastern part of this country. A passport from this country was found near one of the bombing sites after the November 2015 terror attacks in Paris, so many US governors refused to allow refugees from this country to enter their states. For 10 points, name this Middle Eastern country led by Bashar alAssad.


In this painting, a blue-clad servant woman steps in front of a grove of trees with gold-edged leaves to hold out a pink cloth to her mistress. Orange blossoms in this painting fall from the cloak of Zephyr as he blows the title (*) goddess toward shore. For ten points, name this painting by Botticelli in which a seashell delivers the Roman goddess of love.

The Birth of Venus

Name this movie about Kuzco, who is turned into a llama and goes on an adventure with Pacha.

The Emperor's New Groove

Which latitude lies exactly halfway between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?

The Equator

The protagonist of this novel gives his wife's pearls to a concubine named Lotus Flower. This novel's protagonist has a daughter who suffered from malnutrition and is now disabled whom they call "Poor Fool". The sons of the protagonist decide to sell their family's land, to their father's disapproval. For 10 points, name this book about the Chinese farmer Wang Lung and his wife OLan, written by Pearl Buck.

The Good Earth

Members of this rough literary gang saved children from a burning church. Name this rough literary gang whose members include Johnny and Ponyboy. The Greasers' rival gang is this gang of middle class students. Their name is short for "socials". The Greasers and Socs appear in this novel by SE Hinton.

The Greasers The Socs The Outsiders

In this story, Aeolus gives the protagonist a bag of winds to help him sail home, but the other men on the ship accidently let all of the winds escape. For 10 points each: [10] Name this ancient Greek epic poem that focuses on the namesake hero from Ithaca and his family. [10] This sorceress transformed all of Odysseus's men into pigs. Odysseus succeeded in resisting her magic because Hermes gave him a magical herb called moly. [10] This wife of Odysseus used various tricks, such as pretending to weave a burial shroud, to fend off suitors as she waited for her husband to return.

The Odyssey Circe Penelope

Identify some stories by Edgar Allan Poe in which mysterious organizations carry out sinister plots, for ten points each. In this short story, a mysterious branch of the Spanish Inquisition performs elaborate tortures on an unnamed narrator, strapping him under a swinging blade and trapping him between red-hot iron walls and a seemingly bottomless hole. Montresor jokes that he is a member of the Masons before walling up Fortunato in a cellar that does not actually contain the title wine in this short story. In this short story, William Legrand and his servant, Jupiter, discover a mysterious cipher that leads them through an elaborate path to a pirate treasure.

The Pit and The Pendulum The Cask of Amontillado The Gold Bug

In one story popularized by these authors, a princess meets a frog after losing her favorite golden ball. That frog transforms into a prince after being thrown against the wall. Another story recorded by these authors sees two children abandoned in the forest by their father and captured by a cannibalistic witch, whom the children kill by shutting her in an oven. For 10 points, name this German duo who compiled folk tales like the Frog Prince and Hansel and Gretel.

The brothers Grimm

As US President, this man authorized the voyage of the Great White Fleet and brokered the Treaty of Portsmouth, ending the Russo-Japanese War. (*) "Speak softly and carry a big stick" was a personal motto of this Bull Moose Party founder, who succeeded William McKinley. For ten points, name this president who is depicted on Mount Rushmore with Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln.

Theodore Teddy Roosevelt

People who documented the conditions of industrial America were sometimes known as "muckrakers." This man wrote about the immigrant Jurgis Rudkus in The Jungle, a book that sparked outrage and led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act. Jacob Riis [reese] documented the poor living conditions in the tenements and slums of this American city in his book How the Other Half Lives. Louis Brandeis wrote a book about curbing the power of big banks before his appointment to the Supreme Court in 1916 by this president who also founded the League of Nations.

Upton Sinclair New York City Woodrow Wilson

Name these key figures of the Age of Discovery: This Portuguese explorer was the first European to sail India, going past the Cape of Good Hope like Bartolomeu Dias. This other Portuguese explorer did not live to see his Spanish expedition become the first to successfully circumnavigate the globe, as he died in a battle in the Philippines. This French explorer claimed Canada for France and described the Saint Lawrence River.

Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Jacques Cartier

For 10 points each, identify these worldfamous waterfalls. 10] These waterfalls on the Zambezi river are often found on the lists of "Seven Natural Wonders of the World." [10] This series of waterfalls borders Canada and America and is famous for its "Cave of the Winds" tour and the Maid of the Mist. [10] This waterfall is the highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world. It is located in Venezuela.

Victoria Falls Niagara Falls Angel Falls

This painter was known for his impasto technique, in which paint is laid on so thickly that it creates visible texture. Identify this Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. He is famous for his many depictions of sunflowers and a self portrait. This famous Van Gogh painting shows a town with a wavy cypress tree in the foreground under a dark swirling sky. This other Post-Impressionist lived with Van Gogh for nine weeks at Arles. He is known for his paintings of village life in Tahiti.

Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night Paul Gauguin

This city was created in 1790 from land donated by two U.S. states.

Washington, D.C.

This war resulted in the creation of the League of Nations. For 10 points each: [10] Name this war which lasted from 1914 to 1918.

World War I

It's not in Arizona, but this national park has its own "Grand Canyon" on a river with namesake waterfalls. Megafauna such as bison and elk can be found in this park that is three times larger than the state of Rhode Island. This park lies in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, and is noted for its geothermal features and the super volcano reportedly that lies underneath it. For 10 points, name this National Park, founded in 1872, that contains "Old Faithful."

Yellowstone​ National Park

Name this popular video sharing website that is now owned by Google.


The Kermode or "spirit" type of these animals were made pure white by the creator to remind people of the Ice Age. In Korean mythology, one of this animal ate twenty cloves of garlic and mugwort while staying out of the sunlight for 100 days, after which she was transformed into a human. In Greek mythology, Callisto and her son Arcas were placed into the sky as these animals. For 10 points, name this animal represented in the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.


These objects can be formed when the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkovv limit is exceeded, which can cause a gravitational collapse withing the Schwarzchild radius. Spaghettification can result from these objects' extreme (*) gravitational pull, which prevent light from escaping from them. For ten points, name these extremely dark objects in space.

black holes

In the ballet position known as attitude, the dancer might be standing on the tips of his toes, known by this two word French phrase.

en pointe

Mass is the "m" in the equation "E equals m c squared." What does the "e" stand for this in this equation?


Crystals in this phase of matter are often used in modern electronic displays. In supercooling, the temperature of this phase of matter is lowered past the point it usually exists. Sublimation bypasses this phase, which cannot exist beyond the critical point. At room temperature, mercury exists in this condensed phase of matter, which does not compress easily and assumes the shape of its container. For 10 points, name this state of matter that is not solid or gas.

liquid​ phase

This quadrilateral is made up of two pairs of adjacent sides that are equal in length.


This quantity times acceleration equals force, according to Newton. For 10 points each: [10] Name this quantity which is the amount of matter in an object.


These values exist at a function's critical points when the function is concave down. The graph of y equals x squared has no global one of these points, but y equals negative x squared has one at the origin. A function has one of these points where it stops (*) increasing and begins decreasing. For ten points, name these points, the highest point a graph reaches, contrasted with a function's minimum.


Because carbon can form up to four covalent bonds, it makes the backbone of many important biological compounds. This is the name of the study of carboncontaining compounds.

organic chemistry

Name this Japanese art form in which pieces of paper are folded into intricate shapes without cutting.


Name these Jewish religious leaders who interpret Jewish law.


The production of this form of energy is governed by the Shockley-Queisser limit, and can be concentrated with parabolic dishes or generated by the (*) photoelectric effect in photovoltaic [photo-vohl-tay-ick] cells aligned in a large panel. For ten points, name this form of renewable energy that is harnessed from the light and heat radiated by the Sun.

solar energy

The paper used for origami is most often this shape when completely unfolded.


The guqin [goo-chin] is a Chinese member of this instrument family, which also includes the bouzouki and an instrument sometimes played with hammers, the dulcimer. Zithers and (*) sitars are also members of this family, which are played by plucking or strumming. For ten points, name this family of instruments that includes guitars and violins.

string instruments

At a convergent plate boundary, one plate may slide underneath another in this process which has a namesake "zone".


When a falling object's drag force is equal to gravity, it is said to be falling at this rate at which there is no acceleration.

terminal velocity

The Parthenon is found on this hill in Athens. In Greek, this hill's name means "highest city."

the Acropolis

One such subduction zone is located at the eastern boundary of the Nazca Plate, whose subduction is responsible for this mountain range containing Chimborazo.

the Andes mountain range

In the 1980s, bin Laden funded a group of Muslim guerilla fighters called mujahideen in Afghanistan who were fighting against this country's takeover of the Afghan government.

the Soviet Union

One hypothesis regarding the formation of this object involves a large object called Theia colliding with Earth. The darker basaltic plains on this body are called maria and given names such as the Sea of Tranquility. This celestial body's gravitational interaction is responsible for Earth's tides, and a solar eclipse occurs when this object passes between the Sun and the Earth. For 10 points, name this celestial body, the only natural satellite of Earth.

the moon

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