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101.3-104 degrees F

what should the light/dark cycle be like for the rabbit?



180-250 bpm

male adult weight:

2-5 kg

female adult weight:

2-6 kg

what is the puberty age for rabbits?

22-25 wks

how much floor space should the rabbit have in its cage?

3 times its length

what is the gestation period for lagomorphs?

30 to 32 days

the rabbit's large cornea makes up how much of their globe?


respiratory rate:

30-60 bpm

what temperature should a rabbit's climate be?

39-82 degrees F

how many pairs of mammary glands do does have? teats?

4 pairs of mammary glands and 8-10 teats

when are kits weaned?

4-6 wks

how many kits (young) are in each litter?

8-12 in smaller breeds and 4-5 in larger breeds

what is the dental formula for rabbits?

I 2/1, C 0/0, P 3/2, M 3/3

rabbits do best in what type of housing situations?

as bonded pairs or trios that are fixed

which lungs in the rabbit are lobbed?


what is a male rabbit called?


urine is the major route for excretion of what in rabbits?


rabbits are stress sensitive and release a secretion of what? what does this lead to?

catecholamines--> cardiac arrest

where is the penis?

cauda; to the testes

what are "night feces"?

cecotrophes from the cecum that are high in vitamin B and protein and covered in mucus to protect from further digestion, which the rabbit eats (coprophagia) to recycle nutrients

what substrates should be avoided?

cedar and pine shavings

what scent glands do rabbits posses for territorial marking?

chin, anal, and inguinal

what filling for the litter box should you avoid?

clumping, clay, or corncob litters

what is a group of rabbits called?

colony or nest

biological pigments from endogenous metabolism or ingested plants excreted in the urine cause what affect on the urine?

color varying from yellow to orange, red, brown

avoid ______ sunlight and provide shade.


what is a female rabbit called?


rabbits have _________ dentition, meaning their teeth are open rooted and continuously growing.


rabbit's lower incisors have _________ on both sides.


rabbit's upper incisors have ________ on the labial/ anterior surface and _______ on the inner surface.

enamel; dentin

what is a rabbit's food intake determined by?

energy needs, filling stage of stomach, environment, and fiber content

what feed should you avoid for rabbits?

feed mix containing seeds, dried fruits, nuts, and dried peas

what are the distinguishing characteristics of hares?

generally longer ears tipped with black hair

if needed, what milk could you substitute with?

goat milk

why should rabbit's have an unlimited access to grass hay?

gut motility and dental health

what animals are in the order lagomorph?

hares, pikas, and rabbits

what is the neutrophil equivalent on a rabbit WBC?


what type of diet do rabbits need?

high fiber and low carb

what type of fermenters are rabbits?

hind gut (cecum)

the rabbit's retinal vessels spread which way?

horizontally (rotate pic slightly to see horizontal midline alignment)

rabbits have ________ teeth (incisors), meaning they are long-crowned.


where are the testes found?

in 2 individual thin-walled scrotal sacs

what type of ovulators are rabbits?


the rabbit's aortic rhythm contractions have what type of origin? how can this be an issue?

neurogenic; any stress can affect their blood system

are lagomorphs and rodents closely related?


do rabbits have a baculum (penile bone)?


do rabbits have a tapetum lucidum?


do rabbits have sweat glands?


rabbits are __________ nasal breathers.


how often are the babies fed?

once a day

is the inguinal canal open or closed?


rabbits have what type of field of vision?


what is the second pair of upper incisor teeth in the rabbit called?

peg teeth

because the rabbit's RBC life span is so short, what will you often see on their blood film?


the ciliary body is (poorly or well) developed.


how are hares born?

precocious (fur and open eyes)

do rabbits have a subtle or prominent nictitating membrane?


what substrates are acceptable to use?

recycled newspaper, shredded paper towels or newspaper, straw or hay, and aspen wood shavings

what is the life span of the rabbit's RBCs?

short (60-70 days)

how big is the rabbits spleen because they have a sacculus rotundus?


what size thoracic cavity do rabbits have?


what is the one blind spot of the rabbit?

the tip of the nose

what is the diverticulum with cartilaginous bridge in the rabbit's ear known as?

the tragus

what is the affect of rabbits excreting so much calcium in their urine?

their urine is thick and cloudy, and they are sensitive to developing bladder stones

the rabbit's ears act as what type of organs?


rabbits have an extensive orbital _______ plexus behind the globe.


describe the skin of rabbits?

very delicate and thin

what type of hair do rabbits have?

very fine

what color of tear secretion is normal for rabbits?


what is unique about the rabbit's water consumption rate?

it is fairly high at 100 ml/kg/day

what age should have an unlimited amount of pellets?


what is the act of giving birth to rabbit kits called?


how big is the rabbit's cecum?


life span:

larger= 6-8 y smaller= 8-12 y

rabbits have a _____ and ______ vena cava.

left; right

what should be included in the rabbit cage?

litter box, hideout, heay dishes, water bottle, substrate, and rabbit safe toys

what is the most common WBC found in young rabbits?


what type of milk the mothers produce?

milk high in fat and protein

rabbits are crepuscular, meaning what?

more active during dusk and dawn

the cage floor should be ________.


where do does pluck fur from 24 hours before giving birth?

the dewlap (fold on ventral neck)

what is the area in the rabbit mouth lacking teeth known as?

the diastema

where do our domestic rabbits come from?

the european rabbit

what lagomorph is know as the whistling rabbit?

the pika

what is the special lymphatic tissue f the small intestines that only the rabbit has?

the sacculus rotundus (c &d)

what prevents rabbits from vomiting?

the strong cardiac sphincter in the stomach

the right atrioventricular (AV) valve has how many valves?

two cuspidal instead of three

does have a flaccid vagina, meaning you should not express the bladder before the OHE as urine may pool in the _________ and backflow into __________ _________.

vagina; abdominal cavity

a rabbits diet should also include a selection of fresh, dark green, leafy _______________.


how many lacrimal punctum do rabbits have in each eye?

a single ventral lacrimal punctum that is small and narrow

where is the rabbit's optic nerve found?

above the horizontal midline

what is the normal behavior of rabbits?

affectionate, playful, intelligent, quiet

rabbit WBCs fluctuate depending on what factors?

age, diet, and stress level

what hay should you avoid in non-breeding adults? why?

alfalfa, because it is high in calcium and proteins

how are rabbits born?

altricial (blind and hairless)

because rabbits have a relatively small heart, they have limited collateral coronary circulation leading to what?

anesthetic vasoconstriction- cardiac ischemia

doe reproductive system:

*notice the lack of uterine body and 2 cervices*

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