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premium over straight value

(Market price of convertible bond / straight value) - 1

Give two formula to find the Market Capitalization rate

(NOI / MV) or (r - g)

Formula for P/B?

(ROE - g) ________ (r- g)

Name three credit risks

- credit spread risk - default risk - downgrade risk

What should be included in Client-Directed Brokerage Arrangement?

- it will solely benefit the client - IM's seeking best execution is still relevant - restate the IM's continuing responsibility for seeking to obtain best execution - list the eligible brokers - specify approx target % or dollar amounts of transactions to be directed - state procedures for monitoring the arrangements

Profitability Index?

1 + (NPV)/(Initial investment) where it is greater than 1, invest, otherwise do not invest

discount for lack of marketability (DLOM)

1 - (1- DLOM) x ( 1-DLOC) -> total discount

Beta for the market as a whole must equal to..


Tangible P/E


Franchise Factor?

1/r - 1/ROE

CAPM for emerging equity?

10 year US Treasury + (inflation diff with emerging country vs US) + Global Risk Premium x Global Beta

what is the cash collections from customer if..... Revenue: 137 Beg A/R : 11 End A/R : 16 Securitized A/R at year end: 2

130!! 137- (5+2)

variance of return on a two asset portofolio and three-asset portfolio?

2 assets, portfolio var= w1^2 x stdev(1)^2 +w2^2 x stdev(2)^2 + 2 x w1 x w2 x correlation x stdev(1) x stdev(2) 3assets = w1^2 x stdev(1)^2 +w2^2 x stdev(2)^2 + w3^2 x stdev(3)^2 + 2 x w1 x w2 x correlation(1,2) x stdev(1) x stdev(2) + 2 x w1 x w3 x correlation(1,3) x stdev(1) x stdev(3) + 2 x w2 x w3 x correlation(2,3) x stdev(2) x stdev(3)

if LIBOR term is 2.62%(annualized) for 180 days, what is it for 135 days?

2.62% x 135/360

what is the accrual-basis earnings included in total revenue if..... Beg A/R : 12 Beg Unearned Revenue : 31 End A/R : 15 End Unearned Revenue : 27

7!! increase in A/R + decrease in U/R

what is the recommended % of independent board directors appearance ?


Adjusted R^2 formula?

=1-(n-1)/(n-k-1)*(1-R^2) adjusted R-square is always lower than the regular R-square

Total Capital?

=Total Assets

Unlocking HIdden Value?

A target company substantially underperforming due to a weak management so it is deeply discounted value e.g. break up value (can be achieved if a company's assets are divided and sold separately.)

How much needs to be borrowed given risk free rate, expected return on the market portfolio of risky assets to ahieve A% of return?

A%= (w) x (Expected Retrun on Risky Assets) + (1-w) x RfR. Solve for amount (1-w), if it is negative, then investors borrow it

ABS vs corporate bonds on cash flow?

ABS has greater certainly about the cash flow than cpor bonds as it is of the absence of operational risk

Aggregate accruals?

Accrual basis earnings - cash earnings

How Assets recorded under Acquisition Method?

Add each Acquiree FAIR VALUE Amounts + Goodwill

Amortization of long-term bond discount is added back or subtracted to calculate FCFF?

Added back

Financial Leverage?


Reversal for impairment losses for equity method allowed in GAAP or IFRS?

BOTH GAAP and IFRS prohibits reversal of impairment losses

Single Stage Residual Income Model?

BV(t-1) + [(ROE - r) x BV(t-1)]/(r-g)

Investment in Associate, show steps to find end balance

Beginning Balance (or Cost) + N/I x share% - Div paid x share% - Amortization of excess amount paid for tangible such as PPE x share% !!!!!!!Land is excluded here!!!!!!!!!

Formula for Systematic Risk?

Beta^2 x σmkt^2

Are borrowing costs (interest) expensed under U.S. GAAP or IFRS?

Borrowing costs (interest) is expensed in the year incurred by both IFRS and U.S. GAAP

if there is no comparable public equity firms, which model is recommended to estimate the discount rate? and under its method, how do you calculate it? give formula

Build-up method method risk free rate + equity risk premium + small stock premium + industry risk premium + company-specific risk adjustment

fiduciary call ..replicated by?

Buy a call and a risk-free bond at the same time ->similar payoff as protective put (long an European put and long underlying)

Buyout vs Venture Capital - which needs more due diligence?

Buyout needs extensive due diligence, while Venture capital is limited due to short history

Solvency Ratio?

CA/CL or Total Assets / Total Liabilities anything more than 20% indicate a good condition

Managealism theory?

CEO tends to prefer larger powers and bonus and incomes by increasing the size of firms with acquisitions etc.

Formula for Economic Income?

CF - (V0 - V1) =CF - (Economic Depreciation) :where V0 and V1 only focuses on Operating Cash flow not including initial outlay but !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!INCLUDES terminal year non operating cash!!!!!!!!!!!!! Use WACC to discount to find out V0. e.g. CF1/WACC...etc

What is the expense called for Operating Lease and under which cash flow?

CF from Operation 100% and it is called Rent Expense 100%

Inventory write down affects on COGS , Assets, Inventory and inventory method?

COGS to be higher, assets to be lower, inventory to be lower Among LIFO, FIFO and Weighted Avg, LIFO is less influenced by inventory write down

what is cash collections from customer if.. Revenue=10 Δ in A/R increased= 1 Δ in A/P increased= 3 Δ in Unearned Revenue increased= 2

Cash collections from customer = 10 - 1 + 2 = Sales - Δ in A/R increased + Δ in Unearned Revenue increase

strong track record of solid strategic planning and management - which 4Cs of credit analysis is it?


What is the expense called for Capital Lease and under which cash flow? what about Income Statement?

Combination of CF Operations and CF Financing under CF Operations = Beg Lease Value x Discount Rate called Interest Expense under CF Financing = Payment - Interest Expense called payment on principal In income statement, there are two parts 1, interest expense is Beg Lease Value x Discount Rate 2, depreciation expense depending on depreciation method

what is non-compete clauses?

Company founders must sign such clauses to prevent from competing against the firm

What method to use for Business Combination?

Consolidation method

Conventional vs non conventional cash-flow?

Conv - after initial outlay positive cash flow UnConv. - after initial, negative cash flow may arise

convenient yield decrease or increase the future price(value)?

Convenient yeilds decrease the value of Futures contract

Share repurchase Cash dividends paid Proceeds from new shares issued Convertible bond issue which one has the largest impact on FCFE and FCFF

Convertible bond issue has the largest impact on FCFE as it impacts the debt outstanding dividends, share purchase, changes in outstanding common stock# do NOT have impact on FCFE and FEFF

Country Spread Model vs Country Risk rating Model

Country Spread Model - first evaluate developing country premium then adds country risk premium Country Risk rating Model - use developed country premium as an input

Relative to underlying, credit derivatives allow greater or lower liquidity, customized positions and confidentiality? state each

Credit Derivatives offer all greater liquidity customized positions and confidentiality..wow wow wow wow wow amazing.

Current Method vs Temporal Method - How are the translation gains and losses reported under each method?

Current Method - Cumulative Translation Adjustment (OCI) (exposure is net asset) Temporal Method - G/L in Income Statement (GAAP calls this re-measurement) (exposure is net monetary asset/liability that is adjusted for non-monetary assets and liabilities)

Dividends - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current-Method - Historical Temporal Method - Historical

Basis Trade or Curve Trade for a company with financial difficulties?


Discounted Cash Flow method and Relative Value/Market Approach, which one is more common in evaluating Buyout vs Venture Capital

DCF and Relative/market approach both appropriate for Buyout ONLY

discount for lack of control? (DLOC)

DLOC = 1 - (1/ [1 + control premium] )

Discount for Lack of Control (DLOC)?

DLOC = 1 - [1/(1+Control Premium)]

Designated at Fair Value? what is it and among which HFT, HTM, AFS similar?

Designate investments at fair value that might have been classified as AFS or HTM. Treatment is similar to Held for Trading

what test to be conducted for unit root?

Dickey Fuller test

Among Asset-based approach, excess earnings approach and discounted free cash flow approach - which one is more commonly used for private equity company valuation?

Discounted free cash flow approach is more common Asset-Based approach rarely takes place as it is typically used for liquidating firms.

What are the principals of the New Prudent Man Rule?

Diversification is fundamental to risk minimization and is therefore ordinarily required of trustees. Risk and return are so directly related that trustees have a duty to analyze and make conscious decisions concerning the levels of risk appropriate to the purposes, distribution requirements, and other circumstances of the trusts they administer. Trustees have a duty to avoid fees, transaction costs, and other expenses that are not justified by the objectives of the investment program. The fiduciary duty of impartiality requires a balancing of the elements of return between production of income and the protection of purchasing power. This confirms that a strategy which endeavors to generate current income while preserving principal is likely to result in a reduction of real income to beneficiaries due to inflation. For that reason (as well as tax-effects), it is often prudent to invest both for income (i.e., through dividends) and for capital appreciation, even if it means income alone is inadequate to meet a beneficiary's cash-flow needs. Trustees may have duty, as well as the authority, to delegate as prudent investors would. This delegation is often in the form of investing in mutual funds.

Formula to find amounts to borrow at risk-free rate

E(Rp) = w x E(Rm) + (1-w) x Rf where (-) sign indicates a borrow

Operating Income as E..what?


In calculating economic pension expense with a method (non using my favorite method), what items need to be NON-considered? state each in PBO and Pension plan assets

Economic Pension Expense = changes in (PBO - Pension Plan assets) items to be excluded in calculating the above PBO) excludes Any Contributions, Benefit Paid PLA) excludes Any contributions and Benefit Paid

Ibbotson-Chen's earning model

Equity Risk Premium = [(1 + LTforecast of inflation) x (1 + growth in real earning) x (1 + gorwth in market P/E) -1] + Dividend yield - Rfr

How is the Exit Value calculated in Private Equity?

Exit Value = Investment Cost + Earnings growth + increase in price multiple + reduction in debt

relationship among expected return on the tangency portolio, risk free rate and expeted risk premium?

Expected tangency portofolio=risk free rate + expected risk premium

What test is conducted to determine if the regression omdel as a whole is significant?


Converting FCFE from FCFF?

FCFE = FCFF - Interest ( 1-t ) + Net Borrowing

FCFF given CFO

FCFF = CFO + Int(1-t) -FCInv


FCFF = EBIT(1-t) + NCC -FCInv - WCInv


FCFF = EBITDA(1-t) + NCC(tax) -FCInv - WCInv

FCFF given N/I

FCFF = N/I + NCC(e.g Dep) + Int(1-t) -FCInv - WCInv

What is the expense related to stock options? Show calculation

FV of the shares on the grant date DIVIDED BY vesting period years

What are assets and liabilities of the acquired firm recorded at?

Fair Value at the date of acquisition Acquiring firm reports assets and liabilities with a mixture of bases for valuation: old assets continue to be reported at historical cost whice acquired assets are carried at their fair value

What are the feedback steps in PM construction?

Feedback step for portfolio evaluation and monitoring and rebalancing

Financial Leverage Ratio?

Financial Leverage Ratio also known as Equity Multiplier = Total Assets / Total Stockholders' Equity

Mean takeover premium to find out fair acquisition price based on comparable company approached

First, Find P/E, P/S, P/B etc and average them Next, Average P/E x Company's Earning/Share Average P/S x Company's Sales/share etc Then, average those to find the Value Next, Use the above Value x (Mean acquisition premium) to find Value

Curve trade steepner and flattener?

Flattener is buying short term protection and selling long-term protection as you see a short term risk. Sharper is selling the short end and buying the long-term protection as you see a long-term risk

conditional prepayment rate (CPR)?

For example, if the CPR is 8%, we would expect that 8% of the remaining principal will be prepaid each year.

Foreign currency premium?

Foreign currency premium = (new exchange rate - current rate)/(current rate) - (domestic RfR - foreign RfR)

which one is more prescriptive and specify more to determine whether operating or capital lease

GAAP is more specific

GAAP or IFRS which one can separate by QSPE?

GAAP only but eliminated now IFRS must consolidate

Revaluation allowed?

GAAP prohibits upward revaluation IFRS permits revaluation of intangible assets

How are inventories measured in GAAP and IFRS?

GAAP: Inventories are measured at Market or Lower of costs IFRS: Inventories are measured at the lower of the cost and net realisable value

Formula for Franchise P/E?

GG x FF = PVGO/E =g/(r-g) x (1/r - 1/ROE)

guideline public company method (GPCM)?

GPCM establishes a value estimate based on the observed multiples from trading activity in the shares of public companies viewed as reasonably comparable to the subject private company. in GPCM, pricing multiple groups similar to the private company need to be identified then adjust them to reflect any differences in risk and growth expectations for the company including control premium etc.

Goodwill for Equity Method?

Goodwill= Purchase price - BV of Net Assets x share% - PPE and Lands and more? x share%

Price movement relative strength vs. S&P500 is Value or Growth?

Growth and Momentum

Effect and Solution amongst Hetroskedasticitym serial correlation, Multicollinearity

Hetroskedasticity, incorrect standard erros, use robust standard errors to remedy Serial correlation, incorrect standard errors, use robust standard errors Multicollinearity, High R^2 and low s-stats, remove one or more independent variables often no solution in theory

where does funded status reported under for IFRS?

IFRS the net pension asset or liability reported on the balance sheet represents the funded status adjusted for unrecognized items

Joint Ventures what method to use?

IFRS - Proportionate Consolidation is preferred (line by line basis) GAAP - Equity method

What are the types of exit in private equity?

IPO Secondary Market Sale Management Buyout - firm is sold to mgmt Liquidation

what cash-flow adjustment needed in comparing pension expense?

If contributions EXCEEDS economic pension expense then increase CFO and decrease CFF (the difference between economic pension expense vs contributions) If pension expense EXCEEDS contributions then decrease CFO increase CFF

what is busted convertaible?

If the stock price is low, so the straight value is considerably higher than the conversion value. The bond will trade much like a straight bond. So the premium over the straight value is very small

cash flow from operating from impairment loss?

Impairment will not affect cash flow so no change

backwardation vs normal backwardation?

In backwardation, the future price vs CURRENT spot price and see that future prices are lower In normal backwardation, we compare the future price with the EXPECTED spot price.

How is Clawback calculated?

In the deal-by-deal method, Losses to be clawed back is Losses x Carried Interest %

Full goodwill vs partial goodwill Income Statement - what is higher under which method?

Income Statement is same under either method

Dividends will increase or decrease value of call options and put options

Increase the value of PUT Decrease the value of CALL

what are the warning signs of financial reporting in Expense section?

Increases in the core operating margin (Sales - COGS - SG&A)/Sales accompanied by spikes in negative special items *indicating opportunistic classification of recurring expenses as nonrecurring

Interest expense in Pretax Income?

Interests are already deducted

Investment income in Equity method before or after EBIT?

Investment in associates is equity method it is below EBIT in "one-line". The "one-line" is revenues and expenses netted out. EBIT is operating income and investment in associates is not operating income, that is why it is below it

what are the risk measures for Jensen's alpha and Sharpe ratio?

Jensen's alpha = systematic risk only (CAPM) Shape ratio= standard deviation so TOTAL RISK!!

What are the three types of joint ventures under IFRS? State each

Jointly controlled operations Jointly controlled assets Jointly controlled entities (establishing a separate entity)

Cumulative tax savings with LIFO vs FIFO?

LIFO reserve for the year-1 x tax) + the change in LIFO reserve from year-1 to year now x tax

LPs vs GPs

LP is limited while GP is unlimited

Protective Put replicated by?

Long the underlying asset and long put options ->similar to holding a Long Call. Protective Put is a Bullish position

Covered Call replicated by?

Long the underlying asset and short call options. Similar to holding a Short Put. Covered Call is a Bullish


Loss x Carried Interest rate will be paid back... even if fund is profitable in early years, GP needs to pay back compensation received if underperforms in later years usually at termination but can be done annually that is called true-up clawback provision

can IM use Brokerage from another Client account to pay for a product or service purchaased under the Client Directed Brokerage Arrangement?


(Softdollar) IM can allocate a client's brokerage based on the amount of client referrals?


What is the Gross Income Multiplier Technique? and State its limitations

MV = gross income x gross income multiplier limitations: discontinuous pricing lack of information gross rent versus NOI distorted selling prices unique or non-income producing properties

Marker conversion price for CB?

Market Price of Bonds / conversion ratio

Market Capitalization?

Market capitalization = (number of outstanding shares) x (current stock price)

what is the characteristic of the standard deviation in Global minimum variance portfolio?

Minimum variance frontier has the smallest standard deviation

what model is appropriate in valuting mortgage back securities?

Montel Carlo model is appropriate as it considers deceisions to call depends on interest path, while binominal model does not

Moving average model, what is its weakness and and how to find whether model fits a time series?

Moving Average model is lagged behind. You can examine autocorrelations. First correlations is significantly different from 0. And the next autocorrelations are equal to 0

What is included in income statement typically in Equity Method?

N/I of investee x share% , amortization, and downstream, upstream transactions if applicable ***********Dividends not included***

Formula for Du Point with EBT

NI/EBT x EBT/EBIT x EBIT/Sales x Sales/Asses x Asset/Equity

what is the effect on expected return (DB) when discount rate increased?

No effect!

Can recovery of value subsequent to a writedown be recognized under U.S. GAAP?

No! But a recovery of value subsequent to a writedown can be recognized under IFRS.

Gross profit margin considers SG & A?

No, Gross Profit Margin is simply (Revenue - COGS) _________________ Revenue

ABS structure requires waterfall service to the originator?

No, and collateral is separate and distinct entity, originator(seller) is not responsible

RMBS for non US loans are similar to?

Nonagency loans

which yield difference between two spreads should it indicate Option costs?

OAS and Z-spread

OAS is spread relative to what?

OAS can be computed based on any benchmark interest rates

critical assumption in estimating effective duration and convexity with Monte Carlo?

OAS does not change


OAS is calculated using a binominal or Monte Carlo simulation mode and it measures the average spread over the Treasury spot rate curve NOT Treasury yield curve. OAS compensates for a combination of credit risk and liquidity risk

cap/floor on rates are...like...

Options! Seller of Cap is agreed to pay if LIBOR exceeds the Cap Rate. Seller of Floor is agreed to pay if LIBOR is less than the Floor Rate.

when the PV of expected future residual income is negative, the justified P/B will be...?

P/B will be less than 1 !!!!

conversion ratio for CB?

PAR / conversion price

A warning sign a company deferring expenses is when sales revenue growing at a slower rate than what?

PP&E (indicating expenses are being inappropriately capitalized)

J-curve in which investment usually seen?

Private Equity investment but PE is very high risk

Formula for P/S?

Profit Margin x ( 1- retention rate ) x (1+g) ____________________________________________ (r - g)

How to calculate Goodwill in Equity method?

Purchase Price - (% x BV of Net Assets) - (% x (MV - BV of PPE , Land etc )


ROIC (NOPLAT/Inv Capital) NOPLAT which is (EBITA -tax) NOPAT equals EBI basically NOPLAT=NOPAT but NOPLAT is EBITA less tax NOPAT is EBIT less tax

what are the consequences in nominal basis for emerging valuation for ROIC and Net PPE/Revenue

ROIC (NOPLAT/Inv Capital) is overstated in nominal basis Net PPE/Rev is understated in nominal basis

adjust analysts forecast based on the accuracy of prior forecast how?

R^2 / Alpha

which equity valuation model recognizes the model earliest?

Residual Income Model!!

Return on Equity ? use what Equity

Return on Equity : N/I ÷ Beginning OR Average Shareholder Equity for Period case by base


Returned are derived from a multifactor model no arbitrage opportunities exist no unsystematic risk (completed diversified away)

cash collection from customers?

Revenue + decrease in A/R + increase in unearned revenue

Formula for Sales?

Revenue= Cash collected from customers + Increases in accounts receivables - Increases in Deferred Revenue

Formula for Equity Index forwards at t ?

S/(exp^(compound rate x (T-t) / 360) - Forward Price/(exp^(RfR x (T-t) /360)

synthetic CDO vs cash CDO, which one is higher credit risk?

SAME! the difference between these twos are that with synthetic CDOs, the bondholders take on the risks of underlying assets but DO NOT take legal ownership

Activity Ratio?

Sales/Assets or Sales/(Avg Account receivables)

Equity Reversion after tax - show calculation

Selling Price - Selling Cost - Capital gain tax - Recaptured depreciation tax - Mortgage Balance *mortgage balance = FV of the loan less loan service payments reduced by interest paid

how do you replicate long FRA position?

Selling the floor and buying the cap at the same time

optimal choice with Sharp ratio?

Sharp Ratio of existing portfolio x correlation with new asses if New Sharp exceeds it then add it

What is the slope of the Capital Market Line?

Sharpe ratio for the optimal risky portfolio: (Return - RfR) / (St dev)

Protection buyer is long or short the credit?

Short the credit in underlying and delivers the reference obligation to the buyer Insurance firms take a long position in the underlying asset by selling protection in the CDS or other derivatives market.

How do you find Market price of risk in the graph?

Slope of market portfolio

Amortization of long-term bond premium is added back or subtracted to calculate FCFF?


average life of tranche?

Sum of month x principal payments divided by 12 * Tranche Amounts

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).?

Take diff between actual and estimated value then, square it and sum it ans mean it to get st dev, that's it

Intrinsic P/E?

Tangible P/E + Franchise P/E

Which WACC should be used in valuing private equity? acquire's WACC? target WACC?

Target WACC

PSA Public Securities Association Prepayment Benchmark ?

The PSA benchmark is for CPR to be 0.2% in the first month of a new pool, increasing 0.2% each month for the first 30 months, and then remaining at 6% for the life of the pool. If t < 30 then CPR = 6% x t / 30; If t >= 30 then CPR = 6%.

What is ABO?

The accumulated benefit obligation (ABO) reflects the present value of pension benefits earned at the balance sheet date based on compensation to date. It is based on CURRENT SALARY levels. It is useful if the company is expected to settle the liability on a currently basis such as through a plan settlement. RATE of COMPENSATION INCREASE NOT AFFECTED!!!!! Basically, the ABO is the recalculation of the PBO without taking into account projected salary increases.

what is zero-cost collar?

The cap and floor rates are set so that the premium paid for the long position is equal to the premium received for the short position

How are the derivatives that used to hedge Future cash flows such as future energy price etc exposure reported in the financial statement?

The effective portion of the g/l will be reported in OCI under shareholders' equity. Once forecasted transaction affects earnings then it will be recognized in G/L statement.

The higher volatility of interest rates, then lower or higher Callable bonds and Putable Bonds

The higher vol, then lower the value of Callable bonds, higher the value of Putable Bonds

What is inventory reported on the balance sheet under U.S. GAAP?

The inventory is reported on the balance sheet at the lower of cost or market under U.S. GAAP

What is inventory reported on the balance sheet under IFRS?

The inventory is reported on the balance sheet at the lower of cost or net realizeable value under IFRS

what are mezzannie tranche and equity tranche?

The mezzanine tranche is still investment grade but usually rated in the mid or lower grades.(senior to the Equity but lower in priority to the Senior Debt) The equity tranche is usually rated as non-investment grade.

Unearned Revenue (deferred revenue)?

The revenue is actually collected before it is earned. (Any collections of cash for a good or service not yet provided ) Deferred revenue refers to an item that will initially be recorded as a liability, but is expected to become an asset over time and/or through the normal operations of the business.

formula for t-stats?

The t statistic is the coefficient divided by its standard error

what is VBO?

The vested benefit obligation (VBO) is the amount of the benefit obligation that does NOT depend on future employee service. It is based on vested benefits. RATE of COMPENSATION INCREASE NOT AFFECTED!!!!! Most companies have a vesting requirement, which means that the participant has to work for the company for some period of time to be entitled to full pension benefits. The VBO will be a percentage of the ABO.

What is the required disclosure to all clients and potential clients under soft dollar agreements?

To all clients and potential clients: IM must disclose whether it may use the Research to benefit clients other than those whose trades generated including PRINCIPAL basis.

What is the required disclosure to all clients (not potential clients) under soft dollar agreements?

To current clients ONLY: i) type of research received through proprietary or third-party research agreements ii) the extent of use (使用範囲) iii) whether any affiliated brokers involved.

Formula for EV?

Total MV of Debt + Common Equity + Preferred Equity - Cash and short term investments

For Operating Expenses, which standard differentiates bethween expenses and losses IFRS or U.S. GAAP?

U.S. GAAP differentiates between expenses and losses.

What are Provisions?

UNDERSTATING reported BV Provisions are nonfinancial liabilities that are uncertain as to their timing or amount. Examples: warranty obligations and contingencies IFRS uses Provisions **U.S.GAAP does not use the term Provisions

5 steps of Valuation Process

Understanding the business Forecasting company performance Selecting the appropriate valuation model Converting forecast to a valuation Applying the valuation to conclusion

what is the efficient frontier?

Upper portion of the minimum-variance portfolio. It represents all combinations of mean return and variance or standard deviaiton of return can be attained by holding efficient portfolio.

What ratio to be used in determining efficiency in the use of assets? AND what is the formula?

Use Asset Turnover Ratio Sales/Assets = ROA / Net profit Margin

Value given EBIT and WACC rate

V = EBIT(1-t)/WACC


V0 - E1/r

static spread vs OAS?

Whereas static spread treats the bond's cash flows as fixed and known with certainty, OAS takes into account how the cash flows might change as interest rate change. Thus, OAS takes into account the value of the embedded option

Equivalent Annual Annuity method

With I/Y -> required rate N -> investment horizon PV -> NPV FV -> stay as default then Find -> PMT

Z-spread can be used for MBS?

Zero-volatility spread can stil be used to value an asset backed security if it does NOT have a prepayment option or even the borrow has the right to prepay but it does not tend to exercise then OK to use Z-spread

style drift?

a change in the hedge fund's investment strategy from what was defined in the hedge fund's offering documents. the hedge fund in multistrategy is expected to move between asset sectors and trading strategies.

what is required in determing the optimal allocation to the market portfolio?

a estimate of its expected reutrn and variance, suggesting delegation of some analysis to professionals

payer swap? replicate it with options

a long interest rate call and a short interest rate put

passive or active - perfect market timing strategy

a passive strategy, proving good surprises its risk measure should not use standard measure for portfolio risk

unit root?

a series trends upward or downward over time often has a unit root and thus not covariance stationary therefore AR1 regression on the undifferenced serires is not correct to remedy the unit root issue, to take difference the data e.g. sales(t) - sales(t-1) unit root=1 non stationary also lag coefficient greater than 1 is nonstationary Dicky Fueller test unit root means two series are cointegrated

receiver swap? eplicate it with options

a short call and a long put at the same strike

PPE growing faster than revenue indicate?

a warning sign of a company deferring expenses!!!

source of value creation in private equity company?

ability to re engineer the firm and operate it more efficiently ability to obtain debt financial on more advantageous terms superior alignment of interests between management and private equity ownership

office building tell me characteristics

active, moderately liquid, tax depreciation, high income, similar to apartments

Pastor Stambaugh model?

adds a liquidity premium to Fama-French Model

prepayment burnout?

after 30 month, even though underlying mortage rate increases, the less prepayments are projected due to refinance at a lower rate

what are the stock specific factors in private equity?

all NEGATIVE factors liquidity of equity interests in business concentration of control potential agreements restricting liquidity

broken/busted PAC?

all of its support trache already paid off ( no more support)

Removal for cause

allow a GP to be FIRED if majority usually 75% votes

material adverse change clause provision?

allow a bank to reduce fundings if the bank feels that the borrowers financial condition or operating position has deteriorated significantly this is a weaker form of backupp credit facility

Removal for cause?

allows a GP to be fired if a supermajority (75%?) votes

Divorce for cause?

allows for the firing of a manager or termination of a fund given criminal action such as a felony conviction

open-end funds?

always at NAV such as mutual funds -cannot be short, margined -time lag for execution

How Equity recorded under Acquisition Method?

approach #1 simply add non-controlling interest to acquire's total asset approach #2 Capital Stock Par Amount = Initial +Issued Stock (if applicable) Additional Paid In = Excess over PAR is added to Initial Retained Earning -> at acquisition date acquiree's it will not be recorded ONLY the initial R/E

when to use EV/EBITDA?

appropriate to compare companies with different financial leverage

CDO is categorized in two types what are they?

arbitrage and balance sheet transactions

tender offer

ask and purchase directly from shareholders

white knight defense?

ask third party to buy me

white squire defense?

ask third party to buy partial me

benefit paid will decrease what?

benefit paid will decrease Pension obligation AND pension assets

limitation on using T-bills and coupons?

callable, different price etc many kinds of treasuries are available in a maturity

when to use OAS, what type of bonds?

callable, putable, agency debenture bond

what are the things affect traditional methods of performance measurements in hedge funds?

changes in leverage (fixed income funds use higher leverage. It is common not to adjust benchmark for leverage) changes in hedging techniques (zero beta, paying options premium to hedge) style drift portfolio turnover

Tell me characteristics with commodity investment

commodity is a asset class even thought they do not provide periodic cash-flow because it provides diversification benefits in high inflation, it provides benefit due to HIGH correlation actively managed commodity can provide POSITIVE REUTRN at any time

golden parachute?

compensation to senior management to stay

pac man defense?

counter bid

4Cs of credit risk?

covenants, collateral, capacity, character

six key area in the softdollar standards focus on?

definitions research mixed use products disclosure record keeping client directed brokerage

what are the limitations of the direct capitalization approach?

difficult to estimate a capitalization rate accurately, also difficulty of application to income producing property


e.g. Pollution

what represents the true cost of the pension?

economic pension expense

Given ROA, how do calculate financial leverage?

financial leverage= Assets/Equity ROE / ROA (Ret/Eq * Asset/Ret)

how does physical capital grow by?

grow by 1, saving 2, investment decisions

what does classical growth theory say?

growth is temporary and when economy grows above the subsistence level, a popoulation explosion eventually brings it back to the subsistent level. "techonology does not matter, it will always push back to the subsistence level"

Given delta, what is hedge ratio?

hedge ration = (1/delta)

lower accruals ratio indicate

higher quality earning

Key man clause?

if a key executive leaves or does not spend sufficient time, then GP is NOT allowed to invest further money

Bear hug?

ignoring CEO, negotiate directly with Boards

what is the local expectations form of the pure expections theory?

in the long term interest rate and reinvestment risks are important. In the short term these risks are ignored and investors are assumed to be indifferent between different instruments.

What are the problems related to instability in the minimum-variance frontier?

inputs(means, variances, covariances) are unknown ->great uncertainty historical sample estimates often change over time causing the estimated efficient frontier to change over time small changes in the inputs can cause large changes in the efficient frontier (called overfitting problem) 0 causing large short position and overly frequent rebalancing

how does increase in inventory affect revenue?

inventory change has nothing to do with Revenue increase in inventory rather affected by understating expenses, inefficient working capital management

What are the risks exposed with hedge funds investment?

investment risk fraud risk operational risk

Uncovered interest rate parity?

it is an economic theory about EXPECTATIONS not explained by interest rates parity, nor purchasing power parity nor fischer rate parity.

Agency risk in private equity?

it is only borne by investors NOT manager of private equity company. agency risk is private equity managers act their own interest rather than investors and interests of company

what does high earnings quality result in?

it will improve the ability to predict future earnings

shopping centers tell me characteristics

liquidity limited, periodic income and value appreciation, moderately active

The tangency portfolio for CML is known as...?

market portfolio

agency risk?

mgmt make decisions in itw own self interest rather than shareholders

more defaults on soverign debts in foregn ccy or local ccy

more in foreign ccy denominated debt gov. needs to buy foreign ccy to satisfy periodic bond payments but less exposure in local ccy

warehouses tell me characteristics

most PASSIVE, long-term, moderately liquid, VERY HIGH periodic cashflow

what the absolute value of lag coefficient value b1 must be in order to be covariance stationary?

must be less than 1, if it is 1 then it is called unit root

what adjustment is needed when stock option is not exercised during the exercible period?

no adjustment is needed.

prepayment risk on non-amortizing loand

no prepayment risk as ...non-amortizing loan is a type of loan payments on the principal are not made, while interest payments or minimum payments are made regularly. The principal is then paid as a lump sum at the maturity of the loan.

omitted variable bias?

omitted an important independent variable if the omitted variable is correlated with other independent variables then, biased and inconsistent also, standard errors are inconsistent

Static trade off theory?

optimal level of deb , trade off at tax shield versus the value of financial DISTRESS cost

capture hypotethis?

people in the industry will be asked to regulate. People who know the most are already in industry so they can capture the benefit

rating transition table?

percentage of issues of each rating was downgraded or upgraded during the period

periodic inventory system vs perpetual inventory system?

periodic inventory values and COGS are determined at the end of the account period more volatile perpetual inventory system continuous updated usually less volatile

what does physical capital grow?

physical capital will increase the labor productivity, which was the main driver during Industrial Revolution

cash flow analysis can be perfomed on what level?

pool level or loan level

estimated DPS?

previous DPS + Δincrease in EPS x p/o x (1/# years to adjust)

backwardation is?

prices that are volatile and at historic lows?

PAC tranche?

protection against both contraction risk and extension risk of prepayment risks using support tranche (it exposes to the largest prepayment risks) the less the support trache, the more prepayment risk to PAC

banks in CDS are?

protectiono buyer (BUY CDS) to hedge their loan portfolio

what are the tests imposed in cash flow structure in CDO?

quality tests including asset diversity score, minimum weighted average rating, maturity restrictions) and coverage test(ensure performance of the colalteral is sufficient to make payments, int coverage ratio etc)

Fama-French Model?

r = Rfr + βmkt x RMRF + βsize x SMB + βvalue x HML SMB is larger as size is smaller HML value firm is higher and growth is lowe value implying financial distress

correlation significant test?


Dividends in equity method?

reduce the carrying amount of the investment in Balance sheet but not reported in the P/L.

The estimation of beta is affected by..?

regression to the mean, volume of trading and the market proxy used


repurchase the shares

how is a syntheic CDO return to the junior note holders is caluculated?

return from a portfolio high-quality debt + premium received in the CDS, reduced by the payment made for the credit event

Mean Variance Analysis assumption and preconditions?

risk averse investors, expected returns, variance of returns, covariance are known no tax, no transaction costs

how is the risk determined in PM process?

risk is determined by the amount of assets relative to needs

what is the problem with using historical means, variances and correlations in obtaining the inputs to the mean-variance framework?

sample is too large large estimation erros

Total asset for Proportionate Method?

say A is buying B for 50% owenership, total consolidated assiet is (A + B x 50%) - A's investments in B

crown jewel?

sell segment to third party so the buyer gives up

what does increase obligations and economic expense of the period?

service costs, interest costs, actuarial gains and losses, foreign exchange impact, past service costs

homemade divides?

shareholders can sell their shares to create their own cash-flow stream so dividends irrelevant

what does active portfolio manager maximize?

sharpe ratio

what is the required value in calculating effective duration and convexity?

shifting the one-the-run yield curve, calculating a new binominal interest rat tree, and then determing the required vlalues after adjusting the tree by adding the OAS at each note

what is the impact on ROA with pension liability?

since pension accounting netting out the obligation and assets, it will overestimate the ROA

Performance disclosure and confidentiality for private equity from GP?

specifies the fund performance information that can be disclosed but NOTE the performance for UNDERLYING is not disclosed

multiple discriminant analysis?

statistical classifcication technique to use for predicting corporate bankruptcies

credit risk models?

strucural models and reduced form models

The larger the t-Statistic of Autocorrelation, what does it indicate?

t-statistic for autocorrelation is significant to you need to MODIFY it!!!!!

what are the required record keeping in softdollar agreement?

that are required by law that are necesarry to supply clients on a timely basis document arrangements, oral or writen obligaiton document agreement with broker document transaction with broker, a list of research provider and product description document the bases of allocation to determine Mixed Use service indicate how the services obtained and how it is directely asisst in decision making process IDs of IM personnel and copies of client agreement about disclosure and authorization

what R^2 used in n x R^2 of BP test?

the BP test's R^2 is equal to regression of squared residuals of the original regression

key to quality of collateral?

the amount of euqity the borrower has in the asset

how should an audit committee be held and be composed of?

the audio committee should have at lease two members that have relevant accounting and auditing experience and they are independent directors. also, the internal audit staff for the firm should report directly to the audit committee and the committee should meet with external auditors at lease once annually without management present.

When does an abandonment option should take place?

the cash flow from abandoning a project EXCEEDS the present value of the cash flows form continuing the project

when does multiple IRR occur?

the cash flows from an investment reverse signs

what is corridor method?

the changes in actuarial assumptions are accumulated with the deferred gains and losses result from the differences in the expected and the actual return on assets. Once the accumulated deferred g/l exceeds more than 10%, it starts getting amortized, the threshold is called corridor. The amortization of deferred gains will REDUCE pension expense, amortization of the deferred losses will INCREASE pension expense.

how does it affect Balance sheet or income statement for futures contracts gain loss?

the effective portions of the HEDGES were recognized in OCI

what are the items that can decrease pension obligations?

the expected return on the pension plan assets

improving FFO/Total Debts and FOCF/Total Debt ratios indicate?

the financial flexibility of the company has improved

net portfolio yield for credit card deal?

the gross portfolio yield minus charge-offs

autoregressive model?

the independent varibale is a lagged value of the dependent variable

10-K filing?

the management discussion and analysis it provides off-balance sheet arrangements

In the market model, what is the covariance between asset i and j

the product of their betas and the variance of the market portfolio as follows : Cov(i,j)= β(i) x β(j) x σ(m)^2 where σ(m)^2 - variance for the market portfolio

rates theory, name three

the pure expectation theory (unbiased) ->short term rates the liquidity preference theory (biased) ->short term plus liquidity premium the preferred habitat theory (biased) yield premium, also demands and supply in each matuirty bucket

what is effective collar of PAC

the range of prepayment speeds over which the average life of the tranche is CONSTANT

hybrid vs true securitization?

the role of servicer is routine such as daily admi tasks for true securitizaton while the role of servicer generates cash flow in hybrid transaction

which risky portfolio should be combined with the risk-free asset?

the tangency portfolio

limitation on using Treasuries strips?

there is liquidity premiums on strips that are not present in treasury coupon tax treatment of strips is different from that of treasury coupons (accrued int on strips is taxed even thoh no cash is received tax advantage investor from non-US that are associated with strip

proxy fights?

through shareholder votes

GAAP vs IFRS funded status, adjustment in required in Asset, Equity Liability or what portion?

to decrease or increase liability and Equity

Relative valuation if earning is negative?

use earning yield (E/P). Regardless of its sign negative or positive, the higher value is underpriced stock

What debt rate to be used to calculate N/I from EBIT Residual Income?

use pre-tax debt rate as it will double counting tax if you use after-tax rate

what is it based on in valuing venture capital financing?

valuations are usually based on negotiation

deferment peirod and grace period for student loan ?

when at school, no payments are made by the sutdent, its called deferment period after graduated, approx 6months no payment is made, called grace period

when typically not having "style drift"?

when strategy is multi-strategies, style drift will not likely occur as multi strategy moves in between assets (allocation between equity vs bonds etc)

When collateral is amortizing assets, then principal repayments are?

will be distributed to bondholders


wrapping refers to a third party guarantee from a monoline insurer

Variance of risk-free assets?


what is the expected mean value in forecasting volatility?


Demonstrate Calculation of WCInv

Δ in CA (excluding cash and cash equivalents) - Δ in CL (excluding notes payable)

Formula for Market Value Added? Also give an alternative definition

Σ (EPn)/(1 + WACC) ^n (#of common shares x current price) - (Total capital) where Total Capital equals Total Assets also equals total MV of equity plus long-term debt and preferred stock same as NPV!!!!

Formula for portfolio standard deviation?

σ(p) = √[ (σ^2 x ((1-p)/n + p) ] as n gets larger, then it will be close to √(σ^2 x p )

portfolio risk for an equally weighted portfolio

σ(p)^2= (1/n) x σ(i)^2 + (n-1)/n x Avg.Covariance where σ(i)^2 - average variance of all assests as n gets larger it's closed to Cov.

Currency Swap Value at t?

(1) Calculate PV of both in foreign and local ccy for fix side: fix rate x [discount factor1 +....discount factor(n)] + ( 1 x discount factor(n)) floating side: [1 + the first schedule floating rate] x discount factor1 (2) for foreign adjust with foreign exchange rate (3) Take difference of (2)

Formula of Acid Test


how do you calculate BVPS?

(Common shareholders equity) ______________________________ (# of common stock shares) *goodwill, intangible assets should be removed before calculation

Formula for H model?

(D0 x (1 + g(lower)) +D0 x H x (g(higher) - g(lower) ____________________________________________ (r - g(lower))

times interest earned?

(EBIT) / (the total interest payable on total debts)

what is tag-along, drag-along clauses?

(Management's RIGHT to buy an equity stake) when acquirer acquires control of the company, they must extend the acquisition offer to all shareholders including firm management

conversion value for CB?

(Market price of common stock) x (Conversion ratio) ***the value of the convertible bond if it is immediately converted into the common stock


(Operating profit after tax) ______________________________ (Total Invested capital) what is total invested capital? Enterprise Value + cash +cash equivalents and short term investments

Capital gain tax - show calculation

(Selling Price - Selling Costs) - Purchased price x Capital gain tax %

Net Operating Asset?

(Total Assets - Cash) - (Total Liabilities - total deb)

V(estimate) - V(market) = ?

(V(intrinsic) - V(market)) + (V(estimate) -V(intrinsic))

formula for effective duration?

(V+ - V-)/[2 x yield change x V]

short term solvency ratios? Give formula

(a) the current ratio, (b) the acid-test ratio, (c) the inventory turnover ratio, and (d) the accounts receivable turnover ratio.

premium payback period

(market conversion premium per share)/(Favorable income differeial per share) **favorable income per share [coupon from convertible bonds - (conversion ratio x dividends)] / (conversion ratio)

Enumerate the items typically appeared under Net periodic pension benefit costs

+ Current service costs + Interest cost + Amortization of Net deferred losses and (gain) with actuarial changes + Amortization of past service costs - Expected Return on Assets

State types of valuations approached used in private company

- Income approached, including free cash flow method that is used to value larger and mature stage company, capitalized cash flow method and residual income method for smaller company and special situations. - Market approach, guideline public company method, guideline transactions method, prior transactions method - Asset Base approach, which is infrequently used for operating firms but will be used for liquidating company and very small firms or recently formed firms

what are the warning signs of financial reporting in Revenue section?

-Large increases in accounts receivable -Large decreases in unearned revenue -Large swings in the ratio of revenue-to-cash collected from customer -Recognizing revenue early

what is non-controlling interest?

-generally seen under Acquisition method Also known as minority interests, are balance sheet item under subsidiary's equity (residual interest) held by third parties under full goodwill method non-controlling% x FV of the subsidiary under partial goodwill method non-controlling% x FV of net identifiable asset

what are the three methodologies in constructing theoretical spot rate curve?

1) bootstrapping when the universe is on-the-run Treasury issues with or without off-the-run issues 2) econometric modeling for all Treasury coupon securitiees and bills 3)simply the obserbed yields on th Treasury coupon strips

How do you settle a CDS when a credit even occures?

1) cash settlement simply paying Par Amount to Protction Buyer 2) physical settlement, protection seller pays par amount to buyer and protection buyer delivers the reference obligation

what are the possible two reasons as to the difference of callable bond valuation given the same binominal and same on-the-run treasuries used?

1) different volatility assumption 2) the call rule used by the two may be quite different

advantages of CDS?

1) easy to go short the credit, 2) liquidity is growing, 3)more confidentiality assured due to OTC transaction

what are the items that can increase pension obligations?

1) employee's service during the period 2) interest expense accrued on the beginning pension obligation 3) changes to the terms of pension plan for the previous period relating to employee's services 4) actuarial gains and losses related to changes made to the assumption including employee turnover, mortality rates, retirement ages, compensation increases

what are the advantages of using swap rate curve?

1) no government regulation across different markets 2) suplly of swaps depends ONLY on the number of counterparties 3)easier comparison across countreis 4) many maturity points available

Give two definitions of economic pension expense

1) summing all of the changes in PBO for the period excluding employer's contribution and subtracting the actual return on assets 2) changes in the funded status for the period excluding the firm's contribution

how is a typical CDO like?

1)a senior tranche 70-80% with a floating rate 2)then different layers of subordinate or junior debt tranches with a fix rate 3)an equity tranche

Give formulate of Capitalization ratio for both long-term and total debt capitalization

1, (long-term debt)/(long-term debt +shareholder equity including minotiry int) 2, (CL + long-term debt)/(CL + long-term debt +shareholder equity including minotiry int)

Give steps for the POST money valuation

1, EXIT VALUE / (1 + IRR) ^t to get the Present Value 2, Present Value - Capital Needs 3, Enterprenuer's (owers) share is (2)/ (1) 4, PE share is Capital Needs / EXIT VALUE

Cash-flow after tax for real estate - show steps

1, Find tax by (NOI - depreciation - annual interest expense) x (tax rate) 2, NOI - (debt service) - (tax from step 1) **debt service = 12 x monthly interest payment

excess earning method - show steps to calculate

1, Find the intangible value with the following = Normalized N/I - Required return on Working Capital x WC Balance - Required return on FCInv x FCInv (FV) 2, Find the value of intangible assets = [(1) x long-term growth rate of residual income] ________________________________________________ ( required return on intangible assets - g) 3, MV of invested capital = MV of fixed assets + Working Capital + Intangible Assets

How to calculate the Capitalization Rate with Band-of-Investment Method - Show steps

1, N= Year x 12 2, I/Y= Interest Rate/12 3, PV= Default 4, FV= -1 5, Find PMT 6, PMT x 12 7, Add the interest rate on the mortgage to (6) 8, Weighted Average it, (7) x % Debt + Rate for Equity x % Equity

Black Scholes Model assumptions are?

1, NO arbitrate take place 2, Asset price follow a lognormal distribution 3, Volatility of the underlying is constant 4, Market are frictionless 5, Asses has no cash flow 6, European Style Option

What are the three accounting issues under Business Combination?

1, Recognition and measurement of identifiable assets and liabilities acquiree's previously recognized assets and patents brand name etc., contingent liabilities, indemnification(保証) assets 2, the initial recognition and subsequent accounting for goodwill partial goodwill vs full goodwill 3, recognition and measurement of the non-controlling interest bargain acquisition

Name types of projects in Corporate Finance

1, Replacement project 2, Expansion project 3, New products and services 4, Regulatory, safety and environmental projects and more..

Steps to take for emerging market valuation?

1, With real base, find depreciation = (beginning PPE Balance) / # of depreciable years 2, With real base, FC Inv = (PPE end - PPE beg) + Depreciation 3, Find nominal base with inflation index for revenue and nominal FC Inv 4, Nominal PPE = Beng PPE - Dep + (FCInv for Real base x Infation index) 5, find nominal tax 6, Convert nominal tax to real 7, Evaluate Real NOPLAT which is (EBITA -tax)

limitation on using all on-the-run Treasuries to contruct yield curve?

1, a large gap between maturuties 2, information is lost about the yield on other treasuries 3, market distrotion by repor market

What are the sources for economic growth?

1, aggregate hours 2, labor productivity

valutation model generating an int rates tree based on

1, benchmark int rates 2, assumed int rate volatility 3, interest rate model

how is the principal prepayment can be made in credit card backed secruties?

1, bullet payment at lump sum, controlled amortization structure, or passthrough structure

How to find Market Value of invested capital with Excess earning method?

1, calculate returns to Working Capital and Fixed Asses by W=Working Capital x required rate for Working Capital F=Fixed Capital x required rate for Fixed Capital The residual Income for intangible assets = Normalized Earning - W - F Then, Find value of intangible asset by The Residual Income for intangible assets x ( 1+ growth rate for residual income) / (required rate of return for intangible asset - growth rate for residual income) MV of invested capital = Total working capital + total fixed capital + the value of intangible asset

why convertible bonds are multioptions? Specify what options

1, call options 2, convertible options thus, valuing CB is complicated as it includeds valutions on future price of underlying stock and future interest rate

Impairment loss under GAAP show steps

1, check by comparing the net BV to UNDISCOUNTED CASH FLOWS and if NBV is greater then impairment loss is BV(carrying amount) - Asset's fair Value

Tell me control mechanisms in private equity that you know

1, compensation 2, tag-along, drag-along (Management's RIGHT to buy an equity stake) 3, board representation 4, noncompete clauses 5, priority in claims 6, required approvals 7, earn-outs

Name strategies of credit derivatives

1, curve trade 2, basis trade, 3, index trade, 4, options trade, 5, correlation trade 6, capital structure trade

three levels to determine research

1, define the product or service 2, determine usage whether it is primary usage or not 3, mixed use analysis

What are the Private Equity Valuation methods?

1, discounted cash flow analysis (long history) 2, relative value/market approach (e.g. P/E, long history and predictable cash flows) 3, real option analysis (for immature firms) 4, replacement cost (for immature firms) 5, venture capital method, leveraged buyout method

What are the steps to take in constructing minimum-variance frontier?

1, estimation step (estimate the expected return and variance for each individual asset and the correlation) 2, optimization step (solve for the weights that minimize the portfolio variance subject to the following constraints) 3, calculation step ( calculate the expected returns and variances for all the minimum variance portfolios in optimization step)

When to use P/B?.. give three situations

1, for liquidation stage 2, company has liquid assets, finance and insurance company typically fits in this 3, earning is volatile and not reliable

What are the data shortcomings with hedge fund index data?

1, fund listing is up to individual hedge fund managers 2, indexes include many small funds and MISS some LARGE funds 3, data from hedge funds are not verified by index publishers

What are the planning steps in PM construction?

1, identify the investment objectives and constraints 2, create an investment policy statement 3, fora set of capital maqrket expectations 4, determine a strategic asset allocation

what are the preconditions for economic growth?

1, markets 2, property right 3, monetary exchnge

what is efficient frontier?

1, minimum risk of all portfolios with the same expected return 2, maximum expected return for all portfolios with the same risk this is the upper shape(concave portion) of the minimum-variance frontier looks like "く" みたいな shape

check points as to whether appropriate approach is used ?

1, model fits the characteristic? 2, based on the quality and the availability of input data? 3, suitable given the purpose of the analysis?

what are call provisions given to the trustee?

1, perceent of collateral call, 2, percent of bonds, 3, percent of tranche, 4, call on or after specified date, 5, latter of percent or date or 6, auction call

what steps to take in estimating a future equity risk premium?

1, select an equity index 2, select a time period 3, calculate the mean return on the index 4, select a proxy for the risk-free rate

three sets of ratio to assess the ability of a firm to repy debt obligation

1, short term solvency ratio 2, financial leverage (debt to equity) 3, coverage ratio

how does growth account suggest in achieving the following objectives for economic growth?, growth of physical and human capital and technological advance?

1, stimulate saving 2, stimulate research and development 3, target high-technology industries 4, encourage international trade 5, improve the quality of education

2 forms of Acquisitions?

1, stock purchase -> shareholders pays capital gains tax in any 2, asset purchase-> corporate firms pays capital gains tax in any

what are the models for credit risk analysis, and explain each

1, strucual models.(a.k.a. firm value model) is the Black Scholes option pricing model. This model says a company defaults on its debt if the value of the assets falls below a certain default point.(driven by expected volatility of assets value level). Depends on the corporation structual characteristic! 2, Reduced form models, this model does not look at structure(inside), they directly look at the probability of defaul or downgrade. default process and recovery process are independent each other

How do you calculate Root mean squared error (RMSE)?

1, take diff between actual vs forecast of each value then square it each row 2, Sum it 3, AVERAGE it first 4, √ it *note the lower RMSE value the more accurate th data is

What are the sources of value creation in private equity?

1, the ability to re-engineer the firm efficiently 2, ability to obtain debt financing more advantageously 3, superior alignment of interests between management and private equity owenership

What are the methods of obtaining the inputs to the mean-variance framework?

1, using historical means, variance and correlations 2, estimating betas using the market model 3, calculating adjusted betas

what are the three obligations used under GAAP and explain each?

1, vested benefit obligation - actuarial PV of vested benefits. 2, accumulated benefit obligation - actuarial PV of vested and unvested obligation IGNORING future salary increases. (current basis of pension liability - relevant for liquidating company) 3, projected benefit obligation - the actuarial PV as of a date of all benefits attributed by the pension benefit based on future compensation level

what will change aggregate (labor) hours?

1, working-age population growth. 2, changes in the employment-to-population ratio 3, changes in average hours per worker

standard error of the autocorrelation?

1/(T)^0.5 where T is # of observations

Formula for inflation passthrough?

1/(r + (1-passthr rate) x infl rate)

Formula for Adjusted Beta?

2/3 x β + 1/3

Quiet period recommended?

30 days for IPO 10 days for Secondary Offer

1. All securities reclassified --> from one category to another --> are transferred at fair value 2. From Trading to Other --> Unrealized Holding Gain and Loss (HGL) at transfer date --> already recognized in earnings --> not reversed 3. From Other to Trading --> Unrealized Holding Gain and Loss (HGL) at transfer date --> recognized in earnings immediately

4. From HTM to AFS --> Unrealized Holding Gain and Loss (HGL) at transfer date --> recognized in OCI 5. From AFS to HTM --> Unrealized Holding Gain and Loss (HGL) at transfer date --> stays in OCI --> amortized over remaining life of security 6. Following transfers should be rare --> from HTM to Other --> from Trading to Other --> from Other to Trading

hotels and motel tell me characterisitcs

ACTIVE, moderately liquid, periodic income

Available for Sale vs Held for Trading - when to use?

AFS is used for long-term investment HFT is short term holding

Multifactor Models vs APT?

APT is cross sectional variations across assets vs Multifacor model is a time-series regression of variation over time. APT no arbitrage, no unsystematic risk (all diversified away) Intercept in macroeconomics factor model is the asset's expected return, derived from APT. APT intercept is the risk-free rate.

ARMA (autoregressive moving average) model, its severe limitations are..?

ARMA combines both autoregressive lags of the independent variable and moving average erros. 1, the parameters in ARMA models can be very unstable. 2, choosing the right ARMA model is extremely difficult. It appears ARMA needs many smaple size and this model is not stable

Cash flow accrual ratio ?

Accruals = NI - CFO - CFI Cash flow accrual ratio = Accruals / Net operating assets

Consolidated depreciation and amortization expense under Acquisition method are?

Acquire's Depreciation expense + Acquiree's Depreciation expense (100%) + Amortization of Excess atrributable of acquiree's previous recorded assets

State difference among acquisition, merger and consolidation

Acquisition ->segment purchase merger -> A + B = A (statutory merger) A + B = Ab (subsidy merger) Consolidation - > A+ B = C

what are the two (components) of Active Risk?

Active Factor Risk: Deviations of the portfolio's factor sensitivities vs the BMK's sensitivities e.g. industry Active Specific Risk: Active asset selections attributable to deviations of the portfolio's individual asset weightings vs. BMK e.g. individual stock

Active Risk(tracking risk) - give formula

Active Risk: √ [ Σ(R(p) - R(bmk))^2 / (n-1) ]

Information Ratio ?

Active return / St dev

hotels and motels - give characteristics

Active!! moderately/low liquid tax shelter income and value appreciation risks are competition

what does increase plan assets and decrease the economic expense of the period?

Actual returns on plan assets

formula for beta?

Asset A's Covariance with market return / Market Variance of Return

what pricing is used for monopoly regulator?

Average Cost Pricing, though monopoly company wants to price at MR=MC, regulator force an Average Cost Pricing

Perpetual Residual Income given r, g, BV, ROE, EPS

BV + (EPS - BV x r)/(r) g is not applicable here as it is PERPETUAL!

Intrinsic Value given R/I and BVPS

BVPS + (Residual Income)/r

(Balance sheet) accrual ratio ?

Balance sheet accrual ratio = ΔNet operating assets(YoY) / Average net operating assets Volatile accruals ratio are an indicator that a firm may be manipulating earnings. Increasing accruals ratios may be a sign that a firm may be manipulating earning. Lower accrual ratios represent higher earnings quality.

what is the Black model?

Black model is to price European options on intrest rates by entering the forward interest rate into the model for the forward or futures price and the exercise rate for the exercise price

Bootstrapping Earning?

By merging and consolidating, it aims to increase stock value and EPS. Then you can have sufficient funds from the increased stock value to make additional mergers and acquisitions

what is the difference between CAL assumption and efficient frontier assumption?

CAL assumptions include investors can have different expectations about returns, variances, and covariances.


CAL can be multiple lines as investors share different expectations, while CML is universally one line with investors homogenous expectations. Tangency portfolio is only one with CML, while CAL can have multiple depending on differences investor expectations


CAPM is less flexible because it only composes of Market Portfolio and RfR asset.

What is Basis trade?

CDS vs Asset Swap Spread(credit risk + funding risk) if CDS premium is higher than asset swap spread then the basis is POSITIVE. If CDS is tighter then NEGATIVE. Arbitrade risk and less names

COGS for FIFO from LIFO?

COGS(LIFO) - (change in LIFO reserve)

inventory turnover ratio and days of inventory on hands?

COGS/ AVG inventory DONT USE END OF YEAR VALUE Days of inventory = 365/Inv

Bonds (Fixed Income) Put is call or put?


Interest Rate Cap is call or put?


Positive and negative delta are?

Call are positive Delta - value of call option and underlying move in the same direction ALWAYS Puts are negative Delta - value of put and underlying move in the different direction ALWAYS

back-up credit facility with a highly rated commercial bank - which 4Cs of credit analysis is it?


Demonstrate a typical DPI RVPI TVPI flow given such as Capital Called Down etc

Capital Called Down for each year PIC is the accumulative amount of Capital Called Down Mgmt Fee is based on PIC Operating Results NAV before distributions are (last year's NAV after) + capital called down -mgm fee + operating results Carried Interest - if applicable..use NAV before distributions vs Waterfall mim level x Carried Int rate from the next year simply diff in NAV before distributions x Carried Int Rate Distributions NAV after distibutions


Capital allocation line adds a risk-free asset to the minimum-variance frontier(where risky assets only).

Disadvantages of using Equity Method?

Cash-flow does not capture One line consolidation does not capture economic sense such as Sales, debt ratios etc 20-50% does not ALWAYS mean significant influence

Modigiliani and Miller Proposition I is about? (no tax, no transaction costs, no bankruptcy costs, no agency costs, risk free rate)

Comapny's value is irrelevant of capital structure the level of debt does not matter MV of a company not affected by the capital structure of the company MM Proposition with Taxes : the decreased amount of debt with tax savings used then, the total value of the firm will DECREASE Managers cannot change the value of the company by using more or less debt.

Given β1, β2 for two assets and residual standard deviations σ(e)1, σ(e)2 and market standard deviation σ(mkt), calculate correlation for two assets

Correlation =(β1 x β2 x σ2(mkt)) / [ √(β12 x σ2(mkt) + σ2(e)1,) + √(β22 x σ2(mkt) + σ2(e)2) ]

Characteristics for country risks?

Country risk is diversifiable and one-sided risk

slope given Cov


Retained Earning - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method & Temporal Rate Method - 逆算 Begging + N/I - dividends paid at historical rate

Expenses - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Average Rate Temporal Rate Method - Average Rate

Revenue - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Average Rate Temporal Rate Method - Average Rate

COGS - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Average Rate Temporal Rate Method - Historical Rate

depreciation & amortization - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Average Rate Temporal Rate Method - Historical Rate

Accounts payable, short-term debs - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Current Rate

Deferred Income taxes - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Current Rate

Long-term debs - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Current Rate

Monetary, cash and account receivables - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Current Rate

marketable securities - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Current Rate

Deferred Revenue - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Historical Rate

Intangible Assets - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Historical Rate

Inventory - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Historical Rate

PPE - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Current Rate Temporal Rate Method - Historical Rate

Equity (ex. Retained Earning) - what rate is used under current rate method and temporal method?

Current Rate Method - Historical Rate Temporal Rate Method - Historical Rate

What ratios do you assess capacity to pay debts and obligations

Current Ratio (CA/CL) Long term debt to Capitalization (LTD/Capital) EBIT Interest Coverage (EBIT/Int payment)

QSPE vs consolidation, effects on Current Ratio, LTD to Equity, Equity to total assets?

Current Ratio is lower under QPSE LTD-to-E is lower under QPSE E/A is higher under QPSE

Discount for lack of marketability (DLOM)?

DLOM is DLOM but used to calculate the total discount by 1 - (1-DLOM) x (1 - DLOC) where DLOC = 1 - [1/(1+Control Premium)]

Available-For-Sale -> how is it different under GAAP and IFRS as to foreign exchange treatments? Also, AFS's reporting its initial measurement when assets purchased?

Debt under IFRS, foreign exchange g/l are reported are recognized on income statement, while other portions remain in OCI under GAAP everything is under OCI Equity GAAP and IFRS both under OCI as a separate note, AFS recognize initial cost at fair value plus transaction costs and unrealized gains and losses in OCI as NET OF TAX

what is agency debentures?

Debt issued by a Federal Agency or a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) for financing purposes. These types of debentures are not backed by collateral, but by the integrity and credit worthiness of the issuer. Officially, agency debentures issued by a Federal Agency, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, are backed by the full faith and credit of the Untied States government. Agency debentures issued by a GSE are backed only by that GSE's ability to pay.

If ERIS client requests you to benefit their plan trustees with client brokerage, then?

Decline it!!

what is the effect on NP if forget to reflect a decrease in inventory at the beginning of the project?

Decrease in inventory means decrease in WCInv so it UNDERESTIMATE NPV. (forgot to deduct at the beginning)

State each on the following either CFO, CFF, CFI under IFRS and GAAP Dividends Paid Dividends Received Interest Paid Interest Received

Dividends Paid CFO/CFF - IFRS, CFF - GAAP Dividends Received - CFO/CFI - IFRS, CFO -GAAP Interest Paid - CFO/CFF - IFRS , CFO - GAAP Interest Received - CFO/CFI - IFRS , CFO - GAAP

EBIT is same under equity vs preportionate consolidation method?

EBIT is different under Equity methov vs Porportionate Consolidation method

Operating Income?

EBIT! Or EBITDA... It depends

Formula for Economic Profit?

EBIT(1-t) - WACC x Capital ... (depreciable asset at begging) Make sure EBIT adds BEFORE TAX SALVAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what is the pre-tax return on capital ? (in FID section)


conversion from operating to capital lease for interest rate coverage?

EBIT/int payments for EBIT, you need to adjust 1) subtract depreciation expense 2) add rent expense from operating lease interest expense for capital lease is excluded as it is EBIT for interest expense, you add Beg Lease value x discount rate

Interest Coverage Ratio - Expensing Interest expense vs Capitalizing

EBIT/interest payments it is based on interest PAYMENTS not expense so it is SAME regardless of its method

EBITDA is EBITDA or also deducts other non-cash items?


exception to change retrospective restatement in which inventory method change?

EXCEPT for changes to the LIFO method for GAAP, everything else needs to be changed retrospectively and restated

Formula for EVA please

Economic Value Added = NOPAT - (WACC x Total Capital) where NOPAT equals EBI Total Capital equals Total Assets also equals total MV of equity plus long-term debt and preferred stock

For comparability what adjustments will analysts make for Goodwill?

Eliminate Goodwill when computing ratios Exclude Goodwill impairment charges form income statement when analyzing trends Evaluate future acquisitions in terms of price paid relative to the earning power of the acquired assets

Equity Income for Downstream sales under Equity Method?

Equity Income for downstream(investor to investee) N/I x share% - Amortization of assets x share% - UNREALIZED Profit% x Investor's profit x %share **** once investee's profit is REALIZED then the above UNREALIZED profit portion will be added back

Equity Income for Upstream sales under Equity Method?

Equity Income for upstream sales (investee to investor) N/I x share% - Amortization of assets x share% - UNREALIZED Profit from Upstream Sale x share%

What method is used for investments in associate(significant influence)?

Equity method ("one-line consolidation") (20%-50%)

What are the expected return for Asset i What is variance for Asset i What is the covariance between i and j? Given betas=1, 2 for i and j The expected return for the market portfolio: 0.2 Variance for the market portfolio and 0.3 Intercept: 0.4 Error Variance: 0.05

Expected return for i: 0.4 + 1 x 0.2 Variance for i: β(i)^2 x σ(m)^2 + σ(e)^2 = 1^2 x 0.3 + 0.05 Covariance: Cov(i,j)= β(i) x β(j) x σ(m)^2 = 1 x 2 x 0.3

How do you calculate Total Value of Equity from FCFF

FCFF(1+g)/(WACC - g)- Debt O/S - Preferred Stock O/S

Gross profit margin in an inflationary environment and weakening local currency - highest under what inventory method and what translation method?

FIFO and current method!! current method translates the COGS (Average rate) the smallest vs temporal method (Historical rate)

For firms which have significant influence, what must method of accounting is required?

Firms must use the Equity method of accounting. Under the equity method, a pro-rata share of the investee's net income is reported as investment income and increases the reported vlaue fo the firm's equity investment. Dividends received from the equity investment decrease the reported value of the investment (but increase cash)

Average Stock Price with relative Valuation Ratio

First Find P/E, P/S, P/B etc and average them Next, Average P/E x Company's Earning/Share Average P/S x Company's Sales/share etc Then, average those to find the Value

What's the price of a call option with one-period binominal model given 10%up and 15%down with risk free rate 6.5% and underlying stock is $100 and strike 90?

First calculate future value 100 x 1.1, 100 x 0.85 then find call value each 20, 0. Next, find risk-neutral probability w=(1.065-0.85)/(1.1-0.85). Last, w x Upper Call value(20) + (1-w) x Lower Call value(0) ->16.15

Given new standard deviation and original, Rfr and expected (tangency's) expected return, calculate the portfolio's new expected return

First find weight w=(New Standard dev./ Old Standard Dev.) then E®= w x Expected Return + (1-w) x (RfR)

Given the Sharpe ratio of exisiting portolio as well as Sharpe ratio of newly adding assets and the correlation of exisiting portfolio with the new asset, how do you determine whether newly adding assets should be added or not to optimize the portfolio?

First step is (Correlation) x (Sharpe Ratio of EXISTING portfolio). Then compare this number with the newly adding Sharpe Ratio. If the newly adding Sharpe Ratio exceeds the number, then add it. If not, then do not add it.

Given control premium and deflation adjustment, how do you calculate the value of the firm's equity? given MV of debt, Normalized EBITDA MVIC/EBITDA multiple

First, MVIC/EBITDA multiple x (1 + control premium) x (1 - deflation adjustment) Next, Adjusted MVIC/EBITDA multiple x Normalized EBITDA - MV of debt thats it

Swap(plain vanilla) value at t

Fix Present Value = a1 x discount factor at (schedule payment date -t).....(1 + a(n)) x discount factor at the (final schedule date - t) Floating Present Value =((the very first floating payment ) + 1) x discount factor at (schedule payment date -t)

Intercept - Macroeconomics Factor Model vs Fundamental Factor Model

Fundamental Factor Model: the expected return for the REPRESENTATIVE stock equals the intercept. Macroeconomics Model: the stock's expected return.

what are the effects on the following when expected return on plan assets increased? Funded Satus PBO ABO VBO Current Service Cost Interest Cost Expected Return Pension Expense

Funded Status - no effect PBO - no effect ABO - no effect VBO - no effect Current Service Cost - no effect Interest Cost - no effect Expected Return - increase Pension Expense - decrease

Cash-flow analysis for strong credit?

Funds from Operations - WCInv - Capital Expentidures **** Off-balance sheet obligations not applicable here!!!!!!!

Interest Paid is CF what under IFRS and GAAP?

GAAP - CFO IFRS - could be CFF

Board's self-assessment reports found in what reports in GAAP and IFRS?

GAAP - by the nomination committee and in the proxy IFRS - in the corporate governance report

Impairment for Equity Method for GAAP?

GAAP - if FV declines below carrying value AND decline is PERMANENT, impairment loss to be recognized on the income statement and carrying value on B/S will be reduced to its FAIR VALUE

Do unrecognized past service costs and unrecognized actuarial gain increase or decrease the adjusted funded status under IFRS? Say Unadjusted (GAAP) is Overfunded by 100 unrecognized past service costs are 20 unrecognized actuarial gain is 10

GAAP 100 BE CAREFUL the sign here!!!! IFRS 110 =100 + 20 unrecognized past service costs - 10 unrecognized actuarial gain


GP is required to pay back a portion of the early profit to LPs Carried Interest Rate x Loss

carried interest in private equity fund how and who to receive?

GP shares of profit around 20% range For the 1st realized profit Profit x carried interest rate% or change in NAV before distribution x carried interest rate%

guideline transactions method (GTM)?

GTM establishes a value estimate based on pricing multiples derived from the acquisition of control of entire public or private companies that were acquired

what is the minimum value of a convertible bond?

HIGHER of PV of straight bonds and conversion value(conversion factor x mkt price of common stock)

what is Hansen method?

Hansen method adjusts the coefficient standard errors in autocorrelation

Impact on Periodic expense for the following Higher discount rate then? Higher rate of compensation increase then? Higher expected return on plan assets?

Higher discount rate - interest expense will be lower to due lower obligation Higher rate of compensation increase - increase service costs Higher expected return on plan assets? - it will LOWER pension expense as increasing expected return

Impact on pension obligation for the following Higher discount rate then? Higher rate of compensation increase then? Higher expected return on plan assets?

Higher discount rate - pension obligation will decrease Higher rate of compensation increase - pension obligation will increase Higher expected return on plan assets? - no effect

Goodwill impairment under IFRS vs GAAP?

IFRS Recoverable amount vs Carrying Amount Recoverable Amount - Carrying Amount = Impairment Loss Loss will be reported on the income statement. Goodwill will be reduced by the loss GAAP (2 steps approach) 1) FV vs Carrying Value 2) if Carrying Value is larger then, Implied Goodwill= FV - FV of identifiable assets Impairment Loss= Carrying Amount of Goodwill - Implied Goodwill

Full goodwill vs partial goodwill what is higher under which method?

IFRS - either full or partial goodwill method GAAP - ONLY full goodwill method Assets and Equity are higher under FULL goodwill method, because Assets are higher due to higher goodwill, equity is higher due to more shareholder's non-controlling interests Goodwill not amortized but impairment test annually

Impairment for Equity Method for IFRS?

IFRS - objective evidence of impairment one or more events occurred impact on investment's future cash-flow. Goodwill is not tested separately, rather testing the entire carrying amount of the investment by comparing RECOVERABLE amount vs Carry Amount. Impairment losses will recognized in Income statement and Carrying amount will be reduced directly or through allowance account

Contingent Assets and Liabilities under GAAP and IFRS for business combination?

IFRS - recorded separately GAAP - recognized at fair values at the time of acquisition.

which one used to use pooling of interests account method and uniting of interests - GAAP or IFRS?

IFRS -uniting of interests GAAP - pooling of interests accounting method Both are similar approach, using Histrocical BV

Reversals of inventory write-downs in IFRS and GAAP allowed?


Minority interest in IFRS vs GAAP?

IFRS in equity only GAAP in equity or liability

Reclassification on Designated at Fair Value?

IFRS prohibits the reclassification of Designated at fair value both either in or out. GAAP allows all reclassification GAAP generally recognized transfer g/l in Net Income

how does past service costs recognized under GAAP and IFRS

IFRS vested portion recognize immediately in the period when the changes occur Unvested portion expensed over average period until vesting GAAP under OCI amortized over averaged period

Hurdle Rate

IRR that the fund must meet before the GP can received carried interest 7-10% range

Hurdle Rate?

IRR!! that must be exceeded in order to GP to received carried interest rate (usually 7-10% range)

Given adding assets with beta more than 1, what are the effects on standard deviation?

If you are adding beta more than 1, it will increase both systematic risk and nonsystematic risk Var( R) = β^2 x σ^2 + σ(e)^2 ***(β^2) x (σ^2) s called systematic risk σ(e)^2 is called nonsystematic(residual or diversifiable risk).

Goodwill is subjected to depreciation, impairment or amortization?


Balance sheet recognition for equity method?

Initially recognized at costs(non-current assets)!!!!!!!!! and increased or decreased by investee's g/l or dividends paid. Cost + (N/I - Div) x % Share ******Share of investments and carrying amount etc need to be separately disclosed

Converting from Operating Lease to Capitalizing Lease for interest coverage ratio?

Interest Coverage Ratio: EBIT/Interest Capitalizing Lease EBIT = Operating Lease EBIT + Lease Payment - Depreciation Interest= Operating Lease Interest + Additional Capitalizing Interest

Pecking order theory?

Internally generated funds then new debts then new equity are preferred SIGNALING TO INVESTORS that management has confidence

What are the CAPM assumptions?

Investors only need to know expected returns, variances, and the covariances all investors have the same forecasts of risky assets' expected returns, variances and covariances All assets are marketable and the market for assets is perfectly competitive investors are price takers whose individual buy and sell decisions have no effect on asset prices investors can lend and borrow at the risk-free rat with unlimited short-selling is allowed. there are no tax no transaction costs

What is Built-Up Method?

It estimates the capitalization rate adding the following Premiums Capitalization Rate= Risk Free Rate + Liquidity Premium + Risk Premium + Recapture Premium (inherit return of investment)

Preferred Dividends are in Net Income?

It is already included in N/I. (already subtracted)

Define Operating Income after tax

It seems Depreciation is already included So to get CashFlow... Operating Income after tax + Depreciation

what is the difference between GP vs LP?

LP is limited liability do not have active role in the management - LP invests in GP??? GP general partner is a limited partnership and liable for all the firms debts and thus has UNLIMITED liability GP is the manager of the fund

What are the risks in Private Equity?

Liquidity risk Unquoted investments risk competitive environment risk agency risk capital risk regulatory risk tax risk valuation risk diversification risk market risk

Risk in Private Equity_

Liquidity risk Unquoted investments risk - less disclosed information competitive environment risk - finding reasonably priced private equity agency risk - management of portfolio companies may NOT act in the best interest of investors and PE Capital risk - capital withdrawn risk if underperforms Regulatory risk tax risk - tax change valuation risk - very subjective diversification risk - PE is poorly diversified market risk - long-term changes in interest rates and exchange rates etc. short term are not risk facor

Low Levels of Debt with Long Maturities vs High Levels of Equity Compare the followings: efficient legal system liquid market more institutional investors? high inflation or high GDP growth?

Lower Debt with long maturities means strong legal system, large institutional investors, liquid markets, high GDP growth and inflation is lower

put-call parity for forward contracts?

Make sure you use (S-X) / (1+R)^T etc.. NOT S - (X) / (1+R)^T

What is the Market Model and their assumptions?

Market Model explains that the market portfolio is the macroeconomic factor and stocks have varying degree of sensitivity to this one factor. There are Two risks, systematic risk(unanticipated macroeconomics events, non-diversifiable) and unsystematic risk(firm specific risk). Assumptions are 1, the expected value of the error term is zero 2, the errors are uncorrelated with the market return 3, the firm-specific surprises are uncorrelated across assets.

What is the Direct Income Capitalization Approach? and State its limitations

Market Value = NOI/ Capitalization Rate it assumes that NOI grows at a constant rate it is difficult to estimate a proper capitalization rate and finding income producing property

What method is the most accurate in estimating the market capitalization rate?

Market extraction method: NOI/MV

Modigiliani and Miller Proposition II is about?

Modigiliani I is necessary to obatain II Cost of Equity is a linear function of the D/E ratio As more debt it will increase tax savings but the cost of equity increases if you reduce the debt then it will decrease the cost of equity So it offsets

Accounting Income is same as...


NOPLAT starting from N/I

N/I + (1-t)Int + Δ deferred tax

funds from operations given N/I

N/I + amortization + dep + noncash charge

funds from operations?

N/I + amortization + dep + noncash charge

FCFE with Debt Ratio?

N/I - (1-Debt Ratio) x (FCinv + WCinv - Dep)

Cash-flow Aggregate accruals?

N/I - (CFO + CFI)

Aggregate Cash-flow Accrual?

N/I - (CFO+ CFI)

Aggregate Cash-flow Accrual Ratio?

N/I - (CFO+ CFI) ________________________________________ [NOA(t) + NOA(t-1)] / 2

Give two Formulas for Residual Income?

N/I - Equity Charge = N/I - r x Equity(beg) =(ROE - r) x BV(t-1)

Equity Method vs Proportionate Consolidation State differences for the following N/I Sales Expenses Total Assets Equity Net Profit Margin ROA Debt/Equity ROE

N/I is always same but the composition is different Equity Method recognizes "Equity income" PC Method x share% individually Sales is different - PC Method is higher Expense is different - PC Method is higher Total Assets are different !! Equity is the same PC Method is usually higher x share% each Equity method recognizes "Investment" in B/S Net Profit Margin is higher under EQUITY.M ROA is usually higher under EQUITY.M D/E is usually higher under PC.M ROE is usually same

(Softdollar) should softdollar disclosure using complete and legal term?

NO NO! clear and specific! Legal term is not specific and clear!

Directing of a portion of one fund's brokerage by three investment companies to benefit all the three companies? permissive?

NO, apparently three registered funds try to direct brokerage of one Client to benefit all three Clients.

Balance-sheet-based accruals ratio?

NOA(t) - NOA(t-1) ________________________________________ [NOA(t) + NOA(t-1)] / 2 where NOA(t) = [(Total Asset(t) - Cash and short-term investment(t)] - [Total Liabilities(t) - Total Debts(t)]

Balance sheet aggregate accruals?

NOAt - NOA(t-1)

Does IFRS permit firms to treat itmes as "extraordinary items" on the income statement?

NOBut, U.S. GAAP allows firms to treat items as "extraordinary items" on the income statement

What is Market Extraction Method?

NOI/MV the most accurate to estimate the Market Capitalization Rate. Uses comparable properties to estimate

Operational Earnings?

NON-GAAP measure Income from continuing operations, less special items and preference stock dividends. Operational earnings excludes special item, discontinued operations, and the cumulative effect of accounting change.

Breakdown rate to achieve zero Residual Income?

NOPAT / Total Assets where NOPAT equals EBI

Are all intangible assets reported on the balance sheet?

No, some intangibles are expensed or incurred. These unrecorded assets must still be considered when valuing a firm


OAS is not a spread off of one maturity of benchmark int rates it is a spread over the forward rates in the rate treee constrcted from benchmark int rates it is over Treasury SPOT rate curve, explains credit risk and liquidity risk excluding option risk

what is OAS relative to?

OAS is not a spread off of one maturity of the benchmark rates, but it is a spread overrr the FORWARD rates in the interest rate tree.

Benchmark spread measure to use for MBS? And the spread measure?

OAS relative to average spread over the Treasury SPOT rate

what are the effects on the following when compensation growth rate is decreased? PBO ABO VBO Current Service Cost Interest Cost Expected Return Pension Expense

PBO - decrease ABO - no effect VBO - no effect Current Service Cost - decrease Interest Cost - decrease Expected Return - no effect Pension Expense - decrease


PIC paid in capital total accumulative amounts of called down capital DPI distributed to paid in capital total cumulative distributions paid to the LPs divided by the cumulative invested capital(PIC) RVPI residual value to paid in capital LP's unrealized return and the value of the LP's holding in the fund divided by the PIC TVPI total value to paid in capital DPI + RVPI


PRAT=growth P - profit margin R - retention rate A - Asset Turnover T - Leverage

assumptions that the coupon yield on passthrough mortgage to be realized?

PSA model stays the same, the monthly cashflow including coupo and pincipal repayments will be reinvested at the coupon rate, and the security will be held till maturity

What is "Value of Equity"?

PV of cash distributions to equity: Σ (Dividends and or Repurchases) __________________________________ (1 + r ) ^ n

what adjustments are needed to in analyzing income statement for current service costs interest cost expected return on assets, actual return on assets?

Pension expense is usually deducted as an operating expense in the income statement. For analytical purpose, ONLY the current service cost should be included and Interest cost and the actual return on plan assets should be included as NON-OPERATING items in the income statement also, ACTUAL return should be added to Other income.

What are the three steps in PM process ?

Planning step for objectives, constraint and investment policy statement creation, strategic asset allocation and market expectation formation Execution step for portfolio selection, composition and implementation Feedback step for portfolio evaluation and monitoring and reblancing

Positive an negative butterfly shift?

Positive is U shape Negative is Π shape got it?

Pre and Post money valuation?

Pre + Inv = POST ownership is Inv/POST

Buyout or venture capital which method to use, DCF or Premoney

Premoney for Venture capital DCF for Buyout is more common


Price/Earning-to-growth P/E ÷ growth in %!!!! e.g. 22/10 (in %%!!!!!) PEG ratio less than one is an indicator of an attractive value level the lower the PEG the more attractive PEG does not account for differences in the duration of growth PEG does not account for differences in risk, an important determinant of P/E

Under U.S. GAAp and IFRS, what are purchased intangible assets reported on the balance sheet at?

Purchased intangible assets are reporeted on the balance sheet as their cost less accumulated depreciation

Bonds (Fixed Income) Cap is call or put?


Interest Rate Floor is call or put?


Firms that follow IFRS are required to make ____ and ___ disclosures about credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk

Qualitative and Quantitative disclosures about credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk

Retained Earning between LIFO vs FIFO?

RE (FIFO) = RE (LIFO) + LIFO Reserve x (1-tax)

how is liquidity constraint measured?

RELATIVE to the size of the portfolio %, it is whether significant or not is determined.

SPE with or without - what are the effects on the ROE and ROA?

ROA will be lower under consolidating SPE than separating as SPE ROE is unaffected as N/I and Equity does not change

Normalized EPS?

ROE(avg) x BVPS(latest)

R^2 in random walk?

R^2 is generally high for random walk but if you take difference of data, R^2 will drop significantly but taking difference is still the appropriate approach


Ratchet specifies the allocation of equity between stockholders and management of the portfolio company. It also allows management to increase their allocation depending on firm performance

Real exchange rate given price level for UK 1, US 1.5 and current exchange rate USD/GBP 1.724

Real rate = 1.724 x 1/1.5 fyi Expected future exchange rate = Real rate x (1.5 x US inflation)/(1 x UK inflation)

Recaptured depreciation tax if Net Selling Price < Purchase price then - show calculation

Recaptured depreciation tax = (Recaptured depreciation x tax % ) where.. if Net Selling Price < Purchase price then Recaptured depreciation = Accumulated Depreciation - [Purchased Price - (Selling Price - Selling Costs)]

Recaptured depreciation tax if Net Selling Price => Purchase price then - show calculation

Recaptured depreciation tax = (Recaptured depreciation x tax % ) where.. if Net Selling Price => Purchase price then Recaptured depreciation = Accumulated Depreciation

holding company bonds?

Reliant on the ability of operating subsidiaries to move cash to the holding company to pay bondholders. This can be restricted by covenants even if they are seniors. these bonds can be issued out of a holding company but assets and cash flows are typically resident at operating companies which may be restricted by covenants from up-streaming funds to the holding company event for the payment of senior bonds

what is the required and recommended procedures in Client-Directed Brokerage?

Required: IM Must NOT use Brokerage from another client account to pay for a product purchased under the Client-Directed Brokerage Arrangement. Recommended: (Oral disclosure is also OK) disclosure to client that IM's duty to continue to seek to obtain Best Execution, and arrangements that require the IM to commit certain % of brokerage may affect the IM's ability to seek to obtain Best Execution and obtain adequate Research.

Restructuring costs and R&D under GAAP and IFRS for business combination?

Restructuring both GAAP and IFRS do not recognize R&D recognize in process R&D at fair value subject to amortization from the next period

N/I under Control vs Significant Influence?


in-sample forecast errors s out-of-sample forcast errors?

SEE, in-sample forecast errors are the residulas from a fitted time-series model for a specified model period, while out-of-sample errors are difference of actual vs predicted for OUTSIDE the in-sample period

conversion SSE vs SEE?


What is SML?

SML is a graph of CAPM, risk measured in beta


SML! both uses beta(systematic risk)

single-monthly mortality rate (SMM) vs CPR?

SMM = 1 - (1 - CPR)^1/12 the percentage of a pool's remaining principal that is expected to be prepaid each month. SMM is the CPR converted from annual terms to a monthly rate. CPR =1 - (1 - SMM)^12

Given SMM at month t, calculate ABS's rate

SMM=(rate)/(1+(rate x (t - 1))

Given ABS's rate at month t, calculate SMM

SMM=(rate)/(1-(rate x (t - 1))

the issuer or the trust in ABS?


Operating Income?

Sales - COGS - SG&A(including depreciation) or EBIT or recurring profit or operating profit

gross income multiplier?

Sales Vale / Gross Income

Treynor-Black model?

Security selection model, - estimate the beta of individual security and residual risk determine its expected return(beta) and expected abonormal return (alpha), Variance of residuals macroeconomic forecast for market performance is available investor's degree of risk aversion is NOT needed markets are nearly efficient, some mispriced assets the weight of each analyzed security is proportional to the ratio of ahpha to its nonsystematic risk as more numbers of securities included to analyzed, the greater benefits receiving, Treynor-Black model results in a new risky portfolio combining the active portfolio and the passive market index. Then, asset allocation between this new risky portfolio and the risk free asset allow the investor to move to a desired position on the capital allocation line. - security analysts in an active investment can analyze in depth only a limited number of stocks out of the entire universe. the leftout are assumed to be fairly priced - diversification purpose, market index portfolio is baseline porfolio - the macro forecasting unit provides forecasts of expected rate of return and variance of the passive portfolio - the objective of security analysis is to form an active portfolio of a necessarily limited number of secs

Equity Reversion after taxes?

Selling Price - cost of selling - Mortgage Balance - (tax x recaptured depreciation) - (tax x long term capital gains)

what are the objective evidence of a loss event for impairments under IFRS?

Significant changes in the technological, market, economic, legal environments that have an adverse affect on the investee and indicate the initial cost of the equity investment may not be recovered a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an equity investment below its cost

What are the Principles of Prudence?

Skill, Care and Caution Care(obtaining relevant information on the circumstances and requirements of the trust and its beneficiaries) Skill (special experience, knowledge) Caution (Old - simply a duty to avoid speculation. New - duty of caution does not call for the total avoidance of risk but rather prudent management taking account of inflation, volatility illiquidity.

static spread vs yield spread?

Static spread takes the yield curve into account, whereas yield spread does not. Whereas yield spread measures the difference between a bond's YTM and the Treasury's YTM, static spread takes into account how rates along the Treasury spot yield curve differ.

Strategic buyer vs. financial buyer, show steps to adjust for the pro forma EBITDA each

Strategic buyer seeks to eliminate unnecessary expenses. the pro-forma EBITDA = unadjusted reported EBITDA + Normalized (nonmarket) executive compensation + Operating synergies (Reduced SG&A for various reasons) +/- (difference in lease? if applicable) Financial buyer does not seek operating synergies so only adding normalized (nonmarket) executive compensation the pro-forma EBITDA = unadjusted reported EBITDA + Normalized (nonmarket) executive compensation +/- (difference in lease? if applicable)

what is the debt payback period?

TOTAL DEBT / (CFO - Capital Expenditure - Dividends)

Inflation effect on real tax saving for Depreciation and Interest? The lower than expected inflation is... The higher expected inflation is...

The lower than expected inflation prevails then, the current Value increased as discounting lower rate, so the dep and int both increased and savings increased. The higher than expected inflation then, the lower current Value which leads to lower depreciation and interest savings.

Total Return in commodity investments is consist of...

Total Return = Spot price return + Roll Yield + Collateral Yield

Straight Line vs Accelerated depreciation method for the following ratios in EARLY years? Cash flow from Operating? Dep expense N/I ROA ROE Asset Turn Over

Under Accelerated Cashflow from operating - HIGHER Dep expense higher N/I lower ROA - lower ** Return is LOWER more than offsetting smaller Assets ROE - lower ** Return is LOWER more than offsetting smaller Equity Turnover - higher

Capital Lease vs Operating Lease for the following ratio CA/CL Working Capital Asset Turn Over Return on Equity N/I in early year Liabilities Cash flow from Operating Cash flow from financing Debt/Equity Liabilities to Asset

Under Capital(Financing) Lease CA/CL - Lower **Next Payment is recognized as a current liability on lessee's balance sheet Working Capital - Lower **Next Payment is recognized as a current liability on lessee's balance sheet Asset Turn Over - Lower Return on Equity - Lower N/I in early year - Lower Liabilities - Higher Cash flow from Operating - Higher Cash flow from financing - Lower Debt/Equity - Higher Liabilities to Asset - Higher

in B/S how does it recorded for the amount of the pension asset under IFRS? and GAAP?

Under GAAP simply (FV of plan assets - PV of defined benefit obligation) Under IFRS FV of plan assets + Unrecognized transition liability + Unrecognized actuarial losses + Unrecognized past service costs - PV of defined benefit obligation BUT if the above amount is lower than the sum of Unrecognized actuarial losses + Unrecognized past service costs + (FV of plan assets - PV of defined benefit obligation) then use the above sum value the difference will not be reported on BS rather it is reported in footnote

Old vs New Prudent Man

Under new... Total Portforlio base rather than individual Total Risk across Asset Class rather than individual asset Delegation is OK only excessive risk taking and undue conservatism are prohibited while old man generally avoid speculation and risk averse duty of caution

If taking ln(y) is still trend upward sloping then, what is it called?

Unit root. To remedy, take the difference of the data

Flattener or Steepener for a company with financial difficulties?

Use Flatter to buy short term CDS and sell long term CDS as more difficulties in short term

Price multiples such as P/E is Value or Growth?


Value of a company with all equity given EBIT and WACC WITH TAX!! And calculate WACC using the value

Value of the firm with all equity= EBIT(1-t)/WACC With additional debt funding Total Value of the firm: Above Value + Debt x (tax rate) WACC = r(all equity) + (r(all equity) - r(debt)) x (1-t) x (D/E) **Note D/E here D is same, Equity will be Initial Equity + the above additional newly asset base

How is it calculated the compensation expense of stock options?

Value of the options on the grate date _____________________________________ # of years options can be exercised. Compensation expense is NOT affected when the options are exercised.

what is variance of Market Model, give formula

Var(R) = β(p)^2 x σ(m)^2 + σ(e)^2 : where β(p)^2 x σ(m)^2 is systematic risk σ(e)^2 is residual risk (non systematic)

Constant dividends policy - future dividends are?

Very variable as it is based on the earnings. if earnings are volatile then their dividends are also variable

three critical assumptions made for Monte Carlo?

Volatility prepayment (prepayment model is used but no specific PSA model assumption is made) refinancing rate spreed

What is Band-of-Investment Method (BOI)?

Weighted Average cost of capital to estimate the Capitalization rate for firms with debt and equity financing Adjust the Capitalization rate by adding a sinking fund factor

Is IPS(Investment Policy Statement) is transferrable?

Yes ONLY IF it is properly constructed given investor's circumstances have not changed.

Should the sold of old equipment at t=0 considered for NPV calculation?

Yes it should consider it.

Can Publish pension Plan direct to obtain cash credits for their plan?

Yes you can.

Can the value of property and equipment and identifiable intangible assets be revalued upward under IFRS?

Yes. But the value of property and equipment and identifiable intangible assets CAN NOT be revalued upward unde U.S. GAAP

Net Operating Assets?

[(Total Asset(t) - Cash and short-term investment(t)] - [Total Liabilities(t) - Total Debts(t)]

Equity premium under macroeconomics Model?

[1 + Expected Inflation] x [1 + Growth in real EPS or GDP] x [1 + Growth in the P/E] - 1 + expected income (yield on market index) - expected RfR

Average remaining life is calculated by?

[Gross PPE (make sure you exclude Land) - Accumulated depreciation ] / annual depreciation expense if straight line method given

Cash-flow accrual ratio?

[N/I - (CFO + CFI)] / [NOAt - NOA(t-1)]/2

Balance sheet aggregate ratio?

[NOAt - NOA(t-1)] / [NOAt - NOA(t-1)]/2

Core Operating Margin?

[Sales - COGS - SG & A] / Sales

favorable income differential per share

[coupon from convertible bonds - (conversion ratio x dividends)] / (conversion ratio)

what does, if the correlation between two assets is 1, the minimum-variance frontier looks like?

a straight line

random walk?

a time series in which period plus an unpredictable randome error. B0=intercept is 0 and b1=slope coefficien is 1, random walk is not mean-reverting, infinite variance and not covariance stationary -> cannot use standard regression analysis to remedy, difference the time series data. Exchange rate data is usually random walk

PPE growing faster than sales indicate?

a warning sign that company deferring expenses expenses are being inappropriately capitalized

What are the core attributes of an effective corporate governance system?

a, delineation(concept,standard) of the rights of shareholders and the other core stakeholders b, clearly defined manager and director governance responsibilities to the stakeholders c, identifiable and measurable accountabilities for the performance of the responsibilities d, fairness and equitable treatment in all dealings between mangers directors and shareholders e, complete transparency and accuracy in disclosures regarding operations, performance, risk and financial position

The most determinant factor in formulating the return objective?

ability to take risk

absolute prepayment speed vs SMM?

absolut prepayment speed is based on a percentage of the ORIGINAL collateral amount. SMM(CPR) is based on the PREVIOUS month that was available to repay

Difference between accounting and economic income?

acc depreciation is based on the original cost while economic depreciation is based on the change in market value of invetment int expense is subtracted from net income for acc while it is inclused in discount rate in econimic income

what does large reduction in the unearned revenue mean?

accelerated revenue recognition

what is the disadvantage of the neoclassical growth theory?

according to the neoclassical, the growth will converge globally if the same technologies and capital are available. But it does not explain 100% as some contries are still struggling

Adjusting Discount Rate for the probability of failure

adjusted Rate = [(1+unadjusted discount rate ) / (1 - probability of failing )] - 1

what is the advantage and disadvantage of Convertible Bonds?

advantage is limiting downside risk while relative to purchasing a straight common stock, upside potential give-up because a premium per share must be paid

what is the implication of the CML for portfolio choice?

all mean-variance investors regardless of its risk tolerence can satisfy their needs using the risk-free asset and a single-risky portfolio, the market portfolio of all risky assets held in market value weights

stock specific factors?

all negative factors affecting private company, while company specific factors affect negative or positive liquidity of equity interests concentration of control potential agreements restricting liquidity

what is pooling of interests accounting method? and which investments?

allowed in GAAP prior to 2001 June for BUSINESS COMBINATION Can still use if it was using before 2001 and continue to use it. Assets and Liabilities are recorded at BV!!!! Retained earning for the pre-consolidation is also ADDED!!!!! pooling of interests accounting method is portrayed as if business combinations are operating as a single economic entity

Divorce for cause

allows for the firing of a manager or the termination of a fund given sufficient cause such as a felony and criminal acts

Co investment?

allows the LPs to invest in other funds of the GP at low or no management fees provide the GP another source of funds this prevents the GP from using capital from different funds to invest in the same company - making less conflict of interest would rise


allows the LPs to invest in other funds of the GP at low or no management fees. Provides GP another source of funds Prevents the GP from using capital from different funds to the same portfolio, reducing the conflicts of interest

Dead-hand provision?

allows the board for the target to redeem or cancel the poison pill only by a vote of the continuing directors

american or european options which is greater value?...but??

american options value always greater than equivalent European options. BUT American call option cannot early exercise if no cash-flow on the underlying asset, american put is OK to early exercise

why is it called smoothed with a process with amortization?

amortization of deferred gains and losses as well as past service cost REDUCES the volatility of pension expense.

what does an increase of allowance for doubtful accounts indicate of?

an increase in the allowance for doubtful account REDUCES the discretionary accrual related to the change in account receivable The allowance for doubtful accounts is a balance sheet account that reduces the reported amount of accounts receivable. Providing an allowance for doubtful accounts presents a more realistic picture of how much of the accounts receivable will be turning to cash. After all, a company selling products (or services) on credit to thousands of customers will likely have a few customers who will not be able to pay the full amount they owe to the company.

tag-along, drag-along clauses

anytime an acquirer acquires control of the company, they must extend the acquisition offer to all shareholders including firm management

Asset write-down is indicating understatement of expenses in what period?

asset write-down - understatement of expenses in prior years and future years current year is overstatement of expenses

How often does a statement for the CFA softdollar standards need to be disclosed?

at least annually

how often should the board directors stand for reelection?

at least annually

what information need to be disclosed and how often as to Soft Dollar Standards concerning IM's agreement?

at least annually to all clients - a description of the products and services received regardless of whether Prop or Third Party Research to specific clients - total amount of commisions generated for that client through a soft dollar arrangement and total amount of brokerage directed by the client through Directed Brokerage Arrangements the aggregate percentage of Ims brokerage from client directed brokerage and the amount of that client as a percentage term for less than 10 % in the client direrted brokerage, it is excluded from disclosure obligation

what is the minimum and recommended frequency of meeting board directors to meet in separate sessions?

at least annually but quarterly is recommended.

how often does Standard recommend to update for research and recommendations?

at least quarterly

the third parties in ABS?

attorneys trustees, underwriters, rating agencies, gurantors


autoregressive conditional hetroskedasticity, the variance of the error in a particular time-series model in one period depends on the variance of the error in previous periods *First regress the seuqard residual on a lagged vale of the squared residual, check if Lag1's t-test is very large indicating a possible ARCH

benefits to a bank issuing synthetic CDO?

bank does not receive a consent from a borrowers , transfer the economic risk only not the legal ownership

How are these players in Credit Derivative Market? Banks, security company, insurance firm, hedge funds

banks and secruties firms are active, insurance firms are interested in investment grade class, hedge funds are more high yielding like mezzanine and tranche trading

NAV before distributions vs NAV after distributions?

before NAV prior years + capital called down - management feeds + operating results after NAV before distributions - carried interest - distributions

what are RECOMMENDED evaluation in selecting brokers ?

best execution brokers financial responsibility brokers responsiveness to the Investment Manager the commissions rate and spread involved range of services offered by the broker

beta drift?

beta drift as beta has a tendency to revert to one

what is biased and unbiased expectations theory?

biased expectations theories are liquidity theory and preferred habitat theory while pure expectations theory is unbiased

what model is used to value corporate and agency debentures with an embedded option?

binomial model should be used

why bionominal is used to obtain dur and convexxity?

bionominal model is used to obtain effetive dur and convex (effective dur and convex are assumed cash flow changes when rate changes) not modified(where cash flow doesn't change when int rate change)

what should an investor/analyst must assess in corporate governance?

board composition and independence whether the chairman is independent the qualifications of the directors whether the board is elected on an annual or staggered basis (staggered basis is weaker corporate governance) board self-assessment practices the frequency of separate sessions of independent directors the audit committee and audit oversight nominating committee compensation committee and compensation awards to management the use of independent legal and expert counsel

poison puts?

bondholders pre-specified call provisions

latter of percent or call date?

bonds can be called if it reached predetermined rate or even if it does not reach it can be called after the call date

how do you construct spot rate curve with swap rate given liquid swap market?

bootstrapping method

client solicitation?

both current and potential but clients that currenct employer did not consider as overlapping with new employer, you can go ahead and solicit also, when non business hours you can work on your business activity

when working with two time series data...neither or both of one of independent variable and dependent variables need to be checked for unit root?

both independent and dependent variable series

cash reserve fund vs excess servicing spread account?

both of a cash reserve fund and an excess servigin spread account are internal credit enhancement. Excess servicing spread acct is the cash available to aborb losses from the collateral after payment of interest to all the tranches and the servicer

bullet and balloon payments?

both pay at the final

what indexes should be used for long only equity funds long/short equity funds fixed income hedge funds equity market neutral/global macro mutual funds equity hedge funds emerging market funds

broadly used is CSFB/Tremont long only equity funds - S&P 500 long/short equity funds - Russell 3000 fixed income hedge funds - Merrill Lynch HY equity market neutral/global macro - S&P 500 mutual funds - multifactor models equity hedge funds - Russell 3000 emerging market funds - Russell 3000

Name two risk of equity

business risk and financial risk

How do you protect a borrower using collar?

buy an interest rate cap and sell an interest rate floor

how do you replicate forward short contract on LIBOR?

buy the floor and the sell the cap at the same strike rate

how to estimate an autoregressive model?

by using ordinary least squares if covariance starionaty and errors are not uncorrelated. Durbin Watson test is INVALID

prepayment protection for the lender of commercial mortgage?

call protection is provided by the following form.... prepayment lockout defeasance prepayment penalty points yield maintainance chage

DW test for lagged value (AR1)

cannot be used check autocorrelation to test for serial correlation

capital vs capitalization?

capital =long and short term debt plus shareholders equity capital ization=long term debt plus shareholders equity?

Residual Dividends Policy given d/e ratio 40/60 and capital budget for next year 40 and N/I is 30, what is div?

capital budget 40 x equity % .6=24 N/I 30 - 24= 6 (dividends)

capitalizing vs expensing? what about ROE?

capitalizing INCREASES assets, Investing Cash-outflow at the beggning and operating cash INFLOWS, amortization expense, depreciation expense, expensing, REDUCES net income, NO asset, lower retained earning, Reduce operating cash flow. Total are same for N/I and cash flow ROE - capitalizing is HIGHER than expensing in early years because MORE N/I Effect than Equity? be careful here, case by case secnario

Total return method?

carried interest is calculated on the entire portfolio 1) carried interest can be paid only after the portfolio value exceeds COMMITTED(larger) capital 2) carried interest can be paid when the value of the portfolio exceeds INVESTED(smaller than committed capital) capital by some minimum amount

cash flow duration? And its limitations?

cash flow duration assume that, prepayment rate will change if interest rate changes. This duration only assumes one initial prepayment speed and only when rates change the prepayment speed changes. In MBS, it is not just one potential cash flow or prepayment rate

cash flow duration, modified duration, effective duration, which one is superior?

cash flow duration is superior to modified duration as it assumes prepayment rate changes when int rate changes but effective duration is superior to cash flow duration.

cash inputs vs cash expense?

cash inputs = - COGS + change in inventory + change in a/p cash expense= - wages - change in wage payable

unearned(deferred) revenue?

cash received but service has not been delivered Decreasing in unearned revenue means RECOGNIZING REVENUE QUICKER so a warning sign and accelerate revenue recognition classified as as a current liability

cash flow duration?

changes in prepayment rate given a change in interest rates, a static approach this doesn't capture the prepayment opton while effective duration does, also prepayment speed is fixed and constant this is better than modified duration as modified dur fixes cash flows

Shark repellents?

changes to a corporate charter for pre-offer takeover defense mechanism - staggered boards of directors and supermajority provisions

The gearter OAS, ?

cheaper the bond and better value is

how to determine whether we can use linear regression for more than one time series?

check for unit root. if BOTH does not have unit root then OK!!! if one of none then INVALID!!! if neither has unit root, then need to evaluate whether the variables are cointegrated!!!

how to test whether seriall correlation in AR model?

checkk whether the autocorrelations of the ERROR term are significatntly differ from 0. formula given, (1/√'n)

what is new growth theory about?

choice of people make and growth can persist indefinitely; discoveries result from choices; discovereis bring profit, and competition destroys profit. *our WANTS always exceed ****human capital can offset the diminishing return that was argue in neoclassical theory

what is clean surplus accounting? and what items are possibly violating it?

clean surplus accounting the ending book value of equity is equal to the beginning of the equity plus earning less dividends. Anything OCI items: such as.... marketable securities classified as Available-for-Sale Foreign currency translation adjustment under the current method.

what should be written in investment policy statement?

client's needs preference and circumstances

closed end vs open end home equity loan backed securities?

closed end is a fully aortizing residential mortgage loan, open end provides a credit line to homeowners

how to adjust Treynor-Black model weightings within actively managed portfolio, show process

collect the time-series alpha forecasts calculate the correlation between the alpha and the realized alpha square the correlation to derive the R^2 adjust (shrink) a forecast alpha by multiplying it by the adjusted R^2

noncompete clause?

company founders must sign such clauses to prevent from competing against the firm with a pre-specified period of time.

list control mechanisms to align interests with those of managers of private equity?

compensation, tag-along, drag-along clauses, board representation, noncompete clauses, priority in claims, required approvals, earns-out

empirical duration? And its limitations?

computed using statistical analysis. NO strucre on the embedded option. It required good set of price data for the tranche. It does not accurately capture embedded options structure. Lastly, the volatility of the spread to Treasury yields can distort the price reacts to yield changes

prior transaction method (PTM)?

considers actual transactions in the stock of the subject private company

covariane stationary?

constant volatility around a mean also means it is mean reverting

what does maximize in Active portfolio management in theory?

construct a risk portfolio that maximizes the reward to variability ratio so called Sharpe Ratio

conversion premium ratio?

conversion premium per share / Market price of common stock [***conversion premium per share=market conversion price - market price of common stock [****market conversion price = Market Price of Bonds / conversion ratio] ]


corporate event that will cause the marketplace to reevlaluate a company's prospects

performance disclosure and confidentiality?

corporate governance of a private equity fund that specifies the fund performance disclosure but NOTE that the performance information for underlying portfolio company is typically NOT disclosed.

what are the two types of regulations for average cost pricing?

cost-of-service regulation and rate-of-return regulation. cost-of-service regulation -> regulation that firm price only reflect actual average pricing. rate-of-return regulation-> firms can set price that can earn normal return of investments

Equity Curve-out?

creation of new entity and result in cashflows

credit assessment for ABS?

credit quality of the collateral quality of the seller or servicer cash flow stress test and payment legal structure

what is credit scorign model and its limitations?

credit scoring model use financial variables, they tend to classify firms as likely to defualt.

what are gauges are used in addition to credit rating in assessing credit risks? And explain each

credit watch, rating outlook and transition table. Credit watch is rating agencies are watching with the potential for an upgrade or downgrade. Rating outlook is a long-term projection (6months - 2 years) whether likely to be downgraded or upgraded. Rating transition table -% of issues at each rating at the beginning of a period it was downgrade or upgraded by the end of the period

when does a curtailment of pension obligation occur?

curtailment occur when a company ether significantly reduces the number of employees covered by a plan, or amends the plan of future services so the current employees no longer qualifies for benefit

which of the following will impact on the retun of zero coupon bonds? slope, yield level or curvature?

curvature is correct, it will least likely impact

LIFO liquidation?

decrease in LIFO inventory INCREASE gross profit but one time event not sustainable distort gross profit margin more inventory units were sold than produced or purchased usually occur during economic downturn to adjust inventories or labor stikes

Given hedge ratio, what is delta?

delta = (1/hedge ratio)

Delta on options are change of

delta is an change per UNIT not %change

how effective durations are different among dealers given all Monte Carolo simulation is used?

differences come from, differences in amount of the rate shock used, prepayments models, OAS, relationship between short-term interest rates and refinancing rates

when does IRR vs NPV give conflicting suggestions?

different size and different timing of cash flow

why durations are different given the same interest changes formula used?

different volatility assumptions, different benchmark interest rates, different call rule

why effective durations are dfferent dealer by dearler for MBS?

different, 1 prepayment model used, 2, amount of the rate shock used, 3, OAS computed, 4, the relationship between short term interest rates and refinancing rates assumed

how can an effective durtion be diffferent from dealers to dealers?

differneces in the rate changed used differences in the prepayment model differences in the OAS applied differences in the assumed relationship between short term rates and refinancian rates

tell me six approached used in private equity?

discounted cash flow, relative value or market approach, real option analysis, replacement cost, venture capital method and leveraged buyout method

what are the key roles in new growth thoery?

discoveries are a public capital good. Knowledge is capital that si not subject to the law of diminishing!!

what is CDO?

diversified pool of debt obligations such as including bank loans, emerging market bonds, high-yield corporate, stuructured financial products)

lockout period in credit card backed secruties?

during the lockout period, only finance charges and fees collected and distributed to the bondholders, and principa paid are reinvested in new receivables and no distributed

in Treynor-Black mode, the actively managed portfolio's security weights computed by?

each securities' ALPHA to its NONSYSTEMATIC risk divided by the SUM of these ratios for every securities in the active portfolio.

what are the two regulations? Explain each

economic regulation and social regulation. Economic regulation relates to costs, price, entry and exit. Social regulation covers all firms in the economy; better quality of life, environment, safety, advertising.

Arbitrage transactions for CDOs are classified as?

either cash flow CDOs(coupon payments and maturing principals) or market value CDOs(total market return) depending on the primary source of th eproceeds from the underlying

8-K filing?

entry or termination of a material definitive agreement, the completion or asset acquisition or disposition, creation of a financial obligation, changes in the certifying accountant

what does the intercept of macroeconomics model equal to?

equals to the expected return from APT.

benchmark is typically Treasury yield plus 200bps or 300 or whatever, what is it?

equity market neutral strategy

tell me anything about serial correlation ?

errors are correlated across observations often arise in time-series regrassion F-test inflated as MSE underestimated positive serial correlation means a positive error for one observation increases a possibility of positive error... ....as well as negative error for one observation increases a possibility of negative error small SEE means larger t-stats Durbin-Watson test to detet =2(1-r) if no serial correlation, r=0 so DW is 2 if positively serially correlated r=1 so DW=0 if negatively serially correlated, then DW will be grater than 2 回帰式の誤差項が互いに相関 standard erros will be biased downward

responsibilities of board members?

establish corporate values and governance structures to ensure the business is conducted in an ethical, competent, fair and professional manner ensure al legal and regulatory requirements are met and compiled with fully and in a timely fashion establish long term strategic objectives establish clear lines of responsibility and accountability and performance measurement hire CEO and determine the compensation package, and periodically evaluate the officer's performance ensure management has supplied the board with sufficient information meet regularly to perform its duties acquire adequate training

implied volatility?

estimated from the observed prices of interest rate options, for option pricing model forward looking estimate (shorai no yosou hendouritsu) based on historical vola and market expecation blackshores kara gyakusan

what curvers can benchmark rates be based on?

estimated yield curve or estimated spot rate curve

How excess servicing spread is calculated?

excess servicing spread = Gross weighted avg coupon - servicing fee - net weighted avg for the tranche

excess spreads accounts?

excess spread accounts require security structures don't pay out all incoming interest to the security holders, allowing the establishment of a spread account where excess interest payments are stored and can be used to cover future defaults if needed

what inputs are necessary in determining the FV of options?

exercise price stock price at the grant date expected term expected volatility expected dividends risk-free rates

which model to use small company premium?

expanded CAPM and build up method

what are the two theory for term structure of interest rates?

expectations theory and market segmentation theory

how do you calculate expected excess returns and alpha values?

expected excess return = Expected return for the stock - T-Bills alpha value = Expected return for the stock - (tbills + beta x (expected return for mkt portfolio - tbills))

what is external crossing and give characteristic

external crossing is via ECN 1, minimize transaction costs 2, very rarely take place 3, anonymity

weak-link approach? A letter of credit from a bank of its rate Single A ?

external enhancement from a single A bank cannot provide a higher rating than single A

what is the formula to calculate the facot"s price of risk given factor sensitivy and expected retrn and RfR

factor's price of risk=(expected return - RfR)/ Factor sensitivity

Put-call parity idea comes from what and what?

fiduciary call= protective put ----> Long Call + Long Bond = Long Put + Long Underlying

fill in blank.. The SMK is the euqation that specifies the ___/___ for a security that is implied by the ___ when the market is in equilibrium

fill in blank.. The SMK is the euqation that specifies the required /expected return for a security that is implied by the CML when the market is in equilibrium

Residual Standard deviation

find residual st dev √[σ(e)^2 ] correlation = Cov/ (σ1 x σ2) = (β1 x β2 x σ(m)^2) ____________________________________________ √[β1^2 x σ(m)^2 + σ(e)^2] x √[β2^2 x σ(m)^2 + σ(e)^2]

How to detect ARCH?

find the regression residuals then create a new variable e^2=a0 +a1 * e(t-1)^2 +u1. and test whether a1 is statistically different from 0

cash flow after tax given NOI?

first determine tax expense by (NOI - depreciation - int expense ) x (tax) then find value for NOI - tax expense - annual debt service

what steps need to be taken to determine the minimum-variance frontier for a set of n assets?

first determine the minimum expected return and the maximum expected return among n assets. Then choose the individual asset weights that minimize portfolio variance of return.

how to construct optimal risky portfolio?

first determine the optimal active portfolio using the Treynor-Black technique, find alpha / residual variance

How to test for ARCH(autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity) in model on first differences?

first estimate regression and save RESIDUALS from the regression then create a new variables e^2 by squaring the residual finally estimate e^2=a0 + a1 x e^2(t-1) + u, to see if a1 is different from 0!!!!!!!

Given n=100, Autocorrelation for Lag 4 is 0.5, then t-stats is?

first standard error of the autocorrelation 1/(100^0.5)=0.1 then t-stats of autocorrelation 0.5/0.1

what is swap spread? And what is it indicating?

fixed swap rate relative to government yield for the same maturity. Swap spread is a credit risk (counterparty risk) in banking sector

flip in pill vs flip over pill?

flip in pill is when the common shareholder of the target company has the right to buy its shares at a discount flip over - the target company's common shareholders receive the right to purchase shares of the acquiring company at a significant discount from the market price - will cause dilution of existing acquiring company shareholders.

what is maximum drawdown risk measurement?

focuses on the minimum value between successive maxium value (min vs max - diff) provides an estimate of the magnitude of the largest percentage loss VAR provides both magnitude and probability

which spread measure if appopriate for credit card loans, auto loans and MBS?

for credit card and auto, Z spread if appropriate as embedded option is not applied for MBS, OAS is appropriate

Lessor records interest revenue under...for sales type lease vs direct financing lease

for direct financing lease, interest revenue record under interest revenue for sales type, a lessor earns both interest revenue and a PL on the sale of the leased asset in GAAP

Signaling Theory?

for example, reduction of dividends will impact negatively on investors

State the differences of forward P/E and trailing P/E

forward P/E-> P0/E1= (1-retention)/(r-g) trailing P/E-> P0/E0= (1-r/r)*(1+g)/(r-g)

in monte carlo simulation, what interest rate is used on an interest rate path?

forward rates plus an appropriate spread is used to value MBS on an interest rate path

discretionary cash flow? vs prefinancing cash flow? vs free operating cash flow?

free operating cash flow - operating cash flow minus capital expenditures cash available to use pay dividends and acquisition prefinancing cash flow?- adjust discretionary cashflow by decreasing it by acqusitions or increasing it by asset disposable cover all internal needs discretionary cash flow?- free operating cash flow minus cash dividends cash available to use acquisition

How can be LIBOR spot and forward rate curves derived?

from the swap yield curve using bootstrapping metodology

what are the potential issues with hedge fund index data?

funds in the index are subject to turnover survivorship and backfill biases may overestimate returns missing large funds data may under or overestimate returns autocorrelations will underestimate volatility track records are still relatively short

Growth Factor?


Gross profit EXCLUDES what?

gains from financial products

if ARCH exists, then what model to be used ?

generalized least squares

what is the ability to take risk for 38ys old and 68ys in general?

generally younger has more ability to take risk than older risky hobbies mean willingness to take higher risk

formula for convexity?

given convexity of 93 and an increase of 150 bps in yield. (93 * 0.0150^2 * 100)

formula for bond equivalen yield?

given monthly yield 2 x [(1+monthly yield)^6-1]

CAL(capital alloaction line) - what preconditions and its characteristics?

given risk-free asset ! CAL is tangent to the effient frontier of risky assets

mean reverting level?

given y=b0+xb1 solve x as x=b0+xb1

if AR(1) is serially correlated then?

go on AR(2) ....until AR(n) to find correctly fit lag model that is not serially correlated

what are the three method used for Market approach?

guideline public company method guideline transactions method prior transaction method

CDO's bond type instruments are?

high-yield bonds and emerging market bonds

higher interest rate on options?

higher interest rate the HIGHER value of call as it will decrease as X/(1+RfR)T and decrease the value of put

backfill bias?

historical equity risk premium biased upward the bias inherent in adding new hedge funds to an index.

what are the four types of estimates of the equity risk premium?

historical estimates forward-looking estimates (macroeconomic model estimates, Gordon growth, survey estimates) adjusted historical

what does human capital will grow

human capital will increase labor productivity and technoligical advance

what are the semi active/controlled and enhanced index strategies and active investment?

hybrid of passive and active strategies, for example, individual securities are benchmark neutral but country allocations are benchmark active

recapture depreciation?

if Net Selling Price => original cost then it is equal to accumulated depreciation if Net Selling Price < original cost then, it is Net Selling Price - BV

Key man clause?

if a key named executive leaves the fund or does not spend a sufficient amount of time, GP may be prohibited from making additional investments until another key executive is selected

I/O strips vs Principal/O strips which one will underperform if interest rates increase?

if interest rates increase, then prepayments will slow and I/O will benefit from extension risk. Also principal received will be less so I/O will outperform while P/O underperform

how can have two different durations for the same security

if it bases on different assumption of, int volatility, call rule, different benchmark interest rate used then it will create two different durations

Grossman Stiglitz paradox

if market information are freely obtainabled, then prices are perfectly reflected intrinsic value then no investors pay for costs to obtain information so is the market prices intrinsic value?

what are REQUIRED evaluation in selecting brokers ?

if the broker is capable of providing BEST EXECUTION (broker's responsiveness etc are only RECOMMENDED)

How are the derivatives that used to hedge Asset or Liabilities exposure reported in the financial statement?

if the hedge is to protect changes in the value of asset or liabilities, then the ineffective portion is recognized in the income statement

what is the account adjustment as a result of reducing the # of year in warranty estimate?

if you decrease the warranty years, then expensed in prior years was too large hence the reversal of the reserve in the previous year would reduce the expense and increase net income and ON-balance sheet liability

high earning quality will result in?

improving the ability to predict future earnings persistence and suitability!

random walk?

in AR(1), intercept value is close to zero slope coefficient is close to 1!! Value for t equals the value for t-1 time series in the value of the series in one period is the value of the series in the previuos period plus an unpredictable random error

where do you find net borrowing among CFO CFI and CFF statement?

in CFF Δ in debt outstanding

Risk measure in CML and SML?

in CML Standard Deviation or Variance, or called total risk in SML Beta, or asset's risk standardized by the market's risk

negative effective duration in which type of sec typically found?

in I/O Stipe as int rate decreases, it will increase prepayment hence, the cash flows paid to holder of IO will decrease

How is the disclosure made under the Softdollar standards?

in a plain language, specifically including.. to clients and potential clients whether it may use Research benefiting clients other than those whose trades generate, which include agency and principal trades to clients type of research received through prop and third party research agreement to clients extent of use, whether any affiliated broker is involved

integrity of capital markets?

including material nonpublic information

what are the three difficulties with conversion nominal vs real in Emerging Market valuation model in Equity

income taxes are based on nominal real WCInv is not equal to Real cashflow use nominal to convert it back Nominal capital Expenditure is difficult to estimate use REAL FCInv, depreciation, EBITDA to convert it back

what are the effects on PBO and pension expense(interest costs and service costs respectively) and ABO and VBO when discount rate is INCREASED?

increasing discount rate will reduce the PBO. also typically reduce the pension expense as it will lower PBO so service cost will be reduced as well as interest expense will reduced. (PBO x discount rate) PBO reduced is more than offsetting the increase in discount rate. ABO is decreased and VBO is also decreased. for a mature stage plan(interest costs portion is larger than PBO portion), increasing discount rate will INCREASING interest costs so pension expense can increase.

key assumptions on liner regression?

independent variable is not random expected value of the error term is zero the variance of the error term is the same for all observations the error term is uncorrelated across observations the error term is normally distributed

assesing tax-backed debt?

information on the issuers debt structure information on the issuers ability and political discipline information on the specific local taxes and intergovenmental revenue avaiiable to the issuer information on the issuers overall socioeconomic environment

what do international markets are inteegrated or segmented mean?

integrated means the same expected return wherever in the world given the same risk characteristics. Segmented mean they are different in the world violating the law of one price

LIBOR market?

interbank and AA rated benchmark

what is internal crossing and give characteristic

internal crossing is within PM 1, minimize transaction costs 2, very rarely take place

factors affecting dividend policy are?

investment opportunities expected volatility of future earning financial flexibility tax considerations flotation costs contractual and legal restrictions

extension risk?

investor in short term security is concerned with extension risk - risk that securitys average life will increase Extension risk is mainly the result of rising interest rates and is generally associated with mortgage related securities. As interest rates rise, the likelihood of prepayment decreases. Since loans in a pool underlying a security are being prepaid at a slower rate, investors are unable to capitalize on higher interest rates because their investments are locked in at a lower rate for a longer period of time.

rational efficien markets formulation

investors also seek for gathering information when they can be rewarded by higgher gross profits

assumption for CAPM?

investors have idential views about the expected returns, variances and covar - only need to know these to determine which portfolio is optimal. Can buy and sell shares without affecting prices, can borrow or lend at risk free unlimited, can go short and pay no tax no transaction costs

accrual tranche a.k.a. Z tranche?

is paid only after all other tranchs have been paid in full thus, Z tranche acts as a zero coupon single payment at maturity bond it has no effect on prepayments

accrual tranche a.k.a. Z tranche?

is paid only after all other tranchs have been paid in full. thus, Z tranche acts as a zero coupon single payment at maturity bond. it has no effect on prepayments

currency swap? replicate it with bonds etc.

issuing a bong in one currency exchanging the proceeds for another currency at the spot exchange rate and purchasing bond denominated in the other currency with the same payment and maturity dates.

Which method is higher current ratio among, equity method, consolidation with full goodwill or partial good will?

it depends but under full or partial it is same because current ratio is CA/CL regardless of partial or full also, equity method is unaffected by its investment because it is recorded under non-current asset

chain rule of forecasting?

it is AR(1) or AR(n) model that if you want to estimate more than 1 period. In order to estimate for period t+1 you first find value for t etc.. Multi period model is more unertain than single period model

ETF is open-end or close-end? short trade and margined allowed? what are the other characteristics?

it is a special open-end funds can go short and margined tax efficiencies low cost structure international diversification

NPV for real estate cash flow is after tax or before tax

it is based on after tax cash flow

investing in passthrough security explained by option?

it means sold a call option to homeowners(borrowers) so higher the volatility, the option price is larger then, the value of passthrough becomes lower

shortcomings on pure expectations theory?

it neglects risks inherent in investing in bonds

autoregressive model (AR)?

it regresses on its own past values; current value relates to its own previous value

distribution waterfall?

it specifies the method in which profits will flow to LPs and when the GP receives carried interest. Deal by Deal method Total Return method (1) carried interest paid only after the portfolio value EXCEEDS COMMITTED CAPITAL (2) carried interest can be paid when the value of the portfolio exceeds invested capital by some minimum amount

Distribution waterfall?

it specifies the method in which profits will flow to the LPs and GP receiving carried interest e.g. deal-by-deal method total return method

how OAS change when int rate changes in computing effective duration and convexity?

it stays constant

what are the shortcomings of VAR?

it uses historical data, not forward looking it assumes returns are normally distributed it assumes component risks are additive where they are multiplicative

what is Sortino ratio

it uses the downside deviation and the minimum acceptable return in place of the risk-free rate it can be used to measure the entire left side of the probability density function

if a collateral is trading at a premium then a slowdown in prepayments will result in..?

it will allow the investor to receive the higher coupon for a longer period of time so it will increase the value of collateral

cash ratio in LIFO?

it will be HIGHER in inflationary periods as CASH is more because tax paid is LESS.

Asset revaluation impact on Equity

it will change carrying amount of assets but bypass the change as other comprehensive income and recorded under Equity so, change in Equity but No change in N/I.

trached at discount and tranche at premium will increase or decrease with slowdown in repayment?

it will decrease the ddiscount even lower for the tranche at discount and increase the premium even higher

Given "n" portfolios and correlation, as "n" gets larger, it will get close to?

it will get close to the ... (Avg variance of all assets in the portfolio) x correlation

Given "n" portfolios, as "n" gets larger, it will get close to?

it will get close to the average covariance where variance of an n-asset portfolio = (1/n) x Avg Variance of all assets in the portfolio + (n-1)/n x Avg Covariance of all pairings of assets in the portfolio

what will it increase or decrease from employer's contribution?

it will increase plan assets NOT liability (note liability will increase by service costs not contributions) ok?

what military confrontation will give effects on equity risk premium

it will lead equity risk premium downwards

cash-based accounting will increase or decrease the management discretion over reporting financial results?

it will limit management's discretion in reporting financial results

how does efficient frontier look like before and after adding a risk-free assets?

it will look like a straight line with risk-free assets, while it looked like a "「 " shape before adding RfR.

AR model with covariance stationary?

it will tends to its mean-reverting level

negative or positive convexity for prepayment risk protectd or have little prepayment risk bonds?

its positive convexity

to completely hedge positions with options, what is the procedure?

keep continuously rebalance the position in order to maintain delta hedge

what is relative strength indicator?

keyword, "persistence or reversals in return" compares a stock's performance during a particular period with its own past performance or the performance of some group of stocks. a.k.a price momentum

strucural models?

known as "firm value models", it states that.. a company defaults on debt if the value of the assets falls below a cetrain default point it largely depends on the expected volatility of a corporationis asset value also, relates to Black Scholes Model

long-term vs short-term obligation for bonds?

l. forward lloking assessment of the probability of default and the magnitude of the loss s. forward looking assessment of the probability of default

warning signs in revenue results?

large increases in accounts receivable or large decreases in unearned revenue

What will cause larger DLOM and smaller DLOM

larger DLOM - a longer asset duration smaller DLOM - IPO(more liquidity), lower asset risk So, more risk, longer duration and less liquidity means larger DLOM

weak corporate governance arise what risks?

liability risk, strategic policy risk, accounting risk and assets risk

what is the term of the fund in private equity?

life of the fund usually ten years

what are the associated risks with investment risks with hedge funds?

limited availability of information changes in credit spreads equity market risk style drift leverage

assesing revenue debt?

limits of the basic security flow of funds structure rate or user charge covenant priority of revenue claims the additioal bonds test other covenants

OAS for MBS reprents what risks?

liquidity risk, credit risk, modeling risk

log-linear time series model captures growth at a constant rate


what is revolving structure and in what assets they are?

lockout for principal repayments, they are in non-amortizing assets (credit cards)

extension and contraction risk non-accerelating senior tranche?

lockout period can be set so contraction risk is mitigated while extension risk in later years will be provided by allocating a large percentages to the non-accelerating senior tranche


long-term debt + equity benchmark for hedge fund investments? the hedge fund strategy that comes closest to pure risk-free arbitrage is equity market neutral

Herfindale Hirshman Index show benchmark range and what is it based on for a regulatory to challenge? Given Herfindale Index 0.0032 what is it equivalent firms of the same size in the industry?

lower than 1000 competitive 1000 - 1800 moderately concentrated 1800 and larger very concentrate Given Herfindale Index 0.0032 what is it equivalent firms of the same size in the industry is 1/0.0032 Regulatory challenge is based on post-merger HHI level and the change in HHI

Herfindale Hirshman Index show benchmark range and what is it based on for a regulatory to challenge?

lower than 1000 competitive 1000 - 1800 moderately concentrated 1800 and larger very concentrate Regulatory challenge is based on post-merger HHI level and the change in HHI

what are the general classifications of multifactor and explain briefly each

macroeconomic factor - factor SURPRISES (e.g. GDP, inflation, interest rates) fundamental factor models - returns are explained by the multiple firm-specific factors (e.g. P/E, market cap, leverage, earnings growth) statistical factor models - multivariate statistics, covariation among assets, weakness is statistical factors do not lend themselves well to economic interpretation.

LBO model?

main input the target firms forecasted cash flows the expected returns to the providers of the financing the total amount of financing objective is not to value the firm but to determine the maximum price in negotiation the private equity firm should pay for its stake

convertible securities are callable or putable?

majority of those are collabe but some r putable also, there is another call option but this time it is granted to issuer to call the convertible bonds therefore it is called multiple call features it is complicated to value as it has two call options, one is to find futures price for holders call option, the other is to assess int rate for issuers call option

what effects on existing funds premium and discount by foreign government impose restrictions?

make existing funds premium or discount higher

what effects on existing funds premium and discount by introducing new world equity funds and emerging equity funds?

make existing funds premium or discount lower

what does a reduced level in raw materials and finished good mean?

management expects a further downturn in sales

two major conflict in corporate finance?

manager vs shareholder director vs shareholder conflicts (director identify with the managers interests rather than those of the shareholders due to close personal relationship with managers)

conversion premium per price for CB?

market conversion price - market price of common stock [****market conversion price = Market Price of Bonds / conversion ratio]

What is the weakness of the market model?

market model is a good estimate of historical relationship but not necessarily a good predictor of future relationship

SML's slope is same as?

market risk premium

what is the problem with using Treasury coupon strips to construct the yeild?

may be biased due to a liquidity premium or an unfavorable tax treatment

convariance stationary - what is it and how to measure?

mean, variance do not change over time. 1, the expected value of the time series must be constant. 2, the variance of the time series must be constant, 3, the covariance of the time series must be constant and FINITE. From the chart, the growing numbers of series are NOT covariance stationary

CML vs SML for the following measure of risk? graph of...? slope?

measure of risk SML (only systematic risk , non diversifiable, or beta) and CML (standard deviation or total risk) graph of...? SML (graph of the capital asset pricing model CAPM) CML (graph of the efficient frontier) slope? SML (market risk premium) and CML (Market portfolio Sharpe ratio)

what is subsistence real wage rate?

minimum wage rate to maintain life

what is vesting?

minimum years of service before they can receive DB plan

What is minimum-variance frontier? Define it clearly

minimum-variance frontier is a GRAPH of the expected return/variance combinations for all minimum-variance portfolios **minimum-variance portfolio is one that has the smallest variance among all portfolio with identical expected return.

What is minimum-variance portfolio? Define it clearly

minimum-variance portfolio is one that has the smallest variance among all portfolio with identical expected return.

what is weakness of using residual income method?

models rely on accounting data that are easily manipulated by management clean surplus issues when BV is deteriorated international accounting differences intangible assets affecting BV Deviations from FV (operating leases, SPEs, reserves and allowances, inventory, pension asset or liability, deferred tax liabilities)

Shopping centers - give characteristics

moderately active low-liquidity professional management is needed periodic income and value appreciation risk from competition is high tax depreciation high vacancy rate competition

Apartments - give characteristics

moderately active moderately liquid high income investors seeking tax shelter periodic income tax depreciation capital gains tax exposure inflation hedge

Office buildings - give characteristics

moderately active moderately liquid high income investors seeking tax shelter periodic income tax depreciation capital gains tax exposure inflation hedge competition and obsolescence risk

apartments tell me characteristics

moderately liquid, high leverage loan to value ratio, tax depreciation applied, high income, tax shlter

modified dur vs effective dur and what model is used to evaluate effective dur?

modified duration assumes cash flow does not change with interest rates change, while effective duration assume cash flow changes with interest rates change so binominal model is effective duration

What are the three agency costs?

monitoring costs, bonding costs, residual loss monitoring costs - monitor mgmt bonding costs - to assure mgmt are working in the owner's best interest, implicitly noncompete employment contacts, explicitly insurance to guarantee performance residual loss - losses by failed to cover by monitoring costs and bonding costs

advantages of swap curves?

n distortion from repo market more points of maturities easy comparison across coutntries without distortions caused by tax benefits

what is advantage of using residual income method?

need not adjust the BV of common equity for non-recurring items. terminal value does not dominate the intrinsic value estimate vs. div or cash flow models it uses accounting data easy to find focus on economic profitability rather than accounting profitability

what are the risks involved in Ginnie mae?

no credit risk but clearly liduidity risk and modeling risk(assumption risk - not correctly valuing the security), also the more complex the security is more illiquid

is the global minimum-variance portfolio always desirable expected return?

no, Capital Allocation Line will exceed the global minimum-variance portfolio.

US SEC require company to use the same inventory valuation method for all inventories? and what a word repeal means?

no, OK to use different inventory methods for all inventories. repeal means..取り消し 撤回、廃止

Monte Carlo is arbitrate free?

no, it is arbitrate free only in bionominal or Black Scholes

Is minimum-variance frontier desirable at all points on the graph?

no, minimum-variance frontier looks like "く" みたいな shape so, anything under the global minimum variance portfolio point(convex portion), it is not desirable. anything above it(concave) it is desirable.

home loan includes prepayment risk in which spread?

nominal spread

Non-accelerating vs PAC tranche?

non-accelerating payment is based NOT on a dollar amount, it it share of pro rata principal . PAC is schedule of the dollar amount

non-amortizing and amortizing assets, what are they and the composition of the asset pool for each changes during the their life?

non-amortizing - credit card receivables amortizing - auto, home equity loans the composition of the asset pool CHANGES once the assets are securitized for NON-amortizing the composition of the asset pool DOES NOT CHANGES once the assets are securitized for amortizing

Give exampls for non amortizing assets and amortizing assets

non-amortizings are credit card receivables, amortizing are auto loans, home equity loans

"Investment in" for Equity method is?

non-current assets recoded in B/S!!!! So it is end-BALANCE Make sure you include dividends impact **compare to equity income vs "investment"

Equity method investments are classified as

noncurrent assets!

what are the contributions to the improvement in the performance of the active portfolio?

nonsystematic risk and mispricing

What the minimum-variance frontier depend on?

number of assets the expected returns the expected variance and correlations of returns

missing important explanatory variable?

omitted variable bias -> data will be biased and inconsistent standard errors will be inconsistent, thus cannot use coefficient tests and estimates

what is one-third rule?

on the average, with no change in technology, a 1 percent increase in capital per hour labor bring a 1/3 percent increase in labor productivity. The rest 2/3 are coming from technology changes?

SPE under which IFRS or GAAP allowed?

only GAAP allowed


only GAAP but eliminated now -QSPE Qualifying special purpose entity allow legally separating from the sponsoring company - dont have to consolidate bankruptcy remote - financial risk limited

lockout period for credit card backed securities?

only finance charges and fees collected and principal paid by borrowers is reinvested in new receivables

Permit impairment loss to be reversed in GAAP and IFRS?


Goodwill is charged when?

only when it becomes impaired. ***no amortization not at the time of the acquisition

what is separation theorem?

optimal risky portfolio is independent to the investor's risk aversion. the optimal portfolio is a combination of the risk-free asset and the optimal risky asset portfolio.

poison pills?

options that given to shareholders to issue stock at deep discount flip in pill and flip over pill dead hand provision

central order book is wether order driven or price driven?

order driven

ECN (electronic communication network)?

order driven, limit order book, anonymously take place

coporate govenance criterias?

ownership structure extternal influences shareholder rights and relations transperency disclosure and audit process board structure and effectiveness

what are the typical corporate governance criteria?

ownership structure, external influeces, shareholder rights and stakeholder relations, transparency, disclosure and audit process and board structure and effectiveness

management fees in private equity fund how and who to receive?

paid to GP on an annual basis based on COMMITTED capital 1.5-2.5% range usually OR based on Paid In Capital (total accumulative capital called down)

Raw Land - give characteristics

passive illiquid speculators and developers mostly value appreciation low leverage capital gain tax exposure no tax depreciation

Warehouses - give characteristics

passive moderately liquid tax shelter LARGE periodic income risk with oversupply tax depreciation risk with obsolescence when material handling procedures change

market is in equilibrium means passive or active, also high or low allocation

passive and low allocation

Raw Land and Vacant tell me characteristics

passive, illiquid, no tax depreciation, have capital gains taxation, expenses capitalize, invested by speculator and developer

what is phantom stock? and stock appreciation rights?

phantom stock is similar to stock appreciation rights, payoff is based on the performance of hypothetical stock i/o firm's actual shares. (used in privately held firms and highly illiquid firms) stock appreciation is based on the firm's actual shares.

What are the execution steps in PM construction?

portfolio selection/composition portfolio implementation

Given correlation, number of stocks, Average Variance of stock, calculate portfolio standard deviation

portfolio st dev= √{ Variance x [ (1-correlation)/n + correlation]}

Factor Portfolio?

portfolio that has been constructed to have sensitivity equal to 1.0 to ONLY ONE factor AND sensitivities to other factors are ZERO ONLY ONE FACTOR RISK

in Monte Carlo simulation model, what prepayment model iused?

prepayment model is usedm which provides a prepayment rate for EACH MONTH on EACH interest path. PSA model is not applicable in Monte Carlo

what is the common rationales for share repurchases?

prevent EPS dilution comes from the exercise of employee stock options to alter the company's capital structure send a signal to investors that management forecast the outlook for the company's future is strong

what are the limitations of the gross income multiplier approach

pricing is discontinuous lack of information gross rent versus NOI distorted selling prices unique or non-income producing properties

what model is appropriate when dependent variable is qualitative (dummy variable such as 0 or 1)?

probit or logit model probit model is based on normal distribution logit model is based on logistic distirbution another possibility is discriminant analysis

assymetic information?

producer has information while buyer does not <- economic regulation is to fix e.g. lemon problems

what method is used under IFRS to estimate the Defined benefit obligation?

projected unit credit method for each period employees provide services, they earn a portion of the post-employment benefits

PAC tranche?

protection against both contraction risk and extension risk of prepayment risks, using support tranche (it exposes to the largest prepayment risks), the less the support trache, the more prepayment risk to PAC. Timing of repayment is greatly assured, so maturity date is narrowly set

clear description on protection buyer and seller please

protection buyer is short the credit(selling the credity risk premium?) pays a premium to the protection seller(long the credit)

Insurance company, mono.linesm casualty and prorprty insures in CDS?

protectiono seller (sell CDS) to enhance yield and provide diversification in their portolio

what are the impediments to the international flow of capital?

psychological barriers legal restrictions transaction costs discriminatory taxation political risks foreign currency risk

Formula for Cost of Equity with D/E Ratio

r(e)=r0 + (r0 - rd)(1-d) x D/E :where r0 is the cost of equity of all equity company and rd cost of debt

what rate is used to discount to find PBO?

rate for high quality corporate bonds with durations consistent with the duration of the benefit

which tranches are rate and which are not?

rated: mezzanine( typically rated BBB) and senior, unrated subordinate and equity

how is labor productivity calculated?

real GDP / aggregate labor hours

increases in the allowance of doubtful accounts indicating?

reducing the discretionary accrual in A/R the allowance for doubtful accounts excludes items from reported revenue and A/R

which value to examine to see whether ARCH(1) is correct

regressing residuals from previously estimated time series model and one lag of the square residuals. if the estimate of the SLOPE of the errors is signification from zero the time series is ARCH(1)

share-the-gains, share-the-pains theory?

regulator wants to secure his own job, so want to obtain both sides(regulator and industry who is regulated) of approval as well as coustomers. (vs capture hypothetis only concerns industry)

how the differences of geometric average return between individual commodities change and index commodites come from?

relanancing of th eindex due to commodity price changes

how do you calculate capitalization rate?

required rate of return for similar real estate investments - growth of NOI therefore NOI/capitalization rate = MV so NOI/MV

In highly inflationary environment, how should translate inventory under IFRS?

restate for inflation and using current rate method

what is equity risk premium?

return in excess of the risk-free rate investors require incremental return that investors require equity risk premium = required rate of return - RfR

return to junior tranche?

return on a portfolio of high quality debt instruments plus the payment from the asset manager as part of the creid default swap mius the payment that must be made by a junior tranche due to a credit event

what criteria need to be assessed to evaluate Mixed-Use Research?

revaluate the Mixed-Use Research allocation at lease annually Be able to make a reasonable, justifiable, and documentable allocation of the cost according to its expected usage pay with brokerage only with decision making processes

Reviewed financial statement vs Compiled financial statements?

reviews financial statement provides an option letter with representations and assurance by reviewing accountant that are less that hose in audited financial statements compiled financial statements suggest an even greater need for analytical adjustments

what are the two objectives in Investment objectives and two constraints?

risk and return for objectives and internal(investors characteristic) and external(outside agencies) for constraints

what is liability risk?

risk associated with corporate governance, management enters into excessive obligations committed to on behalf of shareholders but it destroys the value of shareholder's equity. e.g. off-balance sheet obligation

what is strategic policy risk?

risk associated with corporate governance, the risk that managers may enter into transactions such as M&A that is not best interest of shareholders.

what is capitalized cash flow method?

same as FCFE method use normalized FCFE

unexpected earnings?

same as earnings surprise the difference between reported earnings and expected earnings standardized unexpected earnings is standardized by standard deviation over some historical time period

Goodwill calculation for Acquisition Method?

same as under Equity Method if PARTIAL GOODWILL METHOD Use BV's Net Assets x share% and attributable net assets x share % to deduct from Purchase Price different if FULL GOODWILL METHOD full goodwill method = (Fair Value of subsidiary's shares x 100%) - (Fair Value of subsidiary's identifiable net assets x 100%)

Tracking Portfolio?

same set of factor sensitivities to match BMK Active bet is different securities selection

feedback effects?

seatbelt, clean water etc, people will be less concerned once quality improved

three ongoing duties to ensure the quality of transaction in softdollar area?

seeking to obtain Best Execution minimizing transaction costs using Client Brokerage to benefit Clients

what interest rates used in Monte Carlo?

short term int rates are forward rates. Forward rates plus appropriate spread to value MBS rates path

fixed income arbitrage fund generally consists of?

short the treasuries and long high-credit risk bonds


similar to "Depreciation" of Excess purchase price of PPE and intangible assets **Land excluded

what is interest rate collar?

simultaneous position in a floor and a cap on the same benchmark rate over the same period The stipe rate on the floor must be less than the strike on the cap

student loans are guranteed by?

some are guranteed by government but up to 98% of principal plus accrued interests. Some are asset backed secruties, not government guranteed. Student loans are floating rate

credit analyst use cash flow measure for?

source of financing for business operations companys ability to meet its debt obligations companity ability to finance expansion through operating cash flow the companys ability to pay dividends the flexbility given to management to financing its operations

how to determine client's portfolio return objective?

specify a return measure investors return desire investors required rate of return specify an objective in terms of the return measure

how to determine client's portfolio risk objective?

specify a risk measure determine the investors willingness to take risk ability to take risk

spin-off and split off

spin off -> shareholders own new shares of new separate entity split off -> exchange shares with parent to child of newly created entity

Three forms to divest assets? and reasons?

spin-off, liquidation, sales to another company poor fit, change in strategic focus, reverse synergy, cash flow needs

prepayment for manufactured housing backed assets?

stable and not susceptible to interest rate changes

stable dividend policy vs constant dividend payout policy vs residual dividend policy?

stable dividend policy is based on a long-term forecast of sustainable earnings, a less uncertainty to shareholders constant dividend payout policy - Fix payout ratio so it will fluctuate with earnings in the short term Residual dividend policy - highly volatile dividend payment. It is based on paying out as dividends the full amount of any internally generated funds remaining after financing the current period's capital expenditures

what are the company specific factors in private equity?

stage in life cycle size overlap of shareholders and management quality/depth of management quality of financial and other information pressure from short-term investors tax concerns

company specific factors for private company?

stage in lifecycle -> earlier stage size -> relatively smaller overlap of shareholders and management -> top management has control ownership, less agency issues, and long term prospective quality/depth management ->less management depth, increase risk and reduce growth financial information -> limited data tax concern -> more important goal

asset with risk free rate y% means?

standard deviation is 0, so covariance with another asset is also 0?


standard error of estimate standard deviation of the error term ((actual y - predicted y)^2/(n-2))^0.5

Given Sharpe Ratio 0.4 and standard deviation of return of a stock is 0.5, correlation with market 0.6 and RfR 5% and standard deviation of market portfolio return is 0.25, what is the expected return on a stock ?

step 1, find beta by 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.25/ 0.25^2=1.2 step2, use the Sharpe ratio to calculate the market risk premium (Ret - RfR)/St Dev=0.4 (Ret - RfR)/0.25=0.4 Ret-RfR=0.1 step3, use CAMP beta 1.2, Ret-RfR=0.2 RfR=5% 0.05+1.2x0.1=0.17

what is the two-factor model in valuing convertible bonds? And is it practicible?

stochastic(random) variable is assumed. The two factors are the price movement of the undelrying stock and the movement of interest rates . In practice, USE 1-factor model - only price movement of underlying common stock!!

stock grants vs stock options?

stock grants are based on the FV of the stock on the grant date, compensation expense is allocated over the employee's service period. stock grant is an outright transfer of stock WITHOUT conditions, restricted stock and performance stock.

key ares in assessing mgmt quality?

strategic direction financial philosophy conservatism track record sucession planning control system

what is the strength and weakness of historical estimates of the equity risk premium?

strength is its objectivity and simplicity and unbiased if investors are rational it assumes the mean and variance of the returns are constant over time also survivorship bias biased UPWARD

what is the strength and weakness of macroeconomic models of the equity risk premium?

strength is the use of proven models and current information weakness is it is only appropriate for developed countries where public equities represent a relatively large share of the economy.

what are back-up credit facilities?

strongest form is that lender has no right to refuse to provide funds. Non-contracutual facilities such as lines of credits are that the lender has the right to REFUSE to lend funds so analysts must be concerned

prediction in a multiple regression model?

subject to both parameter estimate uncertainty and regression model uncertainty

support tranche vs PAC tranche?

support trache is more volatile due to prepayment exposure. PAS is more protection against both contraction risk and extension risk of prepayment risks. Support tranch exposes to the largest prepayment risks

What are the motivations for merger?

synergy, increasing market power, acquiring unique capabilities and resources, diversification, bootstrapping earnings, manager's personal incentives, tax considerations, unlocking hidden value, cross-border motivation, exploiting market imperfections, overcoming adverse government policy, technology transfer, product differentiation, following clients

what does neoclassical growth theory say?

techology is the key. Technology change will induces a level of saving and investment making capital per hour of labor grow. Prosperity will persist without technology BUT grow will not without technology. Also note DIMINISHING return to capital - accumulating capital simply does not help

prepayment on auto-loan?

tend to be minor

credit scoring?

tend to classify firms as default but it will most likely not. it will not interepret factors other than financial variables

financial fexibility means?

the ability to sustain operations should there be a down turn in business without reliance on external funding

conintegrated model?

the cointegrated regression estimates the long-term relation between the two series NOT best in the short-term

the cost of stock - higher volatility then lower or higher cost?

the cost of stock(stock grants) are not affected by the stock's volatility so SAME

unit root?

the lag coefficeint is equal to 1 - random walk and not covariance stationary. Random walks are all unit roots

ballon mortgage?

the last schedule payment is considerably large of principal payments usually associated with CMBS, commecial mortgage as it accompany with a risk the borrow will not make the last payment it is also referred to extension risk

minimum-variance frontier graphs vs an efficient portfolio ?

the minimum-variance frontier graphs the smallest variance of return attainable for each level of expected return. An efficien tportfolio is one providing the maximum expected return for a given level of variance of standard deviation

the more stocks added and less correlation with the assets are adding, the minimum-variance frontier will...?

the minimum-variance frontier will shift to the left

originator in ABS?

the seller of the collateral

if ARCH exists then..?

the standard errors will not be correct. Need to use GENERALIZED LEAST SQUARES to correct for hetroskedasticity.

Definition of corporate governance?

the system of principals, policies, procedures, and clearly defined responsibilities and accountabilities used by stakeholders to eliminate or minimize conflicts of interest

What are the inputs for the LBO model?

the target firm's forecasted cash flows the expected returns to the financing providers the total amount of financing

preferred habitat theory? (biased theory - same as liquidity theory)

the yield premium need not reflect a liquidity premmium, but it should reflect the demand and supply in an each maturity range it is similar to pure expectation theory in terms of assumption that the forward rates in current long term bonds are closely related to market expectations about future short term rate

reduced form models?

they don't look inside the firm but it directly the porobability of defaul or downgrade default process and reovery process are independent of each other

how should a board member be assessed?

through their self-assessment


tie acquisition price paid by the private equity firm to the portfolio company's future performance

what is earn-outs?

tie the acquisition price to the portfolio company's future performance over a specified time period

Annual soft dollar disclosure must be made to which clients?

to ALL current clients ANNUALLY. Brochure CANNOT be used.

what does growth accoung say?

to achieve faster growth, increase the growth rate of physical capital, human capital or the technological advance

FCFF is cash flow available to who?

to all providers of capital, qdebt and equity

what are the purpose of private equity valuation?

to assess the ability of the firm to generate cash flow to represent a benchmark for negotiations

for two time series, if both series are unit root is present, then cointegrated?

to be consistent, two series must be cointegrated. If one of them is unit root, then the regression is meaningless

what adjustment is need to compare IFRS and GAAP for funded status items?

to compare, increase liabilities and decrease shareholder's equity for unrecognized prior service costs and actuarial losses and vice versa

Objectives of a corporate governance?

to eliminate or mitigate conflicts of interest among stakeholders, between managers and shareholders to ensure that the assets of the company are used efficiently and productively and in the best interests of the investors and other stakeholders

reason to structe senior-subordinate tranche?

to mitigate credit risk ->important to note that this is an INTERNAL credit enhancing structure

autocorrelations in timeseries?

to remedy, take AR(2) to test if it iss not serially correlated also check for seasonality, AR(3, and 4) if necessary

why are covenants important in assessing high-yield bonds ?

to understand management strategy regarding future funding and operational strategies

debt payback period?

total debt/discretionary cash flow =total deb/Free CF-cash dividends =total liability/CFO - capital expenditure -cash dividends

what is mean-variance analysis and what are their assumptions?

tradeoff between risk and return, investors are risk averse, assets expected returns, variances of returns and covar are known, no transaction costs or costs

What are the costs associated with private equity investing?

transaction costs investment vehicle fund setup costs administrative costs (custody fees etc) audit costs management and performance costs dilution costs (stock options granted to portfolio company's management) placement fees (2%)

reported revenue(sales) will be affected by management's estimate of..?

uncollectible receivables warranty costs returns

what will affect Sale...by Management's estimates of?

uncollectible receivables warranty costs returns

upstream and downstream transactions?

under Equity method? upstream is from investee to investor downstream is from investor to investee

How to calculate impairment in GAAP?

under GAAP if the fair value of the investment falls below the carrying amount AND if it is considered to be permanent, then the impairment loss is equal to Fair Value of the investment - Carrying Value of the investment

How is the debt(HTM) impairment processed in IFRS?

under IFRS Carrying value VS the present value of its estimated future cash flows discounted at effective rate if Carrying amount is larger, then reduce either directly OR through an allowance account, amount of losses will be recognized in Net Income.(P/L)

Regarding the funded status, which one reduces the volatility? GAAP or IFRS

under IFRS it reduces the volatility of funded status as it eliminate the amounts that not been recognized in the income statement. GAAP simply fund status is (FV of plan assets - PV of defined benefit obligation) while, under IFRS the consider the following + Unrecognized transition liability + Unrecognized actuarial losses + Unrecognized past service costs

Reclassification on Held for Trading?

under IFRS reclassification OUT of held for trading is SEVERELY restricted GAAP allows all reclassification GAAP generally recognized transfer g/l in Net Income

How is reclassification from AFS to HTM?

under IFRS, OK to reclassified from AFS to HTM(debt only) if changes in intention to hold to maturity. HTM now will be booked at the renewed current cost. Any unrealized g/l previously recognized in OCI will be amortized over the remaining life using effective interest method. GAAP allows all reclassification GAAP generally recognized transfer g/l previously recognized in OCI will be amortized

How is reclassification from HTM to AFS?

under IFRS, OK to reclassified from HTM to AFS if changes in intention to hold to maturity. HTM at cost, AFS at FV so the the differences of the carrying amounts will be recognized in OCI. GAAP allows all reclassification GAAP generally recognized transfer g/l in OCI

Three level of analysis for workstation, Bloomberg and electrocity, TV financial news?

under Level I definition of research, X electrocity but O Bloomberg and workstation, TV news but under Level II actual usage of research (primary use of its service) both Bloomberg(if such as look up the pcice and analyze trades) and workstation are X but TV news is O given its primary use isit will directly asi the IM decision making process

where does GAAP record unrecognized actuarial gain/losses and unrecognized past service costs?

under OCI (Equity)

where is it reported under for the differences between in the expected return and the actual return?

under OCI(shareholder's equity) so deferring expense recognition

Under the equity method or acquisition method or proportionate consolidation, which one is higher Shareholder's equity? or same? and why?

under acquisition, shareholder's equity is higher because it includes non-controlling interests

capitalize vs expense for the following ratios, which one is higher? Current net income income variability future income increasing costs debt to equity return on assets for early years cash flow from ops cash flow from investing

under capitalizing Current net income - greater Income variability - lower future income increasing costs - greater debt to equity - lower return on assets for early years - HIGHER cash flow from ops - HIGHER cash flow from investing - lower

interest or fixed charge coverage test?

under negative covenants 1, maintenance test 2, debt incurrence test

autocorrelation in hedge fund returns will underestimate or overestimate volatility?

underestimate volatility

A sudden rise in inventory balances is a warning sign of....?

understated expenses (COGS capitalized) inefficient working capital management **inventory does not affect revenue!!

asset write down is understatement of expenses in which years? early current or future years?

understatement of expense in prior years and future years but overstatement of CURRENT years

sudden rise in inventory suggest?

understating expenses inefficient working capital management

using short-term government bond rate to estimate a required return will be biased upward or downward to no effect?

upwards!! short-term rate overstates the long-term expected inflation rate.

coupon curve duration?

use (V+ - V-)/[2 x yield change x V]

When capital structure is untable, FCFE or FEFF?

use FCFF when capital structure of a company is unstable

how do you measure forecasting performance of out-of-sample?

use Root mean squared error (RMSE) the lower RMSE, the more accurate

Forward looking estimate, a.k.a. ex ante for equity risk premium - use what approach

use current information and expectations about economic and financial variables. the strength is it does not rely on an assumption of constant mean and variance and less subject to survivorship bias

In highly inflationary environment, how should translate inventory under GAAP?

use temporal method with no restatement for inflation

Small business administration backed secruties?

use the prime rate and reset monthly or quarterly

State four types of spot rate curve constructions for Treasury issues

use with 1) on-the-run Treasury issues, 2)on-the-run Treasury issues and selected off-the-run Treasury issues, 3)all Treasury coupon securities and bills, 4)Treasurry strips

Definitive merger agreement?

used in friendly take over

capitalized cash-flow method?

used in private company valuation, logically same as FCFF Valuation Model FCFF(1+g)/(WACC -g)

Market extraction method

useful for when data is available to estimate market capitalization rate NOI/MV

tell me anything about hetroskedascity

variace of the errors differes across observations t-stats will be inflated, see underestimated, f-test also unreliable conditional hetroskedacisity ->error variables is correlated with the values of the independent varibale. conditional hetro is more problematic than unconditional hetroskedasticity Breush and Pegan test (conditional hettroskedastic)consistent parameter estimates but biased (up or down) standard errors, t-stats and F-stats n * R^2 to remedy, use robust standard errors(fix standard errors) and use generalized least squares (fix regession)

Given correlation, what is the formula to find the variance of an equally-weighted portfolio?

variance of an n-asset portfolio = Avg variance of all assets in the portfolio x [ (1 - correlation)/n + correlation ]

what are the return measure in mean-variance curve?

variance or standard deviation

tell me major differences between venture capital vs buyout investments?

venture capital, low predictability cashflows, new product with uncertain future, new technology, weak asset base, new management, low leverage and majority of equity financing, risk is difficult to major, exit via IPO, high cash burn, high working capital required, limited due diligence reuiqred, growth strategy, high returns from a few success, not active in capital markets, carried interest is most common buyout, stable cashflows, established products,substantial asset base, strong and experienced mgmt, high debt financing, exit is predictable, low working capital requirement, due diligence extensively, active in capital markets, carried interest, transaction fees, monitoring fees

weight of tangency portfolio

w =(new st dev.) / (original st dev.) E(R)= w x E(Rt) + (1-w) x Rf

Band of investment method?

weighted mortgage cost + weighted equity cost First find sinking factor N= years x 12 I/Y = rate /12 PV=0 FV=-1 find PMT sinking factor = PMT x 12 ((mortgage rate + sinking factor)) x mortgage weight) + (equity rate x equity rate) which is useful model for properties financed with debt and equity to estimate market capitalization rate

what is common stock equivalent and fixed income equivalent in convertible bonds? What is a busted convertible ?

when conversion value is significantly higher than the straight bond so it is almost equivalent of holding a common stock, when straight bond value is significantly higher than the conversion value then it is as if holding a fixed income security=busted convertible

tell me anything about Multicollinearity?

when two or more independent variables are highly correlated with each other result in infllated SSR, which results in smaller t-stats no specific detect test but usually high R^2 while t-stats are not significant also significant F-stats while t-stas are small indicate possible Multicollinearity

what criteria need to be assessed to evaluate Research?

whether the research meets the deifinition where the research benefits the client whether the IM is able to document the basis for the determination with ERISA and Inv Company Act 1940, it must directly benefit the client account generating the trade but with others, it is OK to benefit other client accts other than generating the trad if disclosure is made

contraction risk or and extension risk in credit card backed securities?

while there is no schedule payment, there is a proviision to a radip amortiziation if certain triggers are reached(contraction risk). Also extension risk because principal repayment from the credit card borrowers and may default

how should an audio committee held?

with an internal staff reports routinely and directly to the audio committee. include only independent directors at least two members of the committee have relevant accounting and auditing expertise have the authority to hire auditors meeting with auditors independently of management periodically at least once annually

debt structure on high yeild bonds?

with high yield issuers they usually have more bank loans in the debt structure and they are short term and floating rate

MM I & II without tax

without tax MM I says debt or equity does not matter!! MM II says debt rate is cheaper than equity but when you use more debts, the rate of equity ALSO increases LINEARLY, so again it does not matter.

covenants in high yeild bonds important?

yes as it represents management strategy regarding future fundings and operational strategies if they are consistent with what management is stating to investors. Loopholes are provided to futher clues about mgmts future plans

investors face different CALs?

yes if investors have different asset expectations it can have multiple CALs

the month prepayments in credit card receivables include finance charges, fees etc?

yes included

yield curve vs spot rate curve?

yield curve with coupon, spot rate wihtout coupons

The estimated variance of the prediction error?

√( SEE^2(1 + 1/n + (X-X")^2/[(n-1) x Variance of X)] ) Use this value to find confidence interval Y ± t-score x this value

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