RA Lesson 1.2 Facial Bones

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42. What are the bony structures which form the superior border of the eye socket? ... the lateral border? ... the inferior border? ... medial border?

-Superior; supra orbital margin of the frontal bone -Lateral; Zygomatico-frontal process -Inferior; Zygomatic bone and supeior maxiallary -Medial; Supeior maxiallary and frontal bone

31. Name the 4 External Cranial Bones.

1. Occipital Bone 2. Parietal Bones 3. Temporal Bones 4. Frontal Bone

24. List and describe the 5 types of prognathisms.

1.Maxillary 2. Mandibular 3. Alveolar 4. Dental 5. Infranasal


A paired bone with several processes that form the skeletal base of most of the superior face, roof of mouth, sides of the nasal cavity and floor of the orbit


A rounded eminence at the articulating end of the bone; the posterior process of the ramus of the mandible

Mental eminence

A triangular projection on the inferior portion of the anterior mandible

37. What is the purpose of the foramen magnum on a living body?

Allows for the passage of the spinal cord

25. The bony landmarks of the maxillary bones which serve as sockets for the teeth

Alveolar process


Anatomically, the region from the eyes to the base of the chin; physiognomically, the region from the normal hairline to the base of the chin

Angle of the jaw (mandible)

Angle formed by junction of the posterior edge of the ramus of the mandible and the inferior surfaces of the body of the mandible

Coronoid process

Anterior nonarticulating division of the ramus

1. Describe where the Frontal eminences are located.

Approximately 1" below the normal hairline at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal divisions of the frontal bone

Infranasal prognathism

Base of the naval cavity protrudes

27. The horseshoe shaped lower portion of the mandible

Body of the Mandible

Vomer bone

Bone of the nasal cavity situated between the nasal passages on the median plane; it forms the inferior and posterior portion of the septum of the nose

21. Compare and contrast the condyle and the coronoid process.

Coronoid process is the anterior nonarticulating division of the ramus Condyle is the posterior articulating division of the ramus which fits into the mandibular fossa

Zygomatic bone

Diamond-shaped surfaces; forms the cheekbones

Nasal bones

Directly inferior to the glabella and it forms a dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity; triangular form

External auditory meatus

Ear passage; the deep hole located in the inferior portion of the medial 1/3 of the ear on the anterior border

38. The opening of the temporal bone which allows for the ear passage

External auditory meatus

30. What, if any, is the difference between the male and female skull after puberty?

Female skull is smaller in regards to bone thickness, weight and cranial capacity. Eminences are less prominent on female craniums

35. The large opening of the occitipal bone is called the

Foramen Magnum

29. The general shape of the skull can be observed from what three viewpoints?

Frontal Side/profile Crown

41. The external cranial bone that forms both the forehead and the anterior portion of the roof of the skull

Frontal Bone

45. The rounded, unmargined prominences at the upper portion of the forehead are called

Frontal Eminences

22. The bone of the maxillary bones that protrudes superiorly into the nasal cavity

Frontal processes

8. The singular elevation of the frontal bone found just superior to the bridge of the nose and medial from the superciliary arches


Mandibular fossa

Glenoi fossae; the small oval depression on the zygomatic process of the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible articulates; just anterior to the external auditory meatus

Temporal bones

Inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium, inferior to the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone

16. The slightly raised, curved ridge on the surface of the frontal bone that marks the end of the forehead and the beginning of the temporal region

Lines of the Temple


Located between the supercillary arches and the inferior part of the frontal bone at the root of the nose

Occipital bone

Lowest part of the back and base of the cranium, forming a cradle for the brain

26. The lower jaw

Mandible aka Inferior Maxillary Bone

10. The small oval depression of the temporal bone that forms the socket for the condyle of the lower jaw

Mandibular fossa

14. The large posterior eminence of the temporal bone that lies just posterior and inferior to the ear lobe

Mastoid process

19. The bones which form the upper jaw


5. The bony prominence of the chin

Mental emnience

3. The two bones which lie directly inferior to the Glabella

Nasal Bones

7. Those facial bones that form a dome over the nasal cavity

Nasal Bones

Dental prognathism

Oblique insertion of the teeth

33. The external cranial bone that creates the lowest part of the back and base of the skull.

Occipital Bone

Foramen Magnum

Opening in the occipital bone through which passes the spinal cord from the brain; midway between the two mastoid processes

28. What is the general shape of the skull?


32. The external cranial bones which create the superior portion of the sides and back of the skull and the posterior 2/3 of the roof of the skull

Parietal Bones

34. What bony structure was where cranial ossification began?

Parietal eminences

36. The widest measurement of the cranium is between what structures?

Parietal eminences

Mandibular prognathism

Protrusion of the inferior jaw

13. The vertical portion of the mandible


11. The vertical cartilage that separates the two cavities of the nasal cavity

Septal cartilage (Septum)

Alveolar prognathism

Sockets of the teeth protrude

43. The vertical portion of the Temporal bone


18. The mastoid process is used for the attachment of what muscle?

Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)muscle

4. The bony landmarks of the frontal bone that lie on the lower part of the forehead and just above the medial ends of the eyebrows

Superciliary arches

Maxillary prognathism

Superior jaw protrudes

12. The bony landmark of the frontal bone that forms the upper bony rim of the eye socket

Supra orbital margin

39. The external cranial bones that create the inferior sides of the cranium

Temporal Bones

Frontal bone

The anterior 1/3 of the cranium, forming the forehead

Incisive fossa

The area between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth

Parietal bones

The bone which forms part of the hard palate of the mouth, part of the nasal cavity and part of the orbital cavities

17. Describe the angle of the mandible.

The boney landmark formed by the intersection of the ramus and body of the mandible; the landmark responsible for suggesting the frontal geometric headshape of the adult skull

9. Describe the Incisive fossa.

The depression found immediately below the 4 front teeth; recession between the lower integumentary lip attachment to the mental eminence


The horeshoe-shaped bone forming the inferior jaw

Supercilliary arches

The inferior part of the forehead just superior to the median ends of the eyebrows

Parietal eminences

The marked convexity on the outer surface of the parietal bones


The part of the skull which encloses the brain

Zygomatic arch

The processes on the temporal and the zygomatic bones; determines the widest part of the face

44. Describe the Superior Nuchal line of the occipital bone.

The projection of the bone at the posterior/inferior portion of the skull

Alveolar processes

The ridge projecting from the inferior surface of the maxilla (and the superior surface of the mandible) which contains the sockets of the teeth.

Mastoid process

The rounded projection on the inferior portion of the temporal bones just posterior to the lobe of the ear

Nasal spine of the maxilla

The sharp, bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity

Supra orbital margin

The superior rim of the eye sockets

40. What is the purpose of the foramen magnum on a decapitated body?

Used to reattach the head

15. The facial bone that anchors the septal cartilage


20. Another name for the cheek bones

Zygomatic Bones aka Zygoma aka Malar

2. The bony structure which projects anteriorly from the squama of the temporal bone

Zygomatic arch aka zygomatic process

23. The widest measurement of the anterior plane of the face is measured between these bones

Zygomatic arch aka zygomatic process

6. The widest part of the face is measured between these structures

Zygomatic arch aka zygomatic process

SquamaFrontal eminences

aka lines of the temple; slightly raised, curved ridges located at the boundary between the forehead and the temple region, marks the lateral border of the forehead

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