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The letter A indicates: a. Spinous process b. Vertebral foramen c. Lamina d. Vertebral body


What is a cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? a) compression of median nerve b) compression of ulnar nerve c) compression of palmar nerve d) compression of radial nerve


The pelvis girdle is made up of which of the following bones? a. ischium, pubis, acetabulum b. ilium, ischium, pubis c. pubis, femoral head, acetabulum d. ilium, ischium, femoral head


The proximal portion of the muscle is considered the insertion and the origin is the distal end: a. True b. False


The sonographic image below most likely represents: a. Follicular carcinoma b. Nontoxic goiter c. Grave's disease d. Normal image


What is the functional unit of the breast? a. fibroglandular tissue b. terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU) c. parenchyma d. lobes


What is a function of the prostate gland? a) spermatogenesis b) store sperm c) produce ejaculatory fluid/semen d) matures sperm


Which condition is best described when there is a hypoechoic lesion that may range from tiny to 10cm in size and represents 75% to 90% of thyroid carcinomas? a. Follicular carcinoma b. Lymphoma c. Papillary carcinoma d. Medullary carcinoma


Which form of thyroid cancer is derived from the C cells (follicular cells) and serum calcitonin can be used as a marker? a. Papillary b. Anaplastic c. Medullary d. Follicular


Which is not considered a true cancer of the breast? a) DCIS b) IDC c) LCIS d) ILC


The thyroid is an endocrine gland that regulates metabolic function through the production of all the following hormones EXCEPT: a. Thyrocalcitonin b. Thyroxine c. Triidothyronine d. Thyroliberin


Tingling of a nerve with percussion describes: a. Phalen's sign b. Paretenon sign c. Thompson's sign d. Tinel's sign


What bacterial infection is considered a medical emergency requiring rapid treatment to avoid long-term problems? a. osteoid osteoma b. osteochondrosis c. muscular dystrophy d. septic arthritis


During transverse imaging of the thyroid, you detect a hypoechoic, round structure posterior and medial to the thyroid. How can you determine if this is the esophagus or a nodule? a. Have the patient swallow while scanning the area b. Image the patient in both inspiration and expiration c. All the answers are correct d. Scan the patient in the upright position


A solitary thyroid nodule in the presence of ipsilateral lymphadenopathy suggests which of the following? a. Malignancy b. Adenoma c. Grave's disease d. Hashimoto's disease


All of the following are anatomical layers of the breast EXCEPT: a. all of the answers are correct b. subcutaneous c. mammary d. retromammary e. skin


All of the following are contraindications for performing a Transrectal sonogram EXCEPT: a. Dysuria b. Obstructive lesions c. Acute prostatitis d. Fissures


All of the following are sonographic characteristics of a benign mass EXCEPT: a. a benign mass is typically taller than wide b. a benign mass is typically well circumscribed c. a benign mass displaces rather than invades surrounding tissue d. a benign mass typically has an oval shape


An incomplete displacement of the femoral head from the acetabulum describes: a. subluxation b. acetabular labrum c. acetabular dysplasia d. dislocation


An increased incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is associated with all of the following EXCEPT: a. premature baby b. left hip c. female d. breech presentation


Deformity where the tunica vaginalis joins high on the spermatic cord: a) bell clapper b) rete testis c) mediastinum testis d) epididymal cyst


How is testicular torsion diagnosed on sonography? a) no doppler flow on affected side b) no doppler flow on the un-affected side c) increased doppler flow on affected side d) increased doppler flow on un-affected side


In men, breast cancer is most likely to develop: a) behind the nipple b) upper outer quadrant c) in the axilla d) upper inner quadrant


In the image below the arrow is pointing to: a. Biceps tendon b. Coracoid process c. Supraspinatous tendon d. Subscapularis tendon


Muscles appear more hypoechoic compared to tendons on sonography. a. True b. False


Which of the following findings is associated with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? a) fatigue b) thinning and brittle hair c) weight gain d) hypothyroidism

all of the above

Which of the following is an indication for a scrotal sonographic examination? a) palpable mass b) infertility c) swelling d) pain

all of the above

Which of the following is associated with orchitis? a) inflammation of the testis b) chlamydia c) bacterial d) viral

all of the above

A patient with a simple cyst of mammo and sonography would be given which classification? a) BI-RADS 1 b) BI-RADS 2 c) BI-RADS 3 d) BI-RADS 4


A posterior fossa cyst that is continuous with the fourth ventricle best describes: a) chiari malformation b) dandy-walker malformation c) hydrancephaly d) holoprosencephaly


A sudden onset of severe scrotal pain in adolescent patient is most suspicious for: a) varicocele b) testicular torsion c) orchitis d) epididymitis


After approximately what age does sonography evaluation of the infant's hip become less reliable than radiography? a. 5 months b. 6 months c. 4 months d. 3 months


Another name for thyrotoxicosis is: a. Hypothyroidism b. Hyperthyroidism c. Goiter d. Adenoma


Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is strongly considered when a nodule: a. Is solid or almost entirely solid b. All of the answers are correct c. Has microcalcifications >1 cm d. Has coarse calcifications


Incomplete separation of the neural tube from the ectoderm may result in all of the following EXCEPT: a. cord tethering b. sacral dimple c. dermal sinus d. diastematomyelia


Microlithiasis is associated with all of the following EXCEPT: a) kleinfelter's syndrome b) orchitis c) cryptochidism d) malignancy


Milk is produced in the _______ glands of the breast lobule. a) TDLU b) acinus c) lobules d) lobe


Name the structure anterior to the trachea and connects the right and left lobes: a. Strap muscles b. Isthmus c. Right lobe d. Left thyroid


One of the strongest ligaments in the body is the _____; it is very important for standing and maintaining correct upright balance. a. inguinal ligament b. ileofemoral ligament c. teres ligament d. psoas ligament


Phalen's sign is an indication for sonography of which joint? a. Ankle b. Wrist c. Hip d. Elbow e. Shoulder


Term for absence of the nipple is: a. polythelia b. athelia c. amastia d. aplasia


The _______ joins the seminal vesicles to form the ejaculatory duct. a) seminal deferens b) vas deferens c) urethra d) pampiniform plexus


The arrow in the image below indicates___________________: a. Epididymis b. Mediastinum testis c. Rete testis d. Median raphe


The breast parenchyma is composed of approximately: a. 5-15 lobes b. 15-20 lobes c. 20-30 lobes d. 1-10 lobes


The double fold of dura that divides the cerebral hemispheres: a) cerebellum b) falx cerebri c) corpus callosum d) cavum septum pellucidum


The finding in this image most likely represents: a. Malignant mass b. Simple cyst c. Complex cyst d. Fibroadenoma


The following sonogram most likely demonstrates a: a. Bone fracture b. Hematoma c. Nerve tear d. Normal image


The letter A represents: a. subcutaneous fat b. skin c. retromammary layer d. cooper's ligament e. mammary layer


The letter C represents: a. skin b. mammary layer c. ribs d. subcutaneous fat e. retromammary layer


The majority of blood supplied to the prostate gland is through the: a. Urethral artery b. Prostatico-vesical arteries c. Inferior vesicle arteries d. Capsular artery


The massing together of seminiferous tubules at the testicular hilum: a) mediastinum testis b) rete testis c) median raphe


The most severe form of spina bifida is: a) occulta b) aperta c) terminalis d) myelocele


The most severe form of spina bifida is: a. occult b. myeloschisis c. meningocele d. myelomeningocele


The number 1 is: a. Common carotid b. Thyroid gland c. Trachea d. Longus coli e. Sternocleidomastoid


The number 2 is: a, Thyroid gland b. Common carotid c. Sternocleidomastoid muscle d. Longus coli e. Trachea


The spinal cord and its coverings run through a space called the _____. a. Vertebral arch b. Vertebral foramen c. Intervertebral foramen d. Synovial joint


What are the different views when imaging the hips for dysplasia? a) transverse/sagittal b) coronal/transverse c) coronal/sagittal d) none of the above


What condition manifests with weight loss, nervousness, an increased heart rate, and exophthalmos if the condition is severe? a. Hyperglycemia b. Hyperthyroidism c. Hypokalemia d. Hypothyroidism


What is the functional unit of the breast? a) extralobular terminal duct b) terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU) c) acinus d) intralobular terminal duct (ITD)


Which of the following describes the correct patient positioning for sonographic evaluation of the thyroid? a. The patient is prone with the neck hyperextended b. The patient is supine with the neck hyperextended by a pad underneath the shoulders c. The patient is best examined in an upright position d. The patient is supine in a reversed Trendelenburg position


Which of the following is not a part of the prostate gland? a) peripheral zone b) end zone c) central zone d) transitional zone


Which of the following is the appropriate transducer selection for breast sonography? a. 7.5 MHz linear array b. 12 MHz linear array c. 15 MHz curvilinear d. 7.5 MHz phased array


Which region of the prostate gland comprises only 5% of the glandular tissue? a. Central zone b. Transitional zone c. Periurethral glands d. Peripheral zone


Which term describes the orange peel appearance of the breast in inflammatory carcinoma? a) abscess b) peau de-orange c) Paget's disease d) none of the above


You suspect a varicocele. What is the normal measurement of the veins in pampiniform plexus? a) less than 1 cm b) less than 2 mm c) less than 5 mm d) less than 1 mm


What is the normal sonographic appearance of breast impants? a) noncompressible b) radial folds c) sonolucent interior with reverberation d) smooth, thin linear membrane

b, c, and d

In Hashimoto's Thyroiditis the thyroid produces: a) too much T3 and T4 b) too much iodine c) too much calcium d) too little T3 and T4


In a patient with breast cancer, what is the procedure used to identify metastatic lymph nodes? a) fine needle aspiration b) stereotactic breast biopsy c) ultrasound breast biopsy d) sentinel node procedure


In nuclear medicine imaging, which of the following is TRUE when referring to a Cold Nodule: a. Hyper-functioning nodule b. Most often benign c. Absorbs a large amount of radionuclide d. Hypo-functioning nodule


Increased vascularity with color Doppler termed "thyroid inferno", is observed in: a. Hashimoto's disease b. Papillary carcinoma c. De Quervain thyroiditis d. Grave's disease


Painful breast(s) one week before the onset of menstruation is a common symptom in: a) mastitis b) inflammatory carcinoma c) gynecomastia d) fibrocystic disease


Referring to the image below, the solid arrow is pointing to which of the following conditions? a. Spermatocele b. Testicular cysts c. Varicoceles d. Dilatation of the rete testis


Sebaceous glands found at the areola that secrete fatty substance: a. nipple b. TDLU c. cooper d. montgomery


Tendons are most often connectors between which two structures? a. Bone to bone b. Ligaments to bone c. Muscle to muscle d. Muscle to bone


The "Seagull" sign is an indication of what structure on a sonogram? a. Bone b. Bursa c. Tendon d. Joint e. Ligament


The appearance of two spinal cord tails is seen with: a) syringomyelia b) hydromyelia c) bronchomyelia d) diastematomyelia


The approximate dimensions of the thyroid glands are: a. 3cm length x 5cm width x 2cm AP diameter b. 6cm length x 3cm width x 5cm AP diameter c. 4cm length x 5cm width x 2cm AP diameter d. 5cm length x 2cmwidth x 2cm AP diameter


The following sonogram demonstrates a longitudinal image of the: a.Tendon b.Bone c. FalseLigament d. Muscle


The form of thyroid cancer that has two types, minimally invasive and widely invasive, and lacks papillary projections: a. Anaplastic b. Papillary c. Medullary d. Follicular


The hip is considered normal if the alpha angle is greater than or equal to _____. a. 55 degrees b. 45 degrees c. 40 degrees d. 60 degrees


The letter B indicates: a. Spinous process b. Lamina c. Vertebral body d. Vertebral foramen


The letter D is: a. Thyroid cartilage b. Trachea c. Suoerior thyroid artery d. Inferior thyroid artery e. Hyoid bone


The letter E is: a. Inferior thyroid artery b. Hyoid bone c. Trachea d. Superior thyroid artery e. Thyroid cartilage


The letter E represents: a. skin b. cooper's ligament c. subcutaneous fat d. retromammary layer e. mammary layer


The number 2 represents: a. ribs b. nipple c. lymph nodes d. breast lobule e. pectoralis major


The number 5 represents: a. labrum b. femoral head c. triradiate cartilage d. acetabulum


The scrotum is divided into two separate compartments by the: a. Mediastinum testis b. Tunica vaginalis c. Spermatic cord d. Median raphe


The spinal column consists of how many vertebrae. a. 12 b. 7 c. 31 d. 33


The term _______ describes undescended testicles. a) hypospadias b) orchitis c) anorchism d) cryptoschidism


What does the anterior pituitary gland release to restore the basal metabolic rate (BMR) when total thyroxine (T4) falls below normal? a. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) b. Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) c. Thyrocalcitonin (TCH) d. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)


What is demonstrated in this sonogram of the hip? a. hip effusion b. subluxed hip c. normal hip d. dislocated hip


How many pairs of parathyroid glands do most people have? a) two b) four c) six d) none


In a child with hip pain, fever, and refusal to bear weight, sonography can be used to evaluate? a) hip effusion b) for hip dysplasia


A 38-year-old woman presented for a breast sonogram with a firm palpable, mobile nodule with an elastic or rubber consistency. On the sonogram, the following structure was detected. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Fibroadenoma b. Phyllodes tumor c. Abscess d. Lipoma


A benign tumor composed of the lining of cells of a lactiferous duct, underlying stroma, and blood vessels and is the most common cause of bloody nipple discharge describes: a. Breast papilloma b. Galactocele c. Mondor's disease d. Hamartoma


A collection of serous fluid located between the layers of the tunica vaginalis: a. Hydrocele b. Cyst c. Ascites d. Spermatocele


A fibrous sheath enclosing the testis describes which of the following structures: a. Tunica Albuginea b. Vas deferens c. Rete testis d. Epididymis


A finger-like extension of a malignant tumor _____. a. Spiculation b. Shadowing c. Lobulation d. Sentinel node


A finger-like extension originating from the superior portion of the isthmus is called: a. Pyramidal lobe b. Thyroglossal duct c. Strap muscles d. Sternocleidomastoid muscle


A patient presents for breast sonography after breast cancer surgery. The following finding was demonstrated on the exam. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Seroma b. Fat necrosis c. Mastitis d. Simple cyst


Breast cancer can metastasize to: a) liver b) bone c) lung d) breast

all of the above

Which muscle is located anterior to the thyroid gland? a) sternothyroid b) sternohyoid c) omohyoid d) thyrohyoid

all of the above

A line that extends from the axilla to the inguinal ligament a. mammary tissue b. mammary ridge c. breast line d. polythelia


A patient presents for a breast sonogram with tenderness, and pain with a cord-like structure on the breast. On mammography, a beaded structure was demonstrated, and a tubular structure was demonstrated. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Breast carcinoma b. Mondor's disease c. Lymph node d. Ductal dilatation


A patient presents for a breast ultrasound to evaluate breast implants for possible rupture. The image below most likely represents: a. Keyhole sign b. Snowstorm sign c. Linguini sign d. Parallel sign


What is the likely benign disease for a 25-year-old woman who is breastfeeding and the sonographic findings include mottled mass with dense breast tissue, a red tender breast, some posterior enhancement, and there are low-level internal echoes? a. Cystosarcoma phyllodes b. Abscess c. Lipoma d. Chronic mastitis


What is the most common breast carcinoma? a. Invasive lobular b. Invasive ductal c. Colloid d. Medullary


What ligaments serve as thin connective tissue bands that connect the breast tissue to the skin? a. lactiferous b. cooper c. freitz d. mammary


When drawing the lines on an infant hip joint, what is the location of the first line? a. extends from the ilium along the labrum b. aligned with the ilium and extends through the femoral head c. extends from the femoral neck through the lesser trochanter d. extends from the bony edge of the acetabular at the triradiate cartilage to the lowest point of the ilum


A bundle of nerve roots at the end of the spinal column; includes lumbar and sacral nerve roots: a. Filum terminale b. Conus medullaris c. Cauda equina d. Thecal sac


A longitudinal division of the spinal cord into two Hemi cords is called: a. Spina bifida b. Hydromelia c. Diastematomyelia d. Tethered cord


All of the following are associated with a bursa EXCEPT: a. Contains viscous fluid b. Found in high friction points c. Thin superficial structures d. Sac-like structures


Benign prostatic hypertrophy develops in which region of the prostate? a. Peripheral zone b. Periurethral zone c. Transitional zone d. Central Zone


Cancer of the prostate is most often found in the: a) transitional zone b) central zone c) peripheral zone d) posterior lobe


A ___________________occurs as diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland not resulting from neoplasm or inflammation. a. Thyroid cyst b. Toxic goiter c. Thyrotoxicosis d. Nontoxic goiter


A noninvasive technique that depicts the relative stiffness of tissues and masses is: a. Tomosynthesis b. MRI c. Mammography d. Elastography


All of the following are associated with a Meningocele EXCEPT: a. Filled with cerebrospinal fluid b. Usually associated with spina bifida c. Protrusion of the meninges d. Contains spinal cords and nerves


All of the following are associated with a thyroglossal duct cyst EXCEPT: a) benign congenital cyst b) located midline c) superior to the thyroid gland d) posterior to the thyroid gland


Coexistent cancers within different quadrants or separated by 5 cm within the breast a. Invasive lobular b. Multifocal breast cancer c. Sentinel node d. Multicentric breast cancer


Defects in the spinal cord occur in the first _____ of gestation as the fetal nervous system develops. a. 6 weeks b. 10 weeks c. None of the answers are correct d. 8.5 weeks


Failure of the neural tube to fold and fuse in the midline may result in _____. a. Hydromelia b. Tethered cord c. Diastematomyelia d. Myelomeningocele


How many parathyroid glands are involved in parathyroid hyperplasia? a) one b) two c) three d) four


A patient has been referred for sonographic evaluation of the rotator cuff. What part of the body should you image? a. Elbow b. Ankle c. Wrist d. Hip e. Shoulder


All of the following are indications for examining the prostate gland EXCEPT: a. Frequent urination b. Abnormal PSA c. Hematpspermia d. Infertility e. Undescended testicles


All of the following are true regarding sonography of the musculoskeletal system EXCEPT: a. Portable b. Well tolerated c. Cost effective d. Non-radiating e. Gold standard


All of the following indications for ultrasound of the shoulder are true EXCEPT: a. Weakness with arm elevation b. Decreased range of motion c. Trauma d. Shoulder pain e. All of the answers are correct


The number 4 is: a. Common carotid b. Longus coli muscle c. Thyroid gland d. Trachea e. Sternocleidomastoid muscle


The number 7 represents: a. breast lobule b. nipple c. ribs d. lymph nodes e. subcutaneous fat


The presence of additional malignant lesions within a breast quadrant or within 5 cm of the primary tumor:

multifocal breast cancer

The first node in the drainage basin at most risk:

sentinel node

A small oval structure seen beneath the epididymal head: a) appendix testis b) hernia c) vas deferens d) seminal vesicle


The branch that supplies blood to the inferior thyroid gland originates as the _________________ and is a branch of the ______________________. a. Thyrocervical artery/subclavian b. Brachiocephalic/subclavian c. Ima artery/ brachiocephalic d. Inferior thyroid artery, external carotid


The classic sonographic appearance of significant intra capsular rupture of implant demonstrates the step ladder sign that corresponds to the ____________ _____________ on MRI. a. Linguini sign b. Keyhole sign c. Inverted tear drop d. Parallel line


The color blue represents what structure? a. triradiate cartilage b. ischium c. ilium d. pubis


The image below most likely demonstrates what pathological finding? a. tethered cord b. hydromyelia c. normal cord d. spina bifida


The long (right) arrow demonstrates what variant ? a. Filar cyst b. Conus medularis c. Vertebral body d. Central echo complex


The main blood supply for the breast is the _____ artery: a. internal mammary b.innominate c. retromammary d. external mammary


The patient is supine with the knees flexed and the knee of the affected side is lower in position than the other. This describes: a. Galeazzi sign b. hip efficiency c. Ortolani maneuver d. Barlow maneuver


The spinal cord is surrounded by three meninges which includes all of the following EXCEPT: a. subdural meter b. pia mater c. arachnoid d. dura mater


The strand of the pia mater which secures the lower end of the spinal cord is the: a) filum terminale b) cauda equina c) dural sac d) conus medullaris


Three-fourths of hypothyroidism cases are due to_______________________: a. Hashimoto's thyroiditis b. Acute thyroiditis c. Toxic adenoma d. Grave's disease


What anatomy is not included in the spermatic cord? a. Epididymis b. Testicular artery and vein c. Ejaculatory duct d. Ductus deferens


What are the clinical indications associated with a tethered cord? a. All of the answers are correct b. Hairy tuft c. Dimples d. Subcutaneous lipoma


What is seen as thin, hypoechoic bands immediately anterior to each thyroid lobe? a. Sternothyroid b. Longus coli c. Esophagus d. Sternocleidomastoid


What is the most common male breast abnormality? a. Gynecomastia b. Fibroadenoma c. Mastitis d. Polymastia


What is the sonographic appearance of a normal peripheral nerve in the transverse plane? a. Honeycomb appearance b. Anechoic c. Isoechoic d. Railroad track appearance


What lab value can be used to determine an inflammatory process in the scrotum? a) WBC b) hematocrit c) PSA d) BUN


When annotating a breast sonogram what does the "A, B, C" indicate on the image? a. relative distance from skin to chest wall b. relative distance from the axilla c. quadrant of the breast d. relative distance from the nipple


Where does fluid collect in the scrotum? a) between the parietal and visceral layers of the vaginalis b) between fascia layers c) between the tunica albuginea and tunica vaginalis d) between the layers of the tunica vaginalis


Where is the choroid plexus located? a) in all the ventricles b) all of the above c) in the corpus callosum d) in the cerebellum


Which maneuver uses gentle adduction and push against the infant's knee? a. Barlow b. push/pull c. graf d. Ortolani


Which of the following hormones are not produced by the thyroid? a) iodine b) thyroxine c) T3 d) T4


Which of the following is a double-walled tubular structure surrounding some tendons? a. Synovial sheath b. Nerve c. Ligaments d. Bursa


Which of the following statements is/are associated with a thyroid adenoma? a. All of the answers are correct b. Anechoic to completely hyperechoic c. Spoke wheel appearance on color Doppler d. Demonstrates peripheral halo e. Variable size


Which one of the following arteries give rise to the testicular arteries? a. Anterior aspect of the abdominal aorta b. Lateral aspect of the abdominal aorta c. Internal iliac arteries d. Common iliac arteries


Which thyroid hormone is more abundant? a. T4 b. Calcitonin c. Iodine d. T3


Which transducer will provide the most optimal imaging ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system? a. 10 MHz linear array b. 5.0 MHz curved linear array c. 7.5 MHz linear array d. 5.0 MHz linear array


Which of the following is NOT a sonographic characteristic of a benign breast mass? a) invades surround tissue b) taller than wide c) well circumscribed d) oval shape

a and b

Which of the following is/are noninvasive cancer? a) LCIS b) DCIS c) medullary d) mucinous

a and b

Which of the following are the meninges that cover the brain? a) dura b) atrium c) pia d) arachnoid

a, c, d

Dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord: a. Diastematomyelia b. Filar cyst c. Hydromyelia d. Dermal sinus


Elevated PSA is found in patients with what condition? a) prostate cysts b) acute prostatitis c) prostate cancer d) abscess of prostate


Letter C indicates: a. Central echo complex b. Filar cyst c. Conus medullaris d. Cauda equina


Milk production is stimulated by: a. testosterone and estrogen b. estrogen and progesterone c. prolactin and oxytocin d. prolactin and testosterone


The _____ accounts for one fourth of the length of the vertebral column. a. Vertebral notch b. Vertebral bodies c. Intervertebral disks d. Vertebral lamina


The artifact that gives the sonographer incorrect information on the tendon's integrity due to the sound beam not being perpendicular to the central axis is called? a. Apodization b. Attenuation c. Anistropy d. Refraction


The black arrowheads are pointing to the: a. Periglandular b. Central zone c. Peripheral zone d. Transitional zone


The conus medullaris in a neonate terminates at what level of the lumbar spine? a. L4 b. L1 c. L2 d. L3


The finding in this image most likely represents: a. Galactocele b. Fibrocystic disease c. Sebaceous cyst d. Ductal dilation


The images below indicate the: a. Epididymis b. Testicle c. Prostate d. Seminal vesicles


The mechanism for producing thyroid hormones is ____________________ _____________________________. a. Calcitonin b. Homeostasis c. Iodine metabolism d. T3 and T4


The most common cause of thyroid disorders is which of the following? a. Iron deficiency b. Hypothyroidism c. Iodine deficiency d. Autoimmune process


The normal monoclonal level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) should not exceed: a. 2ng/ml b. 8 ng/ml c. 4ng/ml d. 6 ng/ml


The number 11 represents: a. nipple b. breast lobule c. lymph nodes d. pectoralis major e. ribs


The number 2 represents: a. labrum b. acetabulum c. femoral head d. triradiate cartilage


The number 6 is: a. Common carotid b. Sternocleidomastoid muscle c. Longus coli muscle d. Trachea e. Thyroid gland


The number 6 is: a. Common carotid artery b. Sternocleidomastoid muscle c. Esophagus d. Longus coli muscle


The region of the prostate where benign prostatic hypertrophy occurs: a) periurethral zone b) peripheral zone c) transitional zone d) central zone


The structure located posterolateral to the testicle: a) spermatic cord b) rete testis c) epididymis d) mediastinum testis


The term for a loose areolar connective tissue that fills the fascial compartment of the tendon lacking a synovial sheath is: a. Phalen b. Tinel c. Paratenon d. Enthesis


The term used to refer to a normal functioning thyroid gland is: a. Calcitonin b. Thyroid stimulating hormone c. Euthyroid d. None of these


The thick (left) arrow is pointing to: a. Cauda equina b. Filar cyst c. Central echo complex d. Conus medularis


The thyroid artery that is present in only 3% to 10% of the population: a. Ismal artery b. Inferior thyroid artery c. IMA artery d. Superior thyroid artery


What characteristic defines malignant appearing masses versus a benign fibroadenoma? a. Most common mass in females b. Smooth and well-defined contour c. Lobulated irregular margins d. Strong posterior border


What is defined by the alpha angle? a. fusion angle of the ischium and pubis b. fusion angle of the ilium and ischium c. bony or osseous roof of the acetabulum d. cartilaginous roof of the acetabulum


What is most likely demonstrated in the image below? a. Lymphoma b. None of the answers are correct c. Scarring d. Fat necrosis


What is most likely indicated between the calipers in the image below? a. subluxation b. normal c. hip effusion d. dislocation


What is the normal alpha angle on a hip ultrasound? a) < 45 degrees b) < 60 degrees c) > 60 degrees d) > 50 degrees


What is the terminal portion of the spinal cord? a) dura mater b) filum terminale c) conus medullaris d) cauda equina


What would be an indication to perform a sonography examination of the thyroid gland? a. Determine thyroid function b. Demonstrate a benign versus malignant neoplasm c. Difficulty swallowing d. Document the thyroid as a primary metastatic site


When evaluating for hip effusion, an abnormal appearance is defined as a capsular thickness greater than _____ mm. a. 2 mm b. 4 mm c. 5 mm d. 3 mm


Where is the corpus callosum located? a) between the thalami b) between the cerebellar hemispheres c) between the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles d) between the 3rd and 4th ventricles


Where is the dartos muscle located? a. Epididymis b. Penis c. Scrotum d. Urinary bladder


Which of the following imaging modalities can determine thyroid function? a. MRI b. Ultrasound c. Nuclear medicine d. Cat scan


Which of the following is NOT a part of the anatomical division of the epididymis? a. Head b. Tail c. Neck d. Body


Which of the following is NOT a sonographic sign of tendonitis? a. Calcification b. Fluid collection c. Absence of vascularity with color Doppler d. Thickening of tendon


Which of the following structures transports sperm from the testes to the prostatic urethra? a. Rete testis b. Spermatic cord c. Vas deferens d. Seminal vesicles


While performing an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, on the transverse view you detect two large vessels just lateral to the thyroid. What is the most medial vessel? a. Subclavian artery b. Vertebral artery c. Common carotid artery d. Internal jugular vein


You are performing a thyroid sonogram on a patient and demonstrate the findings in the image below. What is most likely demonstrated in this image? a. Simple cyst b. Thyroid cancer c. Cyst with colloid material d. Nontoxic goiter


_____ is movement away from the midline while _____ is movement towards midline. a. Ortolani, torticollis b. Barlow, Ortolani c. abduction, adduction d. adduction, abduction


Cryptorchidism is associated with an increased risk of developing: a) epididymitis b) microcalcifications c) orchitis d) testicular torsion

c and d

What is the most likely explanation for a 35-year-old woman with a painless lump in the left breast if the sonography examination documents a well-encapsulated, ovoid 1.2cm mass that has a homogenous, hypoechoic pattern with a thin halo? a. Fibrocystic condition b. Ductal carcinoma c. Fat necrosis d. Fibroadenoma


What term describes the rare occurrence of a complete accessory breast? a. hypoplasia b. polythelia c. athelia d. polymastia


Where does most lymph drainage of the breast occur? a. thoracic duct b. subcutaneous tissue c. acini cells d. axillary lymph nodes


Which aggressive form of thyroid cancer can cause death by compression and asphyxiation because of invasion of the trachea? a. Follicular b. Medullary c. Papillary d. Anaplastic


Which condition has symptoms of bilateral breast tenderness or pain, fullness, and nodularity which increase before menses? a. Mastitis b. Galactocele c. Sebaceous cyst d. Fibrocystic disease


Which is not an indication of breast malignancy? a) spiculation b) shadowing c) taller than wide d) round or oval


Which of the following is NOT associated with spina bifida? a) occulta b) aperta c) myelomeningocele d) terminalis


Which of the following is an indication of a hip sonogram? a. family history b. increased birth weight c. foot deformity d. all of the answers are correct


Which of the following structures is NOT located in the scrotum? a. Spermatic cord b. Seminiferous tubules c. Epididymis d. Seminal vesicles


Which of the following transducers is best for pediatric hip sonography? a. curved linear 10 MHz b. flat linear 3.5 MHz c. curved linear 3.5 MHz d. flat linear 7.5 MHz


Which of the following veins receive the left testicular vein? a. Left suprarenal vein b. Inferior vena cava c. Left internal iliac vein d. Left renal vein


You have been requested to perform a thyroid ultrasound on a patient with a palpable mass in the right neck. Which of the following transducers would provide the most optimal scan? a. 5.0 MHz linear array b. 3.5 MHz curved linear array c. 7.5 MHz curved linear d. 10 MHz linear array


You have been requested to perform an ultrasound exam to rule out the presence of a Baker's cyst. Where will you look? a. Groin b. Elbow c. Breast d. Popliteal fossa


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