RA: Lesson 4

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Maxilla: bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the maxilla & the superior surface of the mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth. *spongy bone. Cannot needle inject here!!*

Alveolar Process.

Mandible: bony ridge found on the inferior maxilla & the superior surface of the mandible which contains sockets for the teeth.

Body - Alveolar Process.

Mandible: a triangular projection on the inferior of the anterior mandible.

Body - Mental Eminence.

Temporal Bones: opening of the ear passage in front of the mastoid process.

External Auditory Meatus.

Females have deeper cranial mass: T OR F?

False ; Males have deeper cranial mass.

The male's supraorbital margin is sharper while females is rather round & dull: T OR F?

False ; the female's supraorbital margin is sharper while males is rather round & dull.

The anterior 1/3 of the cranium forming the forehead and part of the eye sockets and the most anterior of the cranial floor. · It makes up the vertical plane of the forehead and the horizontal plane of the crown. · It articulates with the parietal bones at the coronal suture.

Frontal Bone (1).

Frontal Bone: rounded prominences on either side of the medial line and a little inferior to the center of the frontal bone. A warm area of the face. *add more blush here.

Frontal Eminences.

Maxilla: the ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises to meet the frontal bone.

Frontal Process of Maxilla.

Frontal Bone: an elevation between the supraciliary arches on the inferior part of the frontal bone immediately above the root of the nose.


Horseshoe shaped bone forming the lower jaw, it consists of the body & ramus.

Mandible (1).

Temporal Bones: small oval depression or socket on the underside of the temporal bone. *Where the mandible hooks on.

Mandibular Fossa.

Temporal Bones: rounded projection of the interior portion of the temporal bone just medial to the lobe of the ear.

Mastoid Process.

Bones of the upper jaw. · Skeletal base for most of the superior portion of the face, anterior portion of the mouth, sides & floor of the nasal cavity, and the floor of the eye orbits. · Articulate with each other, forming the nasal spine, a small bony process at the base of the nose.

Maxilla (2).

Mandible: arteries and veins pass thru here.

Mental Foramen.

· These bones lie directly inferior to the glabella. · They form the bridge of the nose & the dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity. · They articulate with each other and the frontal bone to form the root of the nose. · The nasal cavity is the orifice in the face bounded by the margins of the nasal bones and the maxilla.

Nasal Bones (2).

Maxilla: The sharp bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity.

Nasal Spine of the Maxilla.

Lowest part of the back of the base of the cranium, forming the cradle of the brain. · Articulated with the parietal bone at the lambdoidal suture and the temporal bone at the squamosal suture. · F________ M________— an opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord, spinal arteries, and nerves pass.

Occipital Bone / Foramen Magnum (1).

These bones create the superior portion of the sides & back of the cranium as well as the posterior 2/3 of the roof of the cranium. · Articulates with the occipital bone at the lambdoidal suture, frontal bone at the coronal suture, and the opposite side parietal with the sagittal suture. · Know where the sutures are at (Lambdoidal, Coronal, and Sagittal.) · The widest part of the cranium. The highest part is the vertex of the head.

Parietal Bones (2).

Mandible: thin flat process projecting from the anterior portion of the upper ramus.

Ramus - Coronoid Process.

Mandible: round prominence that articulates with the temporal bone.

Ramus - Mandibular Condyle.

Temporal Bones: thin superior part of the temporal bone.


Frontal Bone: the inferior part of the forehead just superior to the medial ends of the eyebrows.

Supraciliary Arches.

Frontal Bone: the superior rim of the eye socket.

Supraorbital Margin.

Comprises the inferior portion of the sides & base of the cranium. · Located inferior to the parietal bones & anterior to the occipital bone. · Articulates with the parietal bone at the squamosal suture, occipital bone at the lambdoidal suture, and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.

Temporal Bones (2).

Male cranial mass is blockier & more massive while the females which more rounder & tapers at the top: T OR F?


The mandible of a female is more rounded while the male's is square: T OR F?


The superciliary arch is large & pronounced in the male: T OR F?


· The zygomatic bone is more pronounced on the male skull: T OR F?


Temporal Bones: a long thin arched process extending anteriorly from the squama to the zygomatic bone. Determines the widest part of the face.

Zygomatic Arch.

· Widest part of the face. · The diamond shaped bones that form the cheekbones. · They are located on the frontal & lateral planes of the face. · The bones form part of the inferior & lateral surfaces of the orbital cavity. · Articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. · The widest part of the face is measured by a straight line from the midpoint of one bone to the midpoint of the opposite bone.

Zygomatic Bones (2).

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