The New Window command launches a new window that contains the current document.
When measuring point size, one point is equal to a character height of:
1/72 of an inch.
Which of the following wildcards is used to find a single character?
Which of the following wildcards is used to find a single character?
All of the above
Which command would you use to save a document for the first time?
Either a or b
Paper size refers to landscape or portrait orientation.
When you start Word 2016, a new blank document appears.
The first screen you see when you open Word 2016 is called the:
Recent screen
Format Painter is found on the Mini toolbar.
Which of the following settings enables you to move all or part of a paragraph outside the document margins?
Negative indent
Which of the following is the first line of a paragraph that is left alone at the bottom of a page called?
A Continuous section break starts the new section on the next page
Applying a style always changes the formatting of the entire paragraph where the insertion point is located.
Read Mode view displays the document as it will look when printed
The Clear Formatting button clears text from one location and lets you apply it in another location.
The Clear Formatting command clears only the fonts applied to the selected text.
You can use the ruler to set tabs